
Dark Monarch: Battle Necromancer

When mana came into the earth, every living species was forced unto the path of evolution. Animals transformed into aggressive and terrifying beasts, even some plants evolved and gained consciousness. Humans who managed to survive the “mana invasion” obtained incredible power and awakened the ability to gain skills through something known as “The System”. Everything was turned upside down; the old laws fell and the world was ushered into a new era where the strong lived and the weak perished—a world of survival of the fittest. Blake, a young boy of sixteen years found himself lost in all these chaos. After losing both his parents to zombies, he made up his mind to get stronger and eradicate all zombies from the earth. However, after facing betrayal from someone he placed his trust in, he found himself as the very thing he hated and disgusted the most—a zombie! Determined to get revenge, he swore to get stronger while also dealing with internal crisis about his new race and identity. *** Note: This novel is purely fiction. The earth in the story is fiction and is in no way related to the one we live in. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/PqCseyu2Kh

Gladstone_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs


The slender zombie growled in frustration and tried freeing himself by smacking the zombie repeatedly, but no matter what he did, the strange zombie didn't let go.

Rather, it kept on biting furiously on its skin, up until the point where its bones broke and its legs were rendered useless.

The zombie couldn't feel the pain from its bone breaking so it didn't react to it, but he found it rather annoying and kept smacking the head of the strange zombie.

However, despite its efforts to shake the zombie off its leg, it didn't succeed and the zombie only kept climbing above its body, using its claws and biting its way towards the slender zombie's torso.

Sarah didn't exactly know what she was doing, her consciousness and reason had been long striped away from her the moment she hit her head on the wall.

She had already fully transformed into a zombie, and the only reason she continued to attack the thin, bony zombie was because of the strong will she had before her consciousness faded away to kill the zombie.

Despite having no intelligence as a zombie, the instinct to kill the bony zombie was still there, and she was only following those instincts, fighting furiously and not letting go.

After struggling for a few minutes, she finally managed to incapacitate the zombie with her incessant attacks, however, her condition wasn't the best either.

Lots of greenish black blood was spilling from her head, her skull was cracked and most of her bones were broken.

But despite all these injuries, she still crawled up to the head of the zombie and used the last bit of strength left in her to bite down on its head, ending its life.

After killing the zombie, she slowly stood up, her steps staggering and her legs quaking as if they were going to fall apart any second.

Her eyes dulled and the last shine in her eyes vanished as she slowly started walking towards the other end of the alley with her hand outstretched and drool dropping from her lips.

But the zombie was only able to take a few more steps before it came fell down to the ground.


After running for a few minutes, Blake arrived at a large uncompleted building.

His eyes were already red from tears and his breathing was heavy, his legs and his whole body was trembling, but surprisingly, he managed to keep standing.

He paused for a second and looked back, his eyes widening when he saw the two ashen creatures slowly but surely chasing him with staggering steps.

The kept growling, with their hands outstretched and their legs quaking and unsteady on the ground.

He had managed to shake off all the other zombies that were chasing him, before turning towards this corner, however, those two were the only ones that remained on his tail.

If not for the slow speed and unsteady movements of the zombies, he would have died or even turned into one a long time ago.

But fortunately, their movements was very slow and he was able to easily escape and evade them, at least, up to this point.

Blake looked at the zombies one more time before dashing to the side of the abandoned uncompleted building.

The uncompleted building had two floors, and at the left side of the building, was a staircase that led to the upper floors.

The stairs was rough and littered with different building materials like cement bags, sand, short sticks but Blake didn't care about all that as he hurriedly climbed up the stairs.

Fortunately for him, he was putting on shoes and none of the objects were sharp enough to injure him.

After climbing the steps, he got to the first floor, and quickly ran and hid behind a pillar that was a few distance away from the stairs.

Whether it was luck or he was just fortunate, there was no body or even zombies on the floor.

It was empty with the only thing present in it being dirt.

His breathing was even heavier and his heart kept beating fast in his chest.

The zombies also tried climbing the staircase, but due to their robotic and unsteady movements, they kept tripping on one another without making any actual progress in climbing the stairs.

Eventually, the zombies tripped and rolled down the stairs, landing on the hard ground.

It seemed like something else caught their attention as they suddenly turned their head away, while sniffing the air.

They slowly stood up and then started moving towards another corner, away from Blake's position.

From where he stood, Blake could see the zombies walking away with quaky steps and a slight sense of relief washed over him.

However, it was only for a moment before the reality of the situation hit him again.

He was all alone… his parents weren't with him, he had lost them to those filthy ashen creatures loitering around.

His chest tightened and a huge wave of guilt and sadness washed over him.

Though it didn't seem like it, Alfred and Sarah weren't his biological parents, he was actually adopted at the age of five.

As for his biological parents, no one knew anything about them, except that he was dumped in front an orphanage when he was a baby.

It was from that orphanage that the couple adopted him from.

But despite this, they didn't treat him any less than they did their real son… even going as far as to die for him.

His breathing became laboured and without caring that the floor around him was filled with dirt and sand, he slowly slid down the pillar, before sitting on the bare ground.

His shirt was stained due to the dirt on the pillar and even dust piled up on his trousers as he sat on the ground, but he didn't care about any of that, nothing about his appearance mattered to him at this moment.

He hugged his knees and buried his face in them as tears uncontrollably streamed down his face.

Suddenly he raised his head up and stared off into the distance.

"This is a dream…"

"I'm only lucid dreaming… I'll wake up soon… this is just a dream…"

He kept mumbling to himself, but no matter how much he tried to delude himself from reality, deep down… he knew everything happening now was real.

His parents death was real… everything going on currently was real.

While he was still trying to convince himself that he was in a nightmare, a weird tingling feeling suddenly ran through his body.

His whole body shook slightly and goosebumps appeared all over his skin.

"W-what was that…?" He muttered with slightly widened eyes and pale face. It felt as if he had been dipped into a huge bowl of ice, except he didn't feel any cold.

He felt a little scared, feeling like this was a sign that one of those giant insects was near.

While he was still submerged in his thoughts about what that was, a group of messages written in green letters suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Mana has arrived on planet Earth.]

[The system-master congratulates you]

[Generating Status window…]


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