
Darkness Human in MHA

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) An assassin that was the best of his world died but was given the chance to become the villain with a modified Yami Yami no Mi. How will the world of My Hero Academia will handle the heartless assassin with the power to absorb and nullify quirks?

Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 26: The Fall or Rise of Plot!

~Third POV~

In the next morning of U.A. High School dorms there was a large commotion happening at the case of students being tied up and gag however what was more surprising was that Ida was crying for his lost friends.

The teachers and staff members were in a state of deep shock witnessing the scene with the crying Ida with a twisted and broken arm.

The heroes quickly try to understand what has happened to the events that lead them to this.

Some were just shocked at what happened to see that the video was brutal and was already spreading like wildfire from Yami's side of thing with some editing saying the end of heroes is near.

This brought on some very difficult discomfort towards the heroes but more importantly to Toshinori or known as All Might was very distraught seeing his student Izuku smiling as his head was in the other direction.

Clearly, this whole situation was different than they thought of the morning as a joyful one…

…Never a dark one…

Reporters and journalists were already at the gates of U.A. hearing and seeing the video of students being slaughtered by Rumi a pro hero as she took care of the situation leaving few survivors alive.

The whole school canceled for today to discuss the important manners taken place from this moment as the students were once again shaken to their cores of this.

Currently, at this time the staff members minus All Might being there were very distraught at the whole scene befall them.

Nezu is the calmest of them all decided to speak his mind out while taking a sip of his tea although anger could be heard, "Well… it seems to us we underestimated the tenacity and ferocity of the villains…. We paid for it heavily because we underestimated them as they return it by pulling another school killing on a large scale…"

Ectoplasm said his piece to the other heroes as he says in a deep voice, "True… we underestimated them heavily the Villain Alliance to even go as far to go after our students again bearing their fangs."

Midnight has tears in her eyes as she was too distraught hearing the news and after she has gotten to know them as well, "Sniff… yeah this is too much for the kids to bear you know. They shouldn't be able to experience this in their lives as their teacher getting to know them is my job but…"

Vlad King nods his head in agreement as he says in a solemn tone as he expressed his concern and depression, "Yeah when I heard that my students from class 1-B were going into 1-A I was happy for them only to be heard the actual reason some wanted to stay but I knew we couldn't, so they complied. And now those that moved up were now caught in this action but worse with casualties like this."

The staff and teachers all held their heads down in shame as Snipe says his piece of his advice tilting his hat, "Yeah. This darn situation has been bad since the U.S.J. murders but only this time a former pro like us killed them. Damn it Mirko what happed to ya!"


Snipe slamming his fist on the table in anger was just as confused as the rest of the staff are as to how a pro was able to kill off the rest of the students.

Power Loader had in his hands some profile papers as he tossed them over to the table for everyone to see as he began to say in a depressed tone, "The whole situation is the worst we have seen and been in this peaceful time. These papers here are from the few students that were involved wanting to drop out of the U.A. into other schools for their safety. Damn…"

Cementoss could only shake his head as he began to sympathize with the students dropping out in his deep voice, "I can sympathize with the students of wanting to leave right after going through that ordeal. I'm afraid this might have traumatized them all as when the security was fixed, we didn't have time to cover their eyes seeing the dead bodies of Izuku and Bakugo bodies with Ida crying that it was his fault…"

Present Mic looked over to Midnight and to the empty seat of his friend Eraser Head gone as he places his hand on his head as he thought about their predicament, 'Damn it old buddy Aizawa when shit has gone down you were the one that knew what to do, but now this whole damn place is a mess. What would've you have done in a situation like this friend…'

Hound Dog looks down in shame as the students were killed and hadn't known that someone was around till it was too late as he was the first to come to the scene of the students the second, he smelled blood.

Recovery Girl was just as distraught as everyone was as she places her hand over Midnight's shoulder as she says to the group, "Now the situation has turned to the worst how are we going to overcome this problem? How things look right now we are in serious trouble with the current state of things are we need to do something."

Nezu taking another sip from his tea saw the depressing atmosphere in the area as he says to his fellow colleges, in his chipper tone, "Why yes this is certainly the biggest problem we face but maybe we need to look at this as a wakeup call for us."

The staff were a bit confused but Nezu continued on as he spoke his mind, "What I mean is we have become weak over the years of comfort and peace thanks to All Might that we forget what real dangers are anymore till it came at us. What we need now is to change everything we have to better prepare our students for this up-and-coming disaster."

The teachers were confused but understood the lines that Nezu said till Midnight asked the principal, "In that case sir, what exactly do we do now? And what exactly do we need to change exactly?"

Nezu then returns his answer as he spoke his words in a cold tone, "Everything. We need our students to be ready and cancel the U.A. sports festival considering the risk of what happened today. Also, from this point forward all Class Hero Courses will be taken as one with the first, second, and third years together to train with all teachers present. Move back the practical and final exams till later in the year to have the students be more prepared for the time we're heading towards now got it."

Everyone was surprised as Nezu says to them in a cold tone for them to understand, "Do I need to repeat myself here everyone?"

Hearing this they were surprised by the news but that didn't detour them as Nezu also says his words to them, "We have to stick close together now than ever before. If the villains managed to brainwash Mirko into their ranks, we need to protect everyone by pairing up and learn as soon as possible."

Snipe hearing this asked in a calm tone for the other pro's around Japan, "In that case should we worry about the Villain Alliance attacking the students again sir?"

Nezu shook his head as what he says next surprised everyone in the room into an uncomfortable idea, "No if I were to guess… the villains are either going to be gathering strength in the shadows or… they will actively hunt down the pro heroes themselves as they got Mirko no. 6 hero who's to say they won't go after the rest or lower-ranking agencies to their side."

Everyone in the room hearing it went silent as Nezu wasn't done as he continued to speak in a calm tone, "Unlike we know nothing about them they can simply search us up online with the internet as heroes or their agencies quite the predicament were in yes? They can search us while we can't own them is truly troubling."

With that said Nezu soon brought out a new piece of equipment from his suitcase as it shows to be headgear as everyone around it was interested in what it was.

Nezu then began to explain to every one of the times they are in with his chipper tone returning again, "Everyone as you know change is coming and we must adapt to it or else everything that we have stood for would be lost. But thankfully the government had just given each top hero and the schools this nifty little thing to help us out."

Everyone looked at the new support equipment at the hands of the principal began to explain to everyone what it did, "This little support gear sophisticated headset is called the Quirk Amplification Device as it can exponentially increase the power of the user's Quirk without directly affecting the body. This means the user's Quirk can be enhanced without the negative side-effects of drugs like Trigger but safer for us to use right?"

Hearing the words everyone was surprised to hear the news that their quirks can be amped up but also with concern knowing such an item can do to their world.

Nezu seeing this nod his head to reassure them all as he spoke with confidence, "I see your concerns but have no fear. These devices only work for heroes only by your brainwaves and DNA. If it was anyone else, they would receive a shock to their brain to keep them unconscious as well as sent out signals to give us the location if it were stolen."

Midnight asked with still reluctance for the creation of the support gear, "While I'm glad that we have these items sir what are going to use them for as I still don't feel find with these out to the public?"

Nezu chuckled at that as his eyes became red as people behind him handed out more of the Quirk Amplification Device to each of the teachers as they hold them, "Surely I can agree with you Midnight, but the government wants to shut this incident under wraps as soon as possible to save face and order."

Nezu glares at everyone in the room as they felt a bit intimidated from the little rodent as he spoke with clear dissatisfaction, "What the Villain Alliance has done is just jeopardize the order this country had to offer and now they want to maintain it at all cost they don't want it to become one of those countries with a very high crime rate right? Like the time when All for One was the prime was the worst thing to ever happen."

That sent shivers to the older generation spines as they remember the end of All for One reign but still know the original history till the government wanted to remove any history involving him to begone into history.

This was because of the possible fear that someone would try to implement another All for One or worse help that Demon Lord to the rise once more.

Staff members nodding at this took the device as promised by the Japanese government to use them for their hero work.

Nezu on the other hand thought to himself with concern about what the Villain Alliance would do next as he thought, 'Now the next question is where will this villain strike next is the more present concern. This Yami or Villain group is unpredictable for me to find even with my quirk now… what is his next play if I were to empower the heroes beyond the normal levels of their quirk…'

Shaking his head, he pretended to be calm as he thought to himself in reassurance, 'No… the government won't do something rash until it's too late but I hope that won't be the case.'

As heroes from all the high ranks were getting the Quirk Amplification Device to get stronger for a new crisis happening on the side as Yami is unaware…

A week have passed with the declaration of no U.A. Sports Festival happening and no news of the Villain Alliance actions was called yet as if nothing could go wrong…


But of what is happening another event is going on in another area of Japan as it happens that Yami is in front of an entrance of a building with all his crew with him holding out a piece of paper with him.

The building just so happens to belong to the Yakuza group call themselves the Shie Hassaikai with their front door wide open revealing some of the members.

Yami looking at the paper and to the building says to himself out loud, "Well it looks like the information from Kurogiri is accurate enough. This is the Shie Hassaikai building alright with their members here."

Mina says happily to Yami with an excited tone to him as she has her acid ready, "Really! Yami-sama! Are we actually becoming heroes for today yippie!!!"

Yami chuckles at Mina's happy attitude as he readies his blade using his <DM Creation: Katana> while replying, "Zehahaha… I guess for today at least were playing the heroes in this story. Or villains since we are stealing someone really precious today."

Momo reading her arm cannon using her quirk <Creation> with <DM Creation: Arm Cannon> at the ready charging an energy ball blast replies to Yami, "Yami-sama this person seems precious to someone like you? Actually, is this person really reliable to us? Or is something else just as important?"

Glancing over to Momo Yami smirks as he drops the bomb to his crew with a genuine tone as he responds confidently, "Simple actually. This person or rather a small girl is going to become my precious heir like All Might's dead student and All for One Tomura. Except this girl will trump them all with her power."

Hearing the news and bold claims of Yami their eyes went all wide-eyed at this as they see the Yakuza thugs start coming over.

Yami seeing this opens his arms arrogantly as he announces to them with a confident tone expressing with a wide smile, "You washed up punks your days are done you here!! For you see you have captured my heir for my legacy in the depths of your hell hole! For you see I came here to play!!!"


With that, they all activated their <One for All> and charged right in after them!

A single thought has passed Yami's mind as he thought as he began to blow away the enemies in his way, 'Don't worry Eri for you see a hero won't come to save you with time and paperwork…. But a villain that dares that no one does can save you! A villain only needs to win once to gain total victory! So just wait for I am here!!'

Thank you all for the confidence and thanks again.

For the thanks here's another chapter the one preluding to the one you all are waiting for!

Jovami6729creators' thoughts