
DC: I am the Monkey King

What happens when a young and sickly child inherits the will and legacy of the Monkey King in the world of DC? Will the Monkey King succumb to this world full of Aliens, Magicians, Immortals and beings with powers of gods? Or will he dominate with his godly abilities and truly become King? *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This story will follow the Monkey King from the Journey to the West storyline. I know I have Mori Jin as the front cover but his Monkey King isn't the same as mine. No System and No Harem. The front cover isn't mine. The source is Pinterest. Also, join the discord!!! discord.gg/wfxxZv8j4B

_MYSTERY · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Perfect System

A dark-skinned female could be seen walking through a white and narrow corridor. The female was dressed formally in a suit and skirt, coupled with her stern facial expression that complemented her ego. The corridor gave off a cold aura as if one wasn't supposed to be there. The countless white doors with small caged windows further indicated this.

"I rewatched the footage countless times. I'm almost positive his eyes connected to the individual's face in the last moment." A nervous man rambled as the female said nothing to acknowledge him.

With her trusty scientist by her side, she walked confidently and ignored the many noises and strange people trapped behind the doors. Soon, the female stopped before a door that led to a dark room inside as the scientist hurried to open it.

"Hello again, lady. I was wondering if you could let me out so I could take a shower. I've been in here for weeks." A female voice that sounded unusually chipper came from behind the neighbouring door.

"Quiet, Asset 720." Said the dark-skinned female in a monotone voice without sparing the other a look.

"That's so rude. I've been nothing but nice to you since coming here. I thought we were starting to become friends." Said the voice once again, however, this time they were met with silence as the scientist finally opened the door.

"Oh, are you here to meet the new guy? Be careful, he's quite easily irritated. He's always yelling things like "Shut the hell up" and "If you say one more word I'll chop your head off." I mean, he's got no one else to talk to, you'd think he'd be more welcoming to a healthy conversation." The female continued to talk but her voice soon faded after the dark-skinned female entered the room.

She quickly found what looked to be a man, forcefully standing in a T position as he was placed in a large and bulky metallic contraption, trapping him.

"Hello, Mr Harrison. I see you're acclimating well into your new life." Said the female with a tinge of taunt in her usual monotone voice.

"What the fuck do you want?" The man slowly raised his head, only to reveal a familiar gangster with once spiky blond hair, now soft and limp, falling over his face. His blue eyes glowed in the darkness as he stared at the female with contempt.

"That night in the alley, when you fought the Monkey Man, or should I say, Monkey King, you saw his face." She stated as she was met with stony silence.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Said the man dismissively.

"Don't be so dismissive. Perhaps a chance to exact your revenge will convince you to give me what I need. A chance to leave these walls every once in a while." The man stayed silent for a few seconds before he raised his head and smiled with an arrogant grin.

"Like I said, I don't know what the hell you're talking about." The man smiled, knowing there was something he had that she wanted. He loathed the way she would speak down to him, condescension seeping from her voice. So to see her quiet as she was at the moment meant everything to him.

"Answer me this, which is more important? Your code of silence, or the people you hold dear?" As she said this, the man darted his head toward her with bloodlust in his eyes.

"You son of a…"

"However, I'd rather not have it come to that. I'd rather have a give-and-take relationship with you."

"Now Mr Harrison, tell me what I want to know." She said, to which the man gritted his teeth, realising this lady wasn't bluffing. As long as he was imprisoned here, he didn't have a choice but to do her bidding. After a few seconds, he looked down to the ground and spoke.

"This 'Monkey King' or whatever he calls himself, is just a kid."


A boy could be seen sitting with his legs crossed with a calm demeanour as he slightly sweated. As he breathed rhythmically, the rising sun started to light his room as his messy small room came to light. The sunshine fell onto his face as the glow glistened on the water drops of sweat on his forehead. His light freckles became more visible under the light as his messy black hair fell to his eyebrows.

Isaac was currently cultivating as he used the Serenity Breath to breathe in Qi and circulate it around his meridians. After a while, he paid a visit to his Dantian. He looked at the ball of vibrant and pure energy that had grown significantly from the last time. The effort he put in of cultivating in class and staying up late was starting to show. His Qi had now expanded to the size of an average-sized wrecking ball.

Despite its appearance, the sphere packed immense amounts of Qi inside it. It had been to the point that Isaac didn't need to worry about running out of Qi anymore. On a normal day, when he wasn't out crime-fighting, Isaac could strengthen his heart for the entire day and allow the Qi to replenish in his sleep.

Even when he was fighting with Ursus the other night, his martial arts had become so effective that he didn't need to strengthen himself too much with Qi. He could've used ten times that amount and still have enough to walk home with an enhanced heart.

Despite this improvement, Isaac didn't see this as a solution to his problem. Isaac looked for a more permanent solution to cure him. He didn't feel comfortable relying too much on Qi and being nothing without it.

As he thought this, he finally opened his eyes and stood up. He found himself drenched in sweat and decided to take a shower before heading out for school. As he removed his shirt, he revealed a toned and detailed physique that thoroughly depicted all of Isaac's muscles.

In the past two weeks of training with his Grandpa, Isaac was put through hell as he was trained rigorously by the old man. Physical training that had him spar with Derek. This would usually result in him writhing in pain as he laid on the floor.

However, he would much prefer that to the Galestep training. Wearing weights under a cold lake while trying to perform the moves of Galestep instilled a new fear of drowning in Isaac. He couldn't help but shiver every time he remembered the horrible event.

His Grandpa once told him he was progressing extremely quickly, and to that, he said "No shit! Look at this training you have me doing day and night." Of course, he was given a swift punch to the skull for his words. Despite all that training, he still couldn't dodge the first of death his Grandpa wielded.

"I think Grandpa overestimated my abilities after I told him the VitaFlow Capsule had helped me." Sighed Isaac.


Isaac walked through the streets of Ravenwood with a wide grin as countless individuals roamed the streets. A resident of Ravenwood would have to look twice before believing his eyes. Ravenwood was currently packed with individuals such as reporters, up-and-coming journalists and even normal people who were just curious.

"I mean, why wouldn't they be curious? There's proof of the Viligante of Ravenwood." The news about the Vigilante of Ravenwood being real quickly spread like wildfire. Not only because his existence was proven, but also because footage of him flinging someone out of a window was caught.

Authorities quickly identified Ursus who was wanted in 3 counties. This quickly worked in the vigilante's favour as he was seen as a hero who protected the neighbourhood from a known criminal.

"This was the exact spot where the so-called 'Monkey King' was spotted the other night. After noticing his patterns from the Street Demonz to the notorious Ursus, it's clear this individual has a mission to help the streets of Ravenwood." Multiple Reporters stood before cameras as they spoke of the previous night's events. It was clear they also put two and two together and noticed the suspicious street demonz that had been captured was his doing too.

"Notorious Ursus? I've never even heard of that guy till the other night." Thought Isaac as he kept walking. Soon he came to the police barricade which didn't have as many people around.

"Hello, Officer Parker. I'd think you'd get a day off since there's talk about a vigilante protecting the streets." Started Isaac with a wide grin.

"Isaac, vigilantes are just as bad as the criminals they put down. They commit crimes in an attempt to stop them. They are confused hypocrites who have a biased opinion of the world." Said the female, seemingly frustrated by Isaac's remark.

"Well, that was extremely hurtful." Said Isaac internally as he noticed her anger.

"Of course, Officer Parker. I apologize." He said before she gave a nod and he walked by her.


Isaac hurried his steps after hearing the school bell from the distance, indicating classes were starting. He had spent longer in the shower than he anticipated and now he was paying the price for it. Not to mention, he couldn't help but eavesdrop on local news of the vigilante which decreased his travel speed significantly.

Isaac hurriedly ran up the stairs to the front door only to see a familiar black-haired male with a ponytail who was accompanied by a girl with a skirt, shirt and short black hair, dressed more like a secretary than a student.

"Hello, Isaac." Greeted the handsome man as he stood before Isaac with a smile. The female said nothing as she stood to the side with her hands locked on each other.

"Is there a problem?" Asked Isaac, confused at this unusual encounter.

"Well, yes. You're late." He stated.

"By 3 minutes. It increases with the time I spend talking with you." After Isaac said this, he couldn't help but notice a slight twitch in Arlo's usually calm face.

"I ask that you don't play fast and loose with the school's rules and system." He said, still keeping the smile on his face.

"System?" Asked Isaac, thinking that was a weird word to use.

"Yes. I've been able to implement a perfect system in the school. You've seen it yourself. Everyone is well-behaved, no rules are broken by students and faculty alike and all crimes are paid with their suitable punishment. Because of this, no one is ever out of line and everything runs smoothly. And after graduation, I hope to spread this system to the whole world." He stated cheerfully.

"Perfect system? That sounds controlling and a little too ambitious."

"Controlling? I don't think so. If done right, I'd be able to create a perfect society of peace and happiness. Where crimes such as murders and whatnot are non-existent."

"Happiness isn't created forcefully. Neither is peace." Said Isaac, making Arlo stand in silence.

"I think people would feel happy at the fact that their families and loved ones aren't in constant danger and are instead living the best life they can." Isaac stared at Arlo who still had the same smile plastered on his face.

"Well, good luck to you." Said Isaac as he walked past him. Noa tried her best to avert eye contact, knowing the exact feeling Arlo was currently feeling.

Isaac kept walking as he came to his class and swung the door open, only to find his teacher had been absent. His tardiness wouldn't be noted and he could relax during this period.

With the previous sour feeling due to the unexpected interaction leaving his system, Isaac sat at his desk as he listened to the students gossiping.

"Did you hear? There's proof that the Vigilante of Ravenwood exists."

"I saw. The way he threw that big guy out of the window was amazing. But what's wrong with his mask?"

"I think it's part of his persona. After all, he is called the Monkey King. The gorilla is always the king of monkeys so it makes sense."

"Oh, that's so cool!"

"Hey, I heard the new kid has seen him before."

"Really? Should we ask him?"

Isaac smiled after hearing this. Not only was he being referred to by his normal title of 'the new kid', but even the hideous mask problem was solving itself. He couldn't ask for a better outcome.

"What a great day." Isaac thought internally. And he was right. These past few days have been amazing for him. It's like all the previous problems he used to have were sorting themselves out as time went on. Life couldn't be better…but how long would that last?


When there's trouble you know who to call... POWERSTONESSS

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