
Daughter Said: it’s A Shame To Have A Father Like Me

[MTL NOVEL] Not mine. A [How to Be a Parent] program was popular, and the hottest female star of today, Yu Shuying, appeared. She accused her father of being so lazy that he had killed her mother and forced her to mature from a young age. Interfering with her life choices, destroying her friends, forcing her to ask for a monthly pension, She said that having such a father was really embarrassing. Until her childhood was replayed, many people were prepared to condemn this evil father. Then, she realized that the man’s seriously ill wife had left. However, he told his daughter that she had a good mother just to make his daughter feel motherly love. He dispersed the girl’s friends because these friends had come with malicious intent. He forced his daughter to learn music, and he opened up his daughter’s talents in lyrics and composition. He wanted a pension for decades, but he didn’t spend a single cent. It was all for his daughter. He was afraid that his daughter would spend money recklessly and become poor in the future. At this moment, countless tears fell. I Don’t Own Eny Of This

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Father's love exploded!

Now the stadium crowd is cheering loudly,

various discussions,

Some say that Yu Ye is impossible to beat,

Some say Liu's, etc.

quarrel with various voices,

In the last row, Zhang Ziju was calling out to the old man softly.

"Yu Ye, old man, you should wake up." He was a little worried.

And his girlfriend patted him on the shoulder and pointed to the stage.

Because the curtain replay has started.

Xiao Shuying is seven years old, in the eleventh month.

Once again, she came home from the third piano room in Yecheng City, she had no rivals,

Now Xiao Shuying is more than amazing. After experiencing [strong opponents in the piano room] [bone cancer patient humming melody] [four-handed play in the Grand Theatre], she is completely confident,

This confidence made her look forward to writing songs even more,

It was evening again. After dinner, she picked up her mobile phone, flipped the lid, and watched the news of the patient on the forum.

[Just two hours ago, I felt like I was dying, so sad...

With picture; a white flower, and the hanging needle, the white medical instrument.

The patient also sent a message to Xiao Shuying: "You can definitely compose this song, you can definitely do it.

At this moment, Xiao Shuying was very distressed,

She hurriedly replied to the message: "You have to persevere, I can definitely do it, I can definitely "eight-eight-three"!]

At this moment, Xiao Shuying knew the meaning.

At that time, another perspective.

On the bed of Xihai City Brain Cancer Medical and Nursing Institute, Yu Ye was coughing, he spat out blood clots and wiped.

Just now, he just took a picture and posted a small sketch,

In the tone of a juvenile patient [Chengnan flowers have bloomed],

And he did. Three hours ago, he felt unbearable pain and hurried to the medical institute.

Now the attending doctor, Alejandro, clearly warned him: "You will have to be hospitalized next, your physical skills are weakening, you know, because of the chemotherapy effect of brain cancer, you may faint at any time! 22

"I have to go home, the children are still young, the place where I live is too messy, and there are often drunkards knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

Yu Ye also said seriously.

Under this look, Alejandro stepped back for the first time, and he sighed: "But you have to rest well and replenish your body, or your body will not be able to withstand the chemotherapy after that.

"Can hold it." Yu Ye smiled, then looked at him gratefully.

"Thanks, you saved my life again." Yu Ye got up and got dressed.

Alejandro said helplessly: "You're welcome, I also thank you for your contribution to this experiment, but you really have to take care. 99

"I will.

The man left.

Hurry home.

He passed through the Baijia District, passed through the drunkard lying on the ground, and looked at his building. At this moment, he was out of breath and rested, and his brain began to feel dizzy. He hurriedly grabbed Bai Xuesai from the stair window. It was the cold that made him calm down a bit.

Then he opened his mouth and walked in.

Seeing that the room was fine, he was completely relieved.

In the bedroom, Xiao Shuying started to compose music while crying and watching the patient's movements.

Now on the show stage, 07 guest former attending physician Alejandro watched the replay. Although it has been more than ten years, he still has a fresh memory. He held the microphone: "I really thought he was dead at the time, but I don't know why he lives,

Sometimes "the greatest wealth of mankind is will, which is one of the conditions for fighting against the disease!


In the funny sound, many people sighed,

They finally knew, no wonder Xiao Shuying created this song at that time, it was a song with a story, it really existed,

but the story is true,

The patient is also real.

It's just that it's a net supported by a father's love,

playback continues,

After a month,

until the melody appears.

So she participated in the Yecheng Qinfang Youth Piano Competition.

That year she was August.

When everyone else was performing various famous piano pieces, at that moment Xiao Shuying represented Yecheng Hope Primary School in the competition. She took the microphone and said to the host, "I will bring my original piano piece, Chengnan Hua. open


At that moment, some parents and other music teachers in the audience exclaimed.

And reporters have long been ready to shoot this genius.

She is sitting in front of the ordinary grand piano, at this moment,

Xiaoshu's image is back to the old days, playing with the piano artist Park Lengyue with four hands. ,

In her head, the patient's voice sounded faintly: "Flowers are blooming..."


At this moment, a song sounded.

Da Da... Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da A

mumbling, da... beep, mum

That is the loneliest sound,

When these students were all playing famous songs, when Xiao Shuying's extremely sad music sounded,

This age must cheer for her,

Especially when she was addicted to it,

A boy, the lonely back of a boy before his death appeared.


At this moment, everyone stood up.

Continuous applause, reporters and videographers excited to take pictures.

And Xiao Shuying also looked at the flip phone and accidentally saw a new dynamic,

"I am a family member of Chengnan Flowers, he passed away, sorry everyone, he said that he has a child, that child will become a piano artist, I don't know who he is talking about, but I wrote it, I hope you see , hope you become what he said

At that moment, Xiao Shuying heard a lot of crowd cheering in her mind, but it was also instantly quiet.

When interviewed by the media, she looked at the camera with tears in her eyes, beautiful and illusory, and said: "I have a patient friend, we met on the music forum, his name is Chengnan Flower has bloomed, and this piano song is called this name , I hope you recover.

this moment,

Yecheng Front Page News "Genius Girl: Pure Original Piano Songs

Nanfang Daily; [a genius girl from the bottom, a sunflower with backlight)

Wait the news is all about her.

And Yu Ye has no shadow, what he did is to quit the role of the patient in a timely manner, making Xiao Shuying cry, and he has completely strengthened his belief since then.

He hid in the dark and walked quietly.

There are a lot of pop-ups now,

are saying,

"After Chengnanhua became popular, Park Lengyue went to see Xiao Shuying and bless him.

"It shouldn't have anything to do with Yu Ye this time, right?

"Definitely, after all, Xiao Shuying's song is amazing."

At the end of the first month of Xiao Shuying's eight-year-old, she has been in the news.

Until the sudden gathering of Yecheng Hope Primary School, the principal Zhao Guochang was extremely excited, and he exclaimed and watched until the line was formed.

Park Leng came more and more, he held flowers to the school, and then took pictures with Xiao Shuying,

Under the reporter's recording, he said with a smile: "The songs written by this child are very good, she has the spirituality of the piano, and I am looking forward to her.

The reporter asked at the time, "Are you specializing in transnationality, to celebrate Xiao Shuying?"

At that time, Park Lengyue smiled brightly and said, "Yes,

Then the news exploded.

[A generation of national treasure artists of Bangguo came only for Xiaoshuying]

But now the picture continues.

Three days after Xiao Shuying was blessed by Park Lengyue,

Yecheng slum area, 12 buildings in Baijia District, Xiao Shuying was practicing songs in the room, Yu Ye knocked on his door,

"I'll go out for a while, study hard by yourself, don't participate in any reporter interviews, do you have money?

"Understood." Xiao Shuying said impatiently, she could almost guess what this man was going to do in the afternoon. He also had a deck of cards in his hand. He must be playing cards just like the uncles on the street. consume life.

Outside, Yu Ye walked out and looked helplessly at the brand new BMW parked outside the door.

The co-pilot sat with Park Lengyue, his window lowered, and he pointed to the back seat.

"As I said, I love beating folk geniuses.

Yu Ye got into the car.

Along the way, there is no dialogue.

But now the people watching the replay are blown up!

Zhalang netizens commented wildly.

"He came for Yu Ye, he never came to celebrate Xiao Shuying, he came for a challenge!

"Sure enough, this can be connected,"

"He came to challenge, he just wanted to challenge, it has nothing to do with blessing Xiao Shuying, he blessed Xiao Shuying just to let Yu Ye know that he is here!!!33

Now, on the show stage.

Yu Shuying feels like being hit by memory again,

She remembered it clearly.

Park Lengyue came to bless himself,

The principal was very excited at the time,

All the students in the school cheered and celebrated.

They all cheered excitedly as if they had seen an idol.


Now she knows, no!!!!

This national treasure-level pianist actually came to play the piano with his father, and then praised himself by the way, and also led his father out of the hole by the way...

It has nothing to do with myself.

She thought of the bragging and publicity of the major newspapers and magazines in the past, she only felt like these honors condensed into a slap,


Fan away!


"What exactly did he show? At that time, he had 3.2 slots to let you come, so much that even I was attached to it..."

Yu Shuying didn't understand, she looked in front of her, Park Lengyue with white hair!

Waiting for an answer!

Need this answer too!!!

"Shh. 22

"Don't disturb the next picture, the performance of the person below will be beautiful..."

"Foot has beaten my beauty."

Park Lengyue looked at her and made a booing gesture.


Now the comprehensive live broadcast has exceeded 50 million online viewers,

Everyone just watched this replay.

Xihai Grand Theater!

The place where Xiaoshuying dream begins!

It's also the first month of Xiao Shuying's eight-year-old!

It's afternoon!

The weather was still whistling snow, and there was a whistling wind outside.

It's just that now the Grand Theater is cleared, it's very clean, there are no seats, there is only an expensive golden Italian grand Taylor piano.

There are two people standing.

One is Park Lengyue, who wears an expensive custom alpaca coat, smokes a cigarette and has pale skin.

One was Yu Ye, who was wearing a cheap black coat, standing straight and pale.

this moment.

The people watching the picture were all watching, Yu Shuying too, she wondered,
