
Darkness Human in MHA

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) An assassin that was the best of his world died but was given the chance to become the villain with a modified Yami Yami no Mi. How will the world of My Hero Academia will handle the heartless assassin with the power to absorb and nullify quirks?

Jovami6729 · Anime e quadrinhos
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35 Chs

Chapter 22: Heroic Trouble

~Third POV~

As for Yami's training, his time in the Osaka illegal fighting matches the world of heroes took another blow to their reputation as Yami has been witnessed to have killed three heroes.

Currently at the near-dead of the night is when the news began to announce the deaths of the heroes against the villain named Blackout as only a few students were awaked.

The two who saw this were awake at the time with the others as well are Ida and Izuku hopping to get new information about Blackout for future reference only to wish they hadn't in Ida's case.

All of this was being heard throughout the news about his latest actions.

The people close to them have taken a heavy mental cost for the heroes Mirko, Ingenium, and Kamui Woods as they saw how Yami showed no mercy to those three.

However, the people and citizens were, even more, frightening as the fight with three heroes became two on one when Yami killed Mirko as he dragged her inside his <Dark Space> but that is what most people have assumed worst.

The people assumed that Mirko was killed because of how easily Yami defeated her inside his body while not realizing that his method of capture.

Next came the scene where the news reported how bloody Yami was as he targeted the citizens with his quirk regardless of the heroes around trying to stop him.

With the heroes having to distract Yami the citizens ran away from the fight as they weren't safe anymore as they saw people next to them began to die at his hands.

Like that the heroes were the ones to deal with Yami but frankly they didn't stand a chance once Yami started using his gravity abilities on them.

After that, it was a bloody show what he did to two heroes by ripping off their arms on Kamui and legs on Ingenium before being sucked inside his <Dark Space> as he fled the scene before more heroes could come in.

The news copters caught it all on the screen seeing everything has changed in the views of everyone witnessing the murder of three heroes.

However, the one most affected by this event was a U.A. student Ida as he got to his dorm seeing the news of his brother's death on the wide world of japan to see.

It destroyed him.

Ida witnessing his brother's death drove him to hate Yami furiously with all his passion as his in his dorm room with tears escaping his face, "N-No… brother…. Why…. Why did this villain Blackout be alive than my brother…"

Izuku seeing the changed expression of his friend like this was getting concerned as he tries to calm him down, "Ida… please calm down. I know that your angry but…"

Ida ignoring his friends' words was only focusing on seeing the screen was now glaring hatefully at Yami's happy face with his black glass's visors expressing his arrogant attitude made Ida snap…



Ida punched the small tv in his room as he gritted his teeth in clear rage seeing Yami's face was enough to make him snap as he snarls at the screen, "Blackout… I swear as the next generation of Ingenium that I will make you pay! I will kill you for killing my brother!!"

Izuku looked quite shocked but also scared at Ida as he tries to calm him down again as he tries to reason with his friend and hopefully calm him.

Izuku reassuring Ida talks to him with hope as he also glares at the tv screen, "Ida I know that you're upset but… I promise we will stop this villain together and bring that bastard to justice!!"

Ida once gets himself together of what has happened began to calm himself down as he sits on his bed as replies to Izuku, "Midoriya-san… thanks I needed that… but we have to bring this monster down…"

Izuku places his hand over Ida as he reassures him with his smile on his face bringing comfort to Ida in his time of need, "Yeah! Blackout has gone on for too long we have to stop him one way or another!"

Ida nods at this as she expresses a smile holding himself together as he thought to himself in a regretful tone, 'Sorry Midoriya… but once we get him I will personally kill him for what's he done to my brother… I'm sorry to use you like this…'

However, he wasn't the only one feeling hate against Yami as the whole agency of Kamui Woods was enraged at the news that they swore to capture Blackout for justice.

But some of the citizens were extremely worried about Mirko one of the top 10 heroes died against the villain Blackout as the other pros were made extremely aware of another ability of Blackout power.

The students were even made to be extremely antsier about the villain Blackout being this bold.

As the world was dealing with the disappearance of their heroes Mirko in question made it back to her solo hero work home as she began to change into a different persona.

When she was done, she looked at herself in the mirror with a vicious smirk as she says to herself in a confident tone, "Now Yami-sama has placed his hopes on me to capture the students and hair samples as the people are calling my death. I can use this to my advantage for all they know that they died not captured."

As Mirko was going around her home, she found the key to her mission as she grins at this with her usual gusto, "Hah! Nezu should really not gave me a chance to enter the school freely because this keycard gives us heroes free master pass access to the campus undetected. For a supposedly smart rat, he dropped the ball on this one hah!"

With that said she began to change into her hero outfit with the outfit she was given underneath it as she began to move her way to U.A. Highschool…

After a couple of hours in the nighttime, she managed to enter the school with a keycard pass as she was given as one of the people to protect the school during the U.A. Sports Festival.

Before Mirko goes to the campus dorms, she casually goes over to the security system of the U.A. Highschool as she enters inside easily.

Once she managed to get inside, she sees the screens of multiple students being observed as she places her hand on her chin with a confused expression, "Hmm… I don't know much about the technical stuff but if my records have been good to me in the past facing against these kinds of problems then I know just the solution."

Raising her leg in the air she did what she was known for…



Destroy stuff really good.

Mirko destroying all the security equipment in a few seconds with her speed she managed to destroy everything except for the security footage as she sweats a bit of her handy work.

As she sweats a but as she moves her legs, she smiles to herself of a job well done, "Just break stuff fast and hard. That's the way to go. Now with that done with time to search through the documents."

Mirko was finished destroying the records as she began to look through the cabinet that contained the security of the school and also the student's profiles.

Grinning at this she skims through some of them as she began to read through the students as she looks for her targets information impressed with a proud tone, "Damn some of these kids are going to be great heroes one day if they are allowed to grow..."

Just as Mirko began to praise the kids, she loses her proud tone into a distant and cold one as her eyes expressed insanity in them of swirls of black and white appears, "… but they will get in the way of Yami-sama path of his growth. These kids are future enemies of my lord and superior they need to be dealt with as soon as possible if allowed to live they could become a thorn to Yami-sama side."

Mirko continues going through the profiles as she found out that some of the general course students made it to Class 1-B that she caught her eyes on with genuine curiosity, "Hitoshi Shinso age 15 male, Quirk: Brainwash allows the user to put someone in a state where they are forced to obey whatever he commands. He can only activate this power when his target verbally responds to something, he says…. Interesting…"

Grinning at this profile Mirko made her personal comment as she responds to this find with a happy tone, "This Shinso student sounds like something that Yami-sama would want since he would gain more control this way. I'll make sure to get this guy too. Maybe Yami-sama will give me a reward like with the tentacles again~"

Mirko drooling at her dirty thoughts of reward returned herself to normal as she began to continue her search as she found the next targets on the profile picture.

Getting the correct pictures of her targets she grabs the blueprints and info about the dorms to help her get inside much easier as she began to move towards her next targets.

Exiting inside the school campus she quickly went after the school campus dorms where the students were doing sleeping inside the dorms only for a few of them to appear on the bottom floors.

Mirko casually walking inside with no intention to hide goes in surprising the group of heroes in training as they looked surprised and one of them saying to her name, "Hey aren't you the Rabbit Hero Mirko!! Wow, can – "



Before one of the students could say anything, they were all knocked out by Mirko at incredible speeds as if she blurs pasted them.

They never expected to see a hero attack them like this as Mirko looks over to the camera looking at her as she grins at this, "I bet the whole hero community is going to get a lot of shit for a hero casually beating the crap of kids at night. But more so…"

Glancing over to a nearby student Mirko recognize as Shihai Kuroiro was colored all black with white hair as she presses her head over him unconscious as glares at the kid, "Tch. This kid is stealing Lord Yami-sama color of his darkness he needs to pay and show the world that heroes are just killers in the end…"


Mirko crushing the head of Shihai like a watermelon to her superhuman strength she grabs the hair as it might be useful to Yami as she places it in her pocket as she began to tie up the students and gags them.

But not before grabbing the hairs of Reiko Yanagi, Yui Kodai, Sen Kaibara, and Kinko Komori just in case they were needed.

Once she was done Mirko goes upstairs to the second floor silently with a cold expression and blood on her legs as she walks forward to her targets…

Mirko as she was going up she sees her hand flinches for the actions as she says to herself to calm her nerves, "I'm no hero anymore I'm a tool for Yami-sama to use as he sees fit. That child death means nothing but a future enemy to my lord as any other. If they go after him then I will ensure they don't grow up to be able to harm him."

With that, her hand stops shaking as she resolves herself as she enters the second floor where three of her targets are…

Bunny girl on the warpath all under the Yami's order how scary.

Question do you want the students to win against a pro or the brainwashed pro win against the inexperienced heroes in training?

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