
Darkness into Light

My name is Nux I'm a Nephalem (Half demon half angelic beast) I was born in a dungeon just now experiencing life as i am apparently an abomination this is my story of how i became the strongest Nephalem known to man and how I came to know of my creation.

Elite_cobra · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Deep dark

Piro drives the group to a hotel that the guild master paid for. They didn't expect Ricker, so he stayed with me for the night. I hear a knock on the door before I open it.

"Nux, I bet you have some questions, so I came to talk to you for a bit in case I could answer them." Jason says as I let him in.

I express my concerns to him about Wiggly and the house, but he reassures me that the guild master had decided to pay for housing for the month while we were gone.

"Also, your little friend Wiggly, he's an awesome mage. He wanted to join the guild, and so he joined my team and is living with us. Now we can finally get back to work." Jason says happily, curiously looking at Ricker.

He backs up slowly as he can slightly see under Rickers helmet. "You brought a skeleton!" He whispered.

I explain to him the skeletons' story and how we need more members. He reluctantly agrees with what I say before Ricker and I head to bed.

The next day, after the majority of us have breakfast in the hotel, we take our leave, with Jason strolling by to pick us up.

We head to the nearby guild, which turns out to be Calu's guild. She parts from us in order to inform her guild master about the dungeon, giving Julian her contact information.

We all sit at a table eating and drinking for a while. Willace shows up and takes a seat with us. Looking around, he sighs.

"I guess there was no saving Oliver after all." He says, looking down.

We explain to the guild leader all the events that have unfolded, and the time we spent in the dungeon. He looks over to Ricker, seeing he's a skeleton, then to Jason, and grins.

"You still need a fourth member, as we've just been loaning you other members. Now you can have Ricker as a great addition." Willace says to them.

We get ready as the guild master bought us tickets to get back to England as we're flying back. I look out the window, wondering why dungeons, gates, and even why I was created we finally arrive home hours later.

"Hey Nux, I know that couch can't be comfortable. You can sleep in the bed with me for today, but don't have any weird thoughts." She says, looking me in the eye.

"Of course not, thank you." I say, "This is so comfortable it beats all the other places I've slept before).

For the following seven days, Julian and I grew slightly closer. I start getting addicted to earth's television, waking up Julian and I get going to the training grounds with Piro and Frank. Frank's training on using one hand exclusively while Julian fights him.

Piro and I work on gathering mana and learning more about it. I try to learn self enhancement magic as the energy we use for mana is used up when speeding up molecules and we gather the energy while slowing things. however, we can't gather too much or lose too little or we could die.

While not understanding enhancement magic, I learned if I use magic such as ice magic followed by fire magic, I could have a semi unlimited magic pool.

"Oh, let's spar, Frank and I versus you two guys." Julian says to us.

(Two mages against a swords woman and a tank. I wounded how this'll go.)

Julian draws her daggers as Frank puts his shield upfront. I rush with my sword, swinging at Julian, parrying all my strikes as she kicks my legs, trying to trip me.

I stand my guard jumping back all the spells Piro shooting towards Frank are being shoved off. Switching targets, I rush to Frank, coating my sword in lightning, shocking Frank as it grazes his armor.

Grunting, Frank rips off his armor, twisting his body and punching me. I try to guard his punch with my sword, yet it still knocks me back, my hands tingling now.

"Ice chain restraint!" Multiple chains restrain Frank's arm and legs as I shout the spell. He pulls on and breaks the chains, holding him screaming, going into berserker mode.

Running and swinging his fist relentlessly at me, I try guarding myself, taking the brunt of the force.

"Argggghhh. Shield! Fire wall!" Frank is scorched by the flames. Backing away from me, I see Piro having surrendered to Julian.

(Great two versus one) I create a separate sword made of pure ice burning my hand as I hold it.

(It's never against one. Remember, we are two) Serephena says as my hand glows, healing the pain it is in.

Wings sprouting from my back, I fly at Frank, lifting him to the ceiling and dropping him eighteen feet. He grunts as his berserker state subsides, giving up the battle.

Julian jumps up, cutting my wing, and I fall to the ground. As I'm getting up, she already has both daggers in my throat. I take her hand to get up accepting my loss.

"Bravo, you all are good at this. i'm assuming you're around A-Rank" A guild member says that has been watching the battle.

We all look at her about telling her we are however all of us simultaneously get an alert on our phones to report at the guild.

We all enter the guild all the seats emptied apart from one the guild masters sitting in.

He signals us and we all sit down.

"So I've called you all here because you five are the only A rank hunters we have in out guild and sadly their been a dungeon outbreak near Greenland underwater and so I have to send a team of four to help out." Willace says to us and we all look around then at Frank.

He states he currently can't swim without another arm, so he walks out of the room. I tell the group i also haven't learned how to swim, but the guild master doubles down, saying all four of us have to go.

We take our leave going to the nearby docks as our trip to the outbreak scene was already paid for. Julian signals me to jump off the boat with her to learn how to swim slowly but surely I learn to swim in the next few hours.

We hope back onto the boat. "See you're a wicked learner now we are only a few hours away from our destination." Julian says looking across the water.