

Mercy_Adedoyin · Terror
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4 Chs




The survivors, a family of three, were driving through the countryside when their car ran out of gas. They had been trying to make it to a large city where they had heard that people were gathering to fight the zombies. But they never made it. They were forced to stop in the small town when their car broke down. They had been living off of what little food they could scavenge from the area, and they were starting to lose hope. Then, they heard a radio broadcast, talking about a place called the "Dead End."

As the radio broadcast continued, the people of the town started to listen more closely. The Dead End was a place where people had supposedly gathered to fight back against the zombies. The broadcast said that the people at the Dead End had found a way to stop the zombies, and they were looking for more people to join them. The townspeople were skeptical, but they couldn't ignore the possibility of a place where they might be safe. And so, a small group decided to set out and find the Dead End.

They walked for hours, until they reached a crossroads. One path led to a forest, and the other led to a large, abandoned building. They had to choose which way to go. As they stood at the crossroads, they heard a strange, moaning sound coming from the forest. The group was terrified, but they had to make a choice. Should they go into the forest or the building?

After a long, tense debate, the group decided to head toward the building. They were scared, but they figured that if the Dead End really did exist, it was more likely to be found in a large, man-made structure than in a forest. As they approached the building, they could see that it was a hospital. It looked like it had been abandoned for years. The windows were broken, and the walls were covered in graffiti. But they had no other options, so they went inside. The hospital was dark and eerily silent.

The group moved cautiously through the hospital, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallways. They had flashlights, but they were afraid to use them, worried that the light might attract unwanted attention. So they moved slowly, feeling their way along the walls. As they moved through the hospital, they noticed that the floor was covered in a strange, reddish-brown substance. They tried not to think about what it might be. Finally, they reached a set of double doors. The doors were cracked open, just a few inches.

The group stopped and listened, but they couldn't hear anything beyond the doors. They looked at each other, trying to decide what to do.

One of the group members, a man named Ben, volunteered to go through the doors. The rest of the group nodded, too afraid to go themselves. Ben took a deep breath, and then pushed the doors open. The room beyond was dark, and Ben could barely make out the shapes of objects. He turned on his flashlight, and what he saw made him gasp. The room was full of bodies.