
Chapter 19

Cara's POV

"Cara wake up! Wake up!"

"Huh? umm ....."

" Wake up silly. Have your breakfast."


"Yeah can you believe? Arya was generous to give us this luxurious breakfast. Get up. I'll feed you."

I jump up. It's been so long since he fed me.

"But I didn't brush my teeth."

"Don't worry. Me too. You're not the only stinky one here. Haha."

He feeds me like I'm a little baby.

"Cara listen to me. Take this butter and rub it on your wrist. This way the chain will come off easily. You have a thin wrist."


"Yeah they forgot to give us wolfsbane shots yesterday. The effects are coming off slowly. This is the perfect time."

"We're running away?"

"Yes. After you take off yours break mine and try to break the celler bars. As strong as you are I'm sure you can."

After trying a few times, I finally manage to break the bars. Then I break uncle Jake's chains. Then we run. He's a former alpha. He knows the tunnels very well. Freedom here we come!!!!

Umm before running away we leave something to take revenge on Arya.

Arya's POV

I feel uncomfortable locking up Cara like that. What do I do?? She will hate me for this. Maybe I should have gave her a stronger shot and locked her up in my room. Speaking of shots I now remember I didn't give them one last night. Oh shit!! She will break the chains easily once she wakes up. Blake and I run off to the secret chamber.

OMG!!! They didn't!! They didn't do this!! I can't believe!!

The celler is broken wide open. And they wrote "Hasta la Vista cub" "Boo" "Ugly" "Shit head" "Eat greens" "La la la" "Do better in next life" all over the walls. They even made a stupid cartoon. It looks like a fat pig with tiny round hands and legs. Has spiky twig hair and Doraemon like belly. They wrote Arya on top of the ugly cartoon. What!!! Do I look like this?

Blake burst out laughing. "OMG!! This is hilarious. I'm sending this to everyone!"

"Don't you dare!!"

"Look at it. It's so funny. I can't believe even your dad is so childish!!"

"Go catch them. I'll show them who's a boo."

The next morning.....

We finally managed to catch them. It took 75 warriors, 12 vampires and some rogues to catch them alive. This duo is so strong. Good thing that I put a tracking device in Cara's body. Otherwise we'd never catch them. Jake was clever enough to follow the stream to wash off their smell.

"So you're done running?"

They remain silent.

"Was it fun to draw that cartoon?"

They both burst out laughing. Not only them my bodyguards also start laughing.

"SHUT UP!! Whoever laughs I'll break his neck."

They all stop laughing but I can feel them trying to hide their face. I'm a laughing stock now???That's it. I'm punishing these two right now.

"You two will draw hundred ugly cartoons right now and write your names on top of it. Or I'll make sure you never see each other again. Someone bring them charcoal and papers."

This two needs to learn a lesson. Huh!!!!