
Danmachi/Sin Of Pride

A somewhat socially awkward man, who was isolated from society due to his absurd amount of frankness and the fact that he rarely chooses not to voice up his thought when annoyed, finds himself in a world of Gods and adventure.

HolierThanThou515 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

honored Being

Thirteen minutes went by and the team had already recuperated enough including Noctis, so they kept making their way to the next floor, continuously killing more and more monsters even though it was much more challenging as they dived into the dungeon.

They eventually made their way to the tenth floor, it was their new record and first-time over there so they weren't really familiar with their surrounding.

The amount and size of rooms increase and the length of the hallways between them become shorter. Also, the ceiling changes height increased and moss covers the brown-colored walls and the ground below becomes a short grass plain with the light from above becoming misty.

"So this is the tenth floor." Mikoto marveled.

"Never thought we could have made it that far so early." That was not at all in Ouka's plans.

Objectively this was nothing amazing, the 10th floor was still a place from level 1 to explore after all it was not that overly difficult but the fact was for people like them who started adventuring just a bit over a month, this could be considered pretty amazing as most like them wouldn't dare come to this floor with such measly stats like theirs.

They didn't even have a higher level to protect them in case something turned wrong and had to do everything by themself, thus they felt pretty proud of having made it this far on their own.

They felt a sense of accomplishment, they were able to fight against monsters stronger than themself and win. They were able to avoid any kind of casualty. And more importantly, they knew that they were going to grow much faster than normal if they kept going like this.

"It's good to be happy but don't let your guard down, there are more enemies coming." Noctis advised as he got ready, his hand close to the sword in its sheath, ready to draw and strike at any moment.

""Roger that.""

They got into position and concentrated on the task at hand, they had more adventure to partake in.

And thus they once again started killings a number of monsters one after another and as they did they were getting gradually stronger, but it was different from the kind of strength that came from falna.

This was the kind of strength gained through the experience of fighting more powerful than oneself. They were becoming more skillful and precise with their actions whether it was attacking, dodging or defending.

Since their enemies were stronger, they naturally couldn't take them head on and head to maneuver around it, and that sole realization came with many benefices as they now knew where to do what at which time, and when to refrain from doing anything.

They were learning to take split-second decisions in order to get the most out of a given opportunity.

But while they were all growing, one's rate of growth trampled them all... Noctis.

He had a skill, a growth skill that would let him become more talented, the more proud he was.

It was easy to forget how powerful such a skill was. But its true ability and advantage showed itself through its practically infinite possibility of application.

The two key words were "Talented" and "Anything", he could get more talented at anything as long as the prerequisites were satisfied.

Talent in itself was a pretty easy concept to understand as it was the natural ability to be good at something, especially without being taught.

Not much had to be said about the meaning of anything.

With that out of the way, it was not hard to hard to get a grasp of what was currently happening with Noctis.

The more monsters he killed, the more skilled he become in doing so, and the more skilled he became, the prouder he was. The prouder he was the more talented he become, resulting in him becoming more skilled, which in its turn made him prouder.

All that came to form a full revolving circle that just keeps going and going, repeating itself endlessly.

Giving birth to a being in constant evolution that didn't seem to see any limit as to how much stronger, skilled, and prouder he could become.

Noctis by himself killed more monsters than all the other members of the party together. In fact, he killed more than seventy percent of the monsters they encountered and that was with him still letting them the chance to also participate.

They adventured and tested their limits many times on this floor, greeting theirs through all the pain and effort.

Witness Noctis visibly becoming so much stronger and skilled before their eyes, although admirative, they couldn't, no, they didn't want to let themself become a burden, and be left behind.

Thus they had no other choice than to adapt and also become stronger, as each of them kept doing what they did best and actively looked for ways to improve themselves midnight.

It was from all of those occurrences that the current situation came to be.

A group of five people relentlessly killing all monsters they could get their hands on in the dungeons. Even while visibly inferior, through teamwork and self-improvement, they successfully filled the gap in strength.

It was such an odd scene for the other adventurer on the same floor that many were those who more than a time almost messed up their fight and got injured.

Curious as to who this group of crazy was, some took note of their faces and clothing with the intention of investigating more later.

But none of that really concerned the adventurers of the Takemigazuchi familia as although they were tired, their spirit and will keep them going.

Sadly everything had to come to an end, they were only human after all, spirit and willpower could only take you so far when even your legs couldn't keep you standing due to fatigue.

"I think, that will be enough for today." Noctis said as he killed the last monster of this bach before sheathing back his sword.

Looking at their tattered appearance, clothes ripped here and there, and multiple minor injuries on their body, he was afraid of what might happen if they kept going in this state.

He himself although almost free of injury if not calculated ones he willingly took, was heavily feeling the fatigue in his entire body, he was only moving with sheer willpower, worse the mental strain from the six eyes was also quickly showing itself. But his pride refused him to collapse of fatigue right now.

"Don't... ha, worry, ha, Noctis-dono I can still keep going." Mikoto barely managed to say out of breath.

"Mikoto." Ouka held her shoulder as he shook his head. They couldn't keep going like this, him more than anyone knew as he was the one serving as the tank in this team.

To be honest, it was taking his all to even stand up like this.

"Ouka..." She seemed to understand before collapsing on the ground out of fatigue, her body giving up on her. "Wha-" She even had trouble recollecting herself after that.

"She no longer has any stamina in stock." Noctis diagnosed after checking her.

"You guys, can you still walk?" He looked at the others just to see them nod slowly.

"Good, we should slowly make our way up, refrain from any unnecessary action, and do not attack any monsters if you don't have to. You should try to conserve as much stamina as possible." He gave them some simple instructions.

"But." He started saying as he put Mikoto on his back. "Do not fear for your life, for as long as I am here nothing shall happen to you." And he will make sure to keep his word.

Althought the team members didn't respond to that, his words were clearly effective as most of their worries melted away just like snow to the sun.

"N-Noctis-dono, y-you don't have to... I can still walk." Mikoto managed to blurt out despite her embarrassment. her cheeks red as a ruby.

"Mikoto." slowed muttered as he made sure she was properly riding on his back.


"Shut it."


From that moment on, she did as he said and steeply crouched and rested her head behind his neck and shoulder.

She knew if she didn't shut it he would make her... probably. As she thought her face reddened even more.

After that they slowly and carefully started making it back to the surface. Noctis even took the initiative to temporarily remove his headband for maximum efficiency.

With him noticing the monsters far earlier than anyone and at a relatively large distance, he could instruct the others to take advantage of the situation by either avoiding them completely or swiftly taking care of them without having to exert too much effort.

Keeping the same strategy, they were eventually able to make their way back to the entrance of the dungeon, successfully making their way to safety.

At this point, no one was visibly transporting anything since Noctis found a good moment put everything in his inventory.

Ouka and Chigusa visibly let out a sigh of relief due to making it back without problem as Noctis promised while Mikoto was feeling a bit too comfortable where she was and Asuga was looking at her with an unreadable expression.

"Let's rest a bit, regain some strength then go home, we can exchange our goods tomorrow." He slowly let Mikoto down who strangely felt a little sad as she lost her safe and comfortable spot.

Noctis wore back his blindfold and also sat down with the others and soon enough he they were ready to go... home this time.

"Have you recovered enough? Can you walk?" Noctis asked Mikoto since she seemed the most sensible to fatigue.

"I am Fi- No, I still feel a little light-headed." She corrected herself midway after a quick thought. Thanks, Takemigazuchi-sama she learned to make split-second decisions.

"Then there is no way around it." He was not an idiot, of course, he noticed but since she worked hard, he could at least do that for her.

But what he didn't notice was how Asuka looked at him with a clear glint in her eyes. A dangerous one if the author may say.


Knock, Knock.

They waited.

Knock knock.

They waited again but still nothing.

Thinking that perhaps their God was out, they decided to open the door anyway and sure enough, he was not there.

"No better feeling than to make it home after a tiring journey." Asuka as she stretched her hands in joy.

"True that." Chigusa was quick to second her with a smile.

"We did work really hard today after all." Ouka was just as glad.

They already were pretty much healed after taking some potions they had with them.

"I wish to quickly get my status updated to see the result." Mikoto excitedly said... but that quickly toned down a fair bit when she heard Noctis's next sentence.

"You should be fine by yourself now."

Yes, he put her down on the ground, there was no need for him to piggyback her any further. He considered that as enough of a reward already.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I have a shower to take." He said letting a sad Mikoto behind.

"Wait a second." Asuka tried to stop him. "Isn't supposed to be ladies first?" There was only a single bathing room after all, the other one was strictly for... business.

"And Who decided that?" Noctis turned around locking one eye with hers as he raised one side of his blindfold. His vibrant blue eyes looked straight into her soul.

"N-Nevermind." Intimidated, blushing but also a little... wet? She looked away.

"That's what I thought." Letting those words behind he left.

Feeling empathetic, Chigusa put a hand on her shoulder as she tried to console her.

"Don't be angry, you know he didn't mean to be mean."

"I- I am alright, don't worry." Sure she was, and something more... perhaps.


Offer Thy Stone of Might beforan I maketh thou.