

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

_ANANSI_ · Outros
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25 Chs


"Abuela, I am perfectly fine going home by myself, está solo al final de la calle..." the girl said in a pleading tone. (it's only down the street)

"El resto de tu familia está en el retiro de la iglesia, no dejaré que te vayas solo a casa.." Mrs. Blossom said, denying her plea, before that started to fight in Spanish again, The girl clearly losing. 

(The rest of your family is on the church retreat, I won't let you go home alone.)

I walked from behind the last desk, interrupting their conversation. "Oh Aiden, could you be a Mijo, I got a request for you, can you walk my little cariño home?" Mrs. Blossom said, turning to Aiden's direction. 


I turned to the girl as she looked familiar, with long brown hair with honey streaks the same as Mrs. blossom. 

As we both turned to each other.

"Angela" I said and nodded back.

"Aiden" she said, giving a small wave. 

Mrs. Blossom looked at us, in amazement. "Hola guapo, how do you know my granddaughter?"  looking at me with a sly curious smile.

"We are in a couple of classes together, at the high school" Angela retorted timidly as her grandmother interrogated us.

"Oh, ok well now you can't deny my offer, will you take my nieta home, for me?" she said. (Granddaughter)

I try to refuse. "Mrs. Blossom, my father still has to pick me up, what if…" I said, before getting interrupted.

"Está bien, puedo hacerle saber que volverás enseguida y eso te dará tiempo para alcanzar a mi nieta, está bien, sal de aquí. Ahora". She said, pushing us both out of the door, and locking it.

(Okay, I can let him know that you'll be right back and that will give you time to catch up with my granddaughter, okay, get out of here. Now)

"Abuela I don't think Aiden understands you?" She said getting pushed out the door. 

"Él habla español" Mrs. Blossom said, before she slammed the door shut, And locked it to make sure we don't try to come back in. (He speaks spanish)

We both looked at each other in defeat, before I followed her down the street to her house. As the sun was no longer out, and it had a cloudy sky with slight drizzling rain. The sky slowly began to darken as the shift time was going from day to night.

After two minutes of walking, Angela turned to me. She was taller than the average girl, with the skinny frame I have seen, almost six foot one. But I still towered over her with my body. 

"I am sorry about my grandma, she's a little eccentric, sometimes," she said, shaking a little as the shirts she had on didn't fit the weather.

"It's fine," I said, taking off my hooded jacket and handing it to her before continuing walking. She looked at me bewildered, by the action.

"You didn't have to do that; I am perfectly fine" she said with a slight blush.

"Naw even though I just met Mrs. Blossom, I know she wouldn't want her little cariño a cold going home. So, I insist you wear it, for both of our sakes" I said, continuing walking down the street. As she stood there, contemplating before wearing the jacket and rushed to meet me.

"So, Aiden, I know we probably asked you this already, but why did you move to the fork?" she asked, walking beside me.

"Well, a number of reasons…but mainly, things happened in my life, and I don't want to go back" I said, stopping and looking at her.

She looked back kind of knowing and unknowingly looking at me, trying to figure out what I mean. but I quickly shot back at her, leaving her shocked again.

"So, what is your story?" I said, leaving her confused.

"What?'" She said, as I said it again, getting a little closer, but she shied away.

"Nothing really, I have lived here all my life, my father is the Minister, I have two brothers, and I like photography, there is nothing much".

As we stopped at the end of the street waiting for a car to pass, but it seemed to go a little slower than the others, it was tinted out, blue Toyota Camry.

"And you got a stalker, that car has been following us since we started." I said secretly pointing out the car. but it turned to another street, clearly trying to rouse them.

She looked around, not finding the car "Oh I don't see anyone" she said clearly denying it.

It was now dark, as the streetlight came on illuminating the streets.

"Well, it doesn't matter, are we almost there?" she spoke.

"Yeah, it's three houses down, but you can stop here if you want?" she said, as I kept walking until we stopped right in front of her house.

"Like I said before, she wouldn't want me doing that and she's probably clocking us, so" I said looking at her.

"Well thank you, I do appreciate it, you have a nice night, Aiden" she said, quickly turning away from me before handing me the jacket, walking to her house.

"See you at school tomorrow" before shutting the door behind her. As I turned around and walked back to the police station.

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