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"Colby Bran?"

"Yes sir?"

"My office please"

"It looks like you sustained an injury today."

"Yeah. It was that tweeps fault. If he hadn-"

"Okay look for one his name is Damien and for another, I promised him I would get your side of the story. So please sit."

"My apologize sir"

"Okay so what happened out there today? Because both of you came in with bloodied lips and a swollen eye"

"Uhhh okay. So I was with my brosive Trey Conoley and I see the twe- I mean Damien was walking up and he started saying we were dumb and other ridiculous other things. He made fun of my mother"

"What things were he saying"

"He said my mom will go to hell"

"Okay thank you."

"You can leave"

"Hi this is Melissa Bran a mother of a great son. I am sorry I can't get to your call right now but please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can"

"Hello Ms. Bran this is principle Hopper calling in regard to your son Colby. Please call me when you have a chance"

"What's up Trey?"

"What did you tell principle Hopper"

"I told him it was all his fault"

"Come on Colby that's not how it was"

"Damn since when do you stand up for losers"

"It's not that. Come on his dad just died. That was not cool Colb"

"Come on. You and I both hate Damiena"

"No I never said I hate anyone. You always put words in my mouth. And Damiena is not his name it's Damien."

"Yeah you don't mean that"

"Yeah whatever I'll catch you later. I'm apologizing and I think that you should too"

"Okay whatever loser"

"Hey Damien"

"What do you want? You want me to admit that I started it? Whatever you want king."

"No look Damien, I'm sorry. Look what he did was wrong. I should of never joined in on it. I'm sorry."

"The principle put you up to this didn't he?"


"Okay well thanks. I've got to go"

"Hey Trud. How was tutoring?"

"It was fine okay?!"

"Geez I was just asking"

"Yeah yeah"

"Hey mama we're home"

Trudy screamed