
crossover taken to far

Cardude_4 · Outros
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1 Chs

Becomming an entertainer

As I was scrolling through my phone whilst angrily munching on a burger because I failed to beat fargo's version of king slime fro the third time in a row while questioning reality because I thought king slime was easy a sudden popp up cought my atention. Why you ask? Well because I couldn't swipe it away and it occupied half the screen of my phone. So I did the only reasonable thing and went back to my computer and tried my luck against that stupid blue blob once more while I waited for my phone to restart after taking out the batery. Onestly I don't get why someone even bothers to create a virus for such an old phonemodel anymore. But as it seems thinking while gaming is bad and I died again. So I picked up my phone once more and the stupid pop up did not go away at all even though my phone has not even fully rebooted. so I finally read the message written on it.


Do you want to live a more entertaining life?

yes / no


Well that does not sound suspicious at all. I mean look at the question doesn't everyone want that? I bet once I click yes I agree to convert all my datastorage tnto cryptocurrency or something fucked up like that but what the hell I wanted a new phone aniways and the otaku rules say to always agree to suspicious messages that suddenly popp up on your screen.

So I clickes the butten and nothing happened. I waited for some time and suddenly I heard Honk noises from the streets down below. So I did what every superstitious Otaku would do. I slowly backed up to the door whilest internally cursing all the otakus on the Internet for giving me the Impression that actually agreeing to scatcy things on my phone was a good Idea. And as I opened the door and begun to run the hell outa here I heard the wall of my room crashing down behind me and when I turned arround I saw the headlights of a Truck glaring at my back. Luckily for me I am a human and no dear so I immedietly turned around and ran like a scared supercop from a 7foot tall giant who only knows the word stars. I made a sharp left turn and ran thown the staircase only to turn around and run back up as the apartmentdoor was blown of its hinges by a second truck ready to ram me to death so I sprinted towords the window and crashed right through it landing on the neighbour's roof. I stood there for a few seconds brused with cuts from the glass of the window all over me, sore legs from all the unexpected action and wheezing for air when suddenly a bullet passed right by my cheek and anotherone passed right over my head as I hurridly ducked down and resumed running all the while cursing inside my head at whoever was responsible for my misery, when suddenly my leags gave under me and my vision faded along with a stinging sensation on my upper back and chest. as I regained my vision I was puking blood and couldn't moove while my bofy was getting colder and colder and I gave in to my sudden sleepynes. When I came to again, I was standing before some wird guy loughing at me. So a lot of schouting, passifying and explenations later I was standing in front of some screen after agreeng to become the entertainment of some asshole who laughes at other peoples misery. What I was currently staring at was the contract under which I will be employed. A contract which basicly says your ass is now mine because you clicked yes on a random pop up on your phone and coincidentely died within the thirty hours after agreeing. as to why none of that was written on the pop up, well there was a one millimeter big "more" written on the top right corner of the screen which you sadly missed, but becouse you agreed to become entertainment you het to live again and even get some perks. Ps if you fidn't I would have flayed your soul so good joice. please choose three preks from the list below and sign here here and here. The perks were honestly not that big of a gamechanger but still good enough for where I was going. Namely the world of overlord and I don't mean the fantasy world with the MC being the endboss from the beginning of the run but the cyberpunk 2077 version where the guy came from before becomming an undead guildmaster that seriously outgunned the rest of the world with his artefacts alone. Which means that the perks I chose would only really help me while in the futuristic version of earth with already three world wars on its back. There may be some boons which could help me afterwards, but it would be way better to yust throw money at the devs so they can make me good items and superpowers, because as I found out that everything from lore to Itemdescriptions matters which is why I picked the perks enchanced nervous system, eidetic memory and rich background before signing the defenitly not slave contract