
Danmachi/Sin Of Pride

A somewhat socially awkward man, who was isolated from society due to his absurd amount of frankness and the fact that he rarely chooses not to voice up his thought when annoyed, finds himself in a world of Gods and adventure.

HolierThanThou515 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Honored Mind

"So how about you tell me what happened today? I am really curious as to how you lot achieved what you did today." Takemi just finished updating all of his familia members' statuses with the exception of Noctis who still didn't want to.

"Well, how to tell you that..." Ouka awkwardly scratched his cheeks, wondering how to go about it without making it sound as though they were reckless or suicidal.

"We... tried really hard today?" Chigusa wanted to help her crush but it seemed more like an inquiry than an affirmation.

"We did our best!" Mikoto wasn't even trying to get around the question, she absolutely thought what she said.

"..." Asuka just looked away not knowing what to say.

But one had to understand them, their God was a really kind-hearted one and he could easily get worried sometimes. Imagine how he would respond if he knew how far they went today. At the end of their dive into the dungeon, they were absolutely sucked dry of all kinds of energy, and their bodies were full of minor injuries that only healed that quickly with help of potions.

So they really didn't want him to worry too much about them, considering that they were pretty much willing to do it again in the future.

'We had as much growth from today's adventure as we normally do in a week's time.' It was just that effective. But Ouka knew it was not something just anyone could accomplish.

If they didn't have Noctis with them, it would have been impossible.

Not only would they not have pushed themselves that far but even if they did, they would have probably died there.

"We went to the 10th floor today, and I made them work to the bone." Althought the others were having trouble explaining themselves, Noctis wasn't. So standing with his back against the wall and his arm crossed, he spoke.

He had no problem stating the fact as they were, no use in hiding anything from their patron God.

"You what?" Takemikazuchi's expression turned stern. "The tenth floor? How can you be so reckless?"

Here it come, that was what they feared. They sighed collectively.

"Noctis." Since he admitted to being the instigator, the God of war turned to him first. "What you did was dangerous, too dangerous, you all could have died there!"

"Are you conscient of the fact that you could have led everyone to their death with your own hands?" He knew he was being severe but that was necessary, he had to make it clear that their life was not just for them to throw away.

He as their God wanted them to be safe and sound, he wasn't willing to let his children die recklessly just for the sake of getting stronger a bit quicker.

"No, that wouldn't have happened." He shook his head.

"And how are you so sure of that?"

"Because I was there."



Once again that confidence of his. How could he just say such things completely honestly and with a straight face?

Takemigazuchi knew how, but that didn't make him less speechless by his words.

And as a result, he just stood there looking at Noctis, who although had his eyes hidden also stared back full mark.

The atmosphere started to get tense, and the others started to get a bit worried about the situation. So thinking of himself as the right person to speak in this situation, Ouka wanted to try to clear it up.

"Takemigazuchi-sama, look, we know that you are just worried about us but look, we are fine, aren't we? Just believe in us."


The God looked at Ouka, then Mikoto, Chigusa, and Asuka, and seeing that they were probably thinking the same thing, his eyes snapped back to Noctis. Closing his eyes for a moment, he opened them with a sigh.

"Fine, but just don't bite more than you can chew." He finally relented as he held his forehead.

"But Noctis, since you are the cause of all this, make sure to bring them back safe and sound."

"That's how it should be." Noctis answered back with a nod.

After that. The God of War was concretely told what happened today. And truly having an idea about it and hearing were two completely different things.

He even came to regret letting go of the matter so easily but since he already did, he was not going to bring it back to light anymore. He will try to believe in them on this one. But he still prohibited them to go to the dungeon tomorrow, they needed to rest properly after all of that.

"Nothing can be done about it then." Even Noctis knew his limit, he was confident but not stupid. He knew rest was just as important as training, they had no gamer body or anything of the sort, so they couldn't really cheat their way through that.

"But really, it feels great to get so strong in a single day!" Mikoto was joyous.

"Right?" Asuka felt the same way.

"I third that." Ouka nodded firmly.

"And after selling all we gained, we can send back more money to the Shrine." Chigusa spoke just as happily.

Her words raised their collective mood immensely since that was why they came to Orario in the first place. To gain and send back money to support the shrine and the many orphans there.

Of course, Noctis also knew of that, in fact even if initially told that he didn't have to, he also participated and gave his fair share of support anytime he made money in the dungeon.

He could only become more proud of himself by helping those in need, he had nothing to lose and all to gain. To be honest that was not even the reason he did it, but just because he decided that it was the right thing to do.

"Let's keep it up, we will make even more money." Mikoto

"And also become much stronger at the same time." Ouka

"Then you will perhaps notice me" Chigusa lowly muttered, it was almost unconscious.

Noticing, everyone's heads turning toward her, she blushed deeply in embarrassment.

"Hm? You said something Chigusa?" Ouka was still oblivious though.

"Ha, n-no n-nothing d-don't worry." She said panicked, moving her arm strangely.

"If you are really determined to get stronger, I know of a way." Noctis uncharacteristically choose to speak.

"How?" They were all curious, even Takemigazuchi.

"In fact, I know many ways. I was going to use one of them soon, if you are willing to bear the pain and discomfort, you can also try."

"What kind of training is that?" Mikoto curiously tilted her head in wonder.

"One word." Noctis smiled a bit sadistically. "Weight."

"Weight? How is that going to help us become stronger?" Asuka asked a bit doubtful.

"Since we are not going to the dungeon tomorrow, let's do it then."

"Believe me, you will like it."

That grin though... Takemigazuchi shook his head in empathy knowing that these children were going to suffer.


The next day, around two hours before noon, they all left the Family residence except Takemi, since they weren't going in the dungeon today, they dressed accordingly, wearing casual clothes.

They had to go "somewhere" as Noctis said but before that, they also had to sell their stuff from yesterday at the guild.

Which took quite some time considering they hunted quite a fair bit that day. So around one hour later, they left the guild with an amazing 130.000 and some in addition.

So suffice to say that they were really happy because of that, it was an incredible amount of money to make in a single day for a party of level 1 like them, let alone level 1 that started just some months ago.

"Next stop will be... Babel." Noctis spoke as he walked ahead.

"Babel? What does that have to do with our training?" Asuka asked curiously.

She was not wearing her... exhibitionist-like clothes today, which was quite a fresh sight to behold.

"You will see!" He didn't say more.

"You are really acting all mysterious today, Noctis-dono." Mikoto commented but she was successfully ignored.

Since the Guild was not that far from the tower of babel, they were soon to arrive. Althought it was Noctis's first time there, he didn't let that distract him and directly made his way to the fourth floor along with his fellows.

"So we are in the tower, since we are on the Hephaestus Familia's shop floor, I suppose we are looking for a blacksmith?" Ouka asked.

"Indeed, I have a pers-" As he was speaking he was interrupted by a commotion that was seemingly happening not far from them.

"I commissioned a set of armor, believing that you would not let me down, but look at this? It's only been two days and it already had signs of breaking!" The voice of a man could be heard as it echoed through.

"I demand compensation, this was not what I asked for!" The man kept complaining.

"A deal is a deal, and from the moment I handed you the finished product, there is no taking back." This time it was the voice of a woman calmly answering him.

"Is this how you are going to go about this? That's just unacceptable!" The man kept on going.

"What's going on?" A crowd started to form around the shop where the event was taking place.

"Don't ask me, I also don't know, I just came here due to the ruckus just like you."

"You two must be new here then." Another man spoke from behind the previous two.

"So, do you know something we don't?"

"Sure I do. This is pretty much a normal occurrence these days." The man started explaining.

"This girl is a new blacksmith of the Hephaestus Familia. She opened her shop around three months ago. But since then every single one of her clients who once placed an order, came back stating that the completed product is defective and not worth the price. They all without exception came to ask for a refund."

"Eh?" The others were quite surprised by the explanation.

"But, then rumors should have started circulating, so why do more people just keep going to her?"

"That... my brother is because..." He trailed off as everyone around who at this point were all listening to their conversation looked at him in anticipation.

Well not everyone, those that already knew about it started shaking their heads.

"She is hot."

""What?"" Dumfounded, the two he was talking to couldn't help but blurt out.

"You heard the first time. Well, I don't know if that's the right way to put it depending on your taste but, what I mean is that those who kept going to her just did it because of her look, all they first wanted first was pulling her... here you see how it always end up." He said as he pointed inside, coinciding with their altercation becoming a notch more heated.

"There is no use complaining again, I told you I am not going to refund you. Besides, my products are always done to the best of my abilities, when I gave it to you, the set of armor was completely fine." Her voice could be heard, still remaining calm. The one she was talking to, however, seemed to want none of it.

"Fine, damn arse, if that was the case I wouldn't be here like that! Now, you damn vixen, reimburse me right now!"

"Hey, you can say what you want but don't touch me." Her voice got a bit more agitated.

"Then do as I say, or would I have to take it from your body?"

"I said don't touch me!" She shouted, completely losing her composure.

"You, who are you?" The man's voice suddenly shifted.

That was because at this point, Mikoto, not being able to endure this anymore, decided to step into a business that was not hers.

She quickly went inside, separating the man who was seemingly in his twenties from the woman blacksmith.

"Please refrain from touching her against her will." Mikoto stood guard between the two.

"Ahhhh? I said who are you? And What are you gonna do If I touch her?" The man grew even more irritated, this time grabbing Mikoto's arm.

The rest of the Familia members, having also made their way inside at this point, eyes grew cold. Ouka was going to intervene but someone was quicker.

"Retrieve your hand or lose it." With a hand on the man's shoulder, Noctis's voice was heard by all even though it was not particularly loud. In fact, it was not even agitated, there was no disgust in it, no hate, and it was not even cold.

He spoke with no such emotion, the only thing that was in his voice was pity. As if his words were stating nothing but the eventual future if the man didn't cooperate.

The man himself was taken aback, he first wasn't planning to heed Noctis's words, but once he turned around to look at who was talking to him, he was forced to look a little up as Noctis was taller than him.

The man came momentarily locked eyes with Noctis, who at some point removed his blindfold, and for some reason he himself couldn't discern, he instinctively did as he was told to let go of Mikoto's arm.

"Excellent." He also let go of the man's shoulder, rather pleased. "Now get lost."


Sometime later, with the man already having left minutes ago, the crowd also dispersed by itself. Leaving only the Takemigazuchi Familia and the blacksmith since the others wanted to make sure she was okay.

"I am fine now. Thank you for your help." The newly introduced Padme said with a bow.

'Seems pretty polite.' Noctis thought as he observed her.

Blue eyes and long orange hair tied in ponytail behind her back. She was wearing some simple but rather practical clothing covering most of her body. But even then Noctis could tell that she really had quite a body behind this. Not in the sense as necessarily white and tender or some Chinese description, but rather along the line of a toned body a calisthenic would have.

And how did he know that? Well, he was one in his past life.

"Then let's go, we still have a blacksmith to find." Noctis announced as he turned around.

"Then take care of yourself Padme-san" Mikoto and the others followed behind.

"Wait!" She shouted from behind.


"If it's a blacksmith you are looking for, I can take care of your need!"

"..." Noctis looked at her blankly.

"And you think we will come to you after what just happened?" Noctis asked with a raised eyebrow.

"ah, that..." She scratched behind her head awkwardly before sighing.

"I can explain."



Insert Mikoto Picture here.

Insert Ouka Picture here.

Insert Chigusa Picture here.

Insert Asuka Picture here.

Insert Takemigazuchi Picture here.

Insert Potential Padme Picture here.

Insert Your Power Stones Bellow.