

5 friends on a excursion, lost in the wilderness. Met an old queer man, the secret behind the mystery opened as he led them into the cloudy land to a magnificent castle?. Thus making them most brawning wizards of the world and further leading to the dawn of Marsemier... It is said where a virtue resides thus is shadowed by a evil mind...Marsemier also has some evil shadow encircling it...

PANKUDI_27 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


'Matthew! Get up,stop dreaming' exclaimed Valera. 'Goodness why those women like to howl in the morning murmured Matthew'. With a scowl on his face he said, 'wake the others up'. Valera gave him a brimful of milk and said you were the last one (to wake up). Matthew mused for a while and said 'lets just go outing', but to where asked Jacob popping out of nowhere? Let's just go camping in the Marse forest. 'What? It's deadly there, how can you come up with such a piffle idea', urged Jacob. Cut the crap enounced Valera.

'What are you guys chit-chatting about ?' Uttered Lucas in his manly voice. Jacob told him Matthew's wish and his ardent desire to go outing to Marse forest. Lucas's eyes shinned as he acknowledged going to the forest. 'Are you supporting him Lucas? You too have gone crazy', exclaimed Jacob. Let's just decide it by majority said Lucas. He called out to Selah and told her the idea. It was their luck that Selah was not knowing about the danger in Marse forest. So the majority was three is to two.

They drove with the vital things and soon reached the lethal forest- Marse. On the way to its entrance it was carved on a plank 'danger ahead'. But they advanced further, with a fear of not being able to retreat back. Of them all Lucas seemed to enjoy the excursion.

Not far after they entered ,a voice allured them.It became dark out of a sudden making the path unclear. 'Oh no,we are trapped' said Selah turning back to see the entrace way vanishing out of their sight. Why did you drive their Jacob?'bawled Valera. 'I didn't', elucidated Jacob. It seemed like the car moved on its own. 'Does the car have its own legs, screeched Selah.' 'Stop!!' said Lucas,'The truth that we are trapped in here is not gonna change, by you arguing over the incident.' A big question was now that what were they going to do? It seemed like it was their worst nightmare.

All five of them got out of the car with their things and the car vanished before their eyes.It seemed like some devilry happening out there. All were frightened to their death and started cursing Matthew for his idiotic idea of coming there. Suddenly a flash of light stunned them as they came to a place totally poles apart from the horrifying forest.There was waterfall and it seemed like the sun was blazing over their head.Again in a moment it became all dark. To their surprise they were back in the same forest. 'What is happening in here',said Selah with teary eyes. 'I wanna go back to the hostel.' 'Are you a small kiddo, you are already nineteen years old urged Lucas.' 'But what if our teacher found us missing?'grilled Selah. 'We will find a way out of here', said Jacob pacifying everyone.

Unanticipatedly a storm came and Selah got injured,making her unable to move. Jacob had to carry her on his back.

Meanwhile Lucas disappeared making everyone worried sick. Valera had to let down her tears which she had hold back.

'I think we will not be able to make out of here', whimpered Selah.

'Tighten up your courage, we will find Lucas',said Matthew. They made their way further and came across a cave where they found Lucas lying unconscious. They sprinkled him with water. He woke up with a blow and was traumatized. He relentlessly whispered 'save me, don't kill me, I wanna live please don't harm me.'

Matthew calmed him and asked him what did he see? Lucas answered disturbingly that he saw a old man with black robe and hat taking him somewhere. He further added that he was not able to see the man as it was dark and in fright he had become unconscious.

Matthew thought that this man may help them. He asked Lucas to take him to the place where he met that old man, to which Lucas replied it was some kind of bush. All of them started going towards the bush described by Lucas.

On reaching the place from where Lucas had disappeared,they saw that the bush was gone too. Now as per their perception the paths were continuously changing,but with no other option they had to find that man to make out of this mess.

They travelled and travelled but were unable to find the path. Valera asked Matthew as to from where he had got the idea of coming there. Matthew replied 'I had got a dream and there we went to a big castle full of magic and all.' 'You sound stupid, how can there be a magical castle in here?' jibed Selah. Both of them had a long heated argument and now their stomach started groaning.

As they started eating, the food which they had carried started disappearing slowly. So now they were short on food. Everyone was damn confused to what was happening there. Then they found a cave and decided to stay in there.

'I will bring some wood,' said Jacob. 'No!! you will get lost,' bickered Valera. So with no other option they decided to sit there,hoping to find a solution. The time was passing by but it seemed like they would not be able to see the blazing sun. After quite a time they started their way out to reach a pond nearby. As soon as Jacob layed his hand in the water, all fell in the water and landed in some other dark place but were comatosed.

A splash on their face and they were awake. Trying to connect to the dots to get an answer as how they came there from the pond but failing repeatedly. To their suprise something was waiting for them behind. They were jolted seeing that thing and were muddled as to they should rejoice now or be ready to demise.....