
Crown of Betrayal

War began. We fought, lost, and won again and again until the world found its peace again, ruled by us, dārys (Men). But we also came from a curse, darkness. It was still within us, and it took over. That was the start of a new war, the war of dārys, which divided us. Not only us but the world, was divided into six dāerysion (Kingdoms) with six dāerys kings. The first dāerys was King Aelon Stormheart. He ruled over Valyrtia. The second was King Roderic Ironhelm. He ruled over Ardanthia. The third was King Thelian Brightstar. He ruled over Eldoria. The fourth was King Brynden Seaforge. He ruled over Thalassar. The fifth was King Valarian Firebrand. He ruled over Dracoria. And the sixth was King Elric Sunsworn. He ruled over Vaeloria. For many years, the world was peaceful. But darkness remained in the hearts of the dārys. Every king desired power for themselves. They led us into war, using us as their pawns. Then, a decade ago, a legend arose. It spoke of a boy who would unite all six kingdoms and bring us dārys together once more.

MFS · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

In a dimly lit chamber concealed deep within the castle, King Aelon stood alone, his gaze fixed on his arm where a sinister red mark had begun to form. With a sharp, ornate dagger in hand, he stabbed the mark, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and satisfaction. As the blade pierced his flesh, the mark pulsed, radiating a dark, malevolent energy.

Back in the dungeon, the assassin under King Elric's interrogation suddenly gasped for air, his eyes wide with panic. Clutching at his throat, he pleaded desperately, "No, no, no! Help me!"

King Elric's eyes widened in alarm. He grabbed Adelaide's hand. "We need to get out of here. Now!" he commanded, urgency sharpening his voice.

They fled the room just as the assassin's head exploded in a gruesome splatter, leaving a macabre scene behind. Adelaide's face turned pale, her eyes wide with shock.

"I don't know what Aelon is planning, but it can't be good," King Elric said, his voice heavy with concern. He turned to his wife, his expression serious. "Look after our child. Stay away from Aelon and his family. Do you understand?"

Adelaide nodded, fear and determination mingling in her eyes. "Where are you going?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"I need to see if they got to Davos," King Elric replied, his resolve firm. Before rushing out, he paused and added, "Get rid of the body. Don't tell anyone about this."

Adelaide watched as King Elric disappeared down the corridor, her heart pounding with worry. She turned back to the grim scene in the dungeon, her mind racing with the gravity of their situation.

Meanwhile, King Aelon stood alone in his chamber, his arm still throbbing from the self-inflicted wound. The red mark had faded, its purpose served. He allowed himself a grim smile, knowing that his actions had sealed the fate of one of his pawns. His thoughts turned to the Valyrtia sword, the ancient weapon now within his grasp. He could almost feel its power, its ancient magic calling to him.

But first, he needed to deal with Jorren and his son. Their defiance would be their undoing.

King Elric moved swiftly through the dark streets of Vaeloria, his mind racing. He needed to reach Davos before it was too late. His thoughts were a whirlwind of worry.

As he approached the prison where Davos was being held, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was walking into a trap. But there was no turning back now. With steely resolve, he pressed on.

Davos lay in his cell inside the prison, his mind still reeling from the encounter with Grendor. The towering man's cryptic words had left him with more questions than answers. But he had no time to ponder them further. The sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor, and Davos's heart leapt with hope and fear.

The door to his cell creaked open, and King Elric stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room with fierce intensity. "Davos," he called out, his voice a mixture of relief and urgency.

Davos scrambled to his feet, his eyes wide with surprise. "King Elric? What are you doing here?"

"No time to explain," King Elric replied, his tone brisk. "We need to get you out of here. Now."

Davos shook his head, stepping back warily. "No, I'm not coming with you," he said, suspicion lacing his voice.

King Elric sighed in frustration. "Davos, I don't have time for this. We need to leave, now."

Davos's eyes narrowed. "You're going to kill me," he accused, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance.

"Stop being stupid," King Elric snapped. "What possible reason would I have to kill you?"

"Because I fought with those princes," Davos retorted, crossing his arms defiantly.

King Elric ran a hand through his hair, trying to maintain his patience. "I'm here to help you escape, not to kill you."

Davos's eyes flashed with doubt. "Yeah, to frame me. How do I know I can trust you?"

"Davos, just listen to me," King Elric urged, stepping closer.

"Why are you trying to help me?" Davos demanded. "You were insulting my father. You called him a traitor!"

"I had to," King Elric said, his voice softening. "If I didn't, they wouldn't believe I was on their side."

Davos's confusion deepened. "What does that mean?"

King Elric's eyes hardened with a mix of resolve and desperation. "Davos, follow me, or I will imprison your traitor father."

Davos flinched, the weight of King Elric's words hitting him hard. "Why do you call my father a traitor, King Elric? Why? What did he ever do to you? What did we ever do to you, huh?"

King Elric's face darkened. "I said follow me." His voice was a cold command.

Davos clenched his fists, his body trembling with a mix of fear and anger. "I'll go, but don't hurt my father," he finally conceded, his voice breaking slightly.

King Elric sighed, his patience wearing thin. "I don't have time for this," he muttered. Without warning, he struck Davos on the side of the head, knocking him unconscious. He caught the boy as he slumped, then hoisted him over his shoulder with ease.

As Elric carried Davos through the shadowy streets, a few assassins lurking in the darkness observed the scene unfold. They exchanged quick glances and silently retreated into the night to report back to King Aelon.

King Aelon was pacing, a mixture of anticipation and irritation on his face. The door creaked open, and the assassins entered, bowing deeply.

"Your Majesty," one of them began, "we have witnessed something unexpected. King Elric was seen taking Davos from the prison."

King Aelon stopped pacing, his eyes narrowing. "Elric? Helping that child?" He let out a bitter laugh. "Elric wouldn't help him. That boy's father betrayed him."

Another assassin stepped forward. "What should we do, Your Majesty?"

King Aelon's expression turned deadly serious. "Keep watch on Elric and find out what happened to the other assassin. I want every move they make monitored. Go."

The assassins bowed once more and disappeared into the shadows, leaving King Aelon alone with his thoughts. He clenched his fist, staring at the place where the red mark had been.