
Darkness into Light

My name is Nux I'm a Nephalem (Half demon half angelic beast) I was born in a dungeon just now experiencing life as i am apparently an abomination this is my story of how i became the strongest Nephalem known to man and how I came to know of my creation.

Elite_cobra · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Dark Truth

Waking up my headache subsided I get this odd feeling of malice and sorrow surrounding my body and mind. I noticed this liquidty, feeling in my hands, and this salty metallic taste encompassing the entirety of my mouth.

I open up my eyes, in shock and disbelief. "Wiggly! No, no, what happened!" I yell, holding Wiggly in my hands. Black blood dripping from my fingers and one of his heads in my mouth, I quickly put Wiggly down and rush to the bathroom, spitting one of Wiggly's heads out.

I take a look in the mirror. Blood shot red eyes, stared back at me, my mouth filled with blood and large darkened black wings on my back that I subconsciously knew how to use. (How..how could I have developed into a demon? I thought I was turning into an angel since I could finally heal someone. Why why did this happen?) I quickly wash off all the blood on my hands and face.

I enter the living room as the news comes on. "A new B rank dungeon has appeared at big Ben. The area is temporarily closed for the time being." A news reporter states.

I look at the date, finding out it's the day julian should come back from the hospital.  "I have to get away from here before Julian comes back. She may be in danger if I stay, so I'll go to that dungeon to hide for now.

Maybe i can figure out how to reverse being a demon while im in there. I'll write a note explaining what happened and not to look for me." I say,  before writing and taking my leave. I use my new found wings to fly over to the dungeon, tears flowing down my face.

(Guards are standing in front of the portal, blocking it. I'll just fly by them) whooshing past the guards and entering the portal I'm greeted by a beautiful blue sky towering tree's and green landscape.

I sit up against a nearby tree to catch my breath. (Hopefully, nobody from the guild will come searching for me. I'm doing this for their safety who knows who I'd attack next.) I think to myself while resting for a while. I open my eyes to these dark humanoid figures in front of me.

One of which had a giant axe that he swings towards me. I quickly duck out of the way and swing my claws. Toward the creature, slicing its neck. The others circle around me four in total.

(I have to take care of them before they team up and kill me.) I think to myself before casting. "Scorn flare!" All the nearby beings turn to dust.

(Everything's been happening way too fast ever since the event dungeon why can't I rest.) "Maybe I should learn to meditate to calm myself down. This is a beautiful dungeon, after all." I say to myself before going to a nearby river.

I sit next to the water, crossing my legs and closing my eyes. Trying to calm myself down. Listening to the nearby water flow and birds chirping. The calmness filling my body and mind. As I open my eyes, I see three strong looking people across the water.

"Hey what are you doing inside the dungeon?" A tall woman asks. I stand up and shout back. " I came here to calm down for awhile and for others' safety, please don't come near me." They look at me perplexed.

"You don't look dangerous, and we need. Some help with this area." They say while smirking at each other. "You see that portal over there these monsters have been coming threw that for a long time can you help us?" (Monsters coming from our side, why's that?) I ask myself.

"I'll try to be of assistance, but if anything seems off with me, don't hesitate to put me down it would be for the better if that were to happen." I say while crossing the shallow river. We go back to the portal I came out of and set up camp. The three people start to work out doing push-ups and squats. While I go to a nearby field to meditate. Putting a safe distance between me and the others.

Remembering the time I grew up in the dungeon seemed to keep me at ease but i momentarily remember what happened with Wiggly. After I open my eyes to a strange sight the sky was bright orange momentarily. Heading back to camp, I see the three people I was with surrounding more black figures corpses.

The group explains that they can handle a small amount of the creatures without me. They then ask me to spare with them. "No weapons allowed just your legs and arms, you got that?" A strong man named Greg asks. We start fighting fist to fist.

Greg sends me flying through trees with a single punch to the gut so fast I couldn't react to it. I vomit, trying to stand up, not being able to breathe momentarily. "You're weaker than I thought. I guess we can train you for a little instead of you doing that stupid meditation." Greg says while giving me a hand up.

"I...I still need to meditate in case I would lose control again."As I explain to the group, they look at me irritated. "How many times do we have to tell you you're too weak to injure us, so just train with us and stop with that meditation shit!" One member yells toward me.

I reluctantly agree to train with them instead, wondering why they seem to be so mean towards me they start working me to the bone. Four hundred push-ups three hundred sit ups two hundred squats and a five mile jog every day. No more creatures have appeared through the portal since they killed the last ones.

Before we knew it, the week was about to end. I was now on par with Greg's strength and speed. However, one last group of individuals come through the portal tougher looking shadow beings than all the previous ones I've seen.

These figures had equipment. One of them had two another had a staff the other two did not have any equipment nonetheless they all got into a fighting stance.