

All Si Ning had to do was to keep patting Si Nan's back while she cried and had no more tears to shed. Si Ning would have laughed in this situation because it was a little funny to him how his fully grown nineteen-year-old sister was crying due to him leaving the residence when he was supposed to leave in six days so he couldn't see the difference between going earlier to settle at the palace or go later but he would prefer the latter since he had some thinking to do and his Commanders to meet which would be impossible for him to meet them the moments he steps into the palace because at that time there would be people that would be relaying anything he does to who so ever they serve and also it would seem disrespectful to meet his Commanders and Xiu TianZhao without seeing the Emperor first the moment he enters the palace.

"Elder brother... You are leaving...." Si Ning cried as she hiccups.