
Bete feelings for Bell.


somebody saw this fic on wattpad.

if the username is emilemil then it's okay, thats my wattpad acound.

im not posting this story on any other website, so IF you see anything let me know.


A fist crashed right into Bell's jaw, the spectators cringed as they heard something break accompanied by a loud POP sound. 

Normally he would cry out in pain, but after 3 hours of Anakitty and Bete beating him half to death constantly without stop…lets just say that he quickly learned to power through the pain and quickly regained his footing.

Not quickly enough however.

Bell saw Aki's fist a second away from burying itself into his stomach, fortunately, before that could happen Aki was sent flying to the side with a lazy kick from Bete.

Words could not describe how much Bell preferred Bete over Anakitty right now.

From what he heard, "spars" with a newbie were supposed to be brutal, but they were also supposed to be fair!

When he is "sparing" with Bete, the werewolf uses an amount of speed that Bell can fellow with his current stats, and while his punches still hurt and crack his bones they are not at the point where they literally snap! 

Aki tho? She was ruthless! She doesn't use her full speed but she is obviously going slightly faster than Bete. Just barely enough for Bell to have a chance at reacting to her movements.

Bell can't count how many times Bete saved him from Aki by interrupting the fight and punching or kicking her away from him when she goes too far.

Bell let out a sigh and tried to say something, but his broken jaw made it sound like gibberish. 

Don't worry tho, my sexy readers! *wink* your authors got your back! 

What Bell said, was "This is payback for the Raul incident, isn't it?". What can I say Bell...you reap what you sow?

"Alright, that's enough for today!" Bete declared and caught a potion thrown his way without looking at it. He didn't need to think long about why he was given this.

He opened the bottle and unceremoniously started pouring the contents down Bell's throat, much to the dismay of the boy.

'I can drink it by myself!' Bell thought annoyed and took the bottle away from the werewolf's hand.

Once he finished drinking it he felt his jaw pop into place and the broken pieces going to their right places as the bone grew back into a single piece.

"So what is the point of this? I'm a mage, not a fighter, why do I have to learn hand-to-hand combat?" Bell asked.

Bete looked at him, amused by the question. He heard it so many times, from so many mages.

"A monster is dangerously close to you, what do you do?" Before Bell could answer, Bete spoke again "You are with a party, since you are a mage that means that one of the monsters got past the group that is meant to protect you. So you need to choose a spell that will kill, or wound the monster without doing damage to your party members nearby."

Bell paused.

He thought about it.

Acid spells are a no-go, the splash of acid could land on his ally.

Depending on how close his allies are, fire spells are also dangerous since they could burn them depending on the spell power. Not to mention that the sudden explosion of fire can blind someone if they were in a dark area when it happened.

Lightning? Quick and lethal, too much of a risk if he misses the monster and hits his party member.

"I see that you understand the problem" Bete said as he saw Bell face change to a look of realization after he thought about his question. "At that moment you need to choose a spell that will be PERFECT for the environment and your ally position. A split-second decision that is near impossible to make when on an adrenaline rush." Bell blinked at the werewolf "Or you can just punch the monster away. Swinging your first is easier than casting a spell." Bell nodded dumbly.

"I guess it makes sense" the boy murmured to himself. Kinda shocked since he never thought that Bete would be someone who would give a GOOD advice on dungeon diving and monster hunting.

'Well…he is a seasoned adventurer I guess.' He thought.

"Alright, the next training session will be tomorrow, bye" Bete said with an almost sadistic grin and walked away.

Bell felt a chill go down his spine. The mere thought of having to do this again was enough to make him want to cry.

He hung his head low and went back to the Loki familia camping area.

The safe floor that they are currently in is a large area somewhat resembling a forest with the occasional cliff, plain, or even mountain here and there. Not to mention the giant tree in the middle. This whole place made Bell realize just how enormous the dungeon floors can get…how much bigger are the floors below this one? How is it possible that such large rooms don't collapse? 

Ah, fantasy worlds…don't you love the bullshit logic they operate on?

Walking through multiple tents and past many of his familia who were happily chatting among themselves, Bell walked to his tent that he shared with 3 other guys and picked up his bag. He then made his way into a more peaceful place where no one would disturb him.

He sat under a tree and took a notebook about fire magic that he bought in Rivira, the city that adventurers build on this floor. 

The notebook apparently belonged to a mage corpse that they found on the deeper floors.

The origin of the notebook didn't interest Bell, he was more interested in its contents.

The first page was a simple explanation of how magical fire works, written by the previous owner of the notebook. What followed after were the author's theories on pyromancy and two spell formulas for the same type of spell.

It was a simple fire enchantment that is supposed to give a weapon fire damage.

The first formula was a normal one, but the second was modified by the author. Unfortunately, there was a note beside the modified spell that said "failure".

Feeling curious, Bell took out his dagger.

"Fire, grant thine kiss." With the spell declared, Bell's knife started to glow bright orange around the edges, almost as if it was coated in hot embers.

He dispelled the spell and cast it again, however this time he used the modified one.

With the same incantation but slightly different formula, Bell watches as the fire dagger once again gained the ember-like coating around the edge but started to…melt? He quickly ended the spell and examined his weapon. It was slightly scorched and bent.

"Great, I need a new dagger" Boy, what the hell were you expecting when using a failed experimental spell? This bitch lucky that the knife didn't explode and burn his face off.

—Meanwhile with Bete Loga—

Bete liked their new recruit.

He liked him because he isnt like every other newbie, because he isnt a weakling who will shiver in fright like a child scared of the darkness of his own room at night. 

When he first saw him while going down to the 18th floor to secure a camp area together with Aiz, Tione, and Tiona. 

Right at that time, he decided to test him.

When they started to walk their separate ways he purposely bumped into the kid to see his reaction, he even called out to him when he ignored the bump and kept marching forward.

"Heh" Bete let out a snort of amusement at that memory and bit into the sausage he roasted over the campfire. 

Bell called out Bete on his bullshit, he said that he doesn't have to apologize since it was Bete who bumped into HIM. 

The werewolf still remembers what he thought when he heard that. 

'Finally. Someone with balls to stand up for himself!' 

The amount of level 1 newbies that lower their head every time a level 2 or higher passes by them honestly makes him want to puke. He finds that behavior disgusting.

Not only that, but the newbie can take a lil' bit of teasing without huffing and being mad about it. 

Yup. Bete liked Bell. He will make sure to help mold the kid into the best adventurer he can be.

"So." Bete began "why were you so mad at the squirt?" He asked Aki who was sitting on his right, holding a stick with a fish at the end of it over the campfire. 

Aki grumbled. "Believe me, he deserved it."

Bete shrugged his shoulder and started devouring the rest of his roasted sausage. He didn't know what happen, but if Aki of all people was mad about it then Bell most likely deserved it. 


was kinda shocked that nobody comented why nobody saw Bell mysterious tattoo while they all went to bathe in the lake, but then I realized that with my uploading speed, everyone probably already forgot about the tattoo xD