
Brian's Anger (3)

After that, he turned his shoulder, stretched out his arm, and then eventually let go of his hold on the spear.

He could make out a bluish-green flare that was coming from the direction of the house from where Brian had just emerged. 

This flare was coming from the direction of the house.

The sound of a gunshot followed right after the flash of bluish-green light that sliced through the air, and it was as if it had happened in slow motion. 

The emerald green flame-wrapped bullet entered Nicolas' arm and continued its trip to the boy's chest, which caused the spear to slightly swerve off course and lose some of its force. 

This was caused by the bullet continuing its path to the boy's chest after entering Nicolas' arm. 

The bullet entered Nicolas' arm and then continued its path to the boy's chest, where it was eventually stopped.