


Staring at the dual stars of tattooine whilst he sat on the stone roof of his estate , Knowing the eternity was in orbit under camouflage as it usually was.

Wearing a simple black long sleeved top and baggy black pants , Nox kept his eyes under the illusion of them being their original grey color as he heard shuffling behind him , The sound of a tray being placed apon the simple table of his room .

" Thank you Shmi " Nox stated as the woman smiled kindly and stood by his table as he stood up and moved to his lunch .

" Your wish is my command master " Shmi stated faithfully wearing a kind smile as he gazed at her with a raised eyebrow.

" Come now shmi , What have I told you . I'm not your master , I freed you and your child , You aren't my slaves " Nox stated as he drank from the tea shmi had prepared .

" You have done more for me and my son than any other has , You saved me and him from slavery and even gave me paid work and anakin to live a life of normalcy , I wouldn't belittle you with saying you're less than you are master " Shmi stated as Nox sighed at her attitude .

' Stubborn as always ' Nox thought to himself as he felt the budding presence of anakin nearing the estate , Obviously in a good mood.

" Speaking of little ani .. He's home " Nox stated as he heard one of the groundsmen run and allow the cheerful boy in .

" MUM ... DAD LOOK WHAT I GOT " The seven year old yelled as he ran into Nox's room carrying what looked like droid parts .

" Watto gave you more parts for payment did he " Nox stated with a pointed look as Anakin nodded happily and showed the rusted parts to his father figure whom took them and examined them ' I'll have to talk to the sleezeball again ... more forcefully '

" Statement- It appears the young master wants to finish the abomination droid he is making " The modulated voice of HK stated from the corner of the room as Anakin pouted and rounded on the droid .

" He isn't an abomination... He's a protocol droid , He's the best droid ever " Anakin snarked to the orange eyed assassin droid .

" quirey - Can he run ... Of course not that would be above what something so pathetic could do " HK stated as Nox chuckled and redrew their attention before anakin could respond .

" Come now ... family dinner " Nox stated as he watched anakins face light up in joy whilst Nox felt his interceptor entering the atmosphere after dropping out of hyperspace from the naboo system .

Standing as he whiped off dust from his clothing , Nox guided the son and mother to the dining room where they all took their seats , Kitchen hands running around to prepare food for the masters of the house .

Hearing the roaring of a ships engine nearing the estate as sand was thrown into the sky , The fury rotating before landing , A hiss being heard as the ramp lowered and the sole occupant running down and towards the estate .

" Dad " A female voice yelled as Anakin smiled and Nox looked towards the door as kanya stepped into the room , Shrugging off her black cloak as she hugged her master affectionately.

" Kanya ... welcome home " Nox stated as he patted her arm as she moved to Shmi , Hugging the woman before doing the same to little ani .

" Just in time for dinner Kanya " Nox stated as his apprentice took her seat at the table whilst the workers brought food out and placed it apon the table , Earning a round of thanks from its inhabitants .

" Sis , The bunta eve podrace if taking place next week , I'm planning to race in it " Ani said with a smile as he started talking about his pod racer .

However Nox grew concerned as he connected to the force , Flashes occurring once more as the force hugged him like a lover ' Be careful anakin'


" Kanya ... Something is calling me to the edges of unknown space ... I will be taking the eternity with me along with the eternity to do my task . You are to continue guiding the royal party of naboo and look after the young skywalker until I return " Nox ordered as Kanya nodded , Sadness being shown apon her face at the news of her masters departure .

" Of course master " Kanya said slowly as she ignored the tears threatening to spill out of her eyes .

" Do not fret kanya , For I will return to you shortly " Nox stated as she rushed to hug him , Patting her back lightly before she whiped away her tears and stood back, kneeling once more " Keep training Kanya , I expect to be able to give you a proper title once I return "

Standing within the throne room aboard the eternity , Nox gave the command for the jump to hyperspace , Zakuul disappearing in a streak of blue as he sat atop his throne and focussed on the force .

' Come to us '

' What are you 'Nox thought to himself as he went back to meditation .

Opening his pitch black eyes to the void of space after three days of straight meditation . The hyperdrive having shut itself down without warning .

" This is a very nice ship you have here " Came an old man's voice as nox looked at the man, A long white beard flowing down his face as he wore grey clothing , Green eyes looking at the sith .

" Why have you called me here " Nox drawled out as he looked at the obviously ancient entity . .

" To guide you , me and my children do not control the will of the force . It has selected you to be its keeper . To guide the chosen one ... Or take his place or even snuff out the life of all . You have tasted the absolute power of the dark side of the force and been bathed in the warmth of the light , But neither have corrupted you . The force has a will, And you are one of the only ones to have a direct affect apon it , either by sheer power or domination or its submission . Not even I... Keeper of the embodiments of light and dark have such influence apon it ... It seems you have it's ... favour above all else , It throws itself to your feet in submission for whatever you wish ... But I sense something further" The father said slowly as he wearily approached the powerful sith .

" What is it that you sense " Nox asked as the force grew heavy around him without him willing it , warning the grey haired man away from him as the old man obeyed .

" It is just as I thought . You are its keeper ... it's embodiment of will , Its harbinger and its herald , You have been selected by the whills themselves " The father stated as he stopped walking towards the sith as he wash pushed back by the force itself to stay away from the man .

" Do not talk about such grandeur to me WHELP , I HAD MY FAMILY TORN FROM ME AND DISPLACED THROUGH THE VERY FABRIC OF TIME AND SPACE JUST TO SOOTH ITS WORRIES " Nox yelled as the force screamed at the man as nox stood , Forcing the father to his knees before he was dragged forward to kneel infront of the now enraged sith . The pitch black eyes of the sith glaring down at the father as he snarled , The full brunt of his power coming to bare as the aging man failed to withstand such power , Perhaps in the past but not now ... not at this age .

" FATHER " A female voice yelled before two more figures came into being and threw themselves at Nox , Stopping the use of the force on the Father . Nox proceeded to clutch both the Son and the Daughter at once , forcing them to the ground as they groaned from the beat down they were recieveing through the waves of the force as the Father slowly stood but made no move to defend his children .

" So you're the ones ... The Father , The Son and the Daughter depicted apon the mural on yavin 4 ... Strange for your titles there should be one other " Nox stated as he let go of the siblings as the struggled to stand once more .

" There ... was " The father began before he was ripped from the ground and hurled to the ceiling where he remained as spider webs formed around him from the pressure asserted apon him .

" Do not lie to me ... " Nox stated dangerously as the father dropped from the roof as Nox lowered his hand .

" Her ... name is Abeloth , She holds unfathomable power. She is imprissoned within something known as the maw cluster of blackholes created by us and the killiks . She is a danger to all so we did what had to be done " The father stated with a heaving chest while coughing slightly as his son and daughter helped him stand .

' So that's what that is ' Nox thought to himself , Having personally seen the cluster of blackholes before deeming them unimportant during his search for artefacts for Darth Zash .

" Be wary Nox ... for she is a monster not to mention other aspects that threaten stability and the force . It will be up to you one day to decide to handle these problems " The father said as Nox looked out into the void of space once more , feeling throughout the galaxy with the force .

" I will deal with them in time ... You have warned me ... Now leave " Nox demanded before turning back to his throne and resting apon it once more as the three entities left back to their homeworld .

" Abeloth huh ... well see just how strong you are , And when the time comes ... I will devour you " Nox stated as the power to the eternity returned .

' we apologise for his arrogance ' A disembodied voice stated around nox who narrowed his black eyes .

' Who are you ' Nox thought as he looked around the room.

'we are the whills , The ones who control the force , well we were . We thought we were the ones in control . We birthed the chosen one in retaliation to ones actions against the force . But it seems even we are not without punishment , For the very thing we thought we had control of has given itself to you in retaliation for our actions , You ... the one who we could not control , We control the will of the force ... but it is it's own conciousness and you are it's instrument , It's ultimate practitioner, It's child and in the end ... It's master ' The whills said as Nox raised an eyebrow whilst continuing to sit .

' Good to know . Why come to me now ' Nox demanded as his black hair framed the side of his face .

'The time for your intervention is nearly apon us, Be weary for whilst you cannot be harmed ... Others can be , And many would seek to use that against you ' The whills stated before fading away .

' If they do I will annihilate them all ' Nox stated as the female voice in his cortex of memory giggled to herself before giving her own thoughts ' When you make me a new body ... it'll be fun laying waste to your enemies for you sweetheart '

' I married Lana... not you ' Nox stated neutrally as he knew the female was pouting ' I will make you mine one day .. I swear it '