
Dark heart: Hell sent hubby

He has being taught of the cruelty and blood thirsty nature of the vampires, his life's purpose is to end them. However what happens when he finds himself surrounded by the creatures he had grown to loathe. A powerful existence that shakes world is put in the palm of the hand of a overly righteous human, everything about him changes in a span of little time. When natural enemies meet, they are destined for each other but the views they grow with will serve as an obstacle to their love. Will a hunter who lives to kill the vampires ever change his mind about the vampires

Kushi_Minami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Devil is beautiful

I noticed that you have being walked around for awhile, are you lost,a masculine voice asked,the man sounded nice but Felix six senses went off screaming danger.

Felix gave no reply to the person behind him,his grip on the spoon didn't relax as he ran forward trying get as far away as possible from the stranger.

The wind sped up and the metres distance Felix was able to gain was shortened into less than a feet.

The man was now before him,why are you running I'm not going to swallow you,his fangs peeked out of his mouth as he spoke and his red eyes shone brightly.You need help come with me,he reached out to hold Felix's arm. Felix defense reflexes kicked in and he pressed the bottom of the iron spoon against the vampire's chest.

Is that supposed to hurt me, said the vampire in a mocking tone. Felix pressed harder with the spoon,the smile on the vampire's face turned upside. Put the spoon down he warned Felix, Felix didn't budge refusing to back down knowing that he would be treated as food by this vampire whether he listened or not.

The vampire grabbed the wrist of the hand that held the spoon his eyes darkened,Felix panicked trying to retract his hand as he heard his bones let out a crunching sound,his bones were cracking.

With gritted teeth,he dropped the spoon he was holding and caught it with his other hand, driving it into the vampire's neck.

The vampire grip on his hand loosened,Felix retrieved his hand and ran as fast as he could. He didn't look back once,all he did was run getting away from that vicinity and out of the vampire's reach.

Felix didn't quickly notice the carriage that headed towards him, he was about to get trampled by the horses,he managed to avoid the horses by falling to the side on his butt.

A white haired man alighted from the carriage,he didn't have white hair because he was old instead he looked to beautiful to be real with the sunset as his backdrop. Felix got enchanted by just looking at him.

Amdis looked at the disheveled young man seated on the floor,who kept staring at him.

He bent down helped him to get up and held his hand to take him into the carriage.

Felix hissed in pain as his broken hand was held by Amdis.

Amdis looked down at the Felix's hand, the wrist had red marks and it already started turning purple.

His eyes darkened as the intent to kill filled them,he asked in a low and dangerous tone,who hurt you.

A great pressure pressed down on anyone who was unlucky to be in Amdis's surroundings, especially the Coachman who was the closest to them,he could feel the oxygen leaving his lungs.

Felix didn't notice the change in the atmosphere,Oh this it's nothing he told Amdis his ears turning red.

I already took care of it ,he said with an innocent smile,like he didn't just stab a vampire with a spoon just moments ago.

Seeing Felix smile Amdis relaxed, the poor Coachman could breathe again.

Let's go,Amdis took Felix's other hand and led him into the carriage.

Is he taking me to the hospital, that would be great I won't have to sleep outside thought Felix.

Felix closed his eyes in relief,he fell asleep immediately.

His head fell on Amdis's shoulder, Amdis moved Felix head to his lap so he could sleep comfortably.


Felix was returned to the bed he painstakingly got up from hours ago.

Amdis removed the hair covering Felix's forehead, his eyes softened.

There was a knock on the door,who is that.

I am here with the first aid kit Heidi said from the other side of the door.

Come in, Amdis stretched out his hand indicating for her to hand over the first aid kit to him.

Bring food for him, Amdis told Heidi before dismissing her.

Amdis placed Felix's hand on a pillow after bandaging it,he caressed the bandaged hand,a loving expression spread on his face.

Felix woke up in the middle of the night,he was so hungry that he could eat a house.

Uhn... how come I'm back here,he last thing he remembers before going to sleep was entering a carriage with a beautiful man that he thought was taking him to the hospital.

Shit he cursed out,he was feeling the same way the kids from the bedtime story felt after entering the witch's candy house.

Only that he wasn't tempted by candy but by the beautiful appearance of the enemy.

I am a disgrace to all hunters thought Felix.

Felix looks at Amdis 'what a waste of amazing aesthetics'

Amdis with a dreamy expression 'wife called me beautiful'

Kushi_Minamicreators' thoughts