
She never came back...

Romano's breath hitched, when he saw his girl in the sexiest outfit.

No he never had sex with Olivia. She always refused to give him that. This was one of the reasons he was very angry with her. He wanted to get laid, and Sandra was that perfect opportunity.

"My my, Olivia seems to be having a company tonight." Deandre said in a teasing voice.

Romano didn't take his eyes from the screen, he was very angry at Christano, he was just inches away from her. And with what she was wearing right now, was making his blood boil, she was only His and will always remain His.

Her body, mind and soul was all for him.

Suddenly Olivia kicked Christano's jewel hard and he fell on the couch.

"Damn girl!!!" Deandre cheered.

"Wow!" Watson murmured.

They heard her voice, 'How dare you!'

And then she aimed the bottle on his face.

"Woah, she is fire!!" This time it was Lucas who exclaimed.

"Oh shit look that.." Orlando said.

Two bodyguards had grabbed her.

Romano's blood was boiling with fury. They dared touch what was his. Also at the same time he was relieved that she didn't have any feelings for Christano, the way she kicked him, that made him proud.

His sweet Olivia was threatening, and that bastard Christano was clearly smirking.

Had his friends not been holding him, he would have loved to repeat history by beating the shit out of Christano again.

Then all of a sudden she flipped off, twisted the bodyguards arms, poked in the eye, made the other bodyguard bang his head against the table.

All this was done within a blink of eye...

She then stood, sexily flexed her muscles and looked directly at the scared Christano.

"Oh my...."

"God woman!"



That was it, Deandre was testing his patience. He punched him square on his face.

"She is mine. Don't call her that adjectives. Only I can call her that..."

"Damn, I have my Susan. She's more beautiful."

"Ahem! please Samantha as well..."

"Guys, stop..." Watson commanded.

They heard Christano speaking about how bastard Romano is.

Romano felt guilty, the video where his Olivia was grinning at Christano's shocked face, was now just emotionless. No saddness, no anger, nothing at all. This was killing Romano.

And Olivia's reply, was just like a blade piercing to his heart. There was no chance for him, was it?

The answer is No. There will be a chance, and he will definitely will her back, he vowed himself.

Christano was struggling to say something...

Everyone in the car grew quite, they heard his voice loud and clear.

Sandra, that bitch had forged Olivia and Christano's image, just to make him sleep with her.

The truth was out now, seven years back he knew that the picture was forged because Orlando proved him, but they never found out who was responsible.

Romano obviously deduced that it was Christano who did that.

And wait, there was more. Sandra, had destroyed everyone's life.

She was plotting against Crystal! How could she? Crystal never had any fights with her gang, she and Susan were always the peace lovers.

"Sandra and Victoria, bloody wicked witches..." Watson said punching the window, in frustration and anger.

But that was not it, Lucas fiancee was a total shock.

Even that girl was with Sandra.

"What the fuck?!!" Lucas cursed.

"I will give that stupid ex fiancee her payback soon.."

"Sandra is such a devil in angel's disguise!" Orlando said.

"Please that bitch has never been an angel" Watson and Lucas both scoffed .

"Susan..." Deandre's voice hitched.

He was talking about his Susan.

Sandra did a number one again, she actually made her minion seduce him. And on top of that, she made sure Susan saw that herself.

He felt so disgusted at himself.

But what was more confusing, was Olivia's utter disbelief and despair.

"She didn't know that? Susan didn't tell? " Deandre murmured in the car.

Everyone was wondering why...

"She is crying..." Romano said in a small voice.

"She is not crying for herself but for Susan.." Orlando said, clearly confused.

"Oh my God... Susie..." they heard the pain behind Olivia's voice.

Dread was filling Deandre..his heart was beating frantically.

"What ?? why is she not telling..." he was growing frustrated...

Christano was too stunned, he was trying to calm Olivia. He finally asked about Susan...

Olivia's sobs whacked, her soft voice could be distinctly heard in the video, "She never came back."

All of them in the car gasped. They were looking expectantly towards Deandre, who forgot how to breathe.


Truth is out! finally!

Vincetamorcreators' thoughts