
Darkness into Light

My name is Nux I'm a Nephalem (Half demon half angelic beast) I was born in a dungeon just now experiencing life as i am apparently an abomination this is my story of how i became the strongest Nephalem known to man and how I came to know of my creation.

Elite_cobra · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs


"I think some introductions are in order before we get on. My name is Miltey I'm a mermaid that uses water magic and a trident to fight." She says the rest of us introduce ourselves and our combat capabilities.

"Hey Nux, when you go underwater, use magic to give yourself oxygen to breathe. I'll do the same. I'm assuming Julian isn't going into the dungeon, just taking care of the escaped beast." Piro says, and Julian nods her head.

Arriving at an area with about a dozen other boats with hunters on board, we reach our destination. Large piranha like beasts jump out of the water trying to bite us. Julian slices them up, their diced bodies landing on deck.

Piro and I take off our shirts, and all of us hop in the water apart from Julian, which is taking care of monsters that had escaped. Miltey's lower half turns into a tail, and her neck forms gills while Piro and I use magic to breathe.

We see a round portal two hundred feet below Filbers. These fish like beings with scaley humanoid legs rush out of the portal. We swim toward the portal, Milty, using her trident to stab at them.

Piro casting fire magic, burning a hole straight through them. One swiftly swims toward me, biting my side as I stab him. The blood from my side spread throughout the water.

All the Filbers coming out of the portal now locking onto my scent. Dozens rush at us while Milty uses her tail to glide around them, stabbing and lowering their numbers.

"Blistering Blaze" Piro says as a tornado of fire goes toward the group of Filbers Milty moving out of the area.

With all the Filbers having stopped focusing on us, we go into the portal. While inside the dungeon, all we see is darkness, our own feet not even visible. (We must be extremely deep underwater wherever we are.)

I feel something bump my side. Piro casts a light spell, letting us see three feet around us. An adventurer's body floating next to me, lifeless, gasping.

Something huge swings past us, its outline barely visible in the darkness just before dawn.

"Was that a tail?"

Piro wove a quick spell to illuminate the area more, and the sudden light everyone froze as the light revealed what we'd all feared to see: a sixty foot long leviathan slowly turning our direction. Teeth the size of our heads glistened in the light of Piro's spell.

Its eyes sharpen as the light Piro made aggravates the beast. Swimming towards us, trying to bite us. Miltey swims to its side, jabbing it with her trident. Piro casting some fire spells at the creature scorching its side. The leviathan turning toward me.

I cast a light spell just like Piro, but much brighter to damage the beast's eyes. It shakes its head in pain as dozens of menfolk come from above with spears and tridents in hand.

For hours, we and the merfolk dwindle the leviathan's health. Finally, his body goes stiff as he starts floating upwards. The merflok look around distraught one comes over and speaks with Milty.

"Hey guys, you all can go back without me. I'm going to stay here."

"What? Why would you stay? We need you back in the guild."

"This place just feels more like home to me. Tell that to the guild master he'll understand." She says we take our leave out of the murky dungeon, swimming up onto the boat.

Julian sits there, out of breath. We hope on and tell her what went on in the dungeon. The other hunters that were also on boats, now taking their leave.

We report back to the guild master. "Thanks for letting me know. Milty is safe. It isn't unusual to live in a portal." He says and I look at him, confused.

"As you know, there are three types of hunters, mages, dungeon creatures like yourself and humans that have learned advanced weaponry knowledge. Most dungeon creatures want to go back into living inside a dungeon," Williace explains before we leave.

The group decides to take the following days off. Julian and I catch up on our favorite show reincarnated as the king's archamge.

I start to grow somewhat accustomed to this world. Even going out at night with Julian to star gaze.

When we get back to the guild, we see the mission board is filled with request she pulls one of them off and signals us to sit at a table with her.

"This is a B rank event dungeon request however it's a partnered request, so the Lexian guild will also be sending in a team with us its located in Manchester I think this will be one of the easier dungeons for us to do everyone okay with that?" She asks and we all agree.

We head to the portal on Hyde Road over an hour drive away. We see three hunters with a large chest beside them. Walking up to them, Julian introduces us.

"My name is Trevor im a spellblade, this young lady is our archer Lia, and lastly Gabe the mid ranged dps of our team. Oh, and our mimic, he's our teams pack mule. we call him scuttles, and we found him in an abnormal dungeon." Trevor says as the chest stands on two legs.

Agreeing to let Julian take on this mission as its captain. We all prepare in case a possible ambush and step through the portal one by one.

Onto soft red rugs beneath our feet surrounded by knights in golden and silber armor, lots of nobles in stands above, and a king sitting before us on his thrown.