
Daily Life Of The Grand Lord

Gu Shang was an illegitimate son of the Gu family who was a smear to their reputation since he was a birthed by accident after the clan leader got drunk and had his way with one of the maids. Since he was young he had always been bullied by his half brother and abused by his family until he was framed for a crime he did not commit and was drafted to war against the Wei empire to lead a bunch of criminals as human shield for the empire. Seven years later, Gu Shang returns to the Capital, but this time not as a bastard of the Gu family, but as the Grand General of the Immortal empire's army who wields all military power and is only one rank below the emperor and eight ranks above every other official. In the Imperial capital, Gu Shang must protect the empire from the neighboring empires and sect, the schemes of the ministers trying to impeach him, the threats from the ancient sects and families whiles also protecting the current dynasty even though the emperor is weary and fearful of him and is finding ways to get rid of him. Gu Shang is surrounded by enemies on all fronts, but his biggest headache is how to deal with his wife's. Liu Feifei is his first wife, a captain of the Capital guards who is fierce and strong willed, Gu Shang was forced to marry her on behalf of his half brother who chicken out of the marriage because of how cruel Liu Feifei was. Ling Mei, a princess of the immortal empire who was bestowed to him by the emperor as reward for his meritorious deeds. She's smart, cunning and beautiful ( She was actually sent by the emperor to spy on Gu Shang's every move) Yue Yie a queen of a lower kingdom who only married Gu Shang to form an alliance in order to protect her kingdom, she's proud and unyielding.

Sky_Piecer · Outros
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75 Chs

The Purple Qilin Cavalry Greets The Grand General

The emperor narrowed his eyes. He was aware of the plot of the high officials and though, he did not publicly support it, he had already given them a tacit go ahead.

"Why did he leave the main troop three days before arrival?" The emperor asked.

"The Grand General was in a hurry to see his family" the leader of the troops answered honestly.

The high ranking officials couldn't help but clench their hands in frustration.

If they had known that the Prince of the north had a family in the capital, they'd have held them hostage to force the prince to submit.

It might have been a simpler and easier way to control him. What a missed opportunity!

The emperor also had the same feeling, if he had known of this, he would have used the opportunity to force the prince to submit.

It was indeed a shame.

But non of it mattered anyway, because if he shows up today, they would force him to submit or die.

There was only one way out. The troops he brought looked intimidating, but with the experts from the higher clans here, they would just be sheeps in a wolf den.

"So when, would he show himself?" the emperor probed.

"Any moment from now" the commander simply replied.

The emperor was truly pissed, lawfully those men are supposed to be his troops, but they didn't seem to care about him, not even showing a single level of deference towards him.

The place felt into an awkward silence as , they didn't know what to do since the star of the show was yet to arrive.

It was at this moment that a young man in silk black robes appeared from within the capital walking towards the gate.

He had long silver hair which was tied on top of his head with a golden Phoenix hairpin, which neatly tied his long silver hair on top of his head.

He had sharp features and looked extremely handsome and charming.

He leisurely walked towards the gate as if he owned the streets.

When Liu Feifei saw him, she couldn't help but panic, "What was he doing here, didn't she warn him not to come!" she tried to leave the formation to stop him from approaching but was immediately held back by a colleague.

"It's not worth it, he's already in trouble, the best thing you can do, it's to wait for everything to settle" Liu Feifei knew there was nothing she could do, so she unwillingly stepped back in line.

The old general and Liu Tan father couldn't help but close their eyes, This was not a good time to strutter around like that.

He showed no respect towards the imperial court, emperor and officials.

Regular citizens had to bow down on their knees whenever they saw the imperial insignia, they could only rise when told to do.

Gu Shang saw the imperial insignia, but ignored it and continued to walk forward with one step at a time.

The emperor was truly enraged, firstly the high ranking officials disrespected him by refusing to bend the knee in public, before his subjects.

Then there was also the situation of his own troops refusing to show their obeisance to him.

But now even a regular citizens dared to not show his respect.

Did the imperial authority seem like a joke or what?

In the Gu Clan area, the Gu clan leader knew his son was dead, whiles the old clan leader stood there unbothered in his imperial court robes.

They were planning to deal with him after they dealt with the Prince, but since he had already brought himself here to be killed, it made thing easier.

Gu Lin had been planning a thousand ways to kill him, never in his life had he thought Gu Shang would have committed suicide.

Right now, he felt like he was an illegitimate son of the heavens, What kind of luck was this?.

Shen Bi Ru eyes flashed with a look of sorrow, before a cold look returned on her face.

It would be a lie, if she said she didn't have feelings for Gu Shang, I mean who wouldn't?

He was tall, strong and extremely handsome. His silver hair also made him looked unique, truly a phoenix among birds.

He was also looking stunningly handsome right now in those black silk and phoenix hairpin. He didn't have any status and was going to die today.

His looks were now useless, it was truly a shame. Maybe in their next life, she would give him chance, but in this life they could never be a them.

She belonged to a class of her own, far superior than Gu Shang.

Mr Xu, wasn't surprised. Gu Shang was someone who believed brute strength could crash all opposition.

It was no wonder he was being so bold, only the heavens knew what he was thinking!

The other people at the banquet yesterday couldn't care less about what happened to him, only Zhao Qiuqiu felt it was a shame.

"Who's the handsome young man?" one of the beautiful women from the imperial academy asked.

"A dead man!" one of the young men from the imperial academy answered, causing the girls to giggles.

The other high ranking officials couldn't be bothered by the walking dead man.

Among all the people present who had different emotions, with some gloating over his misfortune and some feeling pitiful about his impending death, whiles others thought it was his arrogance that killed him. Qing Ying was different, she noticed the little details, the others chose to ignore.

For instance, why was Gu Shang wearing a phoenix hairpin, which was exclusive for only the emperor? Why did he look so nonchalant?

From the meeting yesterday, she definitely knew Gu Shang wasn't a suicidal person and was quite clever, composed and calm with strong self restraint.

It didn't fit the character he displayed yesterday, and she usually was never wrong about judging people characters

Then again she noticed, something very peculiar about his black robes which no one payed attention to.

She could see there was a golden purple patterns on the robes that only reflected when the sun shone on it.

The more he came closer, the more she paid attention to the patterns on the robes, her pupils shrank as she got a closer look at the pattern.

It was the insignia of the Purple Qilin Cavalry, she looked at one of the banners and confirmed they matched.

A shocking theory formed in her head but she stayed mute.

"Which noble family is that rascal from?" the emperor asked angrily, judging by those silk robes, he could tell the silver haired young man was from a noble family.

"Your Majesty, he's from the Gu Clan, the Second Chancellor replied immediately, how could he miss the chance to do the Gu Clan in.

The old Clan leader of the Gu Clan was the third Chancellor of state and was amasing quite a lot of power, he wanted to use this excuse to cut them off before they became too powerful.

But before he could continue, the Gu Clan old leader immediately interjected, " He's been banished from our clan a long time ago, he's no longer part of us.

How can the second chancellor spread such fallacies" 

Gu Shang stood there and watched the drama unfold Infront of his eyes amusingly.

Zhang Feng, was enjoying this moment, with this opportunity in front of him, he was going to get the girl, whiles impressing the emperor.

He immediately rushed forward with intentions to false Gu Shang to kneel.

Though he was only an Earth Master, he knew Gu Shang won't resist or he will incurre the wrath of the emperor.

He summoned spiritual Qi and formed a large claw with his hands as he shot out with the speed of a bullet, intending to force Gu Shang on his knees.

And to his delight, Gu Shang didn't look like he was going to resist. He had actually made this move to set a trap for Gu Shang.

If Gu Shang fought back now, he'll die a horrible death for fighting before the emperor though he was in the wrong, but if he took his attack, it would damage his shoulders and make him a cripple.

Those who saw through his plan couldn't help but think that the young man before them was truly wicked and scheming.

Liu Feifei heart broke into pieces as she knew it was all over.

That was her husband, but she could only stand there and watch in tears, the old general also felt ashamed of himself for not having power to protect his grand son -in -law.

Just when everyone thought, Gu Shang was going to be forced on his knees a cripple, a sword light appeared and sliced through the claws destroying it.

It didn't stop there, but continued to move towards Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng was so scared and wanted to avoid it, but was to slow. The sword light sliced Zhang Feng right hand that formed the claw against Gu Shang.

Zhang Feng arms fell down as blood gushed out of his amputated arms like a water fountain.

He shrilled loudly as he cried on the floor, rolling in his own pool of blood.

All the people present there had their mouths wise open in shock.

The sword light attack had come from no other person than the commander leading the Purple Qilin Cavalry.

Confusion was written on all their faces, but before the Zhang Clan leader could demand an explanation.

The commander leading the Purple Qilin Cavalry jumped off his horse, went down on his knees and clasp his hands, along with all the other troops.

It was a magnificent sight to see as they all did in sync.

"The First emissary of the Purple Qilin Cavalry greets his grace, the Grand General" after he said that the troops continued.

" The Purple Qilin Cavalry greets his grace the Grand General" their voices boomed across the capital causing everyone ears to tingle.

That was the voices of a 100,000 Purple Qilin Cavalry soldiers.