
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
154 Chs

Chapter 6: An Offer

A/N: First off the poll results are in for the final harem member and here is the lucky winner.

Riveria Ljos Alf.

Also, no the MC will not try and prolong his lifespan. He'll simply live his life like that of a normal human for the record. Since this is not that kind of fanfiction.

So without further ado the chapter.


Ryuu Lion.

Even back when I first watched the Danmachi anime and didn't really like it, I always liked her.

Her calm and cool personality, her super hot body, and of course the way she stuck up for friends and comrades no matter what. I liked all of that about her. I also felt extremely sad for her when I learned her full backstory later on.

All of her friends dying and her being the only survivor.

It's no wonder she fell into despair and went on a bloody rampage in the original work. Actually its a wonder she didn't try and kill herself instead.

No, maybe she actually would've if Syr/Freya didn't save her on that rainy day.

But I guess that's neither here nor there since those events haven't taken place yet.

And will never take place if I have anything to say about it.

Since I will make this girl mine no matter what.

After all, if anyone was to meet one of their favorite waifu in the flesh I'm sure there is basically nothing they wouldn't do to date them and have some sexy time with them.

In my opinion at least.


Ryuu looked at me from her position on the ground, an indifferent expression on her face. Like the one she usually wore in the anime and as described in the light novels.

"You bumped into me." She said.

"Yeah." I said, giving her a curt nod. "I did. And if you didn't hear me before I am really sorry about that. I got a little carried away and wasn't paying attention to my surroundings like I should've." I explained to her. "Anyway, are you ok?" I asked.

Offering my hand to help Ryuu up off the ground.

But as soon as it got to close to her.


She slapped my hand away without hesitation.

The second after Ryuu did this her eyes went wide with shock. She then stared slightly frowning and got a disappointed expression on her face.

Which is self-disappointment to be specific.

Like I said I know her backstory quite well.

Ryuu left her home forest due to the fact that the Elves there mocked other races easily. She didn't like that. So she came to Orario in an attempt to make friends with people of other races. But since the idea of mocking others is so firmly planted in her mind thanks to her people from her hometown she's not able to do the thing she truly wants to do, and that is to have some comrades.

She's also self-loathing a bit right now since she doesn't like the fact the gods created the Elven race at the moment.

That's why I'm not surprised she slapped my hand away just now.

"Hey, Morax!" Ryner said. Arriving at the scene. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told him. Looking at Ryuu as I did so.

"Sorry." She softly said. "You were only trying to help me and I was rude to you, for that I apologize." She said. Standing to her feet on her own as she did so.

"No, it's fine." I said. "I should be the one saying sorry again. I forgot that those of the Elven race do not allow others except for their own kind to touch them easily. My mistake." I said.

"No, again the mistake was all mine." Ryuu said.

"Let's agree to disagree." I spoke.

"Very well." Ryuu said. "Well then if you'll excuse me."

"No problem." I said. Stepping aside.

As I did so Ryuu walked past me and Ryner.

"By the way my name is Morax, what's yours?" I asked her.

"Ryuu." She quickly said.

"That's a nice name." I told her. "See you around."

"Yes." Ryuu said.

Continuing to walk away after she did so.

As she left the area so did Ryner and I.

"Hey, what was that just now?" He asked me. "You and that elf?"

"It was nothing." I said. "We simply bumped into each other is all."

Yes, and I can't believe how lucky I was to do so.


(3rd Person: POV)

As Ryuu left the scene of her encounter with Morax she clenched her fists in frustration.

"Dammit." She muttered. "Why did I slap his hand away? He not only apologized for bumping into me, but also tried to help me up and yet I...."

Ryuu did not like the way she acted right now. It reminds her of the way her brethren in her home forest do. Mocking the other races.

That's why she came to Orario.

So she could get out of that environment and change for the better.

But due to her actions against Morax right now Ryuu is realizing that change is not going to be easy.

Even so she's not going to give up.


(Morax: POV)

"Bullshit!" Ryner roared.

"Calm down." I told him.

"But Morax, aren't you upset as well?!" He asked me.

"Of course I am. But getting upset like this won't change anything so calm down. Unless you want us to get kicked out that is." I told him.

Hearing my words Ryner nodded.

He then started calming down.

Rose simply watching the whole thing take place without saying a word.

A month has passed since Ryner and I first came to the guild and tried to apply to join a familia.

Every single one of them has rejected us.

No if, ands, or buts about it.

From the Ganesha famila to even trash like the Ikelos familia, no one is willing to give us a chance.

Now I understand how Bell felt when he first came to Orario.

It's burning me up inside.

Still I'm not calling it quits on being an adventurer. I'm sure something will come along eventually. I just need to remain patient.

Though honestly I don't know how long my patience will be able to hold out.

Clenching my fists I started inhaling and exhaling to keep calm. Ryner doing the same thing.

"Good, looks like you both have cooled off." Rose said. Which caused us both to look at her. "Now then I know it's upsetting, but this is not the end. It's only been a month. Who knows what may change in the future? As such I will keep sending in your applications to various familia and you might be accepted in the future." She explained.

I nodded. "Thanks Rose."

"Yeah, thanks." Ryner echoed.

"Just doing my job." Rose said in a monotone voice. "Ok then, you can leave now that's all I had to tell you." She said.

Nodding Ryner and I left the private booth. Making our ways towards the guild exit.

But just as we were about to reach it someone spoke to us.

"Am, sorry but I couldn't help but overhear?" A female voice said. "You two are looking for a familia to join, correct?"

Stopping in our tracks Ryner and I both turned to look at the person speaking to us.

She is a girl. She looks to be 11 or 12 twelve years old. She has pink hair and pink eyes. As well dog ears atop her head and a tail, signifying her as a part of the chienthrope race.

[Image Here]

*Swish Swish*

The girls tail is moving back and forth.

Looking at it I can't help but want to *mofu mofu* her just a bit.

The same way I do with Rose every time I see her.

And I feel no shame in admitting that. Since animal girls are the best.

Enough said.

"So, you were eavesdropping on our conversation just now were you?" I asked the girl.

Lightly scratching her cheek she put an embarrassed expression on her face. "Hehe, sorry. I didn't mean to. I was actually pointed in that direction by guild employee. All so I could speak with my dungeon advisor-"

"-Millhoire." Rose spoke. Coming over to us as she did so. "You are looking for me I heard?"

"Yes, Ms. Rose." The girl now named Millhoire said. "I was sent to get permission by the others to dive onto one of the deeper floors of the dungeon." She explained.

Hearing this Rose sighed. "Like I've said before. No. None of you are ready for the deeper floors yet. Relay that message once again, and tell your friends to stop asking permission every week or else." She said.

"Right, I will do that." Millhoire said.

"See that you do." Rose told her. She then looked at Ryner and I. "Something you two need?"

"Actually Millhoire was the one who stopped us. She overheard a bit of our conversation just now and wants to talk to us about something." I explained.

When I did so Rose got a look of clarity in her eyes. "I see. Yes, that actually that can work. Millhoire you want to ask these two to join your familia right?"

"Am, well I think introducing them to the others and the goddess would be a good start." Millhoire admitted. "If they accept that's fine, but if they don't that's fine as well. I just think if you are trying so hard to help them Ms. Rose then I think they would be a perfect fit into my familia." She explained.

Making Rose blush a little bit after she did so.

"I see." Rose said. "Well then Ryner and Morax I think you should take Millhoire up on her offer. Her familia wasn't on the list I gave you, and they are small but I think it might be a good fit for you both. Though the final decision is up to the two of you."

"Sure, I'll see what she has to say." I spoke.

Since if Rose is recommending Millhoire's familia to us I know we won't get screwed over just by hearing them out. I know the red-headed werewolf is not that type of person.

"I'm in." Ryner said.

"Ah, great." Millhoire said. "So, please follow me?" She asked.

"Lead the way." I said.

Once I did the three of us left the guild, on our way to meet up with Millhoire's familia and hear them out.

Looks like going with patience was the right call after all.