
Chapter 20

Blake's POV

The alpha ordered me to keep an eye on these two. Honestly I don't think it's necessary. Plus it's such a tough job. I have to look calm and cool. With these two around I can't stop laughing.

First Cara drew a cartoon of Jake with a weird mustache and curvy belly.

"Look uncle Jake I made you look so handsome"

"Is that me?? I look like that? Wait lemme make your cartoon look more beautiful."

Then Jake drew a cartoon of Cara with cavity filled teeth and Medusa like hair. It was so funny they both laughed till their belly hurts. I had to bite my tongue to keep myself in control.

The next few hours they made cartoons with curly mohawk, gangsta outfits, bald head, piggy tail, broken teeth, straw hands, round hands, skinny body, fat body, fish eyes, curly eyebrows and many more.

I couldn't hold in my laugh for long. I ended up laughing with them.

Arya's POV

It's time to visit those two. I was furious and didn't give them any food. After they finish their drawing I'll let them eat, take a shower. I also prepared rooms for them. They don't deserve any more mistreatment.

I enter the celler only to find my best soldier laying on the floor laughing his ass out. WTF!! What did they do to him??? I run in to see what's up with them. Cara's also laying on the floor laughing with her hands on her belly. She's shaking like a tornado. As for Jake he's laughing holding the celler bars. What happened to them??

I walk closer and take a look at the cartoons they made. Oh God!!! They made these? These are like thousand times hilarious than the first one. I run outside trying to hold in my laugh.

I can't let them see me like this.