

Mercy_Adedoyin · Horror
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4 Chs



The bodies were lying in various stages of decomposition. Some were dried out and mummified, while others were still fresh, their skin turning green and bloated. There were bodies in wheelchairs, on beds, and even on the floor. Ben could see that the bodies were wearing hospital gowns, and he realized that they must have been patients. What had happened here? As he was thinking, he heard a strange sound from behind him. Ben turned and shone his flashlight in the direction of the sound. What he saw made his blood run cold.

Standing in the hallway, just a few feet from where Ben was standing, was a zombie. Its skin was gray and rotting, and it had dark, sunken eyes. Its mouth was hanging open, and Ben could see its rotten, yellow teeth. The zombie let out a low, guttural growl, and it started to move towards Ben. Ben's heart was pounding in his chest, and he could barely breathe. But he knew he had to act quickly, before the zombie reached him.

With shaking hands, Ben reached into his pocket and pulled out a can of pepper spray. He aimed it at the zombie and pressed the button, spraying the zombie with a stream of stinging liquid. The zombie let out a shriek of pain, and it stumbled backwards, rubbing at its eyes. Ben didn't waste any time. He turned and ran out of the room, back towards the rest of the group. "There's a zombie in there!" he shouted as he ran. The group scattered, trying to find a way out of the building.

Ben and the others ran through the hospital, dodging around corners and through narrow hallways. They could hear the zombie's moans getting closer and closer, and they knew they had to find a way out soon. They burst through a set of double doors and found themselves in a large, open room. In the center of the room was a helicopter, its rotors spinning slowly. Next to the helicopter was a pilot, wearing a leather jacket and aviator sunglasses. "Get in!" the pilot shouted. The group didn't need to be told twice.

They piled into the helicopter, and the pilot hit the gas. The helicopter rose up into the air, and Ben watched as the hospital grew smaller and smaller below them. Just as he thought they were safe, he heard the sound of a door crashing open behind him. He turned and saw the zombie, running towards them. It was moving faster than Ben had thought possible, and he knew they wouldn't be able to outrun it. "What do we do?"

Ben yelled to the pilot. The pilot just smiled.

"I've got this."

The pilot reached for a lever on the dashboard and pulled it down. A hatch on the bottom of the helicopter opened up, and a net dropped out, landing on the roof of the hospital. The zombie was still chasing them, but it was too late. The net was slowly raising up, carrying the zombie with it. As the helicopter flew higher and higher, the zombie began to spin in the net, faster and faster.

After a few minutes, the net stopped spinning, and the zombie went limp, unconscious. "See?" the pilot said.