
Dark heart: Hell sent hubby

He has being taught of the cruelty and blood thirsty nature of the vampires, his life's purpose is to end them. However what happens when he finds himself surrounded by the creatures he had grown to loathe. A powerful existence that shakes world is put in the palm of the hand of a overly righteous human, everything about him changes in a span of little time. When natural enemies meet, they are destined for each other but the views they grow with will serve as an obstacle to their love. Will a hunter who lives to kill the vampires ever change his mind about the vampires

Kushi_Minami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The demons that came

The rays of sunshine coming through the window covered Felix, his golden hair all over the pillow with his eyes closed, truly a beautiful sight to behold.

His eyebrows formed a crease as the sun rays were hot on his eyelids, his eyes opened exposing his Emerald eyes.

He was still groggy from sleeping, his joints sore like he had run a marathon, his head ached and he felt dizzy.

He laid back on the bed to continue sleeping, then something suddenly clicked in his head.

I don't have black sheets, he said as he sat back up on the bed and just taking notice of the his surroundings.

The room was covered in shades of black,grey and white.

This is definitely not my room, where am I?

he couldn't help but feel like he was forgetting something, his mind soon went the over realistic dream he had.

The hunters were camping in the forest as they found traces of some major vampire activities there.

It is Felix's first time of getting in the actual action, after so many years of training. He is excited but also afraid, well it's natural for him to be afraid as he would be going up against bloodthirsty creatures with enhanced abilities.

Are you scared?, Taylor asked Felix.

Yeah is it bad that I'm scared replied Felix.

No I am scared too but I believe that with the team leader and the amount of weapons with us, we are going to crush those vile creatures Taylor said with determination.

Will you both be quiet said a bald uncle in front of them.

we're sorry sir they whispered in unison.

Who let them bring kids here the bald uncle mumbled not so quietly.

Who are you calling a kid, I'm seventeen Felix yelled at the bald uncle in his head, ..sigh.. even if I do say so to his face I bet that he will still think of us more as kids, he has been in the field for a long time so we are pretty much like hatchlings to him.

Stop the team leader shouted from the front.

We all reached for the hilt of our swords when we heard his voice. The Archers and those with crossbows readied their arrows preparing to shoot, everyone was in full battle mode.

An errie silence soon surrounded us,the expected battle didn't start, our hands remained on the hilt of our swords searching for any abnormalities.

Few seconds of waiting for something to happen and we were still standing in the same position there was nothing.

I started feeling that something was terribly wrong.

Felix,did the team leader by chance make a mistake about the place Taylor whispered to Felix.

Team leader Alexander was confused,he was definitely sure of it,there are meant to be vampires here,his hunter sense could pick up the presence of vampires from miles away,how could it be wrong now.

..Thud.. something fell to the ground, the hunters instinctively pulled their swords out of the scabbards.

sorry that was me said a boy with Chestnut colured hair the same age Felix and Taylor , he almost gave everyone an heart attack, turns out he dropped his dagger.

I knew we shouldn't have brought them, what if that happened when he is fighting, his head would be gone before he knows it, I don't know what the council was thinking making us babysit these over grown babies said the bald uncle from before.

F*ck his long time on the field,i suddenly have the urge to use the hilt of my sword to hit his head until he bleeds blue,Felix quietly mumbled.

The boy said apologized and bent down to pick his dagger, ..thud.. something fell again but this time it wasn't a dagger, it was a person's head, the head rolled to the feet of the boy and he screamed petrified.

Everyone was put on high alert, the Archers started firing their arrows at their the trees thinking the attack must have come from above

Felix was shocked and terrified but

he didn't let it slow down his movement, he held his sword in front of him in a defensive pose.

Shadows with glimmering red eyes came out of nowhere and surrounded them,and started slaughtering any hunter they could get their hands on

The sound of swords hitting claws filled the air as a battle that has been predetermined to be a one-sided massacre took place in the cold hours of the night. Felix, Taylor and the Chestnut haired boy being the young, inexperienced ones find it hard to keep calm as a hundred men dropped down to fifty in just a few minutes.

The boys huddled up together to protect themselves from each corner, they could barely see the vampires being that the only light present was the moonlight.

The decreasing number of the hunters made the boys the next targets, the other hunters were busy fighting for their lives they didn't notice the shadow that swept pass and went for the boys.

Felix suddenly felt that the wind was blowing faster than before, a premonition hit him, he yelled to the other two it's in the front.

They were able to block the claw that came towards them in the last minute their swords forming a cross shape, the pressure on their swords lightened and the claw came from another direction with more force, the boys could only defend against the attack from the other side, the vampire kept increasing the force at which it attacks them like it was testing their resistance and the boys knew that they were being toyed with.

If this goes on they would run out of energy and it would be no different from offering their self on a golden platter to the vampire who had inhuman stamina.

The boys formed a tacit understanding and they decided to attack the next time the vampire attacked, the claw swiped at them again but this time it didn't collide with the boys joint swords.

The boys almost weren't able to dodge the claw that came at them they didn't let this close call affect their momentum, with swift movements they moved into place.

The vampire didn't put their little movement in his eyes as they were ants he could crush at anytime.

Taylor being the strongest chose to attack the vampire up front, he drove his sword in a circular motion colliding with the claw that was aimed at him, the vampire used his other claw to attack Taylor but it didn't not reach Taylor as it collided with another sword.

Felix pushed back the claw with all the strength he could muster.

Taylor and Felix moved in sync while Taylor attacks, Felix would block any incoming attacks and the Chestnut haired boy would also make an attack every single chance he could get. The boys attacks didn't change anything much, the vampire started taking them seriously but now they are in a stalemate with the vampire, with no side emerging victorious.

The boys were starting to feel the fatigue kicking in, the Chestnut haired boy suddenly passed his sword to Taylor and armed himself with his dagger. This act made Taylor's attention shift for a second but that was enough time for the vampire, he was able to make a deep scratch on Taylor's chest.

Felix saw the blood oozing out of Taylor's chest he couldn't help but be scared for Taylor's life, he threw himself before Taylor and blocked the second attack that was heading towards Taylor.

He had a rush in adrenaline and he able to push the vampire back by a little bit but this was just enough for the Chestnut haired boy to make an attack, he drove his dagger to the vampires heart but just an inch away from killing the vampire the dagger was blocked by the vampires hand. The dagger entered the vampires hand but this injury was still not enough to kill him. In rage he threw the Chestnut haired boy a few meters away. The throw knocked him unconscious

The vampire faced the only one who was still standing, Felix held his sword up pointing the blade at the vampire but his grip was no longer as firm as before due to fatigue.

The vampire swiped his claws and Felix was back to defensive pose, he couldn't hold it for long as the other claw came for him and he moved back to avoid it, his feet tripped on a body and he came crashing down to the floor.

The body he tripped on was Taylor's, a little pool of blood already formed underneath him.

Taylor was still breathing but it slowed down by every second. Felix knew that he was done for, hey at least I die with my best friend he thought as he awaited his death. He waited for the claw to end him any second from then as he had lost his sword during the fall but it actually didn't come instead he saw another shadow appear before the vampire and he mumbled some incoherent words that Felix didn't understand as his vision was already blurry and he blacked out from mental and physical fatigue.

This is the longest chapter I have ever written I am having brain aches, right now.

I probably burned a hole in my brain writing this(TT).

The male lead and his friends her so coool but clumsy sometimes

reminds me of myself^_^

Kushi_Minamicreators' thoughts