
Crown of Betrayal

War began. We fought, lost, and won again and again until the world found its peace again, ruled by us, dārys (Men). But we also came from a curse, darkness. It was still within us, and it took over. That was the start of a new war, the war of dārys, which divided us. Not only us but the world, was divided into six dāerysion (Kingdoms) with six dāerys kings. The first dāerys was King Aelon Stormheart. He ruled over Valyrtia. The second was King Roderic Ironhelm. He ruled over Ardanthia. The third was King Thelian Brightstar. He ruled over Eldoria. The fourth was King Brynden Seaforge. He ruled over Thalassar. The fifth was King Valarian Firebrand. He ruled over Dracoria. And the sixth was King Elric Sunsworn. He ruled over Vaeloria. For many years, the world was peaceful. But darkness remained in the hearts of the dārys. Every king desired power for themselves. They led us into war, using us as their pawns. Then, a decade ago, a legend arose. It spoke of a boy who would unite all six kingdoms and bring us dārys together once more.

MFS · Fantasia
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

King Elric dashed through the dense forest, his breath steady despite the weight of Davos slung over his shoulder. The boy began to stir, groaning softly as he regained consciousness. Elric slowed his pace, finally stopping in a secluded clearing surrounded by towering trees. He gently placed Davos on the ground, his eyes scanning the surroundings to ensure they were alone.

Davos blinked rapidly, trying to clear his foggy mind. "Where am I?" he mumbled, rubbing his head where Elric had struck him.

Elric knelt beside him, his expression serious. "We're in the forest, away from prying eyes. I need to ask you something important, Davos. Where is your father?"

Davos looked at him with a mixture of fear and defiance. "You said you wouldn't hurt my father," he accused, his voice shaky but determined.

Elric sighed, his frustration evident. "Davos, I understand you think I'm the bad guy here, trying to hurt your family, but I'm not. I'm trying to protect you."

"I don't believe you," Davos shot back. "You just kidnapped me. Why would I believe you?"

Elric's eyes narrowed. "I am a king, Davos. I could have you killed if I wanted to."

Davos stared at him, his defiance unwavering. "Then why haven't you? You need something from me."

Elric exhaled deeply, his tone softening. "Davos, there are things you don't know or understand. Things you'll probably never understand. I wish I could make you see the bigger picture, but I can't risk my family. So I need you to tell me where your father is."

Davos hesitated, then sighed. "I don't know. Before he left, he told me to stay in the cell. He said he'd come get me by midnight."

Elric's expression grew worried. "I need to go," he said, urgency in his voice.

Davos grabbed his arm. "You can't leave me here!"

Elric pointed to a narrow path winding through the trees. "Follow this path. You'll see a tree with a distinct marking. Climb up, and you'll find my wife there. She'll keep you safe."

Davos looked around, bewildered. "There are a lot of trees, Elric. How will I know which one?"

"You'll know when you see it," Elric assured him. He paused, his gaze softening as he looked at the boy. "Davos, is something going on with my father?"

Elric looked down, his face a mixture of regret and resolve. "Davos, you're a good kid. I know you would make a fine knight and a man." With that, he turned and ran off into the forest, leaving Davos to navigate his way alone.

As Davos wandered through the dense forest, he scanned the trees for the distinct marking Elric had mentioned. The shadows of the trees loomed over him, and the silence of the forest felt oppressive. He could hear his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.

Suddenly, he heard a faint rustling behind him. Davos spun around, his eyes searching the darkness. "Who's there?" he called out, his voice trembling. There was no answer, just the eerie stillness of the forest.

Feeling a surge of anxiety, Davos quickened his pace. He looked around desperately, searching for any sign of the marked tree. Finally, he spotted a tree with a faint red mark glowing on its trunk. Relief washed over him as he approached it and began to climb.

Reaching the top, Davos found a cloak draped over a branch. The tree had an inscription carved into the bark: "Put it on." Davos hesitated only for a moment before slipping the cloak over his shoulders. Instantly, he felt a strange sensation, and the world around him seemed to blur and shift.

When the dizziness subsided, Davos found himself in a richly adorned chamber. He blinked in surprise, looking around at the elegant furnishings and the warm glow of candlelight. A woman stood before him, holding a young child. Her eyes widened as she recognized him.

"Davos, where is Elric?" she asked urgently.

Davos shook his head, still disoriented. "He went back to the cell, I think. What's going on?"

Elric's wife sighed, a look of deep concern on her face. "I don't know. He just told me to keep you safe." She gestured to a nearby chair. "Sit down. We need to wait for Elric to return."

Meanwhile, King Elric hurried back to the cell where Jorren was being held. As he entered, he saw Jorren locked in combat with a tall man whose face was obscured by long, unkempt hair.

"Jorren, what are you doing?" Elric shouted, his voice echoing off the stone walls.

Jorren glanced at Elric, a look of surprise and relief on his face. "Grendor? I thought you were dead!" he exclaimed, parrying another of Grendor's attacks. "What's going on? Why are you attacking me?"

Grendor's eyes were glazed, his movements almost mechanical. He didn't respond to Jorren's questions, continuing his relentless assault as if driven by some unseen force.

"Jorren, we need to leave!" Elric called out, drawing his sword. "Aelon knows about the sword. We have to get out of here before it's too late."

Jorren nodded, his eyes flicking between Elric and Grendor. "I'm sorry, old friend," he said softly, then delivered a swift, powerful blow to Grendor's head, knocking him unconscious.

Elric sheathed his sword and approached Jorren. "We don't have much time. Aelon's assassins are everywhere. We need to get to Davos and my family."

In the forest, the assassins continued their silent pursuit. They reached the tree with the red mark but found no trace of Davos. One of them inspected the ground, noting the disturbed leaves and the faint impression of footprints. They exchanged glances, realizing that their quarry had slipped through their fingers.

"He's gone," one of the assassins muttered. "How did he disappear?"

"We need to report back to Aelon," another replied. "He's not going to like this."

The assassins melted back into the shadows, leaving the forest eerily quiet once more.