
Dirty Man

Si Ning was getting tired, he had no more arrows and he kept stopping to catch his breath while he fends off any attack, he knew Qiu Bai was still far from him and before he gets to him, his legs might give way so it was impossible for him to run anymore, he looked around and spotted a horse that was standing in the middle of the battlefield like it was confused while it kept moving in distress. Si Ning's eyes shimmered and he almost knelt to thank the heavens because most of the horses in battle were wounded or dead, he ran to the horse and jumped on immediately grabbing the reigns as the horse neighs and rose to swing his forelegs to get ready to run so Si Ning kicked it and started to lead the horse right in the direction of Qiu Bai. 

It was like there were no obstacles on the way as the horse ran through the battlefield and cold air hit Si Ning's face drying out his sweaty face in an instant as he kicked the horse to run faster, jumping over the corpses on the way.