
Ellie, The Toy

Back to the 3 underground leader's side,

A moment after the illusion spell took effect, heavy breathing could be heard, the 3 underworld powerhouse were trapped in the illusion world created by Dan.

The vision shown in the illusion spell was created by their deepest fears, the Archpriest of Dusk saw a fearful vision, causing him to pass out. He saw his god falling to the alliance of light and he was condemned to watch his lord die. For a frantic believer such as the Archpriest of Dusk, the idea of this scene alone was blasphemy. Having watched it over 5 times, the archpriest of Dusk was desperate to break out of the spell. However, no matter how deeply he prayed, his prayers were not heard by his lord.

While only a few minutes have passed in the real world, in the illusion world created by Dan, months had already passed by. Slowly and slowly, the mental strength of the Archpriest wavered and he fell into deep sleep. If he manages to wake up ever again, Jacob may not be the same ever again... That's if nothing happens, however, each of the 3 people trapped in the spell are underground leaders, how could they not have their emergency cards?

The first person to escape the spell influence was Jacob, then the underground boss followed by the guild master himself. Jacob escaped using the tier 10 spell sealed in a crystal, allowing him to leave slightly harmed. The underground boss has great experience in combating mages, so he is able to resist and break out of this mid-tier illusion spell. The guild master relied on his emblem on his chest. Only the guild master and the underground boss remains after Jacob's escape. "Tch, Jacob is a coward after all! You won't be leaving unharmed Sarboze the guild leader of Dusk!" The purple hair man(underground boss) shouted.

"Tch, my toys will escape if I spend time playing with you. I got more important things to do former royal guard captain, Lycan! [Martial Arts Dagger Trap] " Sarboze swung a dagger towards Lycan. Just when the dagger was about to hit, it split into many different daggers, each coated with a poisonous liquid of a different colour. Seeing that his attack was about to hit, Sarboze ran out of the dark alley.

Lycan was unfazed by this attack, noticing Sarboze was leaving, he simply drew his sword. [Martial Arts Single Fold Slash of Light] A purple curve arc came from his blade and all the daggers where deflected.

"Where do you think you are going?" Sarboze heard a voice coming from his left and duck down immediately.

At Sarboze's original position was a blade that had missed him slightly. "Tch, thanks to you my favourite toy is gone. I will have you replace her!!" Sarboze angrily yelled. [Unseal. Forbidden Arts Tentacles of Doom.] 8 tentacles came out from the ground and tried coiling around Lycan.

Lycan countered with [Martial Arts Stunning Blow], his left arm that was not holding on to a sword now flashes bright purple. Lycan punched towards the tentacles, however, what he expected did not happen. The purple lightning he had concentrated on his arm did not discharge nor did it do any damage to the tentacles.

Looking at the stunned face of Lycan, Sarboze laughed loudly. "Lycan. Do you really think that you are invincible in this kingdom? Of course, I had made preparations against you, after all, everyone knows your nickname, Lycan of the purple lightning. As long as I counter your lightning effect, you are nothing but a normal man to me."

"I am the former royal guard's captain for a reason! Like hell would I ever lose to trash like you![Martial Arts Limits Break]" Lycan's strength increased by 5 times after activating this Martial Arts, successfully breaking out of the tentacles. "Hmph! Let's see how long you can last in that state. [Forbidden Arts Tentacle Chains] 10 tentacles came from the ground and bounded Lycan onto the ground.

"Damn you... using forbidden arts in this kingdom. Are you not afraid that the adventurer's guild and the temples hunting you down?" Lycan struggled intensely but to no avail.

"Hahaha, where is your arrogant attitude now? Do you really think that those gods care about this tier 0 kingdom? The adventurer's guild in tier 0 kingdoms is not inspected by the headquarters. The guild master title of a tier 0 kingdom is meaningless. I am only using it as a cover so that I can contact those nobles and get new toys." Sarboze said while he smiled sinisterly.

"You do not have to worry about your future anymore, as I have everything under control. I will be turning you into my strongest toy." Sarboze said while he ordered his men to take Lycan into his dungeon.

"What a great catch today even though I lost Ellie! Next, I will try and get the favour of that high tier magician. If I can turn him into a toy, that would be great." Sarboze said in a joyful tone.

Unknown to anyone here, Dan already knew what had exactly happened. A parasite was planted into their bodies under the cover of the illusion spell. Unnoticed by the three-man, all their schemes, past and mindsets had been revealed to Dan.

Ellie's P.O.V.

It was like a never-ending nightmare. No matter how hard I screamed no one came to my rescue. No matter how hard I struggle, I could not move. Each of my action was not under my control. It was as if something else took over my body, but I had no say over "it's" actions. No matter how brutal the task was, "it" conducted the task perfectly without any failure. The longer "it" was in me a part of me felt like it had forgotten something important, the longer "it" stayed in control, the more I feel like an empty shell as if I was something that was meaningless to the vastness of the world.

How did this happen you ask? I had only fully woken up and regained my memories after triggers words were said. Just as those words left that old priest mouth, it felt as if I was reborn. The 'thing' stuck in me had finally left and I was finally free... or so I thought. I remembered all the crimes I had done while "it" was in my body.


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