

"Don't leave me.."

"come on baby be strong I won't leave you. I'll always be with you... don't worry"she said

With tears in his eyes he managed to pry his son from his mother their conversation hurt him. He loves her Soo much he couldn't look at her and when he glimpsed at her he knew she was hurt. He had hurt her Soo much already what is a little bit more. "Come on Daniel lets go".

After Leaving Daniel with my mum I went back to see her I couldn't bear not to say goodbye I loved her too much. "Baby I called softly". she turned to face me I saw she had also been crying. "Don't cry please". "How is he?"she asked I reached for her. "He will be fine" I answered her. "I love you"she whispered softly "I love you too baby"

"Baby I'll love you. I will be with you in health and sickness I have never regretted being with you and never will even in death. I'm yours and you are mine it can't be changed. I have loved,I love and will always love our children you are never alone. You don't have to be alone I'll always be with you thank you for making me live,feel and get out of the little bubble I had created thank you for understanding me thank you for accepting all of me".... she paused I couldn't help the tears.."My time is up baby. It's ok to grieve don't push everyone away. you did the best you could for me. I want you to move on take care of the kids. Promise me you'll take care of yourself and them" she looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes I love "I promise I kissed her softly and tasted the saltiness of our tears. She coughed a bit and sighed. I knew she was gone I looked at her face and saw a contended smile on her face my heart broke a million pieces at that.

I called for the doctor and left I couldn't stay any longer I couldn't bear to see her like that and I vow to take revenge no matter how long it takes no matter the danger. If anyone thinks her death will break me their funeral it made me stronger. I will keep fighting till I find the killers and I won't rest

The prologue is nine years before the actual story commences

kris470creators' thoughts