

5 friends on a excursion, lost in the wilderness. Met an old queer man, the secret behind the mystery opened as he led them into the cloudy land to a magnificent castle?. Thus making them most brawning wizards of the world and further leading to the dawn of Marsemier... It is said where a virtue resides thus is shadowed by a evil mind...Marsemier also has some evil shadow encircling it...

PANKUDI_27 · Fantasia
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3 Chs


.... M...mmm..oooonster....cried Selah.'Who are you?' questioned Jacob. 'Are you a...aaa...Sssaatyr?'

'We must be hallucinating,' muttered Valera.

'Yes I am a Satyr, and I am here to succour you.'

'How should we surmise that, hissed Matthew.'

'So you want me to prove it to you,he slightly curved his lips. Follow me then.'

All 5 of them gazed at him and then decided to follow. However Jacob was a bit reluctant, later agreed on Lucas's saying. 'Are you not gonna ask me as to where I am taking you?' 'Let's just say that we are trusting you moreover we are lost in this wilderness for around 1 day, it is better to follow you,' spoke Selah.

'We are travelling to a place you have never dreamt of. Let me tell you not to make yourself look humans as...'

'What! Are you kidding us, how can we act like we are not humans, and why should we,' heckled Valera.' 'Let him speak Valera, he was going to speak further.' 'Your wish is my command Lucas sir, so what were you saying Satyr mons..I mean sir.'

'This forest is not what it seems like, better call it mysterious or dangerous. I am going to take you to a place where you will meet my family and friends, more of some vicious buddies. They aren't like me and they hate humans to death. So before that I will be taking you to a place where you can transform yourself into a figure different from humans.'

'Are you asking us to transform into a vampire? Cause we are not going to do so.' 'You are right Matthew, I too hate them,' said Valera.

'No not Vampires but into a wizard.' Valera by now had bugged out her eyes in disbelief. Matthew was reminded of his dream and so in a moment of curiosity he asked, 'Are we going to go in a castle?' He was responded in a chuckle.

'So in 2 days we will meet my mentor, before that you have to prepare yourselves. I will teach you few things.' 'Ok,' they answered together. Valera whispered to Selah, 'Do monsters like Satyr have a mentor, it's kinda funny don't you think.' 'Yes,kind of,' hushed Selah.

They came across a tree, it had it's branches dug in the ground. A voice called out, 'Welcome Mr.Carter, what can I do for you?'

'W..whh..oo is it?,'asked Jacob. 'Are they your friends Mr.Carter? Should I greet them in a special way?' It laughed with some hidden motives.

'It's the tree',replied Satyr. 'No you don't have to greet them,just let us go through.'

'You know Mr.Carter that we have certain rules, that we don't allow humans to the other way out.'

'I am here on the saying of Master Onior, you know it very well what happens when you disobey him.'

'I am sorry,I will let you through', it said like it was unwilling to but was being forced. The branches which were dug inside the ground started to appear,to everyone's amusement the branches formed a door which opened in a loud thud! 'You can pass through sir', the tree spoke humbly.

It seemed dark inside,but as soon as they entered, the lights on the wall in the form of a long cone had lit up with a fire. 'It's amazing in here',said an excited Matthew. 'By the way what is your name, I heard the tree call you Mr.Carter, we almost forgot to ask you your name.' Valera pinched Matthew, 'How can a Satyr possibly have a name', she babbled. 'My name is Patrick Carter.' 'Oh, I see', he then turned to Valera and said 'Like you are a monster and have a name,similarly he too has a name', everyone laughed.

'You are dead Matthew', she started chasing him. 'Don't go too far it's dangerous in here.' Both hurried back on his warning.

They came across a dark coloured wall and then Patrick burbled, 'Antaino Darmech'. His words made the the wall go crack and break open into two parts leading to a chamber. It was red and yellow coloured,decorated with different vase carved in unique designs. It was too high to reach and had ten beds with a cupboard.

'Go rest, afterwards we are going to learn some magic.' 'Ok', everyone cheered as they laid on the bed and fell asleep.

After few hours passed they woke up to find Jacob missing, they were confused and frustrated. Suddenly the wall opened and they found Jacob with Patrick, relieved they let out a sigh. 'Where were you?' asked a furious Matthew. 'Do you even know that we were worried to death on not being able to find you as soon as we woke up.'

'I am sorry I didn't mean to make you worry, you all were sound asleep so I didn't want to wake you up.' 'I feel like my stomach is groaning, is there something to eat Patrick?' asked Selah.

'Open the cupboard in the left corner,before opening just think about the food you want.'


Selah was surprised as she opened the cupboard to find her favourite food in there. 'Is it only used for food?'

'No, you can ask for whatever thing you want.'

'Don't be greedy Selah',warned Lucas.

'I just wanted to change into something.'

'I also hope that you all change into something nice, said Patrick.'

After they were finished changing up,Patrick asked them to stand in a line in front of the wall and repeat a few words after him.

'Antaino Darmech'....'It is used for opening a wall or door in this forest.'

Everyone spelled but nothing happened. 'It is a magical word, you will have to spell very carefully without any mistake, try again.'

This time Matthew and Lucas were successful, it was Jacob's turn and as soon as he spelled a word they all disappeared to find themselves in a different place.

'What have you done Jacob? asked an angry Lucas. 'I think I spelled something different.'

'Patrick is missing',said a worried Valera.

'Oh no we are lost',fumed Lucas as he looked at Jacob.

A voice lured them, 'You are here early than expected.'

They turned to find a man standing behind them. 'I feel like I have seen him somewhere',said Lucas. 'You...You are....

Is the man Lucas's relative or someone else? What do you think?

Is Patrick really not evil or he has some other intentions?


PANKUDI_27creators' thoughts