

Rufus gently strokes her face, speaking softly to her but, it seems as though she wasn't hearing him. Passing his hand in front of her nose, but she was breathing.

It seems as though she was unconscious from the lash she got on her forehead.

Whispering to her, "I am here my love to help you fight," kissing her face then Rufus takes her on top of his lap, as he sits down leaning his head against the wall.

Wondering how long ago she got hurt, because she had lost a lot of blood. As Joe continues barking and was rushing at something. 'It seems Joe could sense where this evil force is? But he did well protecting her in my absence.

Rufus began praying once more covering them with the blood and commanding the evil force to go. Hearing his watch beep four times "Dear God the battle is stiff but I am here."

Rufus gently fix her to lie down, seeing she was comfortable, he then lie down next to her praying, 'It wasn't long after when the silence came.

The howling of the strong wind ceases, and the heavy rain was no longer beating on the rooftop.

The place became calm as Joe came and crawl near to his feet. Stroking him saying, "You did good boy, you have protected the Queen of this Island, how should I reward you for doing an excellent job?"

Seeing him rest his head on his leg, Rufus, scratch his head, when he heard her groaning. Looking at her noticing the blood was still seeping out a bit from the wound, resting his hand on the spot putting a little pressure on it, to stop the bleeding.

It seems as though the wound is very deep, whispering, "I am here and we have survived this battle."

Feeling the stinging pain on his back and head, it was becoming unbearable. Fixing himself in a position so he will get some release as he lie next to her, closing his eyes knowing, 'If that evil force returns, Joe is right here to warn us.'

Whispering, "Thanks You Lord, for keeping me and Courtney safe," then saying to her, "Honey I love you so very much."

Opening his eyes seeing the sun peeping through the broken door, Rufus whispers, "Twelve hours of stiff battle.

It was a long and trying time Lord, but Lord You brought us through, the victory today belongs to You Lord, I thank You Jesus, we won."

The place was beginning to get bright, when Rufus realized, 'That the evil force could only surface when the place is dark

Then I can rest now knowing she is safe.' Looking at her lying next to him when his eyes caught the vast blood stain at the front of her night gown.

"Did she got damage beside her forehead?" Checking her hands and legs but there were only slight bruises.

Rufus shift the night gown to check her stomach, but she was okay. Fixing her clothes then shifting her to lie comfortable as he close his eyes.


Rawlins looks around seeing all the damages the storm made, walking through the front door when he saw Rufus van in the yard park up.

Running into the house shouting, "Cheryl, Honey our son has reached home safe. Oh Lord, I thank You so much, You brought my child home safely, Lord Jesus."

Running up to his room, calling out to him, only to find that his bed was not slept in, "Where is he?" When Alf came out of the guest room, "Alf, where is Rufus he is not in his room?"

"Don't worry Sir, he is somewhere, we came in about half-one this morning. He gave me a tray and said he had something to do."

"Oh my God, the child is all alone, I am sure he went to the cottage."

"Honey, you said the child, is Courtney alone? So where is mother and Pappie?"

"Come on Alf, let us see what damages are done on my Island?"

"Rawlins, I asked you a question?" Cheryl calls after him.

"Sorry love, I have to go, and please don't go outside, the yard have broken glass scattered that may damage you."

Walking outside going towards his van when he notices a log under Rufus's van, "How did that get underneath there?"

Alf said, "Maybe when we came in, the wind was a bit boisterous, it must have blown it under the van, I can't recall Rufus driving over anything when we came in."

"Then we have to get the men to come with the power-saw, let us take my van."

Reaching by his van seeing where he had parked it, wondering, 'Who move his van, but said nothing, it can't be the wind was so strong that it rolled back?'

When Alf said, "Boss, we have two flats."

"Don't make that kind of joke Alf, we have so many things to do right now."

"Boss, I am not joking, just come and see for yourself." Going around seeing the tire flat, "We will have to use Rufus's spare tire."

Thinking, as he looks at the pieces of branches in the tire, 'What if that had pierced someone, they would have died instantly.'

Rawlins notice as his wife looked around the house and the broken windows, that were shattered in the yard, seeing the horrific sight, her face looks paled, rushing to her.

"Don't you go fainting on me now honey," but it was too late. Catching her as she collapses, taking her to the couch then return to complete the task at hand.

"Sir, why had the Mistress fainted, the storm had passed and we are all safe?"

"Alf, women are very sentimental, when it comes to the things that belong to them, this is Cheryl's dream house."

"I see Sir, now let us go I am done here."

"First thing first, I will get this chain around the log to drag it out from under Rufus van, then head to the cottage," Rawlins informs Alf.

As Alf drives the van, Rawlins clear the branches from the roadway until it becomes difficult to move forward, seeing a tree that was rooted out completely.

"You will have to return to the plantation and get a few of the men, and they will come and junk up this huge tree, I will walk to the cottage."