
Dark heart: Hell sent hubby

Fantasy Romance
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What is Dark heart: Hell sent hubby

Leia o romance Dark heart: Hell sent hubby escrito pelo autor Kushi_Minami publicado no WebNovel. He has being taught of the cruelty and blood thirsty nature of the vampires, his life's purpose is to end them.However what happens when he finds himself surrounded by the creatures he had grown to lo...


He has being taught of the cruelty and blood thirsty nature of the vampires, his life's purpose is to end them. However what happens when he finds himself surrounded by the creatures he had grown to loathe. A powerful existence that shakes world is put in the palm of the hand of a overly righteous human, everything about him changes in a span of little time. When natural enemies meet, they are destined for each other but the views they grow with will serve as an obstacle to their love. Will a hunter who lives to kill the vampires ever change his mind about the vampires

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By KyTy Ve Está expresamente prohibido copiar, transmitir, retransmitir, transcribir, almacenar, alterar o reproducir por cualquier medio electrónico o mecánico el contenido de esta obra, sin permiso escrito por parte del autor. Respeta y evita que tenga que actuar legalmente. TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS, PORTADA REALIZADA POR EL EQUIPO DE DISEÑO DE WATTPAD Y EDITORES APPS PLAY STORE, PROHIBIDO COPIAS Y ADAPTACIONES. Les hago de su conocimiento que "When i saw you and found", autora apodada como KyTy Ve. Esta oportunidad es un gran paso para mí como escritora, ya que desde un inicio siempre he soñado con que mi trabajo sea más reconocido, así que estoy bastante emocionada. Espero que pueda contar con su apoyo de siempre :) Esta nueva historia en esta plataforma, también mi primera y única. Quiero hacer saber que este libro está hecho con mucho amor, tiempo y lleno de recuerdos personales. Esta historia es para dar a conocer que el amor existe, que todos tenemos un destino con alguien especial, que la leyenda del hilo rojo es simplemente real. Muchas personas padres, en especial, olvidan compartir la verdadera idea del amor, dónde no existían las relaciones mixtas, pasajeras, con derecho o ilegales. Amar no es un juego, decirle te amo a medio mundo es malo, como puedes jurar amor a alguien cuando tienes un pasado, mientras que él o ella jamás sus labios tocaron palabras de amor. La mayoría de las relaciones fracasan, por el hecho de haberse enamorado y no encontrar un remplazo, la mayoría que tienen un ex, su próxima pareja será para olvidar a aquel. Como puedes jurar amor a alguien, que has dejado después de tantos juramentos. Si amas alguien, sin importar dónde o cómo. No te rindas, porque somos como un cisne “Si no está aquel, moriré en soledad” Da más importancia el amor, el amor de verdad.

KyTyVe · História
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Out of Sweet Lies

Desiring to be the best, the golden and perfect child, the trophy of her clan will always be Kelsey Anne Ferrer biggest goal and purpose in her life. Being the youngest and only grand-daughter of the late President of the country and one of the most powerful and influential business figure, and the daughter of a politician-and-business tycoon made her life perfect, as for they thought. Growing up with so many eyes on her, either waiting for her to fail and be miserable or waiting for her to shine the brightest and become better than all her brothers who had succeeded in their respective lives without so much help from their parents. She was forced. Forced to be the best, the shine, the gem, the diamond that everyone around her should look upon to. And marriage to someone who has great reputation as their family will guarantee the happiness and proudness of her dear clan. To marry well, that is what she was made of. She was the diamond of a reason. Marrying Xavier Cassius Servilliano, the young billionaire, a sought-after bachelor across the continent, came from a clan with no single scandalous affair, will for sure make her parents proud of her. But, how can she do that? Xavier was a free man, unlike her. His family was not forcing and will never force him to marry for just for the sake of money, company, or anything in this goddam world. Kelsey had to do something to make him love her-like at least. She has no other resort but Xavier. She did not want this. She does not want to marry in all honesty in the first place but she has to. And her mind keeps telling her that the man she shall marry.

Guianianaaa · Urbano
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18 Chs


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