
Guardian "Angel"

Moonlight from behind obscured my face and even the very colour of my hair from the kid's point of view.

"Who are you! Guards! Gua-" Aurelius jumped back into the warm brightness of the candle's light. Two candles with a painting of the late king. Mourning eh?

"Shhhhh. Don't worry... if I could cover your mouth this fast and had intentions to kill you... well, you'd be dead where you stand," I covered his mouth as gently as I could manage from behind while he was struggling.

Should I let him see my face? I feel like that'd be risky... although... who'd believe a kid? A king... that's a kid... someday I forget how stupid this world is.

Welp! I could say that I quoted sans today. It wasn't a total waste of time at least.

The kid wouldn't stop hitting my arms and even tried to bite me... disgusting...

"Relax RELAX! Hiroto sent me."

As soon as I mentioned Hiroto's name he calmed down and I let him go. His legs weakened from the fear making him fall down like a helpless damsel in distress.

Wasn't Hiroto only with this kid for like... 2 days? Well, he sure gets attached fast... or am I the only one beating myself over trusting people?

As if it was second nature, he crawled away from me, turning back when he was away from my arm's reach. His eyes, looking at me. In the candle's light, scared. Before realizing that I was one of the 'heroes'.

"Amber Dawn Holmes. Class representative. Leader of your 'class'. One of the survivors of the many parties you led. Been inactive since your failure to attack the demon king's forces as revenge. Am I correct?"

Damn! This kid did his research... well he's not the only one.

"Aurelius Abel Misenus. 3rd born. The current king of Leon himself, although, has no real control of anything. A mere puppet of the nobility. You got Leon... well by name at least, should I be calling you your excellency?"

"I see you have done your research on me as well..."

"Anyways! Seriously, kid, you can't just stay inside an unsecured room alone, shouldn't you have guards? That's like how to prevent an assassination 101."

"They're all traitors in their own ways, working for other factions. Other nobles. Once they see even one weakness... well people talk. Even so, this is my palace. I ask the questions. Why did he send you? Why didn't he come himself?"

What the hell am I supposed to say to that? Uhh yeah, he feels guilty for KILLING your father?! Come on stupid brain. Come up with something, "He's busy. Being an ambassador and all that,"

"As if! He just left out of the blue after proposing a preposterous idea on an alliance with the demons. I'm sure there's a good reason, but as the days pass, the nobles are losing their patience," The boy walked back and forth like a grown-up man.

"Who said he still wasn't trying to complete that 'preposterous alliance'? Oh, he's BEEN... trying more than you think,"

I... almost slipped...

"They only wish to hear results. Not effort. Right now all he is... well he's just a barker that can't bite."

They. Said. What? "Oh damn those little bast-"

"Custard!" SHOULDN'T curse in front of a kid huh?

"Bastards... I know. Even so, they wouldn't do a thing to hurt me. They can't. If they did, my picture-perfect brothers would inherit the throne... unfortunately they aren't as easy to control like me."

Well, I don't care about your safety! It's Hiroto's reputation I give a damn about.

"Look I really don't ca- think that you still shouldn't be cautious. I mean I can't say for sure, but some demons might not aware of the internal politics and still kill you by mistake," That idiot told me to talk to him so... I guess I shouldn't say 'I don't care' to his problems.

"Not like anyone would care about my passing. I don't think anyone would even notice. I'm not the nation's pride and joy, not his perfect little boy."

I'd usually tune out right about now, but... this can be... useful.


"My father. He wasn't around much... no one was... but he was busy. I was raised to please him yet I've only had a proper conversation with him once... the day he died. He said he always wanted to talk to me and that he promised tha-," Tears slowly rolled down his face.

"That he'd never leave... I get it..." Odd... I know exactly how he feels. Being left behind... wanting desperately for that person to stay. That familiar feeling.

"No, you don't. I know your world. I've heard of it... I've done my research. No wars. No conflict. People live in peace there. You can never understand it. What? Did your mommy and daddy went on a small vacation from you and you felt that?"


Truly... the voice of a generation.

"They went on a vacation alright. A 7 years vacation. No contacts. Nothing. Just sending me some money to let me know they're not dead, but you're right, I've never lost anyone I care about. It's actually quite simple, I don't care for people at all."

"I don't get it... how can you just do that?"

"Have you ever had that moment when you are just really attached to someone or something and somehow you feel like that will never change? That it would last forever? Although subconsciously, you know... you know that it's not true and it'll never be true because you've felt it many times before."

Aurelius stood there in silence. As my breathing became unstable... I continued, "I mean nothing lasts forever right? We all grow numb. I-It'll fade with time. It'll never really disappear... but people get used to it. So... someday... maybe we'll get over it too."

Gotta be honest. I have no idea what I just said or why my hands are shaking. I just said exactly what I was thinking. All I know is... that was CHEESY as hell.

More chapters coming soon! Sooner than you think~

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