
Darkness into Light

My name is Nux I'm a Nephalem (Half demon half angelic beast) I was born in a dungeon just now experiencing life as i am apparently an abomination this is my story of how i became the strongest Nephalem known to man and how I came to know of my creation.

Elite_cobra · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Back into the fray

A large swing from his sword into my side sends me flying against a twisting tree. Having reduced the enemy's number completely. He tries charging again, trying to finish me.


Julian jumps and lashes herself into him, daggers deep into his muscles. Piro cast multiple spells towards him. All blocked with his sword.


"Gahahaha, three against one hardly fair, but that just proves how weak you are." He chuckles as his sword extends extremely far into my stomach.


I vomit blood, my vision getting hazy while Piro and Julian are struggling against the beast.


"Heal!" I cast on myself to speed up the process. I rush towards their aid, Julian being flung off him. He looks towards Piro as if he's prepared to charge, knowing the dangers of a mage.


I grab his waist with all my might, my muscles tearing while trying to stay put, grunting in pain. I shout at Piro to do something. Casting a large amount of fire spells towards the man.


He blocks all of Piro's spells with his blade, which transforms back into his body, falling to the ground burnt to a crisp. Piro pants as he's ran out of mana.


The SpritBody bashes at my sides, trying to make me let go of him. Julian gets up and charges at him while his attention is on me. She jumps and sticks her daggers into his neck, defeating him.


We head out of the dungeon, all exhausted from our endeavor. Dreading the other two, we have to do.


Heading home, Julian passes out, so I carry her to bed. Wiggly entranced by his own magic in the living room.


We rest for a few days before conquering the other two dungeons. Now, having made enough money for Frank's treatment, we gladly see him awake from his coma.


Julian and Piro explain to him all that had gone on while he was in a coma. Taking some time to rehabilitate, Frank was back and eager to spar with me.


I send a spear of ice towards him. He just stands there, the ice shattering upon impact. I rush forward him swinging my sword as he blocks it with his shield.


"I know you got this new weapon, but don't forget, Glórn also made me some powerful shit. Thats very durable." He says while smirking, kicking me in my side. I tense my abs.


"Oho, you aren't as weak as before you've built some muscle." Dropping his shield, he charges towards me.


I look surprised as he tries to punch me. I duck under his fist as they slow and try to grab his arm to flip him, yet his weight is extremely heavy.


Kicking me in my back, I fall to the ground, quickly getting up and trying to find gaps in his armor. I spot slits in his elbows and knees.


Charging towards me again, I counter cutting the back of his knee, making Frank fall to the ground. He screams in anger, his veins pulsating all over.


"Great, he used his berserker skills. Good luck out there, Nux." Piro says while a powerful punch is landed straight into my chest.


The breath being knocked out of me, I try to gather any strength to stand. Repeatedly punching me relentlessly, Julian and Piro pull him back.


He slowly calms down. "My bad. I rarely go into berserker mode, but I knew you could take it." Frank says, breathing heavily.


"Let's all take tomorrow off as we have our first A rank mission to complete this week. Sorry, Frank, for having you take on such a challenge right after rehabilitation, but we desperately need the income." Julian says before we all depart.


Two days later, we head to the portal. Julian debriefs us about our target, which is a group of Tainthands. Tall Buff grey creatures with six arms they typically use their brute strength to fight.


Frank enters the dungeon shield, ready. We all follow behind. A hilly scenery beholds us. Looking around, we see rocks and moss all over. Not much life apart from giant fire salamanders. Julian and I go separate ways to scout while Frank and Piro set up camp.


Looking around, I spot a small village filled with Tainthands training a few tents for sleeping. Heading back to our campsite, I inform the group Julian, having arrived shortly before, was discussing a group of fire salamanders.


"We only have to take care of the Tainthands to complete this dungeon, don't we?" I ask, pondering. Julian explains dungeons could have you defeat one group of enemies or all of them.


Deciding to invade the village at night, their only being two guards outside their walls. Frank and Julian go to the gate. Julian swiftly slitting one guard's throat while Frank bashing the other guard into the wall.


"Intruder!!!" a guard in hiding yelled while being silenced. Julian signals us to come as we run towards her. We see the gate opening.


(Shit, that guard did wake people.) Eight men walk out, looking at Julian and Frank.


"Seriously, are they so stupid to let their guards down?" One man says before punching Frank rapidly. Frank's sent sliding away gathering his bearing, Julian jumps on the man trying to slice his throat.


Flexing his neck muscles, the blade barely grazes him. As he flings her aside, Piro cast a mud spell, slowing their movements while I grab Julian and Frank, dragging them back a bit.


"We won't be able to escape them. They have extraordinary tracking capabilities. We have to stand our ground and kill them now. Julian says.


Frank screams, getting the men's attention. All of them charge towards him, enraged. Going into his berserk form, he's able to match their strength.


While the men are occupied, Julian tries to repeatedly cut them at the same spot and successfully kills a few. I cast a multitude of flying ice arrows that can pierce through the rest of the group.


"What's all this damn noise?" A small old Tainthand with asks the rest of the village standing behind him. Around thirty people we prepare for an onslaught of attacks from the men.