

Sitting in a seiza position within his sanctum aboard the eternity , Nox let his unparalleled hatred flow through his body . The air around him growing murky as a black haze flowed throughout the room .

Others aboard the ship had grown accustomed to the emperor's power , His Corrupt presence I the force making even the depths of the darkside shine atleast grey compared to him . His will driving people insane from simply being around him for extended periods of time if he so wished , What else could be expected from the one who surpassed the dreadmasters of oricon .

Snaking his presence through the force like an unintelligible cosmic force of limitless power , His presence so subtle that none noticed , Not the pathetic jedi hiding from the galaxy within their temple . Not the sorry excuse for the sith that palagueis taught . Not the twisted witches of dathomir with their force magic . No force user could comprehend his presence weeding it's way through every through the galaxy .

Feeling Nathema itself latch onto his presence , The subconscious of the planet itself releasing some basic form of happiness at connecting to him .

The Nexus's of Odessan and Zakuul along with Korriban continuously feeding force energy to him , Making his already freakish force power grow over time with no signs of stopping .

Drawing his attention to the Maw blackholes , Feeling the single presence within it's centre .

' Abeloth I bet ... you will be dealt with in time ... But for now you serve no threat to me so you shall be left alone until I have the means to end your sorry existence' Nox slowly opened his eyes as he gaze at two small pools of a black tar like substance that writhed violently within itself , Surrounding the ancient monolith like a mote .

Snapping his head to the side in rage Nox stood from his position and gazed towards the outer rim .


The black and white faced woman garbed in red flowing robes glared into the green mist of the alter she used, Her hatred having gotten the better of her whenever she thought of Darth Sidious and how he had wronged her greatly .

Glaring into the altar once more Talzin felt the heavy presence of the dark side flood across the planet .

Preparing her Magiks to strike against the one she felt ' Sidious how dare you peek into us '

Smashing her own presence against the subtle one she felt , Talzin grinned with wicked glee as she felt it recoil at her attack ' Sidious you fool '

Only for her eyes to widen as the presence she realised had been spread , Roared into a single focal point , Her .

Slamming into her like a capital ship apon a hut , Forcing her to her knees as it became hard for her to breath . Gagging as she was lifted off the ground before being slammed into the wall of her abode, cracking being heard as it started to break behind her .

' IIII SEEE YOUUU ' The darkest voice she had ever heard slithered into her mind as her eyes went white as she gazed into the mid distance with visions coming to her .

A Baren wasteland littered with corpses and shattered mountains , Collossal ships ripped form the sky with their pieces littering the landscape .

Men , Women and children dead , Their faces filled with absolute terror as A lone figure stood facing away from her, wearing black armor while it slowly turned to face her .

' You cannot hide ' The figure turned to face her fully as everything but him vanished into darkness , The void eating at her entirely as many shadows visible even in the dark surrounded the man , having humanoid shape as hundreds of shades surrounded the man willingly before bursting into action , Flying at her like bats out of hell .

Only to reappear in her abode before dropped to the ground , Gasping for breath as the presence slowly bled from the room , Deciding to leave her alone after punishing her .

'What ... who ... was that ' Talzin thought to herself as for the first time in a long time she felt utter terror .

Grinning to himself as the many converted entities within him resettled after they had attempted to strike down the witch who had attacked him .

" What is it scorpio " Nox asked as he heard the female like droid enter the room , The droid coming to terms with him always knowing who or what was around him .

" The infinite engine has once more grown , Once we arrived apon Iokath it appears that the salvaged pieces of the starforge reacted to its presence and appear to have fused once more together . It does appear however it will take an unknown amount of time before it has repaired itself to any meaningful degree " Scorpio informed her lord , Having found the infinite engine buried within the vaults of drumond kaas and deigning it too dangerous to be left unaccounted for .

" Disturbing but ... not unwelcome . Prepare for the infinite engine and all recovered pieces of the starforge and any and all other recovered Rakatan technology to be transported to Nathema . Make sure to keep the starforge pieces as far away from eachother as possible as it will seek to repair it's damage . Once on Nathema they will be encased and left within the vault each sections are to contain only one piece per room , The skytroopers are to maintain a heavy vigilance and return them to their secures locations , Any pieces too large to he stored will be de-constructed into storable sizes . The infinite engine itself is to be secured within an empty room within the secondary vault , Away from the starforge pieces and holocrons at all times , Locked down and its location wiped from all sources but you and me " Nox ordered as he walked up to the droid who's eyes shon as she communicated to the Gemini network to begin her task .

" Of course my lord , It will be done within due time " Scorpio stated before prancing away and leaving the room .

" The star forge ... how bothersome " Nox stated as he thought about the self repairing super construct ' I won't let it fall into anyone else's hands '

" Bridge commander ... I want four contingents , Unmanned apart from the skytroopers and Gemini units to be sent to the maw , Patrol it . I want nothing getting in or out , If anything does leave it I want to know immediately " Nox ordered into his comm link .

" It will be done mylord " Ryler stated as comms went dark once more .

' Good ... I don't want her giving me any nasty surprises ' Nox thought as he looked at Zildrog for a second before turning on his heel and leaving the room , Plans forming in his mind , Countermeasures and the like coming into being before he stopped with a particularly risky but not unideal idea popped into his head " Set a route for nathema and prepare a second jump to Korriban ... "

" Master ... your plans are working out just fine " Kanya stated as she knelt within her quarters within theed palace .

" Very good kanya , I take it you've made contact with the soon to be Princess padma nabrerae " Nox asked via hologram to his apprentice.

" Of course my lord , She was hesitant at first but soon opened up when it was revealed I am an advisor to the throne and have similar interest to her . She is beginning to trust me more and more over those fools she surrounds herself with " Kanya reported with a slow nod as she awaited her masters response .

" Very good kanya , you are excelling in your duty . Soon you will have her seeking you for guidance rather than some stupid governor with a narrow minded mindset . Keep me updated " Nox stated before fading out with the hologram disengaging .

' I'll make you proud master ' Kanya though before standing , taking the holodisk and leaving her room to rejoin the current queen .


Holding a lock box in his left hand and a holocron in his right with an urn with an unknown liquid sloshing around within , Nox boarded the removal shuttle with several knights standing at attention as they left the hanger .

" You will all wait by the shuttle , keep your witts with you, Korriban is a danger to all it doesn't consider its own . I will return to you when my business is complete " Nox ordered as the artificial gravity of the shuttle assimilated to korribans gravity while they flew towards several unmarked tombs .

With sand being shurned up and thrown outwards away from the shuttle , Disembarking as he dropped from the shuttle , Nox made his way towards a dark cave entrance with no significant markings , Slaying several Klor slugs that sprung from the ground to devour him .

' It appears that they've once more mutated from the energies released by the planet ' Nox thought as he walked into the cave , Dissapearing from view from the knights who stood at their posts faithfully .


Making sure the seal was implace apon the urn on his back , Nox dropped through a hole in the floor of the cave , A cavern opening below with sharp stalactite formations in the roof with the bottom filled with pitch black water and a single island within the centre of the cave .

Impacting the water as his armors filtration systems activated, Nox started Zaswimming towards the island , Activating his lightsaber within the water to shine through the black water .

Reaching the skorched stone of the island , Nox gripped the stone as he hoisted himself onto the land , Sighing as glass like rock cracked beneath his feet while he walked to the top of the small island .

A single sarcophagus lay atop a stone altar , the glass like stone crating step like protrusions as nox came to looked down at it .

Using the force as he lifted the sarcophagus lid before tossing the lid into the caverns body of water , A single set of sobes lay within the sarcophagus as Nox reached within the lock box, Pulling out a bone white mask with a metal band located at the centre of the mask , splitting it down the middle with red marks above the eye sockets, Tossing the mask to the robes as he did the same to the holocron .

Feeling the presence hidden deep within the mask and robes , Nox reached back for the urn apon his back , Opening the lid before emptying the liquid within the urn into the sarcophagus as the liquid writhed and churned violently .

Tossing the urn to the side as Nox became veiled in a shroud of the darkside . Lifting his arms to the side of the body as a low rumble escaped from his chest as his arms became shrouded in a red mist .

Keeping his eyes closed as he channelled the darkside directly though himself , towards the sarcophagus as the liquid responded by melding and seeping into the robes and mask , destroying the holocron as a screeching noise sounded within the cavern , the energies within the holocron mixing with the liquid .

Screeching as the robes and masked once more fused as one , the liquid swirling within as it started forming as something else.

Lowering his arms as he cut himself off from the force to complete the ritual . Nox watched with satisfaction as the being looked around curiously , its head rising and looking around before settling its gaze apon Nox .

Keeping his smirk as the being raised its arm and tried sucking the life out of nox , Laughing to himself as the being was forced to their knees before violently shaking.

" I wouldn't try that again lucieal , Or should I call you darth Nihilus " Nox asked as Nihilus raised his haze upwards to the sith who refused the mask and robes together .

" what ... have you done to me " Cane a real and proper voice from Nihilus as he became alarmed at having real vocal chords .

" Well ... I used a substance I harvested from a certain machine to create a body for your spirit to inhabit , Using your holocron that contained a very small portion of your essence , I was able to call forth you essence and stuff it within the body , Freeing you from your eternal prison you made yourself. You are no longer bound to your armor ... but that makes you whole once more , you'll have to retrain to regain your former abilities , Even if you will never be able to suck the life out of a planet once more . But that comes after we leave this planet " Nox stated as he looked towards the entrance of the cavern , squinting as he heard noises of creatures battling.

" What ... makes you think that ... I'll follow you " Nihilus asked as he felt his face for real once more , Real flesh felt for the first time in thousands of years .

" A reason to live , To make up for your past crimes now that you are able to think rationally without your hunger influencing you , At my side as he guide you to do what must be done . Companionship with my empire rather the oppressing you at every turn . Or I could simply Alice your head off , Take your mask and fuse your spirit to me and harvest your power for all eternity " Nox stated giving the sith only two options as the man known as nihilus removed his mask, His cerulean blue eyes showing compled thought as his creme coloured skin was shown to the world , his brown hair snaking down his face .

" I ... accept your offer ... my lord " Nihilus stated as he once more trusted someone , for better of for worse , seeing the benefits of what was offered.

" Good , Very good . Once more you shall take up the mantle as a lord of the sith , The second true sith within my empire and together we shall guide the galaxy into what it should truly be " Nox stated as Nihilus stood from his prone position , standing at six foot seven as he stepped towards his obviously powerful new leader , The foreign feeling of excitement taking hold of his newly rejuvenated body once more.

" Now " Nox stated before bringing his hands together , Rumbling being heard as the stalactites from the roof collapsed and were guided towards the foot of the island , Slamming into the water at measured distances as the larger they were the further back they became , All forming what was now a crude staircase being made from the rock as Nox leapt at the first step, Nihilus himself following close behind .