

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

_ANANSI_ · Outros
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25 Chs


Screams and moans echoed along the corridors of the abandoned building, as if the place was haunted by ghosts and ghouls. As if a gateway formed, a pit of hell within the large building. 

As down the dark corridor a doorway was open, with blaring lights flooding the walls with shadow that danced, 

The moans and groans got loaded until the sound of screams was the only thing around, enough for a dead man to plug his ears. 

As a naked dark-skinned man laid within a tub of ice and water. As his arms were tied tight to a strap of rope. He was about "6,4" tall, and his arms hung down below the tub. Slowly oozing blood as 3 fingers were missing from his hand. 

He was bloody all over, as cuts and bruises were spotted all over his body.

His face was nearly recognizable as it was swollen like a balloon. 

As five shadows casted over him, the silhouettes all in different positions merged on him as its center. 

The man in and out of consciousness, tried to focus but suddenly out of the blue he was hit again.

"I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU NOW, MUTHA FUCKA, WHERE IS THE FUCKKING MONEY" a black young man said, standing to the side of the tub. Looking down at the man with an angry twisted face. 

With swift action the young man pulls out a knife from the confined s of his jacket and cuts the ropes tying the man's hands. Grabbing a clump of the man's hair with his strength, pulling him out of the tub and finding what looked like a piece of a broken chair from amongst broken glass and metal, hitting the man repeatedly.

disregarding the nakedness of the man, as this new scene provided more details from before. As the glass shard cut deep from the fall, but where once was his manhood now gone and a cartelized hole in its place. 

"WERE...IS..THE...FUCKING…MONEY" She shouted again repeatedly hitting the man on the ground. The people behind him are not moving a muscle, so as to not be the next from his rage. 

But the man just moved into the fetal position to minimize the impact until the young man got tired, and he did. but as the young man hit dark bruises started to show and then blood trickled from them.

The young man pulled back off the man as sweat trickled down his face. His hands became red from the amount of strength he used to hurt the man on the ground. As his mind spined from the quick movement. 

He looked back down at the man with disgust but knowing that this will be that last day that the man will be on this earth. 

As the young man looked at the man remembering their history with each other. From childhood to now the man was a pivotal person in his life. 

From teaching him how to do math and reading as the school system never gave a shit about him. 

The man was kind of like a father figure for him, but the man betrayed the clan and here he is another body for them to take away. The young man felt so betrayed himself, taking on the responsibility for the clan. 

But a small feminine grunt brought the young man back to reality. As he looked back to find a girl with a wide smile sitting behind him.

"Just fucking kill me you little bitch…I don't know where...the fuck, the money is.. The books don't lie" the man whispered out. Before dropping his head, clearly down with all of this. 

The young man looked down at the man with anger and pity in his heart, trying not to lose the last shred of humanity he had left. Before signing one last time. 

"But you do" the young man said, in quick succession pulled out a Black Glock and shot the man 3-times in the head as the blood splattered everywhere. 

The last shot echoed down the corridor, all the way into nothingness. 

The room became silent once again, as the dead body lay on the ground. The young man looked down at the man in silence as if saying a small prayer. Before turning around and walking away. Going towards the door but stopped.

"Ezzy and Jac, clean this up, Ash lets rids. And Conie, follow me for a bit." the young man before going through the door. 

"Alright, Dee" Conie the young woman said, before running to catch up with the young man. The other man did the same. 

The young man now known as Dee walked down the dark corridor

"SOOO, what do you want to tell mee?" Conie said, looking up from the left side of Dee's. 

"I want you to look into the missing money for me, something seems fishy, as if it was always a set up from the jump, and the old man was right, someone did lie and we need to find it or put all our heads on the line." he said, stopping at the bottom of the basement steps.

"Okie Doki, where do you want me to start, the books, the routes, the..." she said

"None of those, I want you to look into him...and I know how obsessed you are with him, but he was helping with the books, and we don't have a lot of time like. So, look into it ok, let's make it happen ok" he said as nicely as possible to not upset Conie, before going up. 

Dee and Ashy entered and exited from a side door to be more incognito. They were silent as they walked to the parked Black El Grand.

"Uhm Dee, what if it looks like AI Was skimming the set? What do you think might happen? Ashy said, looking at Dee with an anxious look. 

"It doesn't matter anymore he's dead for months, and if we can't find it." he made a gesture with his hand, imitating a gun pulled against his head, pulling the trigger. 

"So, it is now our responsibility to fix it." Dee said before getting in the passenger seat of the car.

Ashy nodded and followed into the car right after, agreeing to what Dee was saying, as they have not always had similar views, so their interest aligned.

But right now, the sound of the car's engine and the air blowing out of the vents was the only thing that could be heard as they drove to their destination.

Hour Later…

Dee closed the door to his apartment, throwing the keys to the side dish that he kept, and throwing his coat on to the hook, before walking to the kitchen counter that was attached to the living room. He took out the gun he used, cleared it, and removed the clip. Before setting it to the side of the counter.

He turned around going into his fridge and grabbing a bottle of water and a pre-made set of food. But as he pulled away. The phone from his pocket buzzed. 

He sighed as he set the food down and picked up his phone and placed it to his ear. 

"Hello" he said, waiting for the other end. "Hey Cuzzo, It's me, how's the family? A deep-toned man said on the other end of the phone. 

Dee tensed up as this in the last person he expected to get a call from, as well as did not want to get one, cuz if he did things would not plan out as he thought they would.