


Nox drummed his fingers over the armrest of his throne at the news Acina delivered to him .

" I told you that prison would not hold him " Nox announced neutrally as Acina winced .

The dark council was also present in the Holo call as the members looked between each other .

" You should have taken more ... final measures " Nox criticised as a few of the newer dark council members grew emboldened at his words .

" It is up to us how we handle our prisoners " A pure blooded woman dubbed Darth Seren whom had been chosen to succeed the newly retired Darth Krovos .

Arcann stood next to Nox as he watched the meeting progress .

Acina winced as Nox turned his undivided attention to the woman , Taking not of a man leaning forward to put his two cents in .

" I do not see why we have to include you in such controversial matters " The successor to the deceased Vowrawn , A miralukan man leant forward , Followed by a rasping cough .

" I think you forget , You exist simply because I permit it " Nox clenched his finger tips as the two women began to gasp and choke , Tal'erial moving forward to help the two in the dark council chambers .

" Don't you forget it , Lest I come to Dromund Kaas myself " Nox unclasped his fingers as the woman took in precious air , Heaving as they gulped.

" Acina , Do you have leads to where he could have gone " Nox addressed the empires directly before she shook her head , Wisely choosing to ignore the male emperor's treatment for the moment .

" No , He broke out and simply left , There is no telling where he could have gone " Acina replied as Nox stared at her with a pointed gaze .

" I see , Then I'll find him myself " Nox stated as Acina nodded .

" Our forces are at your disposal " Acina added as Nox regarded her for a moment .

" You look ill Acina , Is there something wrong " Nox squinted as the sith empress shook her head .

" Nothing of the sorts , Please , if there is anything we can help you with in the pursuit of malgus , Make it known and we will do our best to accommodate you " Acina finished as Nox nodded his head once before cutting the Holo call .

" So it's working " Arcann pointed out in the now silent throne room .

" Indeed , Interesting that Acina of all people has contracted it along with one of the council members ... very interesting " Nox squinted as he rose from the eternal throne .

" What of the search for this malgus " Arcann asked as Nox shook his head .

" There is no need , Afterall we already know where he is " Nox chuckled as he descended the stairs to the throne .

The present - 25 BBY

" Let the force flow through you , guide your actions " That's exactly what Sifo said before they started their sabre training , He wasn't sure at that moment whether he was glad this was simply training or sorry for his future opponents .

His apprentice twirled two seperate weapons in fluid motions so fast they appeared as simple blurs of motions .

Sifo held his blue lightsaber in a defensive grip , Barley blocking a horizontal strike to his chest , An orange blade bouncing off his own with the force of the strike forcing Sifo to slide across the ground , Leaving tracks under foot as Sifo blocked a strike from a second lightsaber , Both blue lightsabers striking each other , His own lightsaber was light blue in colour as the momentary connection flashed white in his vision , His apprentices blade however was a few shades darker than his own .

He was in awe of his apprentices ability , The young man swinging his orange single bladed weapon upwards with his right hand .

Sifo ducked back away from the blade as Vas'lucis doubled bladed blue Saber jabbed towards his stomach .

Sifo managed to sidestep the stab before leaping away as the stab became a swipe at his chest .

' I see he's leaning from the holocrons quite well ' Sifo parried a strike to his left arm .

He leapt back once more , He was fully aware that he wasn't the most accomplished duelist of the order , Nor did he have the greatest connection to the force , But he would do all he could to prepare his apprentice for the larger galaxy .

Thus when his apprentice closed his eyes , Shut off the double bladed lightsaber and clasped both hands around his single bladed weapon , Sifo became alert .

His apprentice held his Saber close to his head , Pointed upwards as he let loose a deep breath , The ground beginning to quake below as Sifo tried to regain his footing .

Vas'lucis eye shot open as the force erupted from his body , Boulders were torn from the ground as fissures formed in the ground .

' For the love of ' Sifo dodged a boulder hurling into his position as the ground became deformed , His apprentice leaping from the uneven ground as pieces began to rise , The ground below beginning to defy gravity as Vas'lucis leapt , Using one of the floating boulders as a spring board , Propelled himself at Sifo .

Sifo used one of the floating boulders , Flinging it at Vas , In turn , The boy sheered through the boulder with ease , Not impeded in the slightest .

' Not good ' Sifo mused bitterly as Vas landed with the force of a meteor , Blade flashing out in an arc .

Sifo let out a force push as he leapt back , Trying to seperate the two , He watched as the push simple washed over his apprentice , Doing nothing but unsettling his hair as the boy hurled his weapon through the air at Sifo like a buzz saw .

The master landed , Swing his own weapon upwards as he sent the orange bladed weapon into the sky .

Breathing heavily , Sifo watched his apprentice make no moves to pull the flying lightsaber back , Instead grabbing the hilt of the double bladed weapon , Holding it out Infront of him horizontally as the blue blades sprung to life .

The fissures ground around them continued to rise , Clear trenches formed in the ground , The concentrated glare on his apprentices face was further heightened as the boys eyes flashed a deep Iridescent blue .

The two stared at each other for a few moments before Vas hurled forward , Spinning his lightsaber as he moved at speeds he hadn't shown .

The Jedi master had no time to defend as his lightsaber was knocked from his grip , Sent flying away to the side as the end of Vas'lucis Saber was pointed at his chin .

Sifo sighed as the blue blade slowly retracted back into the hilt , His opponent clipping the double bladed hilt along with the single bladed hilt to his belt .

He looked up at his apprentices smiling face as the boy held out a hand , Sifo slowly took the boys hand as he was brought to his feet .

" You did remarkably well my apprentice , I am very proud of you " Sifo complimented as he called his own saber to his grip .

" Thank you master , I hope I've made you proud " Vas'lucis bowed , Rising before closing his eyes , His connection to the environment releasing as the boulders began to drop back to the ground .

The two departed as the rocks fell around them , Making their way back up the mountainside that contained their home .

Vas looked up at the winding pathway of stairs that lead to the entrance to their home . In the years that had past their home had changed a great deal , The entrance to their cave was sealed by a blast resistant door while the interior had been expanded . The door opened up into a chamber that served as the central lounge also doubling as a bunker for the village below . Attached to the central lounge was a new hollowed out hanger which has been hollowed out with the force , The ship Vas used to get on world having been salvaged and moved to the hanger , Slowly being restored for personal use .

Back in the central lounge , A set of double doors opened up into a series of corridors which housed both Sifo and Vas's rooms alongside their meditation chamber . A set of stairs at the end of the corridor leading both up to a second level and third level and down into a storage room .

The second level housed a series of radars and sensors , A console which connected to a series of newly created satellites to monitor the limited traffic the planet experienced .

A display mapped out the surrounding environment for the next hundred kilometres , A series of blips showing villagers , Ships , anything living beneath the ocean and anything metallic large enough to show up .

The second floor also housed the new generator that fed them and the village below power . A workshop with various tools sprawled out was used by both the Jedi duo and the villagers with their permission .

The third floor opened up into the outside world with a series of blast door , The largest of which held the foundation for an anti air cannon , Half completed while the second largest door allowed for the quickly growing summa vernimoth passage into their home , The room for them larger than the central lounge as the creatures liked to rest in the dark when Vas'lucis wasn't nearby .

Down below in the village , The waterways housed the villages tames that prowled the waterways in defence. The village was progressing with technological advancements thanks to Vas and Sifo , Now making use of cold storage and lights along with a forge for their armours and weapons . A clinic had been opened up with a few basic medicines put to use by the villagers after hunting parties .

Vas entered their home and slowly lowered himself onto one of the many couches , Stretching and popping his joints as Sifo went to his room , The door closing behind him as the Jedi master moved to the washing basin in his room .

A heaving cough rising from his chest as he bent over the basin and threw up . The Jedi master heaved as the water from the basin washed down the mucus and blood coming from him . Finishing his coughing episode , Sifo rose from his bent over position and looked himself over in the mirror , A small trickle of blood ran down his chin before he ran his hand over it before looking down at the life blood now on his hand .

Reaching for a small capsule next to the basin , The master knocked back a handful of pills before swallowing them .

The master resealed the basin and made his way from his room before looking towards the central lounge where his apprentice sat , A sad look coming over his features .

Walking forward , Sifo placed his hand on the teens shoulder " How about we go down to the village for dinner "

" That's a great idea " Vas rose from the lounge and quickly made his way to his own room , Pulling out an overcoat before coming back into the central lounge where his master waited .

Soon enough the duo departed , Walking down the side of the snow capped mountain while one of the summa , The largest of the trio descended from higher up , Now the size of a full person while the tentacles were triple the size of its body .

One of its feelers reached out and gently prodded Vas , The teen smiling as he let the summa .

" Don't worry we'll be back soon " The innumerable eyes of the creature focussed on Vas before looking down at the village " You can come "

And so the duo of Jedi was joined by the overly protective alpha summa that lurked behind them like an intimidating shadow .


" What the hell is with this guy " The trandosian yelled out as he fired at the approaching hulking male .

Fior crawled back as the group of six fired down the hallway .

The man continued to hold his blaster as the rifle fired , Punching through the trandosians head as it exploded in an eruption of gore .

Fior began to panic more and more as the man approached , The Yellow skinned zabrak yelled out as he pulled out his brass knuckles and ran at the approaching bounty hunter .

With his fist reared back , Saul slammed his muscled fist into the human males face .

Fior watched as the humans arm snapped up , Obliterating the upper body of saul in one sweep , Spraying the roof in the man's blood .

A growl escaped the man's throat as he approached , The remaining four escapees began to go into hysterics .

With one last act of desperation , Fior took aim at the lines on the upper corners of the walls , Firing on the lines with wild eyes .

Fuel sprayed from the lines as it coated the large man showed no reaction even as it burned at his flesh .

" Good idea girly " Von the rattatack smirked as he took aim , Firing an incendiary round at the bounty hunter " GET BACK "

The four ducked around the corner as the round hit the man an explosion of fire ruptured violently from the fuel , Blistering heat tearing through the hallway as the four covered themselves from the heat .

The hallway shook as the man wailed , Churning through the flames as he flailed around , Slamming into the walls , Leaving dents in the surface as his howls became deeper and more twisted the longer he burnt .

Before long the man collapsed onto the ground , On his hands and knees before eventually laying flat , The smoke slowly clearing as they coughed , Turning around the corner to gaze at the man dying in the flames .

Fior sighed as von clapped her on the shoulders as he laughed " Now we just have to get off this rock "

" Come on let's go " sentris the female devaronian turned away and began to walk away .

Tenzo the duros stared at the still burning body with nervousness , Moments passing before he turned to the two remaining and motioning for them to leave .

" Query , How do you wish to die " The voice froze the trio as they turned back to the flames , Unnatural shifting and groaning noises tearing from the flames as the skin of the man seemed to melt from the man's body .

The head of the man snapped up , Pupil'less red glowing eyes stared un-blinkingly as the flesh dropped from its face .

The man rose from the ground as the synthetic flesh dropped to the ground in paste .

" That's not right ... it's a droid " The hulking golden form of HK-51 slowly mended itself .

" You've endangered my mission , now I must render the organics and this ship ... past tense " HK's Claws extended as it's claws glistened , Leaning forward as it prepared to turn the people on board to paste .

Fior had no time react as HK sped forward and swiped it's mangled metallic hands across her chest .

" Run " Fior spat as blood sprayed from her mouth , Her upper and lower halves splitting and collapsing to the ground in seperate places .

Von turned and fled down the hallway as HK grabbed tenzo by the face , Closing its hand as the duros head exploded everywhere into the wall behind it .

HK slowly turned his head upwards as he scanned the organics aboard the ship .

" None of you are getting away " HK announced before taking off down the hallway at blistering speeds after the unaware rattataki .

Sirens blared aboard the prisoner transport , The hallways tinted red from the alarms while the blast doors remained sealed .

" Come on man you can't just leave us here , We can help " A smuggler banged on the forcefield of his cell .

" We cannot risk any detainees escaping , For your own and our safety you must remain in your cells , Comply or be rendered Unconcious" One of the guards replied as the guards of the wing knelt , Taking aim down the hallways .

" What good are" The smugglers words were cut at the sound of a heavy bang followed by sounds of blaster fire , Screams followed by panicked banging on the blast doors , One by one the screams beyond the blast doors were snuffed out by an unknown force .

The guards of this section began to shake , The fear and adrenaline running through them as they all aimed at the blast door as the banging continued , Pleas for help remaining unanswered as a final slam halted the last screech , A dent forming against on the door as a thud was heard .

Everyone waited with bated breath , The prisoners , The guards , everyone , Those without weapons hid tried getting into hiding spots in their cells , Laying flat against the wall next to the door to be unseen . While others simply sat , Shaking in silence as if the alarm wringing alarm would hide them .

" Think it's gone " One of the guards asked after a few more moments of silence .

As if the universe was mocking them , The blast doors rocked from something heavy hitting them , A solid dent forming exactly in the middle of the two doors followed by another slam , Making the dent deeper and deeper with every hit.

With every hit , Everyone present shook , Flinching at the noise as if with each hit the doors would fling off the hinges and slam into them .

" Get ready " The bravest of them muttered as he took aim , The meeting point of the two halves of the door now almost entirely caved in , A small hole in the very middle forming as the last strike slammed into the same spot .

The rest of the guard squinted as they aimed , Trying to look through the hole in the door from where they stood .

The captain motioned for one of the men to move forward , The man doing so reluctantly as he skittishly approached .

Slowly he knelt to the hole to peer through , To get a better look at what was on the other side .

" See anything " The captain asked as the grunt slowly shook his head , Turning away slowly with a confused look on his face.

" I dont see a thing " He replied , And without any further warning , A metallic arm shot through the hole in the door , puncturing the back on his neck all the way through before the arm pulled back through , Metal fingers of two hands beginning to pry the two sealed doors open .

The guards watched with horror as the doors groaned , The hydraulics sputtering as the doors warped and twisted.

" Dear god " The captain remarked as the doors gave one last buckle before the locks failed and slid open without resistance .

The droid standing between the now open door bathed in blood , Behind it in the previous section being the littered corpses of guards , The opened cells of prisoners and the blood splattered walls of those cells .

" FIRE " the captain ordered , His loyal men followed his orders without delay as they emptied their clips .

The droid didn't care in the slightest , The soldiers looking on with growing trepidation as a personal blue coloured shield flared with each blaster bolt striking its surface .

The droids marched forward as the men backed up , It's lace was quicker however as it reached the first guard , Punching through the bothans chest as it flung the sputtering body at the second guard .

" There is no escape " The droid announced as it tore the head off a third , Blaster bolts continuing to bounce of its shielding .

A long glowing blade appeared , Mounted to its wrist as it turned and blitzed a fourth , Severing the man down the middle as the halves fell away.

Pods on its back opened up as it appeared at a four way junction , Rockets ejecting from its back and Pulverizing the guards down the corridor to its right.

It pulled one of the guards blasters to its hand as it fired with pinpoint accuracy down the leftward corridor , Each strike fining purchase in the defending guards-mens unprotected areas .

With both directions cleared , The droid looked at the final guards of the ship , The captain and three others who stood together , The captain glaring as his men shook .

" Why have you done this " The captain spat as HK slowly walked forward .

His already blood coated hulking form further twisted by the red lights of the sirens and glowing lenses in it's skull .

" It was meant to be a simple retrieval mission , And then the one I was supposed to collect accessed something they weren't supposed to on my ship , Now this is a cleansing operation , No offence " With his words stated , HK descended on the final guards without mercy , Even as they plead he tore them to shreds , His claws pulling muscle and bone apart as organs flew through the air .

And afterwards , Silence prevailed , The prisoners in their cells to afraid to make a move , Quaking in their positions as HK stood and walked to the nearest occupied cell , The forcefield lowering as he accessed the mainframe of the ship .

" Please ... no-one has to know about this " A girl , Barely into her late teens cried unabated tears as the monstrosity that was HK-51 stared down at her . Its glowing red eyes pinning her to the spot , All fight in her having fled after witnessing the brutality the guards had been subject to .

The others in their cells waited in silence , Hope swimming in their hearts as they plead to whomever they worshiped that this thing would leave them be .

" Nobody ever will " HK's words tore all hope from them as he descended onto the girl , Her screams and cries , Her sobs wrung throughout the other occupants ears , The cracking of her bones , The tearing of ligaments and limbs , Her cries turned to gargling as HK tore the girls jaw from her body , Now limbless as her stomach was opened , Her digestive track hung from the overhead light while her torso was mutilated beyond all recognition as where her breasts used to be were now gouged out cavities , She was however alive slowly dying as HK stood from her and looked down at her .

" Statement - I believe my master has been looking for some Lab rats , Your current state fits the requirements for one of my master's latest tests , Oh the joy , You should consider yourself blessed , Along with anyone else I take , For my master will give you purpose " HK declared as the middle finger of its right hand produced a needle , Liquid dripping from the tip as HK-51 raised its hand .

' Please ... let me die ' The girl plead as tears ran down her mutilated and scarred head , Staring up at the raising arm of HK before he slammed the needle point into her chest , Injecting her with the concoction as her bleeding slowed to a halt , Her heartbeat slowing as she went still entirely , Going into a state of suspended animation .

HK grabbed what remained of the woman's frozen body , The torso and head dangling as he moved to the next cell .

The man in the next cell looked as if he had pissed his pants as he looked at the droid , Flat against the back wall of his cell .

" STAY BACK ... STAY BACK " He cried as he held his arms out Infront of himself , The forcefield to his cells disengaging as HK lowered the first lab rat to the ground , Positioning her on her back before standing .

" If you end up meeting the same criteria , You too shall be blessed " HK stated as his wrist mounted blade sprung as he leapt , Slicing extended arms of the man's body clean from the rest of him , His yells and screams making everyone else slowly start to cry , And within the first thirty seconds ... the man went silent .

" Sadness - Still only one subject so far ... next " HK left the now deceased prisoners cell and went on to the third .

" We're done for " The smuggler from early slid down onto his arse and slowly cried , Bile rising in his throat as HK went from the third to the fourth as so on within minutes . Nobody could resist , Nobody had the will , They were pigs in the slaughterhouse and by the time HK was finished , The halls bled as he carried four ... four subjects , Mutilated and scarred for the rest of their days , Tucked under his arms as he stalked the hallways back to the docking bay .

His hounds met him at the door to his ship , The enhanced dogs sniffing at the husks he brought but not attempting to bite .

The droid moved to the storage room of his corvette , The doors opening as a medical probe flew towards him .

" Ahh I see you've brought more , His majesty will be pleased " The probe announced as HK stacked the four frozen subjects and placed them in the corner .

Looking around , HK nodded at the thirty others in the storage room being monitored by probe droids keeping them alive ... barely .

" We are delivering them to his majesty now " HK announced as he left the probes to do their jobs , Making his way to the bridge before sitting down in his pilots chair .

" Disengagement in progress " HK announced to the droids onboard , The corvette undocking with the now crew-less prisoner transport .

HK guided the corvette away from the transport with haste , Pulling out a trigger as the hyperdrive charged .

" Engaging hyperdrive " HK clicked the trigger as blue streaked across the viewport of the bridge .

The prisoner transport exploded in a giant nuclear explosion that obliterated the remains of the vessel in their entirety , Nothing but dust would remain , Leaving no evidence , No traces nor any survivors , Meanwhile HK was enroute to Iokath with his lords delivery .


" So this is it then " Kanya announced sadly , Coming to stand beside Padme , The two looking out towards the city of theed .

" And so it is , It was nice while it lasted " Padme smiled slightly , Not entirely sad but also seemingly unsure at the same time " It wasn't going to last forever was it "

" I suppose you're right ... what do you plan on doing now " Kanya asked the now former queen , Her face contorted , Stress evident in the twenty eight year old woman's face .

Kanya now stood at a height of five foot eight , her brown hair tied behind her back in a pony tail , she wore a dark grey set of resilient wardens armour without the mask while her two lightsabers were clipped to her hips .

" My term has been served , I've done all I possibly could for my people ... perhaps its time for me to set my eyes elsewhere ... a more ... peaceful life ... " Padme replied to one of her oldest friends , Turning to face the older Kanya , Studying the woman's more pronounced tear troughs .

Kanya huffed , Placing her hands on her hips whilst raising an eyebrow .

" The great Queen Amidala becoming the great Padme housewife ... nice try but I don't think so . I like to think I know you pretty well , It's not in your nature to go back now is it " Kanya responded to the ex monarch of naboo , The twenty one year old nabooian biting her lip as she turned her attention back to the large window overlooking theed .

" I suppose you're right , But what am I to do Kanya " Padme asked her old friend , Kanya coming closer as she pet the ex queen on the back .

" Well ... from what I can guess . I don't think naboo is simply going to let you disappear , I think you have a very bright future ahead of you Padme ... I think you should accept the proposal" Kanya soothed the unsure Padme , The nabooian turning to her with a confused face.

" Proposal ... what do you mean " Padme asked while Kanya smirked slightly , Causing Padme to give her a half hearted squint " Let me guess ... Jedi stuff "

" Jedi stuff " Kanya nodded , Her eyes diverting to something behind Padme " I think the queen wishes to see you Padme "

Padme turned away to the approaching captain typho .

" Her majesty wishes to see you " Typho announced to Padme , The girl smiling slightly as she turned to the smug Kanya .

" I'll be in my room , Meet me there after ... celebrations are in order " Kanya waved Padme off as the younger girl rolled her eyes , Mumbling to herself before following after the captain .

Kanya watched them leave , The smile on her face falling into a neutral expression as she turned away and began to make her way to her quarters .

Crossing her arms behind her back , Kanya made her way down the hallways in a dignified manner , A flat expression on her face forcing staff to quickly divert their paths from her way .

Her face morphing into a glare as she thought of the last few years


The two hunted , Both the Jedi master and the experienced force user prowled the city , Hunting the traitorous Jedi on the planet .

" You're as experienced as you say you were " Dooku observed the woman in her twenties as she piloted the ship they were on .

" I am many things master Dooku , I do not jest about my capabilities " Kanya looked over her shoulder , Pushing shrub out of the way as her off hand held her lightsaber .

" I see , then I would appreciate your honesty , how far would you be willing to go to stop vergere " Dooku asked , Staring at Kanya's back as she knelt down to place her hand over a series of footprints .

" Where I come from , We don't follow some code that prevents us from fulfilling our duties ... we don't we don't adhere to or follow the light or the dark sides of the force ... to us it is simply the force as a whole . We are encouraged to explore the force for ourselves and find our own path . If somebody excels in something they are encouraged to further that something , No matter what it is , Nothing is deemed weak , Nothing is deemed unimportant ... everything is equal ... nothing is off limits " Kanya told dooku who looked interested in what she was saying .

To his understanding there was almost no Information on the order she came from ... to learn such things from the woman was vitally important to the man .

Kanya rose from her kneeling position and motioned for dooku to follow her through a series of trees .

" You say nothing is off limits ... has anyone ever gone down a path of say ... anger " Dooku asked as Kanya turned to him with a raised eyebrow .

" Ahh you're referring to the sith ... I do not believe so , From what I understand ... the Sith horde knowledge to themselves ... we on the other hand share what we learn between each other , And our philosophy and personal views and loyalty somewhat prevents us from truly channelling our anger into our power , But that is not a bad thing either " Kanya raise she hand and wove it to the side , Forcing a large boulder meant to obstruct them to roll to the side .

" Do you follow the same philosophy as the other then " Dooku asked causing Kanya to chuckle .

" You're referring to my so called ... perpetual annoyance " Dooku shrugged at her observation .

" If that's what you would call it " Dooku replied as Kanya sighed .

" In all honesty ... you Jedi annoy me , you preach about compassion yet you don't understand the basic principles of the word . You say you follow the will of the force yet you follow the republic and the senate blindly , So much so that you more often than not outright go against the will of the force as you call it " Kanya criticized as Dooku began to scowl .

He twitched slightly , He Afterall could not fault her view , Thinking back to the times the Jedi council naively ignored blatant warnings from the force .

" I see " Dooku sagged , Kanya herself shaking her head as they walked .

" No ... you don't , You see ... I know why the masters allow me to see my brother . You think you're subtle in your questions and spies watching me . But I know , If your council decides that either I or my order are a threat to your so called will of the force and safety that you preach , would your council just ... let me go or would I just ... disappear " Kanya asked whilst Dooku remained silent .

" I don't know " Dooku replied honestly , Cringing when Kanya turned to face him .

" I do ... I have a duty to my people and my order , And I will not risk their safety to satisfy the hubris of your order " Kanya stared at Dooku with squinting eyes , Her face set in stone as she pinned him with a glare .

" I ... I understand , I cannot say with a hundred percent certainty that they would not try something . But I can say , If they were to act ... it would be a mistake " Dooku told the woman , Hearing her mutter under her breath " Pardon "

" I said I see that not all Jedi are blind to themselves or their order ... I see why Qui-gon spoke so highly of you huh ... " Kanya paused , Seemingly unsure of what to say .

" You know Dooku ... I don't know you , But I understand people , I can follow how they think easily . Qui-gon was a maverick in your order , That much was easily evident ... he didn't care about the opinions of the council , He didn't care about how people saw him ... he didn't want to make anybody proud or have anybody's respect ... but I know ... if the galaxy was against him if there was nothing else left for him ... as long as he had your support ... he was happy . He loved you Dooku , Like a child loves a parent ... unconditionally... it's ironic really , The Jedi's need to remove attachments forces them to be forged ... It's something I know all too well , The love a child has for the one they want to prove themselves the most ... You were that someone to him " Kanya didn't turn to face Dooku , he was a respectable man , The count of his Homeworld ... a proud man , She would not look apon him , For she knew tears flowed from his eyes , And he was Greatful she would not turn to face him .

They were there , She was nearby , Both Dooku and Kanya held their weapons at the ready , Kanya a prowling beast while dooku the vengeful spirit who followed closely behind .

Kanya stopped as her head stepped to the side of the forest around them , Lightsaber springing to life , The yellow blade easily contrast to the forest around them .

" What is it " Dooku asked , His curved lightsaber hilt at the ready .

" She's not alone ... and they're aware we're here " Kanya replied as she pointed her lightsaber forward .

" Friendlies " Dooku asked , Kanya shaking her head in response .

" Definitely not ... it's a trap " Kanya began to walk forward , Slicing vines out of her path and bushes in half .

" Then we have a trap to spring " Dooku followed the woman with a confident stride , Their conversation from earlier weighing on him heavily as his thoughts plagued him .

" I like the way you think old man " Kanya smirked , The duo spying movement on the other side of the line of trees before them .

" Yes ... I have to agree , I like my way of thinking too " Dooku quipped as Kanya huffed .

" Now I know where he got his sense of humour from " Kanya mumbled loud enough for dooku to hear , The seventy year old man smiling slightly at her words .

Kanya sighed , Making her way into her room , Her things were packed away onto her fury interceptor .

The room was almost entirely empty of her personal items , the only thing remaining being one last case of clothing .

on the balcony of her room sat two glasses and a bottle of wine , Something she had prepared beforehand for the soon to be senator of naboo .

Walking to the balcony , The woman pulled out one of the two chairs before sitting down and staring out to the city , Her thoughts soon turning to her father and brother .

Worry plagued her for Anakin , Her visits were becoming more and more infrequent thanks to the Jedi council , Thankfully Dooku hadn't told them what he had learnt , And had soon after left the Jedi order . Vergere had escaped , Fleeing with a group of aliens and disappearing without a trace . They had been entirely untraceable after they disappeared into unknown space .

To her great annoyance she had been unable to track the bird woman , Nor could she find details about the creatures that accompanied her when she carried out her personal investigation , She would have to consult her father to see if he knew anything .

" But that's all for later " Kanya sighed , Rubbing her brow to ease the headache coming to her , Rather focus on the events currently occuring , Namely the rather happy sensation open to her from the ex queen of naboo .

Standing from her chair , Kanya turned to face the doorway , A rather smug Padme standing there with a small smile to her face .

" You knew didn't you " Padme asked as kanya nodded , Beckoning Padme closer , The now senator walking forward while Kanya began to pour the wine into the two glass cups .

" Congratulations senator Amidala , A toast " Kanya handed Padme a glass who accepted the offered beverage .

" A toast , My dearest friend always there for me" Padme raised her glass before they both knocked back the drink .

" Whenever I can be " Kanya replied as Padme slowly nodded , Looked around the room sadly .

" You're going aren't you " Padme asked , Kanya slowly lowered her glass , A regretful expression coming to her face .

" I ... I am ... not for long though , Father has called me back to Zakuul , But I suspect I shall be running into you sooner than expected " Kanya answered , But reassured the senator who puckered her lips " Afterall who knows what you would get up to without my presence "

" Hey it's not that bad " Padme replied , Placing her hands on her hips and glaring at Kanya .

" Keep telling yourself that , It'll do you alot of good in the senate " Kanya chuckled to herself before Padme gently slapped her arm .

" Hush "


Nox stood across from Vaylin , His helmets screen displaying the current diagnostics of his armour .

He could see the woman across from him clearly despite the distance , Her face scrunched up in determination .

Pulling out his lightsaber , Nox activated the blade . A black blade with the purple outline sprung from the emitter , Red arcs of lightning occasionally tearing from the purple shroud to strike at the air around the blade .

The exposed crystals within his lightsaber Shon against his armour in red and purple colouring , Audible through the ear and the force was a terrifying scream of thousands of voices , Coming from the lightsaber as burning orange and purple glyphs burned along the hilt but we're harmless to Nox himself .

He smirked under his helmet , Seeing Vaylin control her breathing , The woman occasionally looking upwards incase Nox launched an aerial lightning attack at her .

A red flare shot into the sky from a drone kilometres to their left , The signal to start , And they both did just that .

The two of them simply vanished from their places , After-images faded , Nox making three quarters of the distance between them before he and Vaylin collided in the middle .

Their collision cratered the ground around them as a resounding thunderclap rose from them , Their lightsabers flashed quicker than most trained force users could perceive , His black and purple blade knocking vaylin's yellow to left .

A red arc of lightning sprung from the blade of his weapon , Singing vaylin's arm as she grit her teeth, The woman leaning back as she dropped the block , Nox's lightsaber passing by her jaw .

With best opponents blade passing by , Vaylin brought her arm around with an upwards strike .

Nox didn't bother defending , Using his free hand to slap the lightsaber blade to the side using tutaminus . He turned around , Stepping back well into her guard , His back to her stomach . And even with them both augmented by force speed , Far outstripped her in the speed and strength departments as he slammed his elbow back into her cheek .

Vaylin , Having anchored herself to the ground none the less slid back a few metres , Her skull rocking from the strike to her head .

She raised her left hand beside her head , Letting out a bolt of yellow tinted lightning at Nox .

Nox , Having turned back to face Vaylin , Sprinted at his lover , Ducking under and to the side of the single bolt of yellow lightning .

He appeared before her less than a second later , Low to the ground with his hands planted on the ground as he kicked upwards .

Vaylin in response , interlocked her hands together and brought them downwards towards his feet , Stopping the momentum of his right foot even as it stung her hands .

Nox twisted , His right leg coming back down , Fingers dug into the ground as his left leg shot out in a blur , roundhouse kicking his lover in the cranium .

Vaylin's head shot to the left as Nox sprung up into the air , Lightsaber coming to his hand as he twisted in the air like a corkscrew , Lightsaber coming down to strike vaylin's right shoulder .

It was a testament to Vaylin's growth as her yellow blade sprung up to block the arm severing strike , The lightsaber pointing diagonally upwards to the left as she parried the strike to the right .

Nox completed another two cycles of rolls , Double tagging vaylin's blade , Nearly taking it from her grip in the process before he landed in a crouch .

Despite the bleeding on the right of her temple , Her busted lip and numb jaw , Vaylin was having the time of her life , Eyes wide and open with glee , Bringing her lightsaber arcing around in a horizontal leftward strike to Nox's neck .

' Give it to me ' Vaylin purred mentally as Nox swiped his lightsaber upwards , Intercepting the strike with his own , Forcing her arm to bounce up and away , Leaving her open while Nox brought his extended arm back down .

She bounced back slightly , Narrowly avoiding the attack that would have split her in half across the chest , The only damage done being a shallow simmering gash across her stomach .

The gash quickly mended back together , Leaving nothing but a torn cloak as she used the force to heal herself , Folding space around herself as the teleported herself away from Nox to make a game plan , Blasting her presence around the area to make pinpointing her more difficult , Her body shimmering as she slowly became invisible .

' Using a lightsaber against him in combat is redundant thanks to his armour ... so it's best used for diversion . No I need something else ... '

Nox moved carefully ,Lightsaber clipped to his belt .

" She's around here somewhere " Nox chuckled , Amused by her current strategy .

The battlefield they were on was a rocky biome with a few scattered trees , Mountain peaks of frozen mountains rose into the sky , Chasms and fissures dug deep into the surface of the planet as wellsprings of energy rose into the air from deep down .

Nox's brow twitched as he activated his senses , The shroud made of Vaylin's malevolent energies surrounded the area heavily .

" Do you really think you can hide from me " The augmented voice of his came out of his mask , Flowing over their surroundings as Nox hunted " I know where you are , Your feelings are clear , I can taste your fear "

Nox paused momentarily as a rock fell from a cliff up above before continuing to walk onwards .

The snarl of a vinecat turned his attention to the animal before it sprinted away into the underbrush of the tundra .

Nox stopped walking , Movement from the heavy fog within the force stopped his movement ,Vaylin stepping out from behind a boulder , Her lightsaber out Infront of herself .

Nox squinted as he began his approach , Eyes snapping out to everything around him , And he eventually caught what he was looking for , A faint shimmer of purple in the air around Vaylin .

' Sneaky ' Nox mused ' Let's see what you can do with this '

She breathed , Lightsaber in hand as she stared at her lover .

' Closer ' Vaylin thought , Staying as still as she could while her trap layed in wait .

She stilled the shaking in her arms as Nox continued to come closer . The sweat building on the back of her neck didn't help as Nox continued to silently approach .

' Please work ' Vaylin prayed as Nox stood on the cusp of the field she had cast .

As if he he sensed the field , Nox burst forward in a burst of force speed entered the trap she layed , Her eyes widening momentarily before he froze still halfway , seized by the field . His perceptions warped and body forced to stop . His left hand outstretched towards her while the right was curled .

And that's when it hit her , With the force of colliding celestial bodies , The air was knocked out of her lungs as she was almost overcome by the overwhelming feeling of his being.

This was the consequence of using such a technique , The more skilled and knowledgeable an opponent was the harder the technique was to sustain , The backlash would continuously rise unless you were sufficiently powerful enough to overcome your opponent in the force .

' I only have a few seconds , SO I HAVE TO DO IT NOW ' Vaylin blurred , Sprinting by the frozen Nox towards the nearest ravine as if her life depended on it .

Half a second later she appeared over the bottomless chasm , Her right arm pointed downwards , Lightning sparked over her tattooed arm , She managed release a single bolt of lightning before the unfrozen form of Nox collided with her stomach in a shoulder barge that sent her flying onto the other side of the ravine .

She tumbled and rolled across the cold stone , Cuts digging into her skin as she rolled , Eventually sliding into a boulder with a solid thud .

Nox landed in a crouch Infront of her , Slowly leaning down to her as he planted his right knee into the ground .

" Concede defeat " Nox urged to Vaylin as she breathed in and out , Her cracked shoulder and ribs slowly healing back together .

Slowly she began to chuckle , Starting low before it rose several octaves . Taking glee in the pain she suffered as her bones fused back together .

" This isn't done yet " Vaylin panted out , Planting her palms onto the ground and raising herself up .

" Oh " Nox raised an eyebrow in curiosity , slowly rising back up to full height , Watching her slowly come to her feet .

" This ... is only the beginning " Vaylin stood tall , Her stance full of courage .

Soon after her words registered to Nox , The ground below began to quake , Forcing the two of them to stumble slightly .

" One of the most important things you've ever taught me ... never fight your opponent on even footing " Vaylin smiled at her lover , Proud of herself before she once more folded space around herself and vanished .

" I see " Nox looked down , Not a second later everything went white , His eardrums exploding as white hot heat washed over him .

Half a continent away , Vaylin appeared , Collapsing onto her arse as she looked back at where she had come from.

The mountain that they had faught on was now a mass of rising smoke , Ash and fire .

The mountain after had not been a mountain , But a dormant supervolcano ready to erupt at a moment's notice , All it needed was a push ... and that push came in the form of seismic disruptors .

She watched as the volcano ejected mass amounts of stone into the atmosphere and right out of the planets orbit .

A shockwave washed over her , Tossing her into the air while trees were torn apart and tossed into the sky .

The whole continent itself began to shake itself apart , Plumes of lava erupting from fissures as far as the eye could see , Rising kilometres into the sky before rain of molten magma fell , Creating rivers of lava that churned with ferocity.

Another explosion from the epicentre tore her eardrums apart as the land for hundred if not thousands of metres from the centre was tossed into the sky in an explosion that pulverised everything in its path , Washing over the land as the continents shaking collapsed mountains and tore the ground apart .

Vaylin watched all of this with an open mouth , Folding space around herself once more to create as much distance as she could , The expanding eruption soon overtaking her previous position.


Ash rose over the lands from the northern continent , Rocks fell from the sky the size of starships , Black trails of smoke leaving a trail as they slammed into the ground below .

Standing at the top of the citadel , Vaylin watching with a guarded pose .

The ash slowly turned the sky black , Reaching far over the citadel and down into the southern hemisphere.

The mountains in the far north were illuminated by orange light , Molten lave pouring over their surface in an ocean of fire .

Her attention was taken from the art that was her handiwork , Forced to her knees as as the force erupted into a black miasma of twisted madness inducing haze , A feeling of hopelessness arose within her as the natural light of the world seemed to dim .

The sun became eclipsed as the world was tinted red .

And from the north , Vaylin spotted a lone trail of smoke rose into the air from the far off mountains , Ascending into the air in the direction she was in .

' Here he comes' Vaylin prepared herself , Drawing apon the world shattering connection to the force she had , her full power coming to bare as her iris disappeared along with the whites of her eyes , Bathed in emerald light that shon into the dark world around her , Whisps of green energy rose from her and into the air , The tower she stood shaking under the power she brought .

But with all the power she brought forward , It was nothing compared to what was unfolding before her , High in the sky .

She released a force push at the descending object , The force push visible as a white cloud that closed the distance instantaneously.

She watched , Her eyes widening as the force push split down the middle where the object tore through it .

The push continuing onwards to part the clouds in a torrential blast of wind that shattered the windows of the citadel .

She leapt a second later , High over the tower as the object connected with the surface of the steel building , A wail of screeching metal washed over the land as the tower was sliced in half , The top slowly beginning its fall as the object passed through it straight into Vaylin , Pushing her down into the ground , Her body making a crater where she landed while the object found purchase a fifty metres from where she hit the ground .

The all encompassing feelings of insanity pushed down apon the citadel as the object began to rise .

Vaylin herself rose from the crater no worse for ware as a bestial snarl nothing like a human's sounded in her ears .

" last chance , Concede defeat ... " Nox asked , Now entirely nude as he stood , Steam rose from his skin , Slowly healing as burns receded into fresh unmarked skin .

" Not this time , We're going all out my love " Vaylin coo'ed in turn as Nox's face became flat.

" Very well then , Then let us go all out ... love " Nox slowly stated as he looked down , Closing his eyes .

Vaylin wandered what was going on before she licked up on small droplets of blood leaking from Nox's closed eyelids .

His entire body proceeded to crack all over , Dark swirling ectoplasm like energy rising from the cracks in his skin before he simply exploded .

Blood and Gore raining down apon Vaylin who stood there shaken from the sudden occurrence .

The courtyard spanning black ectoplasm like ooze , Defying gravity expanded as if given life before it froze , Contorted and suddenly sucked in on itself to form a new form .

Eyes blacker than a starless night , A swirling layer of dark energy hid Nox's featured from view , Bending over forward as protrusions of energy tore out of his backside along his spine , Eight long appendages erupting from his back , Three metre long elongated four jointed arms rose , Monstrous hands with six claws on their ends sat at the ends of the eight arms .

His head began to contort , His chin forming sharp ridges as well as the same for his eyebrows ,Six eye sockets opening up from bleeding slits on the swirling humanoid head . Six eyes of darkness opened up as blood gushed down the face of the vaguely humanoid mass of energy .

Nox stood staring at Vaylin who simply stared at the metamorphosis .

" Let us begin " Nox took a single step forward , Dark foot coming forward as the ground around where his foot stepped shrivelled and died .

A second step made Vaylin recoil and step back , truly sensing Nox .

It was like something that shouldn't exist , An existence of such proportions it was a front to the natural order of the universe , All encompassing , As endless as much as it induced a feeling of hopelessness apon anybody who felt it .

Wildlife across Ziost wailed in terror , Parents hiding their young in burrows or caves .

Trees and fauna began to shrivel up and die , Their life force being sucked into the beating heart of hatred .

Nox arched his back as he drew apon his connection to the force further , his body beginning to shift , Body enlarging as Nox's energy began to emerge . Changing from six foot four to eight foot to twelve and so on .

The shaking of the environment increased exponentially the more Nox grew in size , Vaylin leaping away from the destroyed courtyard and onto another tower in the distance .

" NO YOU DONT " Nox's now twenty foot tall body stopped growing as one of his ten arms pushed onto the ground , Propelling him into the air after the fleeing Vaylin .

Despite his enlarged size , He proved as fast as his regular size as he grabbed Vaylin with one of his ten hands before flinging her high into the atmosphere , Flailing and tumbling into the sky as Nox flew into the sky at blistering speeds.

The battle that followed was something akin to the battle of the gods . In the troposphere six kilometres above the ground , Clouds of ash as far as the eyes could see .

Red lightning arched between the clouds as Vaylin stabled herself in the air , Looking around to attempt to see Nox . The occasional meteor passed her by , Some obliterated by forks of lightning , Others falling to the ground below .

She swirled around looked every which way , The red lightning illuminating the dark skies .

After a few short moments , She saw what she dreaded , hovering a hundred metres away was that vague humanoid ten armed , Twenty foot tall six eyed monstrosity metamorphosis of Nox looked apon her .

' This isn't going to be fun ' Vaylin thought , Glowing emerald eyes growing in Intensity , Leaning forward in the air and flinging herself at Nox .

Nox himself flew forward , Black shade like form leaving trails of dark energy .

The two met in the middle , Vaylin leveling a right hook into the large form of Nox .

Nox himself slammed as closed fist into vaylin's sternum .

The following thunder clap blasted Vaylin away from Nox , The man himself only moving back half a foot before persuing the small dot that was now Vaylin sailing away against her will .

Blood sprayed from her mouth as she soared across the sky .

Nox's monstrous form appeared below Vaylin seconds later , Flying at the same speed before back handing her with one of his sprouted arms , The woman releasing a gargling sound before she careened even higher into the sky .

Quickly beginning to panic ,Vaylin levelled out , Flinging arcs of lightning down at the quickly ascending Nox , Streams of cackling energy striking the form of Nox , Flashing lights tearing across the horizon as ozone burnt .

Nox crossed his many arms Infront of himself , The streams of lightning connecting with his appendages , Each strike impacting releasing a resounding boom .

Despite the endless streams of lightning. striking him , Nox smiled up at Vaylin , Her panic overcoming her own inhibitions , The force coming to her aid like no other .

The clouds began to morph and circle around her , Yellow Lightning sparking around her whilst she hovered at the centre of the forming maelstrom .

The winds picked up speeds , The screeching of the currents shredding falling debris from the previous volcanic eruption .

Nox continued to look on as twin streams of endless arcs of lightning tore from vaylin's arms , a force bubble forming around her whilst the lightning began to swirl in opposite directions of Vaylin .

Nox chuckled as he watched vaylin's attack , The two streams turning to superheated cones of white pure destructive energy .

' She's made a quasar ' Nox mused , The attack Vaylin was constructing looking exactly like the most destructive phenomenon in the universe , Vaylin in the middle surrounded by her bubble looking exactly like where the supermassive black hole would be in a real quasar . The destructive cones of energy akin to the plasma jet of the quasar .

' I don't think she's aware of what she's doing right now , She's using her connection to me to draw power unconsciously... let's see exactly what she can do like this ' Nox raised his right arm , Palm facing upwards as four of the appendages on his back converged around his hand , The hands on the ends of the appendages curling together , coming together to form a dome of fingers .

And at the centre of the dome of fingers , The force began to wail . A white silver orb flashed into existence at the centre of the five hands , It was unbearable to look at , Like looking at it was a perversion of reality , It grew to the size of a marble before becoming stable .

The screeching now resembling the wails of thousands of tormented souls .

As if sensing the danger posed by Nox's attack , The fear stricken Vaylin's head snapped to his direction. The quasar around her shifting , The largest of the two cones shifting orientation, Sweeping through the sky in a churning mass of annihilation turned to face Nox directly .

Nox could feel the photons within the Jets of plasma collide with his body , Eating away at him almost as fast as he regenerated , Radiation blasts impacted him along with the photons .

Had he been a human , Any human , This attack Vaylin was performing would have annihilated him , Blasted his cells to pieces whilst he would simply dissolve into nothingness .

Fortunately, He was neither human , Nor normal anymore , His will far outstripped what was conceivably natural , The connection he had to the realm of the cosmic force and the afterlife blurred the boundaries of life and death .

And so as his cells were destroyed , New ones were created to replace them as quickly as they faded .

He brought his palm out Infront of himself , Smirking viciously before letting go of the white glowing mass .

The kaleidoscope of colours around him being phased out by the ball of light glowing brighter and brighter .

" I win ... dear " Nox closed his eyes , Drew within himself , Layering shield apon shield around himself , Using his free left hand , He propelled his lightsaber far away into the distance to ensure its survival .

The wine of the force grew in intensity slowly , Soon becoming a buzzing sensation followed by a rupture of such proportions that noise was simply cancelled out entirely , the atmosphere around them was annihilated , Becoming a vacuum that sucked the ash filled clouds into space .

The flash of white burnt Nox's retna even with his eyes closed . Atoms ceased to exist , Matter became nothing , Anything the white expanding wave of eradication expanded out from the marble sized orb vanished never to return , Quickly expanding outwards silently .

Nox watched from afar , His metamorphosis having bled away into his human form , Vaylin Unconcious next to him as he held her by the scruff of the collar .

As the explosion died down , Nox's retna having long since healed , Winds suddenly rushed by , Tossing his hair everywhere whilst the air moved to fill the hole in the atmosphere. A perfectly round crater where the northern mountain range once stood spanned the horizon , The supervolcano now non existent .

Ziost would never be the same , It would permanently bare the scars of their two abilities , The crater delved thousands of metres into the ground at its deepest point , Warping the atmosphere of the planet and the magnetic poles .

' I wander if the craters of nathema were formed the same way ' Nox mused as droids began to poured from deep within the partially destroyed citadel , Moving to repair the damages done .

Without turning , Nox held his palm to Vaylin's head and began to administer healing to her , Mending the damages done to her during their battle .

A raising motion of his hand awoke Vaylin from her slumber , The woman frantically looked around in panic , Only calming when she spotted Nox .

" Did I do good " Vaylin asked , Relaxing herself as she simply layed flat against the ground , Staring into the sky .

" Not good , Amazing " Nox replied , Momentarily looking to Vaylin who smiled slightly at his admission .

' Going to have to replenish the destroyed forests and monitor the planet for any adverse affects ' Nox thought as whatever debris in the atmosphere began to collapse back to the planet .

' And you ... I was right about you ' Nox knelt down to Vaylin , Cupping her face in his hand before capturing her lips with his own , Something she took great pleasure in , reaching up and pulling him down ontop of her .

Palpatine sat in his office , Mulling over the recent proceedings with the senate , His plans coming to fruition slowly .

' Dooku is doing exactly as instructed ... it won't be too much longer now ' Palpatine turned to face the wall wide window of his office " Just a few things we must ... dispense with "

" Chancellor ... Skywalker is here to see you " Mas amedda addressed Palpatine .

" Good ... send him in " Palpatine clasped his hands together , A smirk coming to his face .

However he was still deeply troubled , Something was amiss , A pit of dread building up within him over the years would perpetually torment him , The force gave him no answers no matter how hard he prodded or twisted it. He had no idea what it could possibly be , What could make him feel such unease ,But he would find it . Atleast that's what he thought .

Deep within the prime universe , Shifting darkness slithered , Shapeless limbs and appendages moved about with no single source , One out of thousands of eyes opened , The single eyeball containing innumerable hundreds of glowing molten iris , It's attention instantaneously shifting from its current conquest as it looked into the multiverse .

" AND SO THE FIRST BELL RINGS " Countless voices hissed an Eldritch tone that drove it's enemies that could hear to madness simply by bearing it's words apon their minds .

And for the first time since the creation of the prime universe , Apon a battlefield built of the corpses of its brethren , The twisted one rose to bear witness to the coming events .