
Visiting Sarboze

Dan's P.O.V.

During the luxurious dinner with the beauty, Allysium had requested Dan to protect her for a week, to which Dan readily agreed. Just after he had gotten paid for this new job, Dan flew out of the castle to collect his reward at the adventurers' guild. As usual, the guild was crowded filled with the smells of alcohol.

While Dan was hovering to the counter, the receptionist looked at him fearfully. Before he made contact with the counter, a tall and bulky man blocked his way.

"The guild master wishes to see you, follow me." He turned and left after saying this one sentence.

Dan hovered behind him and together they entered a room, labelled the guild master's office. With a creak, the door opened and a fat and bald man sat behind the desk.

"Ah, welcome renowned magician. I see that you have completed the mission I assigned. Please take out your card." Sarboze said respectfully. Listening to his instructions Dan took out the plain copper coloured card and passed it to Sarboze. Sarboze took the card and put it over a crystal ball.

The card colour changed from copper to a more silvery colour. With the promotion completed, Sarboze returned the card and congratulated Dan. "Congratulations on your promotion renowned magician!" Sarboze said while clapping softly.

"If there's nothing else, I am leaving now." Dan ignored the flattering guild master and begun hovering out of the room.

"Wait! How about working for me? I will pay you 1000 gold coins every month, and if you want to have some fun I can give you any girl in this country, including the princess of Dusk." Sarboze stated his intention of wanting Dan to work for him.

"I refuse," Dan said coldly and begun to leave.

At the moment of his refusal, a purple hair guy appeared and tried to knock Dan out. However, a puppet appeared and kick the man away with ease. "A mere insect shouldn't be so ambitious. [Fireball]" Dan pointed his index finger. A fireball with the radius of merely 2 cm appeared and flew sluggishly towards the guild master.

What an idiot, Dan thought. "Hmph, after insulting me you won't leave this place alive." Sarboze snorted while looking at the fireball.

"Funny, that's for me to decide." Dan smiled coldly at the guild master's threat.

Sarboze raised his right arm to deflect the seemingly harmless tiny fireball. Dan who was observing the guild master commented with a wide grin on his face, "Oh, I won't recommend doing that." Just when the miniature fireball came into contact with Sarboze hand, his face twisted in horror. Who would have expected such a tiny fireball comprises of that much mana?

It was one of Dan's trick. In order to catch an enemy by surprised he designed a fireball that could store heavily compressed mana at the centre covered with light mana coating. Even those who are mana sensitive would cringe in terror of this creation. The tiny fireball expanded rapidly, creating a huge burst of hot air. The entire building went up in flames followed by an explosion that could be heard throughout the city.

Sh*t, I think I overdid it again. Wait, he isn't dead yet! A tier 8 being could survive this blast? While Dan was thinking about this, there was no trace of the purple hair man or trace of the guild master. He escaped, but how? This time, tentacles came from the ground and flew towards Dan. [Earth Wall] [Holy Lance] Dan cast 2 spells simultaneously to counter this new threat. The 2 spells did nothing to stop the incoming tentacles.

Tch, what the heck are those things? Annoyed by the seemingly invincible tentacles, Dan escaped into the air.

[System, identify the tentacles]-Dan said.

[Those are remnants of an old god. They have evolved to become invincible to normal magic. The host is suggested to use real elemental magic to solve this problem.]-System replied.

"Earth elemental pulverize that h*ntai freak," Dan commanded. A large hammer made out of dirt appeared and smashed onto the tentacles. The tentacles wailed in pain but continued to harass Dan. Damn it this is annoying. [All will burn, come forth medium Fire Elemental Avatar.] An intense heat came again. This time the tentacles were affected by the heat. "Turned that thing into ashes!" Dan instructed the fire avatar.

Flames shot out of the fire avatar, burning the entire area down, the tentacles were caught on fire. They trashed around in pain without caring for nearby lives.

[You do realize that some lives are lost from that exchange right?]-System asked.

[Too annoying, they are in my way. And why is that thing so durable? Do I have to call the elemental lords true body to kill this thing?]-Dan replied while being annoyed.

[Host, these remnants are from a being even the omnigod struggles to kill using his full power even with the full support of the will of the world! To cause it pain is already an achievement!]-System replied without batting an eye.

[Can't you get rid of this thing for me?]-Dan asked again.

[Such minor issue isn't a matter for me, but I don't feel like moving.]-System replied.


The raging war between the elementals and the remnants of an old god continues, with every blow getting more and more powerful. The massive mana fluctuation could be felt, nearby citizens were knocked out just by this exchange. Wow, tier 0 beings sure have it hard living a normal life.

[Oh yeah, system what was that about normal magic and real elemental magic again?]-Dan asked curiously, unaffected by the fierce battle going on ever since the tentacles were distracted.

[This is a misunderstanding of the mortals of this world. The elemental magic mentioned by the locals refers to arcane made elements. Which means using arcane as a base to create fire. True elemental magic comes from the elemental planes. Such a misunderstanding is normal as elemental magic did not exist until you created the first elemental. While you are fully supported by the will of the elemental as their creators, you are still too weak to fully control it.]-System replied.

[Damn it I just entered this world not too long ago... Can't you spawn me somewhere safer? What's wrong with this tier 0 kingdom? Shouldn't this be some beginning arc where I only meet weaklings?]-Dan said in an unhappy tone, while his expression shows a wide smile.

[The system has chosen a location most fit for growth. And most importantly it will be funny to watch your struggles. And besides, aren't you happy about this?]-System replied.

[Haha, some things are not meant to be mentioned out loud.]-Dan replied with a light tone. Well, at least this isn't boring.

Blank prepare for mass release next week!!!!

Afternoonecreators' thoughts