
Crossing The Twilight the Awakening

This fanfic is based on over 18 to 20 other fanfics that I have found interesting but a few very good ones that were never finished, I must write one of my own and since I have a lot a time on my hands, hope to finish by the end. I have read and researched all those fanfics and added what I thought was missing in them and put them all together in my own work. I have used examples but not copied any of their stuff to mine. Well maybe a few lines that were very good, but there are a few sections where I do copy ‘them’ and/or ‘the origin’ of the story. Please be advised that I do not own ‘The Twilight Saga’ and or any other movies or stories related to this fanfic that come into play. Most of these chapters in the beginning will be from 3-5 thousand words, then gradually increase later being between 5-7 thousand words per chapter as the characters progress. I like my fanfics long and sometimes comedic. Again, I do not own any movie rights or any characters that come out from this... THEY ARE FANFICS. RATED M FOR MATURE!!! Please be warned: there are some light and heavy lemons in this fanfic. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! SEX SCENES YES!!! AGAIN, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! Alexandro died saving a little girl from getting ran over, funnily after he died, he meets a ROB saying it died stupidly, he is given a wheel of powers to spin and a spin to when he will arrive in another world. He awakens as a baby in the world of Twilight. Having a good childhood, when he hits his teenage years, tragedy happens and is left alone, family murdered and a crisis of who his long-life mates will be. While adventuring in an old tomb, he finds an old relic that when after he put together something wonderous happened. He is transported through dimensions. Will he ever get back to his? Will he want to? Will he live for revenge or get passed his grief of his family being murdered by the same type of supernatural's that murdered his family? Or will he choose another route to happiness? This is not a pick-up all females he sees harem, the most he'll have is three maybe four. He started with three, that's because they were soul mated to him, not a choice. That ROB wasn't giving him one and he may have another along the way but that's it, no others, no midnight getaways, no rendezvous.

Roberto_0461 · Filmes
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8 Chs

Alice Cullen, Stalker 101??

Chapter 6: Alice Cullen, Stalker 101??



I arrived in the morning falling asleep and awoke that same afternoon, and there is no way I'm going to stay up till tomorrow comes. So, I headed into the bathroom to take a cold ass shower and prevent my body from falling asleep again, for now anyways. So, after my cold shower I headed to the hotels exercise room to complete my normal workout routine. 


As I left my room, I encounter a few other models from various other agencies and a lot of them were acting out of place, especially the ones that have modeled in the prestigious New York Fashion Weekly magazine. Some of what are known as the big 4 in the modeling world, the list consisted of the New York fashion week, the London fashion week, the Milan fashion week, and the Paris Fashion week magazines to name a few which are the top four in the world...


Leaving the modeling gig behind for the remainer of the day, I arrived at the hotel gym, it was pretty empty except for one or two people that were there, I for one would have had all the attendant models working out for the coming display, but hey, to each his own. I started with a warm-up routine of 10 reps of 10 on the 50 lbs. on the bench press, barbell curls, 10 curls each set, 10 sets of 20 crunches per set, 10 sets of 30 squats per set, 10 T-poses planks per set, 10 straight arm pull-ups per set and to finish the warm-up a 15km run on the treadmill at the setting speed of seven. 


Even the heaviest of weights in this place felt like nothing in my hands and not to mention the run, a warm-up for me. After an hour, I had managed to achieve 16% of my potential modifying my body through my set skills. By the time of my 21st birthday, I would estimate my lifting weight would be around 25-30 tones and would get stronger as time went on. 


As well as my speed, it should hit the mid 400-550 mph range after my 21st birthday. Even though my longevity has already risen to staggering heights, I should live for another 2000-2500 years if my calculations are correct at my 21st birthday point and will only go up as time progresses. And if I keep improving more, when I hit 100% body potential, I should live for at least a few million years especially with my regeneration and healing ability. 


Progress will be long but going slowly and steadily wins the prize, so I hear. I have managed to achieve constant progress of around 1-2% of unlocked potential per year, as the higher percentage comes, it'll get harder to unlock potential due to the restraints it has become to find ways to improve. After a few more hours, I finished my 6 hours in the gym, that completed around two thousand bicep curls, sit-ups, push-ups, squats, and 60 km treadmill run, in sets of course. 


I finally started feeling a little burn sensation all over my body muscles, seeing that it was getting close to 7 PM in the evening in which I realized I missed lunch, I decided to call it a night, for tomorrow will be a hectic and long day for me. Once I returned to my hotel room, I was starving, famished even. So, I ordered enough food to feed a whole family 0f five as a light snack, didn't want to overeat, 'hehe'. 


A more powerful body came with inconveniences to say the least when it came to energy consumption, I guess, I have to eat 4-6 times of food portions to keep a standard healthy diet these days, enough energy to keep the body at tip top shape. While the hotel was preparing my meals. I took a hot bath, taking my time to thoroughly clean myself while listening to some classical music to help me relax. 


A few minutes into my shower, I heard room service coming inside, and setting up the table for the food, and man let me tell you, the whole living room was full of food, then they left. Smelling the delicious food from the bath as I relaxed made me get up and partially dried myself before going to fill my empty stomach. While eating, I took the time to text my parents and inform them that I had safely landed in New York and was ready to sleep for the night. 


It would be the middle of the night in Paris, didn't want to wake them up by calling them long distance and have to pay for those ridiculous charges when I could just text them with the pagers that I had gave them. Oh, I have forgotten to tell you all that I might have created a few devices for the family just to keep in touch, like my pagers. Yeah, they worked for short messaging but that's all I needed them for.


I also recreated the color TV, it was only the 35 inches, I didn't need anything larger than that yet. Also, a set of color night vision goggles for my nighttime adventures, and the best of its kind, a .45 caliber handgun with all the fixings. It was light weight, heat resistant, and best of all indestructible barrel and auto reloadable magazines with 500 round capacity per magazine. 


And a few other high-tech devices that will come out later in the future. Anyways, back to my meal, once I was full, I got ready to bed, I set my alarm clock for 6 AM and immediately crashed into the embrace of my magical enhanced, super comfortable queen-sized bed, and it's marvelously magically enhanced pillows and covers, it felt like sleeping in clouds. I know, I tried before when I was alone or on my vacation travels. 


As the hours of the night flew by, I awoke to a new day. Took a cold shower to wash away the fatigue and jetlag from the previous night. Ordering a healthy breakfast before my shower so when I get out, my food will be here ready for me to eat. Directly hot and ready from the hotel kitchens, consisting of some basic fruits and eggs with a lot of bacon. 'Need my meats dude, growing young man here.' I said out loud in my head. 


After I finished eating my 2-family meal, I got dressed in my Sunday's best (my mother said it not me) and left the comfort of my room for the outside cruel world, heading for another tiring day of strutting the runway. "Who hates being as gorgeous as me, right?" I say to myself as I run my fingers through my midnight black hair. I'm trying to pump some self-motivation into my soul as I made my way out where Sam was already waiting for me. 


It had taken Sam 10 minutes to drive to where the first fashion show for the day was being held, two were scheduled for the morning and one for the evening. It was sponsored by one of the big fashion brands known as Ballantine Paris, my modeling agency if you must know. As one would guess, they chose me to be the opening strut and closing spokesman and representative of the fashion show as speaker for the Ballantine agency. 


Once I stepped into the venue, every model got bombarded by stylists and makeup artists who quickly did their beautiful work. At the start I found myself standing behind the curtains, calmly meditating on the venue to start. As I was waiting for my queue to begin, the first strut down the runway setting off the fashion show. Soon the music began playing as the lights dimmed making that my queue to head out. 


I walked out with long confident strides and with my 'modeling' face on, cold and impartial as it was. The show went on for two hours and concluded as planned, changed three times in total at the speed of minutes. Hey, I was enjoying myself during the whole venue as the audience was positive and pretty receptive to us models. At the end of the show, every model, male or female, had to walk in line while all the lights were turned back on. 


Which allowing us models for the first time a clear view of the audience that attended the show. Me being the head model had to lead the line out, that was when I noticed a small woman that was look up at us front of the audience. At 5'2" in height, she was very short with short shoulder length, jet-black hair. 'Where have I seen this girl before?' I thought to myself, she felt familiar to me, but no reason as to why. 


Then it hit me, as I saw her face and looked into her eyes, that was what gave it away. I could see her piercing gold iris eyes and stone pale skin, with no blemishes that were visible on her perfect face. That got me thinking that she must be a Vampire, a little lost vampire all by herself, and what would one of those be doing here in New York, and in my fashion show no less. It didn't take me long to recognize who that woman was, she was future seeing pixie, one of the Cullen girls. Alice, in fact, why she was here? 


If I seem to remember correctly, she was the one that was all into nuts about fashion. Then that must mean she's here for the show. Then nothing to worry abou... yet. After all, she was pretty popular in the Movie 'Twilight', not a lot of show time was focused on her, but she was still there as a main character. Well, anyways back to closing the show. As I was passing by on stage, our eyes met, and she gave me a bright smile showing her pearly whites while clapping along with the crowd ending our performance.


As the fashion show came to an end and all the models headed off stage, knowing that the show was a big hit, the organizers, make-up artists, and dress crews gathered backstage to have a small party for the success of the fashion show we celebrated. The fashion designers were more than pleased with its outcome and gave a few words of thanks and encouragement, inviting us to attend a small celebratory gathering that the agency was holding later that night at their headquarters. 


Me not wanting to stay long, I gathered my things, had other places that I needed to be at and got ready to take my leave. I was held up by the said designer, "Chris! Are you leaving already? It's a little early for you to go isn't it? Are you not staying to celebrate?" Asked Marco, one of the lead designers for the brand of clothing that we were all wearing of the show, questioned loudly, trying to get others attention. 


"Yes Marco, unfortunately I need to be at a different venue in an hour and I need to head out now to make that venue as well. It's getting late for me though; I have to leave my friend early and my day is not over yet. I still have two other places after this before I leave New York. Must be gone by tomorrow morning and attend my last fashion show in France in the same afternoon when I land, I need to rest before I need to catch my flight. We will see each other another time, 'fame waits for no man or women.'" 


I replied with a tired smile as I was done packing my things. The thing with these shows is that the clothes you wear during the show have become our property and we are allowed to take what is left at the end for ourselves. I have too many sets of clothes that I barely wear as is, and love to collect more before the end of my contract. My mother would be very upset with me if I didn't display the clothes, perfume, watches, and other things that I have worn in these venues, 'Very Upset'. 


"Oh, but you'll come around these parts again, right?" He asked with enthusiasm as if I was going to forget them. "I would be crazy not to come back my friend, I will have to come back and visit the best designer in the world for my clothes." I replied with a grin on my face as if I was telling him that he just became my personal clothing cash box designer. 


"Ok, then Chris, I'll see you another time then my friend, and please keep in touch! Oh, don't forget to say hi to your mom for me. She was idol when I was younger when I went through the fashion scene." He said at me while waving goodbye as I left the ceremony. "I'll let her know that and stay safe out there. Bye!!" Not turning around, I waved back with a smile as I took my leave. 


Since I was one of the most famous male models in the industry here in the States and in France, everyone with ideas dealing with clothes wanted me to represent their clothing line or show case their wares on the runway. In the past few years, I have brought more clientele to these venues and that meant that their items had more visibility, as their best outfits were represented by the best models in the business. 


Being famous in the fashion industry also helps build a huge following of admirers, and to some, we've gathered stalkers as well. Can't have one without the other, I guess. My simple presence at certain shows, parties, venues, and gatherings brings in extra media coverage to these designers' wares, hence becoming famous really quickly. This caused a huge influx in need of wares and that means a bigger cash flow to my accounts. 


As I was making my way out, I was stopped a few times by the media that were waiting for the models and designers to come out. Got questioned about how the clothes felt and when the next show would be, you know the typical stuff. I had finally made it out of the building and into the parking lot doors.

Stepping out of the large building, I was bombarded by the open stalkers of the industry as if I was a criminal on trial. 


Yup, the paparazzi, and their bombardment of ultimate death blinding flashes of lights that their cameras were giving, I bet that's what they do on purpose. They by the flashiest bulbs for their cameras to blind the shit out of you, just to take pictures, and they were waiting just outside the exit like lions to an unknown prey prancing by. And as the most famous male model in the industry, it was kind of my job to get as much media coverage and promote the wares and brands that I get paid to sponsor, so it wasn't a surprise they were there. 


I simply give a wide smile and a wave at the camera, should have worn my sunglasses on my face to protect my eyes from the constant camera flashes, damn totally forgot about this bit, ending it with Sam picking me up at the curbside, 'now that's how an exit is done with flare', shown to flare by the best in the business my "MOM!!" Smirking to myself as we left for the next venue. 


After we drove away, I took out my phone out checked for any new notifications, noticing a missed call from mother, I dialed her number while Sam drove me to the next show. I should be ready to head to the airport right after my last ceremony for today. Waiting after several minutes, the call didn't connect so, she must be busy. I hope that everything is okay, she usually doesn't call me this early. I wonder what she wanted.


Preoccupied with my own thoughts, thinking back about why Alice Cullen was here in New York, and the reason why she was alone. My thoughts kept thinking about that little, short, cute vampire that attended the fashion show. 'Wait a minute, why would I say cute? I wonder was she there because of the show or for me?' Shaking my head at the ridiculous thought. 


'I know she likes fashion, maybe I'm just over thinking it too much and its nothing, I'm overthinking this whole thing.' I thought to myself as I stared out the window. "This is ridiculous, she's here for the show, for sure." I reassured myself as I was over thinking things. Then I started thinking about my next venue for today and yet again she was on my mind, and I was convinced she was here to see me. 


I mean to be at all males' fashion show, a little suspicious don't you think. During the next show I kept my eye on her, trying to figure her out, but all I got in return was an impish wink and a mysterious smile. After that venue was done, as I didn't want to get entangled in any of their vampire dramas. That is one of the reasons that I am heading to the hotel first to pack my things, then head to my other appointments of fashion, then leave for Paris hopefully tonight, definitely tonight no waiting. 


So, here I am packing to leave, my parents are human, vegetarian vampires or not are still a significant danger to my family. After reaching the hotel, I warded the hallway with an aversion ward that kept everyone away, entering my room, and started packing. I took a 20-minute hot shower first which helped me think clearly. I'm not a helpless human, could give them a good thrashing if need occurs, this encounter I could simply deal with it another time. 


Satisfied with my reflection after my shower, I dressed up in new clothes, everything was already packed and left out the door with my luggage in hand. Cleaned up the wards from the hallway and door I had placed earlier, as I made my way down, and out of the lobby of the hotel. I kept observing the people who were in the lobby as I was leaving, and indeed a tiny little raven-haired woman walked through the entrance of the hotel staring at me once she saw me. 


She wore a very nice looking knee-high black silk dress, showing her smooth legs, her dark silk hair complimented her golden eyes with a hinted of glow, as the lights hit her face perfectly, as she walked through the front door of the hotel. I was just about to leave, when she spotted me as her eyes never left my face. Automatically as she saw me, she looked in my direction and gave me the cutest grin that I have ever seen. 


Shaking my head to get out of those thoughts, I headed directly for the receptionist's desk to check out. I noticed the tiny vampire had kept her eyes on me as I walked past her. "Excuse me! Have we met before?" I heard the cutest voice from behind me which got my attention and finally realized that it was hers, Alice Cullen as I recall. "No! I don't think so, I'm sorry to be rude but I have to get going, I'm in a hurry and I must not be late." 


I said while pointing to the exit. I passed her very slowly just to catch her image and engrave it to memory, which was ever so pretty. After passing her I went directly to Sam's car that was already waiting for me outside. As I was about to get into Sam's car, I heard again from behind me the same voice again, "Alice Cullen, please to meet you. And you are?" She asked with her arm out so that I could shake her hand. 


Inside my head, I was like an excited teenager meeting a love interest for the first time, but on the outside, I was cold and impartial as I stretched my hand to shake hers looking at each other for a few seconds. Shaking my thought out of my internal musing, "I'm sorry did you say something? And I know pretty sure you know who I am, since you were at my last venue. I saw you in the crowd while the fashion show went on." 


Still having her hand in mine and not letting go of hers. "Are you a stalker, Miss Cullen?" I question her as I step away and releasing her hand as I try to enter the car as I spoke to her. I didn't turn around and I hear, "Now why would I do that, are you afraid of little old me? And I do know your name... hmmm Mr. Armandeo?" She responds to my question by walking beside my door. 


"I always check the names on the guess list before and after the show Miss Cullen. So, my question to you is are you a closet pervert? Or are you a closet stalker? Which is it, Miss Cullen? Because people that follow me to my hotel from the venue usually tend to be one of those." I asked with my face twitching and getting a tint of red on her face slightly at my bold questions that I asked her. 


She looked at me with a straight face as I stopped before Sam came over to put my luggage in the trunk of the car. "Are you ready to go Mr. Armandeo?" I nod to Sam as he headed to the driver's seat. As I turned to the young (old) vampire, I smiled at her. If she was a normal human, she would be blushing right now. I was still waiting for her response as a few minutes' past.


After getting caught in her actions and couldn't response she couldn't keep a straight face and burst into laughter. It suddenly struck me how beautiful this little vampire was, looking carefully at her oh so happy laughing expression, as a top male model, meeting so many beautiful people, I had practically become immune to the female persuasions and charms, even now, I just want to laugh as well. 


"I'm sorry, I've never been asked that from someone I was interested in..." I shook my head and interrupted her. "Well, I do apologize that I have little time to talk but I have other venues to be at and a fight to catch later today. Do forgive me Miss Cullen, but I must be going, Good-bye." I closer the car door as I got all the way in and moved away from her as fast as I could. Sam, who was already in the driver's seat drove us away after closing the door. 


I could see from the rearview mirror that Alice just stood there in place seeing our vehicle as it drove into the distance. As she spoke in a low voice only, she could hear, "well... it was a pleasure meeting you too, Mr. Chris Armandeo. I hope to see you in the future." She whispered to herself as she huffed and passed her hand through her hair as she turned and walked away. 


Then brought her hand to her lips as if she caught a kiss from her dream guy, letting her lips quiver for a second, no longer seeing me from far away she decided there was no longer a necessity to stay any longer in front of this hotel, then decided to leave. "The pleasure of seeing you is all mine I'm sure of that Mr. Armandeo." As she replied giggling to herself. Last she saw me waving my hands at her as Sam and I drove away from the hotel front entrance. 


"What an unusual little cute vampire." For some odd reason, a large smile was still etched on my face as we left her behind. Before I couldn't contact my mom, which was currently 1 PM in New York so it should be 5 or 6 AM in Paris. Mother should be awake by now; I was proven right as she picked up her phone on the 1st ring. "Chris! How have you been, my son? Are you alright?" She asked as she was worried at why I called so early.


"I am fine, Great actually!! And you mother? You called me earlier, for what reason?" I asked my mother in return. "Great my son! And when should I be expecting you back in France, Chris!" She asked with a worried sound in her voice. "Fashion week starts in Paris in 2 days mother, starting on the 1st of March, and I'm currently headed to my last venue here, after that and I shall catch the next flight to Paris at New York airport for my return. So, I'll be arriving in Paris if there are no more delays by noon tomorrow your time. Why the rush mom?" 


I reply getting a little worried as to why she was asking me how long my arrival in Paris was going to take. Talking to her for a while as Sam and I headed to my next venue, the usual mother son banter conversation commenced; I was just happy to hear her voice and I could hear that she enjoyed talking to me. Later that night after the third venue was over, I had Sam take me directly to the airport to catch the next flight out of New York to Paris. 


I bought the first available seat which was a first-class ticket from New York to Paris on a 6-hour flight which was boarding in ten minutes. I said my goodbyes to Sam and boarded my plane, which got me to Paris a little earlier than intended, my mother would be surprised when I arrive earlier. In which she was, happier none the less as I got home and surprised her stepping through the front doors of our home in Paris. 

(To be Continued...)