
Daily lazy life of sloth at high school DXD

Mc was reincarnated as a weak demon in the first chapter. Then Mc was very Op

SlimeinTrap · Anime e quadrinhos
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32 Chs


I can finally come back after a while in bed with a fever and Shane hasn't had sex yet, I wouldn't let one kid have sex with another so stop thinking Shane did that to Suzaku right now. if possible, would you like Mio to be Rias' older sister or younger sister

= = = = = = =

Suzaku: "Then it's time for you to go..."

"Don't be sad, when we come of age, I will come and marry you. Rather, enjoy these free years...because when you're my wife, I'll keep you in bed all the time". I whispered my last words into Suzaku's ear, who was blushing more than a tomato and only shyly nodded.

In just a few short seconds, she saw the image of a handsome young man who would steal the hearts of countless women. A smile and associated expression was the last thing she saw before it disappeared from view.

"That face and that look..... I guess it wouldn't be that bad if you spent all your time in the room". Those were the last words Suzaku said before blushing and turning back to the clan as rude thoughts flooded the girl's mind.


{I've been with Suzaku for two months plus six with Shuri and Akeno, eight months in total, so there's still four more months until I'm 11. Over the past six months, I've also befriended Murayama and Katase when I took Akeno to the park to play}. I was walking while thinking without paying attention to my surroundings, so I bumped into a girl and fell on the sidewalk.

"Are you Okay?". The young girl with gray hair asked me in a worried voice

"I'm fine, onee-chan." I said and looked up to see what the girl looked like, {coincidentally}.

"What a relief, sorry to bump into you and make you fall". She gave me a gentle smile when she heard that I was fine and raised her hand to help me up

Shane: "You don't have to apologize to onee-chan, I'm the one who didn't notice. This....onee-chan, can you tell me where the mall is?"

Girl: "Mall?"

Shane: "That's right, you see.... I'm new to the city and I want to go to the mall to buy some clothes"

Girl: "But... what about your parents?"

"W-Well.... I lost my father when I was young and my mother died 1 year ago, the only thing I have is a house in this town". When she finished speaking, I could see a complicated expression on her face.

Girl: "S-Sorry for asking that question."

"Onee-chan don't worry, it'll be fine in the end". I said that with a somewhat nostalgic expression that made her feel a bit sorry for me.

Girl: "It has been decided, may I know your name?"

"My name is Shane, may I know your name? Onee-chan". I asked even though I knew who she was

Girl: "My name is Cleria, nice to meet you Shane-kun"

Shane: "I said Cleria onee-chan, but what was decided?"

Cleria: "I'll be your guide around Shane-kun, so would you like to go with this onee-chan?"

I gave Cleria a gentle smile and nodded amusedly at Cleria, and then I walked around Kuoh city with Cleria. We ended up touring part of the city, both Cleria and I had a lot of fun for the day, but unfortunately she had to go.

However, she promised to take me around the city when she had time, so I gave her my phone number and she did the same. My "date" ended, I returned to the villa because I missed my girls and they stayed with me all day. Of course I also marked them and gave them ríng

The next day, I went to see Cleria at the agreed time and to my surprise she was already waiting with a slight smile. Just like that, a month passed, and my relationship with Cleria developed rapidly thanks to some of my skills and titles.