

"We can't work Ann." I said to Anna as she leaned in towards me "We are family." I would continue, but the hidden truth is that- I have developed feelings for my cousin as much as she but trying so hard not to believe it. ____________________________________________________________ What happens when Henry Jamike goes to Florida to further his education but coincidentally falls in love with his irresistible cousin? Read on to discover the, suspense, romance, action and adventure in this book as Henry and Anna's love struggle to thrive in a world full of sentiments.

Heis_Browne · Fantasia
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9 Chs

Doomsday or not?

Nothing to say


Anna closely snuggled up to me under the duvet, wrapping me in her arms, her skin- warm and comforting.

I slowly opened my eyes and dug my head out of the duvet, torpidly blinking my eyes and relishing the calm, quiet, tranquil and serene ambiance, smiling at the peaceful environment, I removed the duvet from Annas face admiring her lovely face and savoring her morning charm, chuckling as I gazed at her, still laughing when she sluggishly opened her eyes, reciprocating my smile looking extremely peachy.

Morning darling. I kissed her lips.

Saturday? Anna asked, stretching and yawning lazily.


No school today. Anna chuckled Saturday? Wait a minute, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Anna wrapped her forehead with her palms in obvious confusion.

Whats it? I asked, smiling at her.

Exactly what I'm tryna remember.Anna ruffled her hair with her fingers.

I grinned at the cognizance of Annas confusion.

Can I give you a hint? I offered, gazing at Anna.

Please do. Anna pretended to wince.

It has four wheels. I whispered.

Thats what it is! Anna exclaimed, How are you darling? Anna smiled pleasantly.

I shrugged, I'm great, you?

Happy. Anna shuddered.

It isnt much of a big deal though. I walked from the bed.

Well, duh. Anna sighed.

Hmm. I sighed, wearing a tank top.


Nothing I said hmm like hmm boring.

Oh, I'm boring you. Anna gritted her teeth, bemocking rage.

Nah, I chuckled, Saturdays boring, specifically. I walked to the bathroom to wash my face.

Yeah youre right. Dead day. Anna grumbled.

I heard her shuffle her feet.

Be right back Hen. I heard the door open and close again.


I sat in front of the dressing mirror- dressing my hair, its been over thirty minutes and Annas not back, I waited a few minutes, still staring at my reflection in the mirror, tilting my head from the left to the right to observe my face, its pleasance kept me on the stool for a few more minutes- admiring myself before going downstairs.

I was wearing a red quilted jacket and a pair of black joggers.

The dining table had dishes sprawled all over the table, precisely four dishes of bacon and eggs.

I bit the meal slowly, savoring every mouthful when Anna graciously walked down the stairs in a highly-packed hair, mild make-up, her feet were in yellow platform shoes, the skin tight mini skirt portrayed her teenage elegance evidently, the body-fitting, short-sleeved pink crop-top that made her breasts protrude is what basically caught my attention.

She smiled fondly at me as she walked to the dining.

Phwoah! I exclaimed, scratching my chin.

What? Anna chuckled.

You look gorgeous.

Thanks, so do you, I love the outfit. Anna winked.

Never looked bad. I enunciated immodestly.

I take it back.

I let out a slight mirth.

I could hear footsteps from the stairs, James was swaggering downstairs in a red hoody and brown cargo pants cum blue crocs.

Ahem! James coughed, trying in vain to get Annas attention.

Hey. I greeted.

Yo, whats good bro? James pulled a chair back and sat.

Nothing really, I'm cool, you?

I'm chill. James said, turning to Anna sup with you Anna?

Anna fluttered glances from me to James and shrugged.

Nice outfit by the way. James complimented.

Uh-huh. Anna stuck a mouthful of bacon and eggs in her mouth.

Yeah. James took his food with him as he climbed the stairs.

I opened my mouth to speak but was shut up by a knock on the door.

Come in, Anna shouted from the dining, You wanted to say something.Anna continued.

Yeah, err

The door opened to two dark-skinned girls that walked in, smiling amiably at Anna.

Oh my! Anna ignored me, carelessly dropping her cutlery and running to the girls, embracing them.

You came. Anna giggled.

Sure. They responded.

Hi. One of the girls, the taller one waved at me.

Hey. I smiled at her.

My manners, Anna said, in somewhat rebuking tone, leading the girls to the dining room. Girls this is Henry, my Anna paused, smiled and continued, This is Henry, my cousin. Henry this is Diane, She pointed to the taller girl And Lucy. She pointed to the less dark girl with a mediocre height, and light blue eyes.

Hi Lucy, hi Diane. I extended my hand to Lucy.

Hi Henry. She received it and smiled briskly.

Hi Diane. I forwarded my hand as she received it, warmly and squeezed it gently, that was weird, strange because we made acquaintance barely ten seconds ago and you are squeezing my palm which is a very frequent sign of intimate love.

Nice meeting you both. I excused myself and carried the dish of bacon and eggs food to my room.

In my room I finished the food, carried the plate to the kitchen and washed it off.

Back in my room there was a strong feeling of loneliness, Anna wasnt here, I needed her to be here, with me

There was a knock on the door.

Come in. I sat upright expecting Anna, but why knock?

The door creaked, it opened slightly, then widely, Diane walked in, walking slowly inside the room.

Hey, Diane. I forced a smile.

Do you mind if I sit? Diane asked, pointing at the bed.

Not at all. I stood up and locked the door.

Thanks Henry. She said, sitting carefully on the bed.

Where are the others? I asked, sitting at the edge of the bed.

I dont know, probably in the sitting room, I left them, I came to see you. Diane said, drawing closer to me.

I giggled.

Thats umm, cool Diane.

How old are you Henry?

Such guts, I thought.

Seventeen, you?


Cool, you must be in the eleventh grade then.

Nah, I'm in college.

I took a quick glance at her, observing her craft.

From where she sat uprightly her height was undeniably 5.9 ft to 6 ft, her skin- a shinny, dark, lustrous skin that partly revealed from the sleeves of her tight gown and from the end of the dress just before her knees, her face, a well crafted face, enhanced with chubby cheeks and glittering skin.

Okay, still cool. I said, noticing how she intently gazed at me, I asked, Howd you know Anna?

From High School, she like, my bae. Diane smiled.

Funny how you make her seem gay. I chuckled.

Seem? Diane repeated. She is.

Shock, not just shock but anger that I was drowned in.

She is gay?I asked incredulously.

She used to date Lucy in High School, yeah she is.

Holy mercy! For real? I gasped.

Diane now thawed into laughter.

Hell no man, just kidding around, Annas hella straight, so gullible. Diane laughed some more.

I didnt know what to do, yell at her, walk her out, hit her or what, I was angry, mad!

That was wow dont try it again. I grimly said.

Fine, fine, fine, extreme, blah, blah, blah, so Henry, do you have a girlfriend?

This question confirmed my initial suspicions- Diane likes me.

Odd question, cant answer. I said curtly.

Of course, you do Diane stopped when the door squeaked, it was Anna, she had come to my rescue.

She glanced at Diane and I, then smiled.

Hen, dads calling you, hes downstairs. Anna smiled at Diane and left the room.

Uncomfortably I quickly followed Anna behind.

See you two are getting along. Anna smiled.

A bit. I smiled back.

Well, hes in the Living room, have fun babe. Anna kissed my cheek and walked to her room.

I hurried down the stairs with full knowledge of what to expect, this is Saturday!

Morning Uncle Mark. I greeted

Hey, Henry, how are ya?

Very well, your night? I asked, sitting on the sofa.

Great, yours?


Good to know. Mr. Mark stood from where he sat on the sofa, I do have a surprise for you, come.

There it comes, I thought, bracing myself for the surprise, at least as he called it.

Surprise! Mr. Mark exclaimed, smiling broadly at me.

I tilted my head and there it was, my car! My SUV aesthetically parked just after the porch.

Instinctively, my hands went over my mouth, deterring the impulse to scream, it was a surprising surprise, although Mr. Mark is known for his kindness and generosity but this, this Sports Utility Vehicle was beyond my wildest imaginations, now there wasnt any need to feign anything, I was really surprised.

Thank you sir. I blurted out. This is really beautiful, I appreciate. I said, hugging him momentarily.

Do enjoy it. He handed me the keys and patted my back, walking back into the house.

Bet I would. I whispered.

I walked round the car, inspecting its exquisite beauty and prestige, what surprise, I muttered.

The interior was pleasant too, what beauty I was going to call my own.

After a few more inspections I walked inside the house, enthused.


An S-U-V mom. I said to my mother on the phone.

Of course I have. I said, still smiling.

Yeah I know. Now my tone was dull.

Youve said this a million times, I understand mom.

Bye. I hung up the phone.

Sprawled on the bed, I was deliberating- my mother had urged me to call my father, knowing fully well we are in bad speaking terms after he abandoned us just on my sixteenth birthday, he never came back, basically ran away and leaving my mother to her responsibilities and his, I hate him, I despise him, I loathe him, I want to kill him, my mother knows how much I want to trample on his looping, weathering throat and choke him to death yet she tells me to call him?

I dont want to call him, the only thing I want to do is make my mother happy, now my mind furrowed towards Anna, nothing would infuriate my mother than the revelation of my relationship with Anna but thats by the way, my mother said I should call my dad and I would, he pays my child support though, recently realized he had a son.

I irritatedly dialed his number, listening to the ringing beeps.

Henry! His irky voice penetrated my ears.

Hey. I lazily said.

How are you Henry?

How am I? Why should he care?

Anyways, Uncle Mark gifted me a car and I feel you should know. I said, ignoring his question

Really, wow, you must be so happy.


Say hello to him for me.

One more thing Sam.

I know how terribly he hates me referring him with his name, but thats the whole point, she should be mad as I am at him.

What is it? I noticed his tones, they got low and disenchanted.

I need twenty kay.

Twenty kay? He repeated.

I ignored him, he knew my funds were due but now I made a more extensive order, after all, Ive left Nigeria.

Thats a lot of money Henry, what for?

You realize I'm not begging you right, I need twenty kay thats it.

I know, I know. Same account right?

Yes, bye. I quickly hung up the phone.

Thats a lot of money, nyeh, nyeh, nyeh. I mimicked. Such annoying man.

I jumped from the bed, assuming swim trunks and leaving for the pool.

Annas absence had created so much tediousness from my own point of view, the alternation of her attention had created such environment of overwhelming ennui, again, from my point of view.

Childishly I splashed water here and there, sprawling on the warm water in the pool.

From where I bathed in the pool, I caught a glimpse of four boys, all whites strolling inside the house, two stopped by the porch, probably saw me and began walking towards me, fastly I redirected my gaze, facing the sky, breathing nervously.

My heart began to race furiously as they stopped by the pool.

Whos this nigger? I heard one of them say.

Pretentiously I acted like they werent there, still gazing at the beautiful fluffy clouds.

But his arrogance, it was graveling, this disrespect was infuriating, you dont just call an African Nigger because its offensive right?

Hey! I heard a quaking voice.

Slowly, I turned to look at him, he had long hair on his head, his face was beautiful- undoubtedly, but his character- Disgusting!

Get off the pool! He yelled.

Why should I? I asked sedately.

I say out you get out okay, out!

I ignored him, internally scared and nervous.

He grabbed my hand in bid to pull me out

Get out! He shouted, still griping my wrist.

Annoyed, I struggled with him, ended up overpowering him and throwing him inside the pool, forcing his head beneath the water.

Henry! James screamed, racing apace to the scene.

It was after James altered my attention that I remembered that it was two white boys that came to intimidate me but what I realized baffled me as well as annoyed me, the latter was laughing, scorning his supposed dawg .

I jumped from the pool, damping myself with a towel as James refrained the boy from advancing on me, I snickered a bit before prancing inside the house.

In the house, Anna was racing down the staircase.

What happened Hen? Anna asked, hugging me.

Nothing really, no biggie. I said.

Are you okay?

Of course, I'm totally fine. I interlocked my arm with hers and walked to my room.

Those boys are serious nuisances but James would never listen.

Where are the girls? I digressed, changing my swim trunks back to my quilted jacket and joggers but now coupled with a black tank top.

In my room, never mind them.

Diane told me something, but was a joke, she said youre gay, I said. jokingly. I was quick to add.

I'm gay? Anna chortled. I sense she likes you.

Right, I haled. Its so clear because why else would you want to know my relationship status?

Anna laughed again.

She asked you that? For real?

Yeah, so Henry, do you have a girlfriend? I mimed.

Anna laughed some more.

Exactly how she talks. Anna said, amid laughter.

I missed you a whole lot.

Aww you did? Anna asked, nuzzling my nose. Its just periodic babe. She added after withdrawing her face.

Yeah I understand. I smiled, You seen my car? I asked, pulling Anna to her feet.

Dang! Let me see.

An S-U-V, like geez.

I led Anna downstairs, discussing how she had talked to Mr. Mark about my desperate need of a vehicle.

Annie. The boy with dreadlocks said, smacking Annas bottoms and winking.

Anna apoplectically glared at him, but didnt speak, probably used to it, the molestation!

I've told you to stop doing that Jake. James said, nudging him slightly.

I've told you to stop doing that that confirmed my premises, this harassment has been reoccurring, it isnt the first time nor the second time, its been frequent!

The disrespect now had attained its climax and so as my exasperation, I rushed towards him, striking him with my clenched fists, then a fight erupted between the us, the other three boys accompanied with James tried to ease the chaos, the fight was relentless and only resolved when Anna intervened but too late, I broke his nose, and as well got a black eye.

Out! James yelled at Jake who was covering his broken nose with his palms, glaringly he looked at James and I before stomping out, the three boys followed him, banging the door, violently.

Anna ran upstairs and down again with an Aspirin.

Henry whats wrong with you? Anna asked, dropping the pain killer on the table.

Yeah seriously, whats up with you? James added.

Anna sighed and ran back upstairs.

Your friends, your friends are sick James. I winced in pain.

Yeah, but you cou

Diane and Lucy interrupted James as they ran down the steps.

Henry are you okay? Lucy asked.

What happened? Diane asked, touching my bruise.

Im fine, thanks. I replied, shifting my head from Dianes hand.

James walked back upstairs and Anna came down, nearly colliding with her brother as she scampered downstairs with an icepack and a glass of water.

scuse me, scuse me. Anna said, making her way through the girls, Here, drink this. Anna handed me the Aspirin and the glass of water, while pressing my bruise with the icepack.

Easy. I cried.

I didnt say you should get in a fight.

He slapped your butt. I mumbled, grittily.

Oh, thanks so much dad Anna mocked.

Whatever. I said, swallowing the pills of Aspirin and gulping the glass of water.

Come to my room nursie. I whispered, jogging her with my arm.

Wed be going Ann. Diane said, smiling pleasantly at us. Bye Henry. She waved.

Bye. I smiled.

Id love to see you guys off, but you can see, She poked me with her forefinger. I've got a cry-baby patient. Anna shrugged.

No its fine, wed back some other time. Lucy said, blowing her a kiss.

Bye. Anna said, leading me upstairs.

In my room, I slumped on the bed, quinching in pain.

I'm a bit drowsy Ann, I rubbed my eyes. I feel sick.

You wanna go to a hospital? You think you should go? Anna asked.

No, just a headache and slight pains, a nap would do.

Fine, Id be here. She placed the icepack on my bruise.

What dyou think would be our parents reaction when we tell em? I blurted out.

I dont know, I've never dated my cousin before, before now. Anna said, shrugging her eyebrows.

Yeah, my mom would be really pissed.

Then we wont tell them.

I observed the disillusionment in Annas voice as she spoke, but I continued anyway, I was bothered.

Humph, theyd find out anyway.

So why you talking about it? Whats the whole point Henry? Perennially talking about something you pretty much know everything about, you know they wouldnt agree to us so why bother me? Anna said, surprisingly quietly, still massaging my bruise.

Just thinking out loud. I whispered.

Well, stop, Anna paused, Wed deal with whatever, wed cross the bridge when we get there. She continued.

And if the end of the bridge is a living hell, full of torment and agony?

Then we make a diminutive heaven from the remnants of hell Anna said.

I quickly glanced at her.

You know how cringey that statement is right. I said, chuckling.

I know, I felt it. Anna laughed softly.

Hmm, I heaved why dont we make a bucket list babe, all the fun things we wish to do, wed do them together. I said, grinning.

Look who was drowsy. Anna smiled.

Was, yeah.

A bucket list you say.


With you?


I'm cool with that, just get better now. Anna bent her head to my face, biting my lips and immediately the door flung open, James emerged.


Sorry for the lack of punctuations it was all from the site of publishing, my apologies dear readers