
Daily lazy life of sloth at high school DXD

Mc was reincarnated as a weak demon in the first chapter. Then Mc was very Op

SlimeinTrap · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


I'm thinking of changing MC's name but I'm really bad at naming, so does anyone have any ideas on MC's new name? I can't think of a name, maybe I'll just change Shane's last name.

I need to choose a photo for Seraphine

= = = = = =

It's been two days since the party started and now I'm in my room at the Himejima clan, getting ready because I'm leaving tomorrow.

After a while, I felt a presence outside the room and knew who it was, I said. "Come in"

Then the door opened to reveal a beautiful black haired girl wearing a pink kimono, I smiled at her and said. "What brought you to me at this hour, Suzaku?"

Suzaku blushed looking at me and said in a shy voice. "S-Shane...you're leaving tomorrow so can I-can-can I sleep with you tonight?"

Seeing her like that made me giggle, realizing I was smiling, she immediately blushed and was about to leave because of embarrassment, but I pulled her into my arms, making her already red face even redder.

"Of course you can, my dear wife." I said as I hugged Suzaku who was hiding her face in my chest to hide my embarrassment.

I lay down on the bed with Suzaku resting his head on my chest, and we lay in silence for a while before Suzaku opened his mouth to speak. "Thank you Shane"

Shane: "What are you thanking me for?"

"For appearing in my life, without you, I don't know what my life would be like because of that damn Suou." Her voice trembled as she spoke, I just hugged her tighter.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone harm you. If anyone dares to touch you, I will definitely cut him to pieces." I said with a warm voice while patting her head and she replied with a nod. (Oh no, I'm really not good at writing love scenes)

We stayed like that for a short while and then I confided in Seraphine. "Hey Seraphine"

[What's the matter, master]

Shane: "Can I create my own Evil Pieces?"

[[You can and you don't have to create it now, master]]

"Why can't I create it now?" I asked in a confused voice because I didn't understand why Seraphine stopped me from creating my Evil Pieces.

[[Since your Pieces have been created, master]]

"My pieces were created!!! Since when?". I was quite surprised to hear Seraphine speak

[[It is created when you come out of the cocoon because the energy you give off is still very much so I decided to create the puzzle pieces for you, master]]

"I see, thanks Seraphine, you're such a nice girl." When I said that, I swear I saw her smile with a blushing face.

Shane: "So, Seraphine, show me the information on the Pieces"

[[Yes, master]]

[Item: Chaos Pieces]

[Chaotic 46-piece set created by Master's excess energy]

[Pawn: 0/24]

[Bishop: 0/6]

[Rooks: 0/6]

[Knight: 0/6]

[Queen: 0/3]

[King: 1/1]

Shane: "S-Seraphine What does this mean?"

[[The shards as well as the amount generated by the owner's energy, it's not exactly the same as the evil's pieces and there's no limit to the number of Pieces]

"Then give me a Pawn, Seraphine." When I finished speaking, a purple item fragment appeared in my hand and it emitted a powerful aura. In addition, the image is also different because on its head appears a crown and 2 pairs of horns.

"What's that Shane, it looks like a evil piece" said Suzaku lying next to me when her saw it appear in my hand.

"It's called Chaos Pieces created by my energy". Talk to the curious girl.

Suzaku: "So what does it do?

"It grants the host power as well as transforms the host into a Primordial Devil (I haven't figured out the race name yet, so let's just call it that) and connects the host's soul to the soul mine forever…" Then, I turned around and looked into Suzaku's eyes, who was starting to turn red from my gaze.

"Suzaku, will you accept and stay by my side forever? I know I'm not a good man, but I-". Before I could finish, Suzaku rushed to hug and kiss me

"I accept, for me the most important thing is to be with you." Suzaku said after breaking the kiss (Damn, I'm really bad at love scenes)

I smiled and then started pushing Pawn into Suzaku's body as her body was quickly encased in a black cocoon.

After a while I could see the cocoon starting to open and Suzaku starting to come out of it, her skin better than before and her hair smoother too. But what caught my attention the most were its wings and horns like mine but only 1 pair.

[[The imprint of an eternal relationship has been created]]

[Information: It binds the host and the woman forever, the mark is created by a bite to the neck or a ring made by the host (wedding ring) or by Chaos Pieces]

I looked closely at Suzaku's body and could see that she was naked, her breasts had become larger. I also see her well-groomed black pubic hair, topped with a tattoo of a heart with wings and chains. (Heart or Infinity?)