
Cult Leader In America

A Cult leader second chance at immortality and power in another reality (Horror Movies). IT all begins With IT The game of power has begun, and Randy is ready to play. But so are others… Cover is not mine This is Translation. Original name :American Terror: The Reincarnation of the Evil Cult Patreon atreon.com/Limitless9 to view 10 chapters ahead of schedule.

LimitlessDream · Filmes
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87 Chs

Chapter 70

"Mr. Randy, I'm here today to—"

"I'm sorry, I don't have time to chat with you."

Randy didn't wait for her to finish and was about to leave.

"No, wait?!"

Catherine was persistent and even a bit angry. "You previously said that God doesn't exist and there are no miracles in the world. Now I've found evidence! I can answer your doubts from last time."

Randy remained expressionless. "I'm not interested."

"How can you not be interested?!"

Catherine was so frustrated that she nearly stamped her foot. She hadn't expected him to be so stubborn. "Please, allow me to come in and discuss this with you!"

"No, you look like you're in mourning with that outfit. Don't come into my room."

"This is a pure and immaculate nun's habit!"

Catherine was getting exasperated. "Do you remember the other day? You told me that God doesn't exist, and you talked about faith…"

Randy completely ignored her, closed the door, and started to walk away.

Catherine ran to the sidewalk to chase him, but no matter how much she called out, she received no response, which left her with a strong sense of frustration.

"How can you be like this? It's so rude."

Just as she was fuming, Randy turned around and came back.

"Aren't you driving? Give me a ride."


Catherine was so angry she almost laughed.

Randy looked puzzled. "Why are you angry? Aren't you helping others by doing this? Isn't it a Christian teaching that believers should help others? Oh, if that's the case, then a selfish god isn't worthy of my faith."

Catherine couldn't tolerate his slander and immediately interrupted. "Get in the car!"

She even opened the car door for him.

"Thank you. It seems God's teachings are indeed necessary."

Randy complimented her as he adjusted his clothes and got into the car.

Once Catherine was also seated, Randy smiled and said, "I need to go to West City. Just drop me off at the auto repair shop on Sixth Avenue."

The car belonging to the original owner should have already been repaired. The town was so large that riding a bike every day wasn't convenient, and taking the subway wasn't fitting for his status.

"The convent is in the outskirts of the Upper City. It doesn't pass through West City."

"Then you can take a detour, right? Do I need a passport to go from West City to Upper City?"


Catherine wanted to kick him out but considering this was her first task and she had already explained the situation to the abbess, it had caught her attention.

If she couldn't complete it, it would be like denying her own abilities and the hard work she had put into her training.

So she could only reluctantly start the car.

However, while driving, Catherine found it hard to control her gaze and kept unconsciously glancing at the passenger seat.

At first, she was too nervous to notice, but now that she looked again, she felt this person had changed so much and had such a unique aura.

"Stop staring, or we might have an accident and you'll never get to heaven."

Catherine's face turned red, and she quickly turned her head, pretending nothing had happened.

"Miss Nun, are you happy at the convent?"

Catherine answered firmly, "Pursuing my faith, of course, I am happy."

"Do you really enjoy pursuing faith, or do you enjoy being with a group of like-minded people, huddling together for warmth, and gaining recognition and approval?"

This question made Catherine frown instinctively.

"Mr. Randy, I am passionate about the religion itself. I can't be defeated by your previous words!"

She recalled her childhood; her Latino identity had not been well received in America. Compared to Black people, Latino Mexicans had an even lower status in America, even on par with Chinese people.

Catherine's father had once been a drug dealer and, after being arrested, betrayed his family as a snitch.

This led their family to be hunted, and Catherine was placed in a welfare institution.

In America, welfare institutions were mostly run by religious people, so she had been baptized into religion from a young age.

Once, a drug dealer had come into the church, wanting to take Catherine hostage.

A nun had protected Catherine, holding the Bible to her chest and driving the drug dealers away with the doctrine.

Afterwards, the nun told Catherine, "I can see that you have qualities others don't. You will surely become a nun in the future, and God will be your strongest support. You are a woman of God, and no one can harm you."

This gave Catherine an unprecedented sense of security and made her acceptance of the church reach its peak. Even after returning to a normal life with her parents, she felt extremely unaccustomed.

Only the weekly mass could calm her mind.

So Catherine told her parents, "I'm in love."

"Which guy? Tell me so I can go deal with him!"

"It's God."

"That's absurd, child. You're simply a born nun."

When Catherine reached the appropriate age, she immediately went to the convent to study, hoping to become an excellent nun as well.

Randy continued, "Nuns are meant to live out their lives in solitude."

"No, nuns are married to God."

Haha, God's harem must be quite large.

Of course, Randy wouldn't say this, or he would surely be kicked out of the car.

It seemed that after chatting a bit, Catherine thought Randy might still be approachable, so she began preaching again.

"Mr. Randy, we're not as scary as you think. We don't forbid all human desires; we just advise people…"

After saying a lot, Catherine glanced sideways and saw that Randy had already closed his eyes and was resting.

"If you come again tonight, it'll be even better. You can easily put me to sleep."


Catherine felt a bit embarrassed and decided to abandon the idea of convincing him.

"Mr. Randy, I understand your point, but even if you no longer believe in God, God will still protect His people. This is a gift for you; it might save your life in danger."

She took down the crucifix hanging in the car and placed it in front of Randy.

Though she called him "Mr." every time, to Catherine, Randy was just a rebellious child.

And quite pitiful, lacking both parents and faith.

"This is a very serious suggestion. The other night, the farm below our convent was attacked by a werewolf… a giant gray wolf. The power of the crucifix drove the wolf away. I believe it will be helpful to you too."

Randy looked at her with confusion. "Wait, a werewolf?"

Catherine wasn't sure and feared being ridiculed if she was too certain. "I'm not sure either. Mr. Monte said it was a werewolf that attacked their farm."

"And it was driven away by the crucifix?"


This time, Catherine nodded proudly.

Randy recalled the farm attack Jackson had mentioned a while ago. It should be the same place.

"Is Mr. Monte of that farm not a believer?"

"No! Mr. Monte is a very devout believer."

Catherine quickly explained, "It's just that some events made them doubt."

Now Randy understood. The werewolf attack from last night was a staged event by the church.

20 More chapters done, i will drop 5 more today with an announcement. Enjoy

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