
Cultivator In My Hero Academia.

6evildaoist9 · Fantasia
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1 Chs


Yo! This is my first time trying to write something and this is going to be for purely fun.

I have only thought about the mha world at the moment so after every world there might be a hiatus. Not long really minimum 2 weeks to 4 weeks.

I have not yet decided on what to further to write since i havent really thought much into it. Another point , my english isnt really that good since it isnt my native language so there might be grammatical errors here and there so bear with it. Atleast I would try to make it readable😂.

You guys can help me with the errors sometimes with the paragraph comments thing.

Story Explanation -->

Ive read many fanfics of MHA (My Hero Academia) But ive yet to find a fanfic where the mc is a 'cultivator' in the mha world, So i just thought why not😏. Of course it will be a multiverse travel till he eventually regains strength to return but i havent thought that far yet.

So i thought i should give a try since i have nothing better to do nowadays due to corona anyway 😒.

So basically the mc is a 'hated' figure in the cultivation realm and after being hunted by the leaders and elders of every faction/force he eventually died and got reborn in the mha world.

Information regarding him and his backstory will be given in the prologue, You dont have to worry about that 😂.

Hmm, oh yeah im going to give him a system to guide him from world to world since the spiritual qi present in the mha world is basically non existent or very low in quantity and quality.

So reaching the level of shattering void and returning to his original universe would eventually not be possible in the mha world and the system is there for that.

The system will not contain emotions or will as you say since that just urks me for some reason and the only use of the system is for stats and world travel nothing else besides basic elementry information regarding the world.

Personality of the Mc = In a nutshell u can say he is neutral evil. While he wont go mass murdering he will be extremely calculating and ruthless and if the need arrives he wont hesitate in sacrificing innocents. I dont want reviews bashing about him doing things that are morally questionable since i have already warned u guys. And no he wont harm those he deems close to him.

No he will not be an emotionless monster but he wont let emotions get in his way.

As for romance? obviously it would be a harem but not too large max 3-4 girls every world. Another thing do u guys want incest in this? I dont care since i personally prefer it. You guys can decide that.

Hmm did i miss anything? Nvm I wont make this too long and even if i missed anything you would learn about it in the fanfic anyway.

Welp thats the end of it. I would hope for criticism thats actually useful instead of mindless cursing 😂.