
Slay Your Doubts

Space, an open void filled with illustrious celestial bodies that spread throughout the vast and seemingly infinitesimal unknown. The mysterious abyss that spreads farther than any eye can see represents the immeasurable possibilities scattered throughout the universe and beyond. Within the blanket of the starry embrace, a lone, purple streak blitzed at incredible speeds in the empty sea of stars and various other spatial bodies. The object raced passed everything indiscriminately soon pushing what could be impossibly perceived as the boundaries of the confined area breaking past its limits and traversing beyond.

´´So this is what it's like to break out of your own universe eh? Wait…why does it feel so new to me when I did something similar with Cosmic Foundry? Ah, yeah that was my own creation and not reality itself. Meh…details.``

Raizo Arashi became casually lost in his own thoughts taking in the small things that were going on around him. Even though it felt like he had left his home behind days ago, the reality of him traveling between his world and into the dimensional gap separating universes was actually something he had done in a mere instant. The youth had often struggled with understanding his own capabilities despite knowing what he had the potential to do. He felt like he let himself get enraptured in his focus so much that he never really took the time to really appreciate what he possessed within his abilities.

´´I've been so caught up with conflict lately that I haven't really been able to enjoy my power. Just being able to run…or rather fly like this, I feel so free.``

Yes, it was during these moments to himself where he felt the chains of his past fade from his mind. Everything that had been assaulting his being with the Pandora Conflict and Shatterpoint along with various other events from different points in his life just seemed to diminish in terms of regrets and pain. Despite traveling through space at speeds incalculable by the common man, the Stormbringer still retained the ability to admire the beauty of the cosmos as well as relish in liberty of flying free through it. It was a truly liberating and refreshing experience that gave him the proper pause to embrace that unhinged feeling but unfortunately, it would not last forever.

Another instant passed as he broken through another universe about to traverse the dimensional gap and cross through the space-time continuum when he felt a strong jerk come over his body. An unnatural force seized him, halting his rapidly faster than light movement all at once preventing him from escaping it. The force was far too powerful to be considered mere gravity but amazingly, that was the only logical explanation as to what it was. Considering this fact, he recalled that his mother was able to manipulate such power but surely she did not follow him out this way right? After all, she did not hold any objections to his departure in the first place to his recollection nor did she know exactly the time of his leaving. So what caught hold of him?

Like a bug caught in a spider's web, Raizo attempted to escape the mysterious clutches but to no avail. In one sudden move, the youth found himself plummeting uncontrollably in a downward spiral. Knowing that the landing would wind up being a painful one, the Stormbringer thought to charge his body full of the purple energy fueling his 'Heart' state; however, that did not help the situation any. The space around him began to shift as the color of white and blue that represented the dimensional gap before shifted to an atmosphere of clouds personified by shades of yellow and gold. The following moment, he soon crashed onto a strange surface that was solid yet soft at the same time.

"The…hell?" the boy questioned as he slowly stood up after his alarming descent. When he peered down, he found himself standing upon a unique blacktop stretch of road that seemed to extend endlessly both to his left and his right. Taking a look around him, he saw a variety of paths that were similar to the one he was standing on going in many different directions as they spiraled and traveled through the golden clouds.

"Okay…I have no idea where I am but I'm not looking to stick around."

Raizo went to take off to resume his trip not striving to let himself become distracted by whatever this place was. Taking a second to gather his focus, he sought to burst to the distant stars once more but he did not move; to make matters even more alerting, his transformation dispersed without warning and by its own volition. Astonished by this, the boy tried to transform once more but found himself unable to do so.

"What is this? Hey Indra, what trickery are you trying to pull you useless god?!" he called out in an annoyed tone to the divine being within him but the disambiguated voice he had grown accustomed to did not answer. In fact, it felt like the thunder deity was not within him at all. The former blood wolf peered at his hands as he perceived a severe sense of apprehension wash over him like rain. He was in a location that he knew nothing about light years away from his own universe and he had no one to call on for help. What drove the situation into a critical zone was that he was all but powerless.

"Damn it…now what do I do?"

The perplexed child of thunder observed his surroundings once more before instinctually beginning to walk to his right heading off to see if there was anything more to this place than a maze of pathways. He didn't know why he was walking in this particular direction but he felt something calling to him drawing him to a particular place within this particular point in time. Trusting in his instincts, he had little choice but to do just that. He didn't know whether it was day or night nor what the time could possibly be in this dimensional space but regardless, he elected to travel the path set before him.

As the boy marched along, Raizo twitched slightly as a chill crept down his spine. It was almost as if an entity passed right through him but that perception was soon followed by an unnerving instinct like someone was watching him. As such, Raizo's defensive instincts settled in as his hand instantly went for Vajra at his side. He did not know what was going on but he just felt like some entity was stalking him like a predator does its prey before attacking. Stopping in his tracks, the male's crimson hues scanned the surroundings carefully to find the source of the threat. His hand slid over the hilt of the legendary blade grasping it firmly before drawing the blade gradually from its scabbard, but before he could do so…


A gnawing pain assailed his mind all but destroying his focus while bringing him down to one knee. The youth clutched both sides of his head as a result gritting his teeth in agony as a high-pitched noise rang in both of his ears. He was too stunned by the invasive feeling to scream but if he could, it would most definitely echo throughout the entirety of this space; however, the direness of this moment did not stop there. Alongside this odd phenomenon, his entire life began to flash in his mind like a montage presentation. From the earliest moments of his birth on up to the recent events that led to this point right now along with his high points and his lowest of low points barraged him like a meteor shower upon the Earth. Why was this happening now? Was this not an experience a person would have before their death? Was this place the location that Raizo Arashi would meet his end?

` "This is the life of Raizo Arashi?" an unknown feminine voice echoed in the immediate area. As soon as he heard these words, the numbing pain within his mind and the incessant ringing soon faded away. Now able to move, the boy stood up searching for where that disturbance came from before involuntarily walking forward.

"Who's there?!" he called out unsure if the presence would answer back or if there was even a presence there to begin with.

"Your life has been filled with so much bloodshed, yet there is heartache; driven by vengeance, but torn apart by regret. Your glimmers of happiness are stripped from you and replaced by confusion and fear…like your life has been nothing but a book written with the pen of tragedy," the voice continued.

"What the hell are you talking about?! Who are you?!"

"But there is more to you…something you are unable to see for yourself. I can sense it, nearly taste it for myself even. You're quite the interesting specimen boy, fufufu…"

The woman's tone clearly depicted one that was judging the youth. The memories of the boy's life were a way for the presence to read him just like one might read a novel. She ignored his pleas demanding her to reveal himself to him and continued her assessment. The evidence was there in her voice as she spoke to him as one who was indifferent to his very being until she found herself interested in the child. Though Raizo could not visually perceive her, she was indeed watching him closely as the Stormbringer continued walking along the road which eventually brought him to a massive gate.

"What is this?"

The Crimson Harbinger gazed at the intimidating structure. The wall appeared like the barricade that surrounded the capital city except it was more foreboding. He could see past the massive iron threshold that served as the door but he felt an immense pressure squeeze his lungs robbing him of his breath. Once more the former blood wolf stumbled except this time, he was completely brought down to submission on both knees. The child felt like he was going to be sick and begin regurgitating right then and there because of the power he felt but he didn't. He was far too lost in what was occurring to even think straight.

As the youth peered above towards the top of the gate, he saw a small silhouette appear which had begun descending upon his location. The figure grew larger and larger to a human size until a pair of angel wings sprouted from the person's back. In a matter of seconds, the person dropped before him revealing herself to the boy. As his eyes scanned over the individual, he recognized her just barely when their eyes met.

"You're the one who delivered Morana to me…"

The woman who loomed over Raizo's paralyzed physique was a divine beauty with long, dark, purple hair with bangs that draped past her brow. Her longer bangs were parted on each side with the lengthiest one hooked downward over the bridge of her nose while the other smaller bangs touched her eyebrows. She wore a black outfit that appeared rather unsafe for viewing by a younger audience along with pink accessories. Her torso consisted of a tank top in the shape of a bustier piece with very thin straps and button-shaped pieces along with holes in the center; a neck piece could be seen as well with a glowing, neon pink line on it; small straps connected to her bikini bottom area as she sported near-shoulder length gloves that was also decorated with pink pieces; long boots connected to the outerwear area while the heels appeared neon pink in color. With her scolding, dark pink eyes, she gazed over the male ascertaining his form licking her lips seductively and somewhat sadistically.

"So you're Mercer's son eh? I didn't get a good chance to examine you during our first encounter but now…"

She snapped her fingers as the pressure around Raizo seemed to lessen. The boy gradually stood up stretching himself ever so carefully but he had warning signs ring like loud alarms in his head when he faced the woman. The Stormbringer stepped back away from the angel feeling danger loom over him but before he could even take off away from her, he heard a sharp crack in the air and felt something grip him. Looking at his right hand, he saw a black whip coiled around his arm. As he adjusted his gaze to the angel, he gulped nervously.

"Why don't you relax over here?" she suggested slinging his body against a nearby wall that jutted from the gate. The impact only caught the boy off guard but before he could think of running, she was already in front of him pinning him against the wall as a result.

"Sorry but you're not getting away. Your speed won't save you in my domain," she spoke leaning over the boy as she held both of his hands above his head. She trapped one of his feet under the gap of her heel threatening to step down on it if he so much as tried any sudden movements. Seeing the crazed look in her eyes, the Stormbringer could not escape the foreboding fear in his heart.

"Ohoho, you look like such a delicious meal. I just can't help my instincts to eat you up right now, boy~" she said in a sultry tone of voice. Using one hand, she began to trace down the male's arm and down to his face caressing his face with seductive care. She then leaned down a bit breathing softly against his neck while that hand traced down his chest ever so slowly.

"Wh…what…what the hell are you…d…d…doing?! Hey, s…stop doing thaaat…" Raizo winced as he felt his face redden as a result of her actions. He could not grasp what she was thinking right now by touching him like this. He felt terrified unsure of what her intentions were or what she was trying to pull but his heart had begun to race uncontrollably.

"Shhh, I'm just having a little fun is all," the woman stated boldly as she pulled her head away from his neck looking directly into the boy's crimson eyes. A clicking noise echoed above Raizo's head as the woman spread his arms in a "V" shape and handcuffed them to the wall by some sort of mystical art which allowed her to have free use of the other hand.

"Now I can really examine you," she chuckled deviously as she ran both hands down the boy's body from his chest down to his feet before going back to his chest again. She pressed herself against him allowing the male to feel the elasticity of her bountiful chest. This only made Raizo feel that much more discombobulated as well as immensely anxious.

"S…stop…please…" he pleaded trying to get the woman to stop using her feminine wiles. This did not feel right by any means and he felt sublimely uncomfortable as if he was committing a betrayal despite this situation being forced upon him.

"You're telling me to stop already? Fufu, I'm afraid I'm only just getting started. You'll be begging me for more shortly," she teased moving the white bangs from in front the boy's flustered gaze. Seeing that look in the young man's eyes along with the blush that filled his tanned cheeks sent a surge of ecstasy down the angel's spine like she was craving that look.

"Let's see what the main course is like," she said. Her left hand reached behind the boy grabbing his rear and squeezing it tightly while the right hand decided to take a trip down south and reach inside the youth's pants.

"N…not there…no…stop…no!"

The woman ignored him and continued grabbing a particular organ ascertaining its dimensions for her own personal enjoyment. She thoroughly inspected that region as well like she was molding clay for pottery.

"Oh my, you're definitely a Mercer if I'm going by what I found here. It seems like you carry three blades on you at all times—two on your sides for fighting and one for a more…intimate form of battle no?"

"D…don't grab me like that! Fool! Release me…at once…tch…"

"Hehehe a tsundere as well? Oh your value as my prey can only increase at this point. I'm not sure I can wait to take you behind closed doors...perhaps I should have my meal here and now~"

Before the angelic woman takes her first true bite out of her meal, the massive gate behind her opens up ever so slightly and another silhouette appears. A massive pressure wave of energy seeps from the individual causing the area to shake just from this person's presence alone. As Raizo peers over the shoulder of his captor, he sees a man with all black clothing come up wearing a coat similar to his own except with armor plating on the shoulder and numerous buckles and straps. His long, dark blue hair bound in a ponytail sways behind him as his dark, yellow eyes shimmer with a quiet fury. As he opens his lips to speak, his voice is calm yet stern and commanding at the same time.

"That's enough Jibril; take your hands off my son. I told you not to break him whenever you first truly met him."

The angel sighs and fixes Raizo's appearance up before snapping her fingers and releasing him. The child drops to the ground clutching his shoulders trembling as he was just saved from an extremely dangerous situation. The dominant female still looms over the boy protesting over the order she received.

"Aww, come on Mercer. He's just too cute for me not to have my way with him," she complained but the solitary man was not having it.


"All right…" the woman yields. She crouches down before the Stormbringer not caring about the fact that the young man could see many areas of her body that was ridiculously exposed and whispers to him.

"I suppose I'll have to eat you up another time, Raizo~"

Leaving the Crimson Harbinger behind, she strolls over towards the new male presence and mumbles something that only Mercer could hear.

"It should fit just fine but I'll have to tell her of some adjustments that need to be made."

With that, Jibril spreads her wings and takes off leaving the two men alone. Sighing heavily, the divine being walks over towards the traumatized child that was his son and crouches down patting him on the shoulder.

"Sorry about that. Her name is Jibril Blake—my sister-in-law and your aunt. She can be a little…forward when it comes to things that pique her interest."

"Jeez…you think? Who knows what would have happened if you didn't show up…"

"Indeed but she's gone for now. Why don't you come inside? There's a lot we have to talk about."

Nodding in agreement, Raizo stands up on his own two feet dusting himself off. Though the woman was no longer present, the boy still felt disturbed due to the lingering effects of her touch. Thankfully she wasn't able to completely seize control of him but the way she felt his physique was definitely something that was going to last in his mind unfortunately. All he felt right now was like his skin was crawling away from him and he felt extremely filthy desperately wanting a shower. For now, the boy just tugged the jacket over him even more to cover himself up while he sought to still his mind. Seeing this, Mercer noticed the jacket as one of his from the past knowing where it came from.

"It looks good on you," he said before he invited his son inside the gates. Raizo then examined his person for a brief moment before catching on to what his father meant, he gave a curt nod of gratitude and finally made his way into the unknown.


Tall skyscrapers of the grandest scale, streets paved in gold, lush, green, grassy fields filled with the most beautiful flowers, crisp and free-flowing rivers of the purest magnitude, and fresh air filled the vast domain that lied beyond the gate that the young assassin was led through. The unbridled and untainted serenity of this engrossing metropolis surrounded by nature had filled the crimson eyes of the Red-Eyed Harbinger as he walked into a realm that he never before experienced. The boy could not help but be fascinated and breath-taken by all he beheld and more. In that moment, Raizo became lost as he basked in the glory of the city before him.

"Welcome to the Golden City, the main part of this realm known as Elysium," Mercer spoke as he nudged his son slightly so he could keep walking. Shaking his head to snap out of it, the astonished male began to walk beside his father as they made their way along an opening stretch of golden pavement going through the massive area.

"This whole area is an entire city? And it's just part of this place?" inquired the curious boy.

"Indeed, where you were before is known as the Crossroads. Before approaching the gates, your soul is judged by one of its protectors known as Archangels. They are responsible for maintaining who enters the Golden City and those who are sentenced to damnation. Your Aunt Jibril is one of those Archangels," Mercer explained. Recalling how he had all of his memories flash before him as well as the words that woman spoke allowed him to make sense of that earlier situation though the latter predicament did make him shudder.

"Don't worry; you're safe from her for the time being."

"R…right," Raizo stammered anxiously as he followed his father to a terminal where an empty platform awaited them. The mysterious construct was big enough for horse-drawn carriage led by six horses to fit. The blue-haired man stepped on without delay and motioned his son to follow suit. Unsure about this object, the boy was apprehensive about it initially but just walked onto it leisurely soon after. A unique console with a virtual display popped up in front of the calm man before he touched it with one hand. A loud beep noise sounded out then a steaming noise followed. In the next instant with a smooth jerk, the platform moved forward on a bright, golden beam of light.

"What sort of contraption is this?!" Raizo jumped being one who was not used to such technology. The foreign constructs that surrounded him before did not overwhelm him as he figured that being in a different realm like this meant that there were some major advancements; however, actually experiencing one of those advancements firsthand was an entirely different story. Knowing this, Mercer had to tell his son about technology that was a thousand years or more ahead of the time he was typically used to.

"It's called a Solar Rail. This is a transport that allows us to traverse Elysium at a faster pace as opposed to walking around. Though flying is always an option, I figured you would want to see more of the city first."

"Well…I suppose you're not entirely wrong..."

"Besides, I imagine you don't want to draw too much attention while being here. After all, Elysium is technically heaven."


"Where we are currently is the home of the Counter Guardians, Gods, Legendary Heroes, and many other kinds of beings. Surely you can feel the divinity around us no?"

The Crimson Harbinger couldn't help but to nod in agreement. Since approaching the gate, he felt many powerful forces here that greatly surpassed his own. They were so powerful that it was almost hard for him to breathe. He couldn't help but feel like an outsider at that point, especially when he realized it was a place for the departed or for the divine. Thinking back, his father did say that one's soul is judged before being granted entry here but the former blood wolf didn't realize that it was a literal term of one's soul.

The Solar Rail carries the father-son pair through the Golden City in hardly anytime at all. Raizo took in the sights of what he paid attention to but for the most part he kept quiet. After all, he was around a man that he literally knew nothing about and coming to terms with the fact that the man in question is his legitimate father had been rather daunting. He was struggling with how to refer to him first of all. Should he address him as "father"? Was it truly appropriate for him to do so? Does he really not mind the fact that he has a son that's 19? How does he fit into this man's world? All of these questions and more swirled around the Stormbringer's mentality like a hurricane. The young man felt out of place and immensely uncomfortable with himself being here in this place called "Elysium".

Home of the Counter Guardians, Gods, and other heroes of great standing…yeah, talk about feeling like an outsider. There's no way I belong here, even if I saved my world twice. Shatterpoint washed away my worth as a hero.

Those words echoed in Raizo's mind like thunder. He was still chastising himself. Despite Adena's words of encouragement, he felt unable to escape these thoughts or emotions. Stained with sin, tormenting himself with regret, and eating his soul away with sorrow was the summary of how the former blood wolf's mental status was described. Even though the redheaded beauty stopped him from committing suicide, he still felt that pain of dying inside. Though he made an extreme effort to conceal these feelings with an indifferent expression, the chaos inside his heart raged threatening to tear itself from his chest. Deterring himself from focusing on these thoughts, the red-eyed male peered to his side over his shoulder and saw a golden portal that was blocked off by a singular gate.

"What is that?" he asked taken by the illustrious and calming visage of the unknown entrance. Mercer looked in the general direction that his son was staring at before he answered.

"That is the third part of Elysium known as Paradise Dreams. Those who do not wish to become a divine being or guardian are allowed to seek eternal rest there. Every soul beyond that entrance has their own personal heaven to enjoy so that they may have true peace."

"Is it possible to go there to at least see for myself?" Raizo inquired curious about what his own heaven would be like. But then again in the back of his mind, he committed so many sins that there was probably a special place in Hell waiting for him. Why did he bother asking this in the first place?

"It's impossible since you are still alive. That realm is a place for the dead to rest so I imagine you won't know what it's like for a very long time if at all."

"But…if that's the case then how am I here in Elysium to begin with? I'm just an ordinary human being with a teigu and a couple of fancy powers."

Hearing those words, Mercer had to take a moment to come up with a proper answer. So this child was the type who underestimated his own potential? Or did he not realize just who exactly he is? He wasn't sure if it was modesty or innocent naivety that garnered such a response from the youth but regardless it made the King of Elysium truly understand that he had a new responsibility—making his son realize who he is and what that meant.

"Raizo, you have to realize that you are by no means a regular human being anymore. You have the power of not one but two gods within you: Indra, the God of Thunder that comes from your power with the teigu as well as the essence of Relepagus, the Primordial God of Thunder. In addition, you have Primordial powers that are inherited from me being your father. You're a Primordial Demigod after all. So I can only imagine that Elysium was just reaching out to you to call you home."

"Home eh?"

"That is correct."

Home…heh for someone like me? That's unbelievable.

The budding demigod cast his gaze down onto the steel platform in silence. Opening his hands, he stared at his palms which were slightly calloused and rough from years of hard training as an assassin as well as from the battles he's fought. Despite their clean appearance, in his eyes he could see the red that dripped heavily from his ledger. Despite the lives he's saved, just how many had he taken? He lost count but he was sure that it was in the tens of thousands. How could he call this heaven home when he's lived a life that should be bound for Hell? He clenches his hands softly to cut off his dismal thoughts. What little did the youth know, his father had an eye on him watching his actions having an idea of what the child was thinking but the god did not say anything. The Solar Rail then came to a halt outside of an area far removed from the limits of the Golden City in what appeared to be the Elysium countryside. The area actually led to another part of the massive paradise known as Sanctuary but that was not the destination. In fact, it was somewhere that could not be seen with ordinary eyes.

"We're here," Mercer spoke tapping the young man on the shoulder. As the transport docked, the pair got off the platform together before leaving the station and heading up a lone pathway.

"Where are we now?" asked the curious Stormbringer looking around the seemingly vacant area. He didn't see anything of note aside from the illustrious scenery but Mercer only kept quiet. As the taller father figure steps ahead of his son, he disappears in thin air which causes Raizo to gasp.

"Err…what the hell?" he tilted his head confusedly. It was then that the voice of the man in question echoed in the boy's ears.

"Come inside."

Following his advice, Raizo did just that stepping through the area. He felt like a thin layer of air had washed over his being like a gentle summer breeze. After that feeling passed, his eyes beheld a massive mansion of architecture that was completely foreign to him. This was because the estate was constructed according to the way humanity lived in the 21st century or so if one possessed riches. The boy being from an 11th century era would not understand this at all. What he could perceive was that the structure was sculpted with brick and had a touch to it that made the house appear like a temple of sorts but that was all he could perceive.

"This is home for our family. I keep a veil around the house for privacy purposes," Mercer stated as he escorted Raizo inside the waiting structure. They walk together up to the door and as soon as the man unlocks it and enters inside, someone was waiting for them.

"You're home!" an enthusiastic blonde girl called out happily running up to the opening threshold as the pair of men walked inside. Mercer was instantly swarmed by an embrace from the young woman. Sharing the moment, the boy behind the man examined the female trying to see who she is.

The girl in question was significantly shorter than the male wearing a blue sweat jacket that was zipped up to her chin with gold stripes along the sleeves and the linings of the pockets. She sported a dark blue scarf that had the same pattern details wrapped around her neck, black denim shorts that extended about midway towards her knee, knee-high black boots, and a black cap that covered her blonde hair bound in a ponytail. She had pale, cream-colored skin that was quite a few shades lighter than the boy himself. When she finished hugging the man, she turned her gaze towards him as her emerald green eyes made contact with his pair of ruby hues.

The mysterious female examined Raizo up and down from head to toe. She examined the weapons he carried, his physique, the jacket he wore which originally belonged to Mercer, and even his uniquely colored hair, just everything that was visible to her. Then she stared into his eyes before smiling and turning to face her lover before speaking.

"So who's this kid with the crazy salt and pepper hair style? Did Akaro decide to send a shadow clone testing out a new hair cut?" Lucy questioned bluntly in a rather playfully teasing tone of voice. Raizo tilted his head slightly before making a deadpan expression.

"Err…who let this sassy little child in here?"

Mercer took a deep sigh stepping between the two then made introductions. He looks to Raizo and extends his hand as if presenting the girl to him.

"This is my wife, Lucy, and by all technicalities…your stepmother."

"EHHH?!" Raizo squealed in shock, "B…but….she looks like she could be my little sister!"

Lucy giggles innocently upon hearing those words.

"Kid's got some sass to him, I approve. But, why does it take the new kid to appreciate my fabulous beauty Mercer? Hmm?" she posed placing her hands on her hips glaring at her husband with a teasing eye. The man of the house merely coughed before introducing the youth to her.

"Ahem, Lucy this is my son—Raizo Arashi."

The young woman in question strolls up to Raizo placing a hand under her chin observing him once more.

"Oh? So this is the child you recently found out about but wouldn't tell me much about eh? Well then, taking another look at him…hmm, I do see some resemblance quite a bit."

Raizo merely stands there with a deadpan expression but he feels a lot of anxiety at the moment.

"Anyways, my name is Lucy Grayson-Mercer. It's a pleasure to meet ya, Raizo!" the blonde smiled extending her hand out. The Stormbringer extends his hand and shakes hers.


Lucy let go raising an eyebrow in suspicion over those words spoken by the boy.

"Oi, you just mistook me as someone who could be your little sister just a second ago. Don't go using 'ma'am' now. You can call me Miss Lucy, no…Lucy-neesama!"

"Lucy, he's already been teased by Jibril. Don't make the boy feel any more out of place," Mercer interrupted with another sigh. The happy woman then had a change in facial expression in which she patted the boy's shoulder.

"So you met her already? I'm so sorry. Just so ya know, now that she's got ya in her sights…well ya won't escape until she takes ya for a night. Try not to wander around by yourself 'kay?"


"She doesn't take no for an answer kiddo, trust me. Just stick with us and you'll survive!"

"I feel only that much better," the boy hung his head down and sighed heavily.

"Oi, don't go frettin' on me. Hang out with me and I'll show ya my anime collection and video games! Plenty of entertainment value of the highest quality."

"Um…what is anime and video games?"

"WHHHHHHAAAAAAAT?!" Lucy exclaimed in shock. Mercer was in the background shaking his head.

"Dear, he comes from a world where the year is only 1025 so it's literally a thousand years too soon for him to know about those things," he tried to explain. Lucy sighed and clutched Raizo's hands.

"I'm gonna have to teach you EVERYTHING about anime and games. You shall become my otaku in training," she stated with a fire of determination in her eyes but Raizo was only confused that much more.


"Details! Just know that I shall be your sensei in this!"

"Lucy, are you trying to corrupt my son already?" questioned the divine father observing this amusing situation before him but he was only met with a look of seriousness and determination from his wife.

"Ya damn right I am! Besides, it's not like you can take issue with this, you don't even take an interest in it!" the blonde complained. Raizo merely stood there unsure what to make of the situation. For her to be someone married to his father who he perceived to always have a mellow yet serious demeanor, she was his complete opposite. If the boy could describe her, he would use words like vivacious and energetic…also surprisingly juvenile. Of course he didn't mean that last part in a bad way; it's just that he could not believe that she was older than him yet so child-like at the same time. Primordials were surprising beings.

"Well that was fast as always. Welcome back, Mercer," called out a new voice from above. All eyes then turned to the top of the stairwell that led down into the massive foyer of the mansion. Raizo was unable to perceive the identity of the person due to the hanging chandelier obscuring his view.

"Ah Alex, it's good to see you away from your forge for once. Come here, I want you to meet my son," Mercer suggested motioning the individual to hurry down. Doing such, the new party began to walk down the stairs gradually making their way towards the youth. Taking a nervous gulp, Raizo's anxiety began to build casually unsure of who or what this person was going to be like. Then, the person's face came into view which led Raizo to walk up Lucy.

"Err…who is the boy?" he asked in a low-tone of voice though the sound still echoed in the room. Lucy began to chuckle.

"You mean 'girl' ya silly. That is my granddaughter, Alexis Grayson-Mercer."

"Wait…come again?" the boy asked with a raised eyebrow. It was then that the individual was standing before the trio with a soft smile. The Stormbringer saw that SHE had long, platinum hair, steel blue eyes, and a similar skin tone to that of grandmother. She wore a white, sleeveless jacket with long black gloves which reminded the heterochromia assassin of Adena's attire, a belt that had white pouches on the front made for carrying small tools, a black skirt and knee-high black boots.

"As my Grandmother said, I'm a girl! You can just call me Alex by the way. What's your name?" she asked politely.

"R…Raizo Arashi, nice to meet you."

"Raizo eh?" she spoke leaning in to examine the boy. He twitched a bit as his personal space has been invaded more than once today.

"I see, so if you're Mercer's son then that makes you Grandma's stepson meaning you're my father's stepbrother. Therefore, you're my uncle!" she boasted proudly.

"EHHH?!!" Raizo gasped in shock once more. Just how many people were in this family? He couldn't understand it at all. From gaining a legitimate father, he now has an aunt, a stepmother, and now a step-niece? He wasn't used to having so many relatives in his life before. It was definitely a new experience to say the least. The blank expression of his face is soon met with surprise as the new blade that he received during the Pandora Conflict practically jumps off his person and flies straight to Alex's grasp.

"Oh my, Morana?! It seems you've truly become aware faster than I anticipated."

Raizo is once again confused.

"Ah, that's right. I'm known as the Primordial Blacksmith so I forge all manners of weapons and armor for a living. I'm the one who crafted this blade for you. Hmm I knew that the spirit I placed inside it would eventually awake but to think it would be this soon," Alexis marveled in surprise, "I wonder how it happened. Let's take a look then."


However, his answer never came from the girl as she was engrossed in a trance while holding the weapon. Seeing this strange phenomenon, the Crimson Harbinger looked around for some sort of help with the situation.

"Alexis has a unique constitution to see inside the essence of any armament she makes or anything she has ever forged. It allows her to truly know the weapon inside and out. Given that Morana has a living source of divine power inside of it, she is communing with the weapon right now to see how well it's been treated since you've taken possession," Mercer explained.

"I hope ya been a good boy kiddo; Alex never misses a detail when it comes to her work," Lucy added before waiting to see what the girl in question would say.

Delving into the consciousness of the dormant scythe, Alex communicated with the spirit to see what all Raizo has been doing with it. She saw the weapon's memories of its time in the young man's possession. Though there wasn't much, the last chain of memories held the most concerning. This was how the goddess inside was stirred from her slumber in the first place. She feels the blade's pain over the master attempting to commit suicide which led to tears forming in her eyes. Getting the full story from the blade, Alex snapped back to reality casting a saddened gaze at her uncle. The Crimson Harbinger merely turned his face away as his guilty eyes grazed at the ground. Sensing something was off, Lucy was about to speak up but Alex quickly deflected the moment to something else.

"Now that he's awoken the divinity within Morana, I'm going to have to fine-tune the blade a bit to work in sync with his abilities," the girl began, "Mercer, that thing you wanted me to work on is also nearly complete."

"I see," the man responded still wondering what it was that the girl saw.

"Jibril also gave me the details on the measurements. Though there were some details I wish she did not tell me," Alex coughed growing ever so slightly red in the face. Suddenly, the angel in question appears from nowhere dropping from the ceiling.

"Oh come now Alexis, it wasn't that bad. You need to have some moments when you think like a girl otherwise you'll always be mistaken as a boy," the female seductress teased then she casted her gaze over to Raizo. Instantly, the male moved faster than anyone was expecting out of fear hiding behind his father.

"Y…you stay over there…far away from me. P…pervert."

"Hahaha, you're being way too cute right now. I'd like to continue where we left off you know," Jibril scoffed before licking her lips in delight. Suddenly, Lucy stepped up to the woman with her arms folded communicating serious attitude.

"Oi, take your thirst back to the damn Crossroads. You really have to torment my newest student of anime don't you?"

"What? I can't help how delicious he is to me. His attitude and his cute reactions only make me want him more…fufufu~"

"Do I have to tell Daniel what you're up to?"

Jibril quickly went silent after the name of her husband was brought up. The man in question was the only one who could control Jibril and rein her in when she was getting too wild.

"B…but, my EX riding skill…"

"OKAY!" Alex interrupted clapping her hands once. She immediately walked up to her great aunt and grabbed her forearm trying to suggest that the woman shut up before the girl's grandmother would enter fight mode. Best to diffuse the situation now before there wound up being a battle between the two women inside the house. That would not end well.

"Why don't you give me a hand with the measurements on my project, Jibril? The joke is getting out of hand. Go ahead down to the workshop, I got the materials all set up already," the blacksmith smiled trying to make sure the woman would hurry up and get the hint. Lucy was already expressing a look of irritation growing more annoyed by the second. Jibril sighed once then disappeared. Meanwhile, Lucy looked back at the red-eyed youth who was slowly creeping out from behind his father's shadow. She looked at his side at the blade, Vajra, and had an idea.

"Oi, Alex," she called motioning her to let her whisper in her ear. The blonde said a few words and stealthily passed a vial into the girl's hand that had a pale blue glow to it. As soon as she was done saying what she had to say, the platinum-haired tomboy walked over to her uncle and extended her hand.

"Forgive me but may I borrow your sword?"

"Sure," Raizo answered unlatching the weapon and handing it over. Now with both of his weapons gone, the young man truly felt awkward since he didn't have a way to defend himself. Now what was he to do if that lewd angel came back for him?

"I'll be back in a couple of hours."

The party was now down to three again within the foyer of the massive house. An awkward silence passed before Mercer spoke up now wondering about the earlier scene.

"Why don't we go into the den and talk?" he suggested. Lucy nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I'll get us some tea."

Raizo took a slight breath knowing that he had a lot of explaining to do but the thing was, where should he start?


In the den that was located about 10 feet to the right of the foyer within the large manor sat Mercer and Raizo. Lucy was currently at the bar on the opposite side brewing a pot of tea while the two men sat down. Mercer was currently seated in a reclining chair adjacent to Raizo's position on the couch. In front of them was the fireplace in which a small flame had been burning to provide comfort and relaxation to the atmosphere. A myriad of pictures and other items decorated the walls of the area as well as a rectangular frame that Raizo did not know about (which was known as a television but of course the boy knew nothing about such an invention). The room was still and quiet only being filled with the sound of Lucy fiddling around with cups and such.

The Crimson Harbinger crossed his hands under his chin as his red eyes stared into the flames. How could he express what all was going on with him? Alexis' expression was obviously going to be the source of this conversation thanks to the immediate atmosphere change when she examined Morana. Conveying emotions and explaining the reasoning behind them, two things that he was not adverse in especially now that he was in a setting unknown to him. He felt like he was going to be judged for his weakness, which was something he wasn't hoping the man he was going to have to identify as father would do. After all, they were strangers to one another. As the youth grits his teeth, Mercer began to speak.

"I'm assuming that you already know what I'm going to ask?" the soothing tone of the Primordial God flowed out calmly as he broke the sound of silence within the room. The youth nodded reflexively before turning his gaze to meet with the man in question.

"The look that Alexis gave me when she grasped Morana, yeah, I know."

The imposing male nodded slowly which only made Raizo that much more nervous. The heterochromia-haired individual proceeded to take a deep breath, in through his nose and out through the mouth. He didn't want to leave a bad impression but telling someone you're sitting down with for the first time that you almost killed yourself? That wasn't really something he desired to discuss right off the bat in this new relationship between a father and son. As such, Raizo tensed up even more clenching his hands harder. Seeing the boy struggle with words, Mercer elected to offer some encouragement.

"You don't have to be fearful of what to say. I understand that you do not feel comfortable but I assure you, speaking whatever is on your heart is something that I wish for you to do right now."

"It's just…I already feel so out of place as it is so I'm not sure what to say or how to say it."

The sound of teacups rocking on porcelain plates is heard as the enigmatic blonde comes in with the steaming hot beverages. With that enthusiastic personality in tow, she smiles as she sets the cups down and sits the items before the gathered party.

"You're around family kiddo; ya should just speak freely obviously!" the cheerful girl encouraged before taking a seat on the couch beside the youth.

Raizo nodded before reaching forward and grabbing the teacup with care. He lets the steam flow for a second before lightly blowing on it then taking a gradual sip of the blend. The taste strikes his tongue with a sweet lemon flavor before washing down his throat. The warmth fills his chest and calms his stress significantly. It didn't stop his fear trying to ascertain how their reactions might be but it was better to rip the adhesive off all at once. He waited for the pair to finish taking their respective sips of tea before doing the same and placing the cup down on the table. As the couple finished, he closed his eyes then opened them ready to speak.

"Before I decided to take a trip through the cosmos and accidentally land here, I tried to use Morana to end my own life…" he confessed at once before holding his head down in shame. Remembering the cause of that decision flooded his mind as his heart becomes doused in that pain once more. Lucy's cheerful demeanor fades away while the maternal instincts kick in. She scooted closer to the hurting child leaning on his shoulder and rubbing his back trying to console him. Tears welled up in the boy's eyes unknowingly as a result. Mercer maintained silence but he held his own form of astonishment in his mind. The man thought back to his own experiences and his dark times when he nearly did the same thing.

"I can only imagine what you're going through, Raizo. Even I at one point experienced a similar low point in a period of time in which I considered suicide because of my own shortcomings and failures. Having suffered loss and living with so much regret can push a person to their limits but I escaped from those times. It wasn't something that I was able to do of my own volition but because of the people I was able to call family during that era. They believed in me and pulled me through so I'm absolutely certain that the same thing will happen to you," Mercer explained.

"He's right y'know," Lucy began, "There will always be those people that come into your life and will accept you no matter how you view yourself. They'll become our support and even your sources of strength so don't give up okay? You have us now after all. I'd hate to lose my new son before I got a chance to truly get to know him."

Raizo turned his head towards the woman in surprise. He was amazed that this woman would say such a thing to him despite only knowing him for such a short period of time. Was she really being serious or was this a joke? Looking at her warm smile and loving gaze in her green eyes, he could only see the sincerity that she was communicating. It was like she could see the beauty inside him and the great person he will be rather than the monster that he perceived himself as.

"But…even with all that I've done, the promises I broke, what if I feel like I can't face them? What do I do to explain myself or justify the decisions I've made?" the pained former blood wolf pleaded.

"Making decisions are a natural part of life. You can't expect everyone to agree with what you do because at the end of the day, your life is your own. True friends and real family will always believe in you. Sure you may disappoint them but they will never lose faith in you and will forever stand by your side. After all, those bonds are irreplaceable," Mercer explained meaning every word of what he said. The outcome of his statement came true for him so if the principle of "like father, like son" held any sort of truth, then it would definitely happen for his own child. Raizo may not know it but Mercer had a feeling that it was already something that was revolutionizing the boy's life at this very moment.

Raizo went quiet before reaching for his tea to take another sip. The words of both individuals spiraled in his mind fighting against his sorrow. However, this discussion wasn't over and the perceptive woman sitting next to him further pushed that fact with what she had to say next.

"What pushed you to this point if I may ask? What caused you to want to resort to suicide?"

"Well," the young adult inhaled then exhaled, "the best way for me to explain it is if I share with the both of you everything that I can possibly remember going back to the beginning of my life. It's easier that way."

The Stormbringer extended both of his hands towards each of them. Mercer and Lucy gaze at each other then back at the boy and nod in agreement. They take his hands and wait for him to do what he was going to do. Raizo wasn't sure if it would work with two people but he was going to use his new ability that he picked up from his alternate self. He found himself calling it Transference. In that next moment, he used the ability to transmit his memories to them both allowing the couple to see his 19 years of living. From his childhood with the Blood Wolves all the way up until that attempt that would have been a tragic ending to his life if not for Adena's intervention; he shared everything that was of significance with them.

After about 20 minutes or more, Raizo finished letting the hands of the two gods go trying to catch his breath for a bit as he wasn't used to using Transference for that long. Mercer was at a loss for words so he could only let out a hefty sigh. In his mind, he felt anger towards Raiden for turning his son into a cold-blooded killer. Then again, he questioned his decision of leaving Hestia despite it being one that was forced upon him all of those years ago. Seeing what happened in the Shatterpoint timeline only made him question that move even more and especially had him wondering over how she was truly like now. As for Lucy, she just hugs Raizo as her maternal instincts take over once more. The conflicted demigod can no longer hold back his emotions as his tears stream down his face all at once while disgust and self-hatred stirred once more.

"Raizo, I'm sorry," Mercer spoke.

"Wait what? Why? You didn't do anything," he responded but Mercer shook his head.

"That's exactly why I am apologizing. I was never there for you because I did not know about you. If I had, your life would have been entirely different. The suffering you've endured in your life is something I did not anticipate so again I…"

"D…Dad," Raizo stuttered calling the man by his title that he deserved. It was weird for the boy to identify someone else as his father but it wasn't like he was opposed to it. Besides, the man he perceived as father all but rejected him during his time alive so there really should not be any lost love over it. Getting over that awkwardness, the son of Mercer continued.

"You can't change the past…that's something I learned the hard way but it is true. You don't have to apologize for what has happened to me because like you said, you had no idea I even existed until recently and vice versa with me about you. What matters is that we're here right now so…now that we're here, we have the ability to make up for the time lost between us right?"

"Indeed, you're correct son," the legendary god nodded patting his child on the head softly. Lucy also added her feedback.

"That's exactly right," she began while wiping a few tears from her face, "I may not be your mother by blood but I'm here for ya too. You have all of us Mercers as your family now."

"Thank you…both of you. It really does mean a lot to me," the youth smiled.

"Good, just be sure to remember that."

"Wait…this includes Jibril too?"

"Don't worry, she's not that bad once ya get to know her," Lucy giggled pinching her new son's cheek.

"But…that was a very disturbing first impression," Raizo pouted scratching his cheek.

"Well if she gets too overly friendly then I'll whack her on the head for ya!"

"Heh, thanks Miss Lucy," the boy chuckled but the blonde raised a single finger.

"Nope, you can call me Mom. You're my cute son now."

"Wait…but…that's going to be confusing for me."

"Nah, I'm gonna be the best mom you've never had! Forget the chick with the bukkake hair!"

"Lucy…" Mercer was about to protest but then his wife looked at him with a scary smile which quickly made him close his mouth.

"Remember, you never told me about this cute kiddo so…yeah mister."

Mercer merely coughs looking away.

"So, I'm Mom to you now right?" Lucy asked redirecting her attention to Raizo.

"Well…" Raizo said being caught off guard by the seriousness of the upbeat female.

"Riiiiiight? Say it, you know you want to."

"Lucy, don't pressure the boy," Mercer sighed but the woman was just laughing about it.

"Relax! I'm just messing with him dear."

"No no, you're fine…M…Mom," the Stormbringer blushed as he said as he identified the woman as a parental figure. Now he had a new mom and dad in his life. It was something he definitely was not expecting at all. Lucy smiled happily as a result of hearing that but she was also surprised too.

"Hehe, I'm happy to hear that son~"

The energetic and youthful woman hugged the boy once more before saying something that was once again, an unexpected statement.

"So about this Adena girl…when are you gonna bring her around? Judging off of those memories, she's perfect for ya. You two gonna get married?"

"Ehh?!!! B…but we're not even together or anything!"

"Oi, you better make me some grandkids. You're my son now and you're at a good age so lemme meet my future daughter-in-law!"

"Tch…it's not like I can't but…I'm not exactly good with girls or anything…so you can't just say such stuff like that. Jeez…"

"Hehe, so looks like our son is a total tsundere Mercer!"

"No comment," the father remarked with another cough. "In all seriousness Raizo, you're welcome to come here anytime."

"But I found Elysium by accident so how will I find this place again?"

"Elysium is as much your home as ours kiddo, so ya can come back anytime!"

Nodding happily, Raizo was able to feel joy at last.


Hours pass as Raizo spends time with his new parents talking about his life and getting to know one another better. Though the boy has never been any happier, he had something he had to do as did his father. As a result, this time together between them had to be cut short for now. The trio made their way out of the house into the garden that was outside the house. Soon after came Alexis and Jibril carry four items.

"Right on time Alex, Raizo was getting ready to leave," Mercer says examining the haul. The young blacksmith was breathing a little heavy and had a few drops of sweat on her brow.

"Sorry about that, I just finished polishing up the items," she said before handing off one item to Mercer while Jibril handed another to Lucy. The last one she kept on hand. The boy's father stepped up and the boy the item in his hand.

"I had this made for you to help you on your journey. It should fit you just fine."

Raizo took the item and unfolded it. To him, it appeared to be a black vest of some sort with a unique style that made it appear like armor. Curious, the youth slips it on over top of him but suddenly it began to glow.

"Err, what's going on here?" Raizo questioned. Unsure, Mercer looked to the one who forged it.

"Ah, looks like it's changing according to your personality. I'm curious to see what will happen," the girl said.

The armor glowed even more before a flash of white light occurred. As the light faded, all eyes were on the boy to see what had occurred. Raizo's left arm was encased within a black gauntlet that stretched from his shoulder down to his fingertips. The armor had claw armor along the fingers and spikes on the forearm and upper shoulder. Along the joints were spots colored a metallic scarlet with a dark crimson crystal on the back of the hand. As the jewel glowed, Raizo felt a surge in his power that seemed to bolster his physical prowess and more.

"That is the Janus armor. I forged it based upon fragments from your father's old armor set. Currently it is in its resting state so you can take the term "armor" at face value for now. When it's awakened, well you'll see. Just know that there is more than meets the eye with it and that it's got a lot of tricks that you'll discover in time. In this state though, it does the job of being full body armor by giving you reactive durability. So long as your enemy doesn't outclass you by infinites, you won't be taking a scratch from attacks that may be conventional or unconventional," Alexis explained proudly.

"I feel stronger already…this is…different," Raizo spoke clenching his armored hand into a fist.

"Well, I'm not surprised. I'm pretty sure you won't have to transform into that blue form I saw through Morana's eyes anymore. I mean after all, my stuff tends to help people unlock their potential at times. Also, the armor will scale with you over time as you grow and expand your abilities. Now then, speaking of Morana…"

Alexis stepped up to her uncle and pulls out the blade in its resting state which is currently sheathed in this mysterious amber case appearing like a dagger now. She hands it over to the boy which Raizo grabs and examines it.

"It looks shorter now," the Stormbringer noted examining it.

"Ah that's because of the case. Why don't you draw it out?" the blacksmith suggested.

Doing just that, the youth pulls the blade out seeing it in is enigmatic and somewhat rustic form that it takes when it's asleep. Nothing really changed visually but as he holds it, he can felt a stronger power resonating from it.

"I added some new effects with Morana that will change her behavior when she's awake. She has two new abilities that I'm sure she'll tell ya when the time comes. The amber case also allows you to displace the blade in its own dimension hence the shorter appearance. Also, she now has a passive called 'Soul Oath'. Basically Morana is officially bound to you and no matter if the enemy knocks the blade out of your hand or takes it from you; she always comes back and will never let another person ever wield her. Take care of her and don't ever use her to try and take your own life again. I don't want to lose my new uncle, 'kay?"

"Yeah…sorry about that…"

"It's okay; Morana explained to me what all you were going through. She was surprisingly chatty so that means she likes ya. But make sure you take care of yourself so I can see ya again."

Lucy then walks up with a gold and aqua blue scabbard that held Vajra within it. As Raizo tucked Morana on the back of his waist, the youth turned his attention to his new stepmother curious to see what she had going on with his primary weapon.

"I noticed your sheathe was pretty beat up so I asked Alex here to make ya a new one," the woman said presenting the blade to Raizo. As the Crimson Harbinger admired it, he took the old one off which Lucy took as he grabbed the blade. When he laid his hands upon the glowing aqua case, he felt a warm and embracing feeling wash over him comparable to a mother's love for her child. Looking at it, he was curious about it. Alex nudged her grandmother to tell him about it since it was designed around her expectations.

"That's called the Gemini Scabbard. It's modeled after the scabbard of my own holy sword and has a little kick to your regenerative abilities. There is also an ability that will come to you when you're in a real pinch so like the other abilities that was hinted towards ya, it'll come to you in time," she smiled.

"It's beautiful Mom, thank you," Raizo said placing the weapon over his shoulder to draw with his right hand.

"Wait, you're calling her 'Mom' now? But I can't call her Grandma?!" Alexis complained.

"Oi, I'm not that old to be called that title," Lucy swiftly interjected. It was then that Jibril added her own remark.

"Of course you aren't shorty."

"Don't make me have to kick your ass in front of your nephew ya horny angel."

"Ladies…manners," Mercer sighed heavily.

Raizo began to chuckle feeling truly happy to know that he has people like them in his life now. It was definitely reassuring for him.

"Thank you all for the gifts and for making me feel like I have a place in which I truly belong. It's nice to know that I do have a real family now aside from the other members of Team AKARA. If it wasn't for them and you all, I would truly be alone. Also, forgive me for my weakness…"

"Kiddo, just be sure to remember what me and your father told ya. You have us now so when you've finished with your business, you just be sure to come back 'kay? Reminder, this is your home now. Oh and next time, we are watching anime all day!"

"Heh, I understand Mom."

"Be sure to come back so I can play with you some more~" Jibril winked at him.

"Er…no thanks Aunt Jibril…"

"Stop teasing my son dammit. He's got a waifu!" Lucy protested.

"M…Mom…that's just…tch.."

"Oh wow, he is a tsundere. I was not expecting this one," Alexis observed with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright everyone, let's not keep the boy from his journey," Mercer coughed trying to get everyone on track.

As Raizo backed away about to take off, Mercer motioned him to hold on for a second.

"What's up Dad?"

"Take this as well," he said placing two fingers the boy's forehead. In that moment, Raizo acquired knowledge to use a new technique that was similar to the Crimson application to his thunder. The color was completely different appearing a shade that was similar to his Heart of the Storm transformation but different at the same time.

"Use it well and another thing. Give this message to Akaro for me. Time is drawing near so stop goofing around. He'll understand what it means," Mercer stated. Acknowledging his request with a nod, he patted his son on the head again then gave him a hug.

"Save travels son."

"Thanks Dad."

As the man backed away, Raizo stood in the clearing and gathered his power. Unlike before when he couldn't he felt full access to his abilities and assumed his Heart of the Storm transformation. The power from his form surged out causing a gust of wind to burst from his body. He raised his arm and waved at his family. When they returned the gesture, the youth took off running then leapt from the ground and soared into the skies as a purple streak was left behind like a shooting star.

"He really does take a lot from you, transformations and all," Lucy admired.

"Indeed. He has a lot of potential. I can see the greatness within him but he just needs to believe in himself and always remember that there are people who believe in him too," Mercer analyzed as he and the rest of the family watched the youth vanish into the stars.

And so the Stormbringer's journey continued on…