
Sandra- The bitch!

Christano was dumbfounded and stuck to his place.

Olivia had never been so emotional, he had never seen her cry.

And now seeing her in a vulnerable state, he felt guilty.

"I'm so sorry... I think it's my fault."

Olivia eyes snapped up, "What do you mean?"

Christano sighed, "After Romano beat me to plump, I started investigating. All of you were gone, just like vanished into thin air. I found it very suspicious as Sandra and her minions were on cloud nine, partying along with Victoria and Chelsea (Lucas fiancee)

I saw her and Romano holding hands and umm... making out. Suddenly I realized how much Sandra had wanted Romano since the beginning, but you were the obstacle. And how odd it was to see you gone out of the picture, along with your group.."

Olivia smiled sadly, "I'm amazed Christano.... Never thought you as a serious type guy.."

"I have always been serious, when it comes to you Olivia." his voice was thick with emotion.

"Had I been more advance and rich like Romano, I would have the honor of making you my girlfriend back then."

"Rich?" she scoffed. "You think that manwhore's richness made me choose him?" she said in utter disbelief.

"That's not what I meant. I lacked the confidence back then. Obviously everyone knew my crush over you, except for yourself. Hell, everyone even compared me to Romano... Be it looks, money, girl.... I had nothing..." he said in a broken voice.

"You are wrong... You have everything that he doesn't. You have a heart, Christano." Olivia gently patted his shoulder.

"But that heart is empty without it's true owner in pink lingerie" he said cheeking.

This earned him a soft giggle.

"Damn, I would love to stare at those rosy cheeks, for an eternity.." he smiled earnestly.

"Oh my gawd! Stop it!" Olivia giggled again.

"And that giggle too..."

This earned him a punch on his shoulder, "Don't be so cheeky.."

"I'm really sorry, Olivia. I should have fought for you back then. And when you girls were gone, I should have brought Sandra's plotting to everyone's notice, but I was a coward I guess. Too embarrassed after being publicly beaten by Romano." he said guility.

"Oh please, don't talk about that bastard. Christano, you should not compare yourself to dirt. He may be very wealthy but you are a kind man. Kindness always overpowers wealth." Olivia said with a firm expression. Each word was spoken out of wisdom. This wisdom was derived from Susan...

Just that thought again, brought her pain..

"Susan..." she murmured and closed her eyes...

"Olivia, do you trust me?... Do you wish to share... About Susan and the others?" Christano said, carefully tucking the strands her hair behind the ears.

"I have lost trust on men seven years back, Christano.

My group which was once unbreakable, is all broken and shattered, because of the fucking great Billionaire's Squad. You don't know the pain we all have gone through.... And now when I know Sandra is the cause behind all of this, I wish to give her a painful death... very painful." her eyes were darker and determined.

"Olivia, she is dangerous. Please, let go of the past. I know she did wrong to you and your friends, but it's better not to get involved. She will drag you to deep shit.. Please..." Christano's voice was ringing with emergency.

"How can I let go of the past? You don't know what each and everyone of us suffered, and worse Susan...." her eyes were filled with tears...

"No... Sandra went back to Susan??? " Christano said in shock.

His question was met with complete silence.



In the car, Deandre looked like a lost wanderer. He actually felt remorse pain in his heart. He completely forgot his surrounding after hearing that his Susan never came back...

How badly had he hurt her?

She was without her friends? His Susan who binded the girls group together, was now nowhere to be found?...

He just hoped that Samantha would be with her, yes he could live with that hope.

He was utterly disgusted with himself, how could he do injustice to his innocent and lovely Susan..

How did he fall for that Sandra's minion seduction.

How could he let the gem of his life go away??
