
Perpetual Samsara (Part 13)

Location: Unknown, Kingdom of the Tengu

Alone in the castle belonging to her former mentor, Reina sat in a solitary area by the garden firmly fixated in meditation. While her teacher, the Great Kiichi Hogen, was training Raizo, she elected to cast her consciousness to feel the state of affairs concerning this war. Her eyebrows furrowed as she felt a great disturbance emanating from the realm of Elysium. Regardless of meddlers in the heavenly realm, normally a slight disturbance was negligible considering the great powerhouses that protected it; however, this time was different.

It was like the balance that kept Heaven afloat was turned upside down and something foreign and poisonous elected to move in to take advantage of it. The source of this intrusion was none other than the Abyss Order. To her knowledge, a majority of their combatants were already in Cocytus wreaking havoc, so who could be left? As her focus sensed the dwindling light of the God Hunter fade away, there could only be one person powerful enough to extinguish his heroic flame – Acedia. Yet, in her logical mind, it would stand to reason that even Acedia would need further assistance to get the drop on Elysium and the Mercer family. The only answer would be the master that the Abyss Order answered to: Perdition.

"Yo, little one, hope you don't mind if I break your concentration a little," the uncaring, casual voice of the Tengu Queen broke through thus causing Reina's eyes to open.

"Great One, how is Raizo's training?" Reina inquired, feeling optimistic if her teacher showed herself this early during the boy's training regimen.

"Slow, ridiculously slow. He ain't a hopeless case, but the kid is definitely fucked up from within. Good grief, I'd expect him to have half a damn clue if my star pupil was training him but the kid is denser than dark matter. Nevertheless, progress is progress."

"I see…"

"If you're concerned about Elysium's shit, don't. They're all but finished at this point. Mercer has fallen, his family's morale is in disarray and their forces are getting decimated by the Abyss Order as we speak. Perdition is in play now, ain't a damn thing we can do about it at this rate."

"Surely there should be enough time to…"

"Oi, pipsqueak, listen to what Momma Tengu is telling you. Mercer is gone…he's done for. His other fuckstick of a son decided to play pussy with Perdition's side and let the bastards through the front door. Obviously the God Hunter isn't a man that'll let someone else fight his battles so he vacated the Throne of Heaven to deal with it personally which is what Perdition wanted. If the leader of the Abyss Order has taken over Heaven then not even our combined might is enough to stop him. This cycle is on borrowed time."

"Except it is not just us as the only available options to stop Perdition from ushering in Azoth; we have options…a list of Special War Potentials that could stop him as a collective," Reina proposed.

"That is true…then, my youngest one, let's cook up a list, shall we?" Sivanah expressed as she snapped her fingers to generate a blank scroll with an ink brush to use for a writing utensil. She stomped her left foot to create a table to sit down at before she dipped the brush in a tray of ink.

"Let's go with the obvious one first," Sivanah proposed.

"Kimiko Hanate, the true form of the All-Mother; if she were to enter the fray then there would be little room for Perdition to have his way. She would not even have to take direct action as the Aspects would be more than enough to erase anything that Perdition could throw their way. The only detriment to this option is that it is 'too easy'. Such a simple outcome would not be favorable as Akasha always strived for all beings to overcome challenges through their own merit."

"Indeed, although there is peace in knowing the Goddess-Above-All is someone that all beings can put their faith into; we as a sentient race would not be able to experience true growth if we are not willing to handle it ourselves," Sivanah nodded in agreement with Reina's last portion of the explanation.

"The second on the list is my daughter, Kurai Arashi. As the one born between myself and Akasha, she is one who watches over all stories in the Archaeus and has unknown levels of potential. Outside of the All-Mother, she is truly invincible," Reina emphasized with a bit of pride.

"Well, well, look at you exuding the Proud Mommy vibes. As much as I would like to agree with you there, your daughter has her own duties. If this crisis has not gotten to a point where Akasha will directly involve herself, that should go double for Kurai with her mountain of responsibility. However, as the situation develops, that may change," Sivanah deduced.

"Next we have Akaro Tenbatsu; the Red-Eyed Hero and the Legendary Man Who Brought Karma's Liberation Upon the First Murderer. Good grief, it feels like he gets a different title on a daily basis now. After recent events of him defeating Cain, our older brother, his power is now on the precipice of reaching the Supreme Ones. Furthermore, he may be the one to inherit the title of 'Aspect of the Crimson Dragon', courtesy of our mother and current Aspect–Akatsuki Tenbatsu."

"Has he been initiated as the God-King of the Ryu-jin?"

"Yes, he has."

"Interesting. Under normal circumstances, it is inappropriate to be accepted as a rule without first proving himself to the Sovereign and the Tengu; but I'll allow it given the current times."

"Yes I am aware. Though Cocytus is ultimately the domain of the Sovereign and sole authority belongs to such, there has always been an unspoken triumvirate of power within Purgatory: The God-King of the Dawn, The Sovereign of the Night, and the Tengu of the Twilight. Though fragile at best, it was a practiced rule even before my ascendancy; something born of your labor since Tartarus could do nothing against you."

"Correct, but such traditions can be put into practice later."

"Agreed. Our next candidate is none other than your newest trainee–Raizo Arashi-Mercer. The firstborn son of Alexander Mercer, Primordial King of Elysium who is the definition of a trueborn hybrid of God and Man. Once known as the Crimson Harbinger of Death, he is a child that continuously develops to the point of now being known as The Godsbane. The same child of promise foretold through the writings of the Okami and the scroll of the Golden Sonata that resides in Heaven."

"Indeed he is, the amount of potential he possesses is quite astonishing. When searching through his karmic essence, I saw the embers of my sister within him. The powers that he awakened when fighting her is just a figment of the true depths of potential he carries. Such an unexplored wellspring of power leaves one to wonder where he can go if he overcomes his own internal obstacles."

"He will get there. That is why I brought him to you for training," Reina affirmed.

"We shall see what my training can produce for him," Sivanah surmised, "Now, who is next on your list? Little one?"

"Adena Zao-Long; the younger sister of one of Akasha's Aspects, Marayah Zao-Long. She is a woman of unspoken potential and a ridiculous growth curve. After her role in the battle against Sakinah, she has been training relentlessly with the singular goal in mind of making Legion look inadequate. From what I have sensed, she seems to have more than succeeded. In fact, I would go as far as to question whether or not she could defeat you, Great One."

"Just because you have a thought, doesn't mean it should be spoken out loud. A wise individual is one of few words from time to time. That being said, I'd hate to crush your hopes and dreams in front of you. Now then, here's one who caught my eye. There was a girl in Raizo's memories that seems to utterly terrify him, but that same girl became an ally later on."

"That would be Hikari Hanate; her existence is an interesting one. She is essentially Kimiko's human counterpart in Raizo's world. She is also the strongest monarch in said world and is someone directly beyond what Adena can hope to normally face in her current state. What makes her truly devastating as an opponent is her sheer willingness to do whatever it takes to win."

"A necessary evil it sounds like; what an interesting one to assess. Another person I could think of is a nameless entity you may or may not know about. Someone who is simply known as 'The Scribe.'" 

"No, I would not know anything about this individual at all; who are they?"

"All I know is that they are a mysterious force that continued to give orders to the Aspects of Akasha during her absence from her mantle. No one knows their name or gender; not even the Aspects themselves have met them. In fact, from what I have heard, they refer to this person as 'he' only due to the intensity and bossy atmosphere that the Scribe exudes."

"Such an entity may hold the keys to untold mysteries of the Aspects and their strengths; they may have knowledge that even you may not know."

"On that Little Ajari, I am inclined to agree."

"There is only one more person I could add to this list. This is just something I've discussed loosely with my brother and Ashura Gozen. We may have to compare notes on this one, but have you heard of the guardian spirit known as Samantabhadra?" Reina inquired.

"Hmm…I know she is the guardian spirit of the sacred Lifeblood."

"Correct. From what I have been told by my Ryu-jin brethren is that she protects a domain that is beyond our normal understanding of the Immutable Past, the Eternal Present, and the Unknowable Future. By that logic, she could be a being from an era far removed from this one."

"Indeed… there is much we do not know about the Lifeblood. A spirit of such mystery could definitely be an ally that has the potential to defeat Perdition."

"Indeed, but we have a multitude of options listed before us. Surely with that being said, we would be able to counter Perdition to some degree. Do you feel like it is a futile endeavor now, Shishou?"

"There are a lot of unknown variables at play and conditions to be met for a good sum of this list to be rendered as an eligible solution. For now, the main variable we can influence is Raizo and finishing his training," Sivanah answered as she sat to take a drink of her etherious sake.


"Am I floating or sinking?" thought the inner voice of the Crusader whose essence drifted across the river between life and death. Endless montages of his past were laid before his mind's eye. From his days as a Blood Wolf to his present as the Crusader alongside every event that has played out during the sum of his twenty years of living. The bloodshed, the countless battles, the conflicting emotions strewn therein; all of these sensations assaulted him simultaneously on repeat.


"I believe in you…"



"Don't aim to be like me, but surpass me…"

"Let's see you grit those teeth!"

"You're not alone anymore."

"You are a worm through time…"

The voices of his pass from dismal to hopeful rushed at him in every shape or form possible driving his consciousness to a point of insanity. Then, in a snap, everything turned black. A period of 30 seconds that seemingly felt like a slow crawling eternity passed before Raizo's eyes opened again. This time, he found himself in a dark alley dimly illuminated by street lights and the roaring of horns.

"What the…?"

As he found himself coming to, he was leaning back against a brick wall at the edge of a damp alleyway. When he turned towards a series of flashing lights causing his pupils to readjust accordingly. Emerging from the confines of the alley, he found himself standing in the midst of a sprawling, steel metropolis dominated by technological innovation he had not seen since his time in the dystopian future of Fuyuki City.

Endless buildings of varying sizes that seemed stacked and slammed together stretched towards the darkened sky above. Billboards and digital screens of varying advertisements and electronic broadcasts were projected as far as the eye could see. Furthermore, sleekly designed, reinforced chassis vehicles drove up and down the streets in neverending streams of traffic as the city bustled with life. Above his head, he could see the brilliance of an orange-like tunnel where trains passed overhead powered by electrical energy while bound by magnetic levitation innovations.

"Welcome to Night City, your home for the latest and greatest innovations and endless possibilities," a billboard sounded overhead.

"Hey Edgerunner, the fuck are ya doin' waitin' around fer? Got a job for ya, the crew's waitin' inside," a voice called out to him. He turned to see some elderly guy in a lab coat waving him over to some bar. The sign above it said 'Afterlife'. Unsure what else to do, he found himself walking over.

In a brief stint that warped his sense of time, he found himself being baptized by memories that were familiar, yet distant all at the same time. For some reason, it was like someone was explaining his life in this world to him firsthand. He saw visions of his realization about his origins. In this world, he was still the son of Hestia Arashi and Alex Mercer; unlike the world he knew, Raiden trusted Hestia's word about Fujitora after his mother came clean about her child's true origin.

The Blood Wolves of this world elected to remain neutral while civil war broke out between the Revolutionary Army and the Empire. The Empire would go on to win that war, and as a reward for their neutrality and lack of usefulness in the new era, the Blood Wolves were massacred by a group simply known as the Elite Seven. Raizo was but a young teen still in training at the time. When he was returning from a hunting venture, he found his home consumed by flames. In the midst of that chaos, he saw his mother was on her knees before a woman with long black hair and red eyes. Their eyes would meet for the briefest of moments before the woman executed her by decapitating her. This red-eyed killer did not even register Raizo as a threat as she and her team moved on. Raizo discovered a mysterious spinal implant that was infused with blood which was known as Indra's Veil. After having it infused with his body, the youth underwent a reckoning that awakened him as a cybernetic implant user.

"You've been after this Akame chick for how many years now, boyo?" a man with no name for him to care about asked the young man.

"Damn near 20 fucking years. Met that whore once and instead of killin' me, she let me go because I wasn't worthy of her effort. She knows I'm after her…and I won't stop comin' for her till she burns in Hell…" Raizo responded coldly.

"What the fuck? Did I just say that? Wait…no…I'm not in control here, but I'm experiencing it firsthand…" the real Raizo's consciousness thought.

"Well here kid, got a lead for ya. This'll take you to a secret lab where the ol' Imperial Corpos like to keep their dirty secrets. All's I need is a file from the server; but while yer at it, ya might be able to dig up some shit that'll help ya in that cause o' yers."

"Well that is cute and all, but it's a pity he won't make it there to see it come to fruition…" a voice interrupted as a man in a black coat overtop a white suit came into the room. His slicked back hair and soulless brown eyes found Raizo with a sadistic grin on his face.

"You will not live to see her light again, Satanael…" he uttered.

"Hey buddy, who the fuck do you…"

The perspective of the vengeful youth turned itself upside down as he found his eyes looking towards the ceiling while a sense of emptiness stretched from the neck down. As he was unable to ascertain the man's identity, that man's sadistic smile was the last thing Raizo saw before his head promptly dropped to the ground.

Behold, an unthinkable past without a future…

"Whose voice was that? Surely that wasn't me…right?" Raizo thought to himself before his consciousness was brought to a new reality. It felt like his eyes were blinded by the darkness of a cave before being accosted by the brightness of light. With that radiance came over a rush of memories unfamiliar to himself regarding events familiar, yet different at the same time.

He saw himself growing up in the same lifestyle he was accustomed to; a child raised in an order of assassins known as the Blood Wolves. That was the main fact that was familiar, but the events to come were much different. He saw visions of himself as a child, no more than 12 or 13 discovering his mother holding a blade with her beautiful flower printed kimono drenched in blood. Before her was the cold, lifeless body of his father–Raiden–whose head was rolling across the floor.

She took control of the Blood Wolves by force after years of suffering under the man's foolish, nonsensical vision. She carried his head around as a trophy before mounting it on a spike in the middle of the camp where she made her declaration of absolute power. Many were onboard with her newfound resilience and accepted it; while others rejected the action as cowardice and a betrayal. This led to a fracture not only within the Blood Wolves, but the entire Conclave as a whole.

Hestia would go on and destroy the Empire by her own hand using her various contacts and resources to amass an alliance with Neveir and two other prominent kingdoms that stood at odds with those who aligned with the remnants of the Conclave, the Revolutionary Army, the island nation of Wakoku and Mercury. During this time, a world war broke out that was going to forever alter the history of mankind going forward.

Raizo found himself on the battlefield as the sight of assassins covered in various garbs assaulted and ambushed legions of knights traversing the Valley of Ruin. What began as a small skirmish escalated into a bloody battle contained in a narrow corridor that made for a blender of gore and violence. In the midst of his realization, he looked down and saw the stains of blood all over his garments.

Unfamiliar with the attire, he noticed that this attire was a complex set of robes with an intricate pattern of curves that were seemingly double-breasted and layered to allow for maximum movement without too much dependance on armor. He discovered that outfit was this torso wear cut in upside down curves that led into triple layered coattails that seemingly mimicked the appearance of eagle feathers. His steel vambraces were equipped with blades that seemingly popped out based on a flick of a wrist motion. A leather strap cut across his chest with steel plating over his left shoulder with a black and red cloak hanging down from it. This all led into a unique hood that hung over his brow like an eagle as well; the black, red and white robes were the colors patterned for his clan as he took the lead over this ambush.

"At long last…the day has finally come, hasn't it? My dear Raizo," a familiar, feminine voice called out to him.

He turned to see someone that was wearing a similar garb, but less intricate and a little more crudely strung together. It was heavy leather vestments linked with a chainmail battle skirt wrapped around the waist. She wore knee-high iron and leather greaves with thick leather gloves with a singular pauldron on her right shoulder. She flipped her hood back to reveal her short blue hair and aqua eyes as she held two blades in her hand.

"As…sana?" Raizo gasped in disbelief.

"This day was going to come eventually. I did not wish to see it, but alas…here we are. Can't you see that your mother is the reason why we are locked in a never-ending war? How can you stand by her side? How can you be numb to the atrocities she's committed?" she pleaded with tears of frustration welling up in her eyes.

"I have a duty to uphold, this is the fate I've chosen," Raizo remarked without any hesitation.

"Wait…no, I wouldn't say that. No, not to her of all people. Once upon a time my heart was corrupted by vengeance, but this is not who I am!" he called out from within, but his body contradicted his intent. He felt the muscles within his arms reflexively draw two medium-sized scythes from his waist.

"If you are not with me, Assana…then regardless of our past romance, you are my enemy."

"Only a ruthless acolyte would deal in absolutes. I will do what I must to uphold my convictions," Assana responded with her swords raised to attack.

"You will try, my love."

Against Raizo's will, he found himself dueling against one of his first loves. He fought against every fiber in his being against swinging his blades against her, but he was unable to do so. It was like being strapped to a chair and watching your worst fears come to life right before your very eyes. He hated every single second of it and wanted it to stop, someone to just tell him that this was a bad joke; but it played out like it was his only reality.

The echoes of chaos and war erupted continuously in the background. The thunderous compositions of battle cries and steel colliding against steel comprised the score of the stage play whilst the stench of blood and death permeated the atmosphere. For Raizo and Assana, the two were firmly fixed in a dance of dread vying for the triumph of whose conviction was greater. Embers danced in the background, various debris and rock formations collapsed under the weight of the fight as it continuously played out.



The two were deadlocked as their skills were seemingly matched with one another. Their eyes locked together as the mixture of anger, frustration, and sorrow culminated in the emotions they shared. The world was burning around them and instead of being together, here they were attempting to kill one another. Minute after agonizing minute passed before the two pushed away from one another to balance their breathing.

"I should have known that the Conclave was going to eventually attempt to take over," Raizo shook his head.

"Raizo, your Mother is the evil one here. She's using war as a means to satisfy her ambition of total control!" Assana tried to plead her case to him.

"Well from my point of view, the Conclave are the ones who are evil!"

"Then you truly are lost!"

"This is the end for you then, my love…"

"That it surely is," a new voice echoed out thereby interrupting the two.

"No, not again…"

Just as the two were about to continue the duel, the man called Perdition arrived. In a stunning twist, he saw a hand pierce through Assana's chest whilst gripping her heart. The woman looked down and saw the result of her demise before glancing at Raizo one final time before life escaped her breath. Stunned, the Crown Prince was left speechless by the action before he would join his former lover in death as the boy's head was separated from his shoulders all over again.

"All shall be lost to you once more…Satanael…"

Behold, an unthinkable past without a future…

"There goes that voice again…but this time, it seems different."

Raizo's consciousness snapped to life once again. This time, all he could hear were the roaring noises of horns blaring through the air, tires screeching across the pavement and swaths of people walking back and forth in large crowds through a bustling cityscape. Though the skies were dark from the late hours of the night, the city's liveliness at this hour indicated otherwise. Combine that with the brilliant illuminations of street signs and billboards advertising popular restaurants and other establishments, one could say that he was locked in a city that never sleeps.

"New…York?" he questioned, having read aloud a sign boasting about some diner that was the "finest joint in town". He knew nothing about the place, but merely went along with it. He felt himself walking towards a particular facility whose name was spread out in giant capitalized letters, in glowing pink luminescence: COTTON CLUB. As he walked along the sidewalk strip, he managed to catch a glance at himself in the reflective glass window.

The man was wearing a black suit with a dark gray trench coat, and a matching fedora tipped to one side. His sheen black slacks to match made him someone that was fully dressed to the nines. The main piece that set off his outfit was the red tie that was neatly oriented around his neck. As he marched toward the entrance, he saw that there was a long line ahead of him. A man in a black suit that was serving as security was letting select people in. When the individual saw Raizo in line, he motioned for him to approach, which he did.

"Mr. Arashi, your party is waitin' inside in the VIP lounge," he said in a strong New Yorker's accent whose twang was a little difficult to decipher, but Raizo nodded and entered the club.

Passing through the threshold, this incarnation of the Stormbringer was greeted by a cacophonous harmonization of various instruments playing a rather upbeat, yet steady tune that allowed a variety of female dancers on stage in frilly outfits to move on beat to while couples danced at the same time on the designated dance floor. As he peered around the scene, he noticed that the men in the house were all wearing similar suits, fancy slacks and ties. The women, on the other hand, were wearing more colorful outfits of varying styles; some were ostentatious and flashy like the shiny glitter dresses; others were more exotic and provocative such as silk gowns and bold colors of red or blue. Then you had the more standout outfits with the low cut front, exposed shoulders, and whatnot, complemented by gaudy hats, pearl necklaces and diamond earrings.

Raizo got a little caught up in the atmosphere before he saw another member of security waving him over to a stairwell that led up to the VIP section of the club.

After marching upstairs and following a red carpeted floor, he saw a pair of armed guards standing outside one particular door which was his destination. Upon recognition of his identity, he was able to enter the threshold. As he did, he was welcomed into an elaborate suite-like private room that oversaw the entire clubroom floor safely behind black-tinted glass. Inside the room was a large, black leather couch that was embroidered in brass and diamond-like studs with a pair of chairs to match. The middle of the area was a circular table that was decorated like a blackjack table; but instead of cards, there were stockpiles of cash, bits of jewelry and a few fancy glasses that were topped off with wine. Standing in the room were four figures whose visages Raizo recognized: Akame, Akaro, Assana, and Kimiko.

"Wait…where's Adena? Come to think of it…I did not see her in the previous two flashback experiences either…" Raizo's inner thoughts noted.

"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in," spoke Akaro who was dressed in a similar suit to Raizo's except his overcoat was a duller shade of white instead of the gray color that the Stormbringer of this vision was wearing.

"You didn't run into any flatfoots on your way here, did you?" Akame spoke. Her black hair was twisted back in a ponytail as she wore a lovely set of ruby earrings, her lips dyed in a dark shade of lipstick with a small set of pearls hanging around her neck. She wore a long black dress that cut off just a few inches past the knee held by a red leather belt and a red ascot tied around her right shoulder.

"Nah, ain't no fools with a badge around these parts luckily," Raizo responded, though to his inner mind, he had no idea what type of accent was flowing from his lips.

"Easy there Akame, my sharp witted gal, ain't no gumshoe catchin' my lovely looker with ease," Assana interjected. Her blue hair crop cut in a pixie bob style with a pale blue bonnet tied around her head as a fashion accessory. She wore a diamond necklace around her neck as she rocked a navy blue, glittery dress that teasingly revealed a small amount of cleavage; it dragged just past the midriff of her thighs. In tandem with her outfit, she wore black, medium-high heeled shoes.

"Welcome back, Raizo. You are right on time for the meeting," spoke the last voice belonging to none other than Kimiko herself. She exuded a clear vibe of 'Head of the Table' as she wore an elegant black and silver silk dress that dragged subtly behind her. She donned a white fur scarf around her neck that wrapped over her shoulders. She utilized a subtle touch of eyeliner, dark red lipstick and her hair was styled straight that was cropped just past her jaw line. Holding a smoking pipe in one gloved hand while sitting a glass of wine down with the other, the fine beauty walked up and nonchalantly stole a kiss from him without hesitation. Assana merely bit her lip a bit in jealousy.

"Now that the gang's all here, let's start the meeting."

They gathered around the round table and took their seats. Akame sat close to Akaro while Raizo was sandwiched between Assana and Kimiko on either side of him and were unafraid of invading his personal space.

"Heh, look at Mister fancy pants over here wedged between two ripe tomatoes. I tell ya, that charm must be somethin' kiddo," Akaro chuckled, but Akame merely pinched his arm as a means to get him to shut up.

"Ow babe, why are you being such a wet blanket today? Ya know I gotta tease him a bit."

"Be serious for once, hun."

"Akaro-san, just dip the bill and calm down. Don't mind us so much," Assana suggested.

"Let's focus, people," Kimiko cleared her throat before starting off.

"As you can gather, the funds are pouring in from people all over town. The regular dough for protection is coming in handy making sure that we get the guns we need to our people, plus enabling us to lock down the streets and make sure everyone knows whose turf this is."

"Yeah, dropped a few gaggles of moonshine and a fat stack or two to keep the county judge in our pocket plus a few good defense attorneys in case any gumshoes try to stick their business where it don't belong," Akaro added in.

"The bank down on 39th ain't askin' any questions about our deposits either. So we have an emergency stash right in plain sight in case anything goes down," Akame reported.

"We got a few shipments of fresh deliveries in the way of guns and ammo coming in from our friends in Miami through the ports later this week too," Assana informed as she pulled out some shipping manifests from her bag.

"I finished my rounds today as well puttin' the squeeze on some overdue patrons as well. Couple jackasses were wasted in some of the crappy dives around here; others duped by gold diggers; then there was one grifter who thought he could get the jump on me with a couple of goons at his side. Nonetheless, every last one of 'em got a couple of roses planted in the kisser for a few rounds to make sure they knew who runs things," Raizo boasted with a small hint of amusement in his tone.

"Very good to hear. As long as all goes according to plan, New York will be under our total control by weeks' end. With that, we'll work on expanding our operations to Jersey, and then up to Philly. We'll lock down the north under our grip and slowly but surely trickle our way down the east coast. None of these bozos around here will know what hit 'em," Kimiko expressed.

"In the name of the Creed," Raizo raised a glass.

"Give 'em nothing and take absolutely everything," Akaro toasted with the clink of a glass before the ladies followed suit.

The AKARA Family, an infamous syndicate that did whatever they wanted whenever they wanted simply because they had the power to do so. Brought together by the elegant, yet ruthless Kimiko Hanate, this band of misfits came together by chance when the notorious phantom calamity called Vesta came about. Her pilfering and thieving ways inadvertently brought them together forging an alliance to take her down as well as the remnants of the Conclave that served her. Upon achieving victory, the group of five found themselves united by common virtues and attitudes.

In the beginning, they were seen as necessary vigilantes; those that did the things that the cops refused to do. They took out other crime families that were just bleeding the people dry of their livelihood, made neighborhoods safer to walk around in at night; however, at some point, they started to realize that they weren't running a charity. Being gifted with supernatural abilities and having to use them for others shouldn't always be free. They had their own lives to live.

That was when Kimiko took the reins as the head of the table and started organizing the crew to work like a business. Akame was the underboss, Assana served as the accountant, Akaro was the enforcer, whereas Raizo served as the fixer. They took over the town within a few months before expanding their influence from one city to the next. People looked towards them as a necessary evil as they never did anything to truly hurt those that benefited from their service. They were truly at the apex of their power, but eventually…all good things came to an end.

New York was in flames. The city was in shambles as people ran for their lives, screaming for mercy from abhorrent creatures from another world. Raizo's subconscious knew what exactly was the cause of this, but he was but a spectator to this version's memories. Significantly older, Raizo was definitely much stronger in this timeline. He had a firmer grasp on his capabilities as a demigod when it came down to it. He used his speed to his advantage to take advantage of the battlefield.

"I am amazed to see you still standing…" spoke the familiar orchestrator of destruction known as Perdition with Azoth by his side.

Assana, Akaro and Akame were already effectively dispatched; their bodies strewn about in a variety of contorted positions, blood and guts scattered everywhere. For Kimiko, her fate was unknown. When the battle started, she was standing among them; then Azoth appeared and it was as if she vanished. Raizo managed to stand his ground having fended off many of Azoth's attacks; but it wasn't enough to save the ones he cared for most.

"This world is at its end. You are the final piece to this cycle's destruction. Will you not surrender to your fate?" Perdition inquired, but the Stormbringer of this roaring era just wiped the blood from his lips and smiled.

"You think I'd make it that easy for ya, tough guy?"

Raizo powered up with the might of the storm welling within him as he rushed at his foes. However, the bravery of his defiance only amounted to the man being impaled by both entities as his heart was ripped from his body and his head parted from his shoulders. Thus that world came to an end and everything faded to black.

Behold, an unthinkable past without a future…

–Year 1863–

Another reality came into Raizo's perspective on his journey through the various lives that mirrored his own. Once more, a flood of memories poured into him that were distant, yet familiar all at the same time. He was the son of Mercer and Hestia, a familiar fact that has repeated itself thrice over; but the setting was altered as various facts came into place.

First off, the Partas clan, a notorious group that held fear and reverence in its name that was responsible for essentially birthing the would-be ruthless general Esdeath, was never killed by barbarians. In fact, in spite of their cruel lifestyle, they went on to be part of the Revolutionary Army that was intent on overthrowing the corrupt Empire.

Secondly, Hestia was able to take the reins of the Blood Wolves by poisoning Raiden. Not only did she accomplish this by playing the long game, but she also had the aid of the Revolutionary Army including an unlikely ally in Esdeath herself. With that backing, it allowed her to not only take full rein over the Blood Wolves, but unite the Conclave and later on–overthrow the Capital. From there, she was able to dismantle the original imperial system and establish the Arashi Shogunate with herself seated as the Empress of the land whereas her son, Raizo, was the Crown Prince.

Within her first act as Empress, she created countless new jobs by overhauling and establishing a means to completely reconstruct the Capital City thereby granting affordable living spaces, land, and legitimate claims to property for all classes of citizens. In a short span of time, all of the crowded, stone building structures of the original Capital City were effectively demolished as new structures that were much more influenced by Wakoku-style architecture of temples, pagodas, and sturdier huts were created

The next act was one decided on the basis of protecting all of civilian society. Teigu usage and weapon-carrying became prohibited outside of those serving in the police force created by her militant style government and select officers within the military. The force, colloquially known as the Arashigumi, was composed of members of the original assassination force–Night Raid, the best of the Conclave, and select members of the new government.

Even while being the Crown Prince, he held a seat within the ranks of the Arashigumi. They were seated at a rectangular table inside a quiet hall surrounded by torches that illuminated the dojo-like space. At the head of the table was none other than the familiar face of Kimiko Hanate. She was the strongest member of the group and Captain of the 1st Division. Akame was seated as the Captain of the 2nd Division. Assana was the 4th Division Captain, Genesis seated as the 5th, Esdeath as the 6th, Mein of the 9th Division, Sheele as the 10th Division, Orion with the 11th, and a few other faces whose names escaped him at the moment. For Raizo, he sat as the 8th Division Captain. Each member of the Arashigumi wore Red Haori with Black flame-like trim at the bottom traced by white outlines with numbers on the back symbolizing what divisions they belonged to. At this point, they were discussing the usual matters regarding security, supply routes, and other trivial matters.

Like the other cycles before, Raizo had a relationship with Kimiko to some degree. In this particular era, the Head Captain of the Arashigumi was unafraid of keeping the 'crown prince' after meetings. Whether it was late night escapades that would lead into trysts that would keep them occupied into the mornings or just blatantly keeping him occupied for 'paperwork' just so she could spend time with him between assignments, they were all but inseparable.

As time came and went, Raizo would eventually come face to face with the notorious Godspeed. In this cycle, she was a ronin that was addicted to bloodshed, unsatisfied with the various swordsmen she faced off against while traveling the land. What made her particularly difficult was the fact that she possessed a Teigu; one that was a perfect copy of the very one that Raizo possessed–Indra's Judgment. Feeling personally obligated to deal with this, he tracked down the Godspeed and challenged her one on one; however, that battle was not working in his favor.

This was when he met Akaro, a fellow ronin but a wanderer who was in search of truth. The two teamed up and found themselves complementing one another as if they were born to be the perfect team. Through perfect harmony, the duo conquered the Godspeed and slain her so she would not be a threat to anyone else. Impressed and grateful to his newfound companion, Raizo invited Akaro to join him back home. The two became greatly acquainted to the point of forming a fast friendship. For his deeds in aiding the Crown Prince along with the discovery of various other heroic feats that was collected in various reports from across the land, he was inducted into the Arashigumi as the Captain of the 3rd Division. Even as the days of triumph and camaraderie passed and brought prosperity, all good things came to an end.

"Here we go again…" Raizo thought to himself as he saw Armageddon unfold before this incarnation's eyes.

The empire built by Hestia was in flames. Ancient creatures and demons of folktales corrupted by mysterious darkness ransacked the city at will. Just as the might of the Arashigumi was culminating at its peak, their dominion ran its course as various members and their commanding officers were left in piles of blood and gore at the feet of these monsters. The man responsible was that familiar face of the entity called Perdition. Face to face, he and Raizo were at odds with one another in the flaming gardens of the central palace.

"You never cease to amaze me with each version I meet of you, Satanael. Regardless…all shall be lost to you," Perdition declared.

Raizo engulfed himself in the full cloak of his power and rushed towards Perdition; however, in one swift arc of the man's blade, the crown prince's body was bisected and his head strewn from his shoulders once more. Collapsing into three segments, his consciousness witnessed Perdition killing the last members of the Arashigumi as the scent of death and charred flesh permeated the young man's senses before fading to darkness.

Behold, an unthinkable past without a future…

Year 6276 A.D.

A grand metropolis sprawling out nigh-infinitely across the surface of a planet unfamiliar to Raizo's ethereal eyes. As the setting of this titanium sprawl came into sight, he saw nothing but high-rise buildings piercing the skies with billions of lights and flashing displays spread out in various directions. Flying cars and various ships traversed air lanes in multiple directions heading to destinations unknown. If one were to cast a glance down, the viewer would be unable to see the surface, let alone the people traversing it.

An illustrious titanium, concrete building was erected atop a rectangular foundation, its trapezoidal prismatic shape was culminated by five cylindrical pillars protruding from the top of it. Within its confines were elaborate hallways decorated in murals depicting schools of discipline and focus centered around one belief which was associated with the group that called this structure home: The Order of the Tao.

"The Tao…that's what Sivanah was talking about…" Raizo passively observed through a few portraits that he managed to understand. It was at this time that his focus was drawn to the echoes within the outer confines that mimicked a zen garden. It was there that he saw two individuals engaged in meditative stances.

Both females wore similar garbs that mimicked those of monks. They wore tan tunics tucked beneath dark brown leather belts matched by darker brown pants and leather boots. Even within their thick robes, both silhouettes revealed the curves of women with matching black trails of hair and tanned skin. One of them had a tuft of white bangs on the right side of her head with a few strands tied into a braid going down her skin.

"Wait…what the hell? Is this…me?! AS A GIRL?!!!" 

"Raikiri, your thoughts betray you. I sense your distraction. Remember, the Way of the Tao involves the discipline of blocking out everything around you and diving into the living waters of its iridescent flow. Never let frivolous thoughts stray your focus," spoke the wise woman beside her.

"Yes Master Akako, I understand," Raikiri responded.

"Akako? Wait…that…no…Aniki?! Aniki is a girl, too?!"

"That's enough meditation for today, why don't we practice our forms and see which style suits you the best?" Akako responded.

"Yeah, that sounds great, Master!"

As the two stood up, they headed towards the center of the garden to begin the next phase of their training. Bowing to one another out of respect, each would-be combatant drew metal cylinders from their waists: Akako's hilt had details of a dragon etched in the surface; Raikiri's hilt had the intricacies of a wolf. At once, the pair ignited their blades, the Master's light blade ignited into an emerald green shade whereas the apprentice ignited blue. The red-eyed pair of master and apprentice then proceeded to engage in a sparring against one another.

Being the Master, Akako dialed back her moveset significantly in order to train her apprentice on how to read the motions of one's foe without giving away intention. She would deliberately leave small openings for Raikiri to capitalize on in order to teach the girl about situational awareness.

"Never rush into things, but never get consumed with your thoughts. Allow the Tao to guide you. Trust your instincts, let the Tao surround you and flow through you. Then once immersed in the living flow can you find your true rhythm," Akako instructed; the echoes of their blades clashing against one another filling the air. The days of training continued with Raikiri growing into her power almost daily thanks to Akako's wisdom and guidance; but then, like cycles before, the day of judgment came.

A scene of unparalleled nightmares opened as the iron jungle was basked in flames. The titanium buildings fell one after the other as shadowy silhouettes of the Tacet in all varying shapes and sizes scorched the planet's iron surface. The skies bled red as screams of horror and explosions permeated the air. The Great Temple that housed the Order of the Tao was basked in embers as the creatures of Outer Darkness marched its stairs and flooded the confines.

Warrior Monks stood to oppose the monsters but fell in droves. The sounds of sabers clashing against steel and blaster fire liquidated the peace and harmony that once filled this place. Then, there was Perdition draped in black and white vestments with a glowing red saber traversing the path through the temple where he met Akako and Raikiri.

"No matter the world or gender you are in, you and all that you love will fall each and every time…" Perdition declared. Then he and Akako dueled for a short burst of time. It appeared that Akako had Perdition on the ropes, but the great destroyer caught her unaware as he jammed his fist into her size before turning on his heel and impaling her with his blade.

"NOOOOOOO!" Raikiri screamed out as she watched her Master's life fade right before her eyes. Then when the time came, she raced after Perdition in anger and haste waging war in an epic duel of the fates. Nevertheless, the outcome remained the same as just when Raikiri thought she could win, her head was separated from her shoulders.

Behold, an unthinkable past without a future…

Raizo's mind was taken into another world; another time, one that was distant yet familiar all the same. A rush of memories came to him, but unlike before, it was not a burst of information, but something rather straight to the point. He was the child of Mercer and Hestia, but this time, Hestia elected to go with Mercer and leave her ambitions as well as her old life behind. As a result, their son was raised in the heavenly realm and grew up in a life without nearly as much bloodshed as the one he knew as an assassin. However, that did not make him immune from becoming a well-trained God Hunter like his father before him.

"Wait…I know this version of myself…these are the experiences of the God Killer…"

A few clouded visions melded together one after the other. There was a scene of two lovers frolicking along the coast of a private beach. The sun was setting in the background as laughter was birthed between them. The pair was visibly in love, enamored with each other so much that just being within the same space brought them all the peace and happiness one could ever hope to possess. With Raizo being one half of this couple, the other was none other than Kimiko herself.

"What are you doing with that silly camera, Raizo?" she chuckled as she twirled around in the sound.

"Just watching you, preserving the memory of your smile forever," he responded in kind.

"Silly, you act like I won't smile like this again," she said as she came close to her husband before lightly pushing him on the shoulder.

"Maybe, but how many times can we capture a perfect moment like this?" he retorted.

"You're so hopeless," she said before getting close to him, causing the man to hold the camera in a way that captured both of them sharing a loving kiss, and then smiling at one another.

Then those sweet memories gave way to disaster.

"Just hang in there, love…we're almost there," Kimiko urged, sporting her iconic red leather jacket over a dark blue biker suit. She was dragging along Raizo, who was wearing a black blazer over a white-collared shirt with a black tie, black pants, and matching slacks. Currently, his blazer was torn and the white shirt showcased blood seeping out from his right side.

Kimiko was helping her husband along the rainy streets of Elysium which was consumed by calamity as fires, shattered glass, burning buildings, and other collapsing structures were strewn about. The heavenly kingdom was currently under siege by mysterious forces of outer darkness as the proud heavens were slowly degrading away due to its chaotic influence.

Within a few more paces, the duo walked down a dark alleyway leading to a door with a sign hanging over it in the form of a white lotus. Upon entering, the pair were whisked downward on an elevator toward a mysterious chamber where a lone figure was waiting therein.

"Good lord, you two have seen better days," stirred the shock of a woman whose illustrious red hair was bound in a ponytail above her head. Her bangs hung over her right eye but it barely obscured the luster of deep garnet hues overshadowed by thin, black-rimmed glasses. She wore a white collared shirt which had the top two buttons undone showing off a small amount of cleavage. Completing her outfit was a dark red, form-fitting skirt that cut off a few inches above the knee with black stilettos; while she had a midnight blue jacket draped over her shoulders.

"Atsuko, can you help him? I can't make the bleeding stop," Kimiko said.

"Tch, dammit…as if time wasn't on our side as it was. Come on, bring my reckless pupil over to the table," she said before putting her cigarette down in the nearest ashtray.

Following that instruction, Kimiko did that and laid Raizo across the wooden surface. The concerned spouse ripped away her husband's shirt thus exposing the wound. His right side was faced with a laceration that twisted his flesh across his ribs into a grotesque spiral where the center was a burning ember of void energy.

"Well then, you've certainly seen better days, haven't you, Raizo?" Atsuko chuckled as Raizo smirked in a pained grin.

"Nothing compared to the…lessons you've given…me over the years," the God Killer grimaced with a subtle quip.

"This is gonna hurt like a son of a bitch, but…you'll get over it," Atsuko remarked as she placed her hand over the wound. In response, a small tuft of blue flames came to her beckoning as she proceeded to burn away the anomaly.

"Gnngh!!" Raizo grunted loudly, but Kimiko held his shoulders down and leaned down to kiss her husband on the forehead as comfort.

After a lengthy 30 seconds of indescribable pain, Atsuko managed to complete her treatment thus allowing the man to stand up on his own two feet.

"Thanks…that should do me just fine for now," he remarked.

"Yeah well, that will hold; you might tear the tissue knowing your recklessness. However, the worst of it I managed to clear away," Atsuko said as she reached for another cigarette.

"It's getting worse and worse by the second out there. Azoth is just moments away from breaching into this world and then… the pruning of reality will unfortunately begin," Raizo analyzed.

"I'm aware. But I just need a little more time to complete our survival plan. If the worst does truly come to pass, you need to use it to take our knowledge to the next cycle," the redhead forewarned.

"Right…" Raizo hesitantly agreed with a subtle sigh of concern.

"Don't worry, you won't be alone out there," Kimiko assured him with a tug on his jacket. Even with hope in their hearts, events would only take a turn for the worse as the scene changed yet again.

Elysium was consumed by the black inferno of outer darkness. Raizo was forced to his knees using Excalibur Ascalon as a crutch to maintain some form of posture. Before him, a white beast in the form of a man with at least eight or more maws of man-eating tendrils protruding from his back, his face obscured by a black mask and razor-sharp teeth was cutting down endless guardians and hunters. These beings were some of the strongest heroes known to man, hopefuls that Raizo fought alongside for decades; those of whom he had surpassed after years of training. They were nothing more than fodder to the depiction of evil known as Perdition. In fact, the being was just laughing as he manipulated their perceptions to attack and kill one another.

Raizo turned his attention towards a pair locked in an epic clash: Kimiko and Azoth. The two were deadlocked in a duel that far eclipsed the God Killer's understanding. Just as Kimiko was gaining ground against the faceless beast of calamity, Perdition elected to join thereby stacking the odds against the female. Raizo tried to move, but his legs would not respond to him.

"Raizo, you need to retreat. The Ark is complete, we have to go now," Atsuko urged telepathically.

"Atsuko…the plan is gonna have to change…" he coughed before finding the will to overcome his body's pain and suffering.

"Live on…for all our sakes…."

At that moment, Raizo forced himself to his feet and summoned every ounce of strength he could muster. His body's flesh burned away as his vessel took on a form made of pure golden energy with black patterns indicating where his skeleton resided; six phantasmal arms spawning from his back imbued with different conceptual elements. Burning his very Primordial Essence just as Relepagus had against Sakinah, the man rushed forward to join Kimiko in battle.

Then… everything was blanketed to white.

Raizo's eyes shot open as he broke from the dreamscape he had endured. He felt himself sinking into the depths of an oceanic abyss as he was surrounded by a cool color mixture of blue and aqua hues. Even though his body felt that sinking sensation, he did not react as though he were drowning. Instead, he eventually found his feet firmly placed on soft ground. Taking a moment to steady his position, he looked around him before coming to a simple conclusion.

"So this is the Vaitarani…"

He was caught up in the visage of the living waters, immersed by the beauty surrounding him the Son of Mercer felt a strange sense of peace and relaxation wash over him even amidst his confusion over the visions he experienced of his past lives. As he focused his gaze towards his feet, he saw six tendril-like appendages stretching out from his shadow towards six distinctive figures levitating around him. Those six silhouettes were none other than the six previous incarnations of himself lying dormant between life and death.

"Wonder what comes next…" he pondered, unsure of what to make of this.

"It's easy really…" a new voice emerged from behind him. Raizo swiftly spun on his heel to see a familiar silhouette coming into view. He wore a striking attire of a black shirt and trousers layered by an off-white trench-coat with low-hanging coattails that seemingly flapped in the wind. His body was wrapped with steel-like skeletal armor around his chest and shoulders with amalgamated bone armor covering his forearms and shins.

The man's dark-skin was layered over with the ashes of corruption as his red eyes glowed against a contrast of black. Instantly, that timbre and demeanor caused Raizo to recognize him as none other than the Chaos King of the Lost Future; Raizo the Stormfallen.

"Why am I not surprised? It all makes sense now…the voices in my head, the darker impulses within me that kept trying to creep its way out; it was you, the entire time," the Crusader surmised with a subtle smirk and disappointed sigh.

"Did you really think our duel in the lost future was the end? No, we are two halves of the same whole… two very real possibilities dueling to see which is fated to become reality. We are at a crossroads to see which destiny will manifest," the Stormfallen responded in kind.

The twins of light and dark stared silently at one another for a moment; the dark incarnation a far taller entity than the Crusader. He was the Raizo that reached the first pinnacle of his power at that given point of the future; a fully realized Envoy on the cusp of becoming a true Aspect when he became this beast. The Crusader gave a soft chuckle before shaking his head, then he glanced around at the past incarnations of himself. That was when the Chaos King elected to break the silence.

"Have you at last grown to understand it all? Your will to rebel and keep close all those you hold dear is one drenched in the certainty of death," the darkened beast thundered in a commanding voice.

"All I saw was Azoth and Perdition breaking the world over and over again for their own amusement. How does my…no…OUR sense of attachment to the ones WE loved have to do with their endless appetite for destruction?" Raizo countered, counting the Chaos King in this as he was once someone like himself and the others of past cycles that held people dear.

"You understand nothing, but you will."

Just then, Raizo's eyesight glazed over before his attention was directed to another sight. There, crouched down in her beautiful white and blue kimono that was all too recognizable, was Akasha. She lingered over a figure that was unknown, yet familiar as she cradled the man in red and black vestments whose visage was obscured for the most part. Tears streamed down her face as a fountain of crimson dyed the white page of the Archaeus in its red hue.

"My dear, sweet Satanael. Live on, my love… the Samsara of suffering will come to its conclusion when seven become one. From the Path to Nirvana that your legend creates… the one who holds the power to unite will forge a road beyond this prison," the All-Mother whispered into his ears.

A strange twinge assaulted Raizo's chest as he felt the indescribable affliction grip at his heart. Then his vision snapped back to the ocean floor sharing the domain with the Chaos King. A sudden epiphany hit him, driving him to the realization that was before him the entire time. At long last, he discovered the answer to his true identity…the source of his true self. He flashed back to that moment when Cain laid dying murmuring a lingering will to the youth: 

"You must find a way to save both of them…Sata-"

"You mean… I am the reincarnation of this… Satanael?"

"Yes… the man who fell for Akasha, one who betrayed the will of his mother–Rakshasa–thereby forsaking his mission to bring Akasha back to her sister. You are the very one and the same… the most selfish creature who has ever lived."

Raizo went silent as he gazed at his hands for a moment to digest this revelation.

All his life he felt like he struggled against the looms of fate whilst trying to forge his own destiny. He was called a puppet by the Architect at one point, but thought he moved past that label. Now to find out this, a part of him felt that foreboding sense that in some small way, the Architect was right.

"At what point will you realize that you have caused more harm than good?" the Chaos King began having taken note of Raizo's shock.

"Every sin, every injustice, all of this endless suffering; the sum total of it can be traced back to our decision to betray the mission given to us. Had we stuck to the goal of bringing Akasha back, no one would have to suffer the miserable end that is being swallowed by Azoth's destruction of all things. Akasha wants us to suffer for a dream that will never come to pass; a dream so unobtainable that we have failed over and over because we were never meant to achieve it. Akasha…nay, Kimiko lied to us. Creation is not a beautiful place. It is a prison! Our true role is to be eternally unactualized potentialities who have no need for sentience or any form of ideation.

Our ideal place in this cursed reality is what Rakshasa is trying to protect. If we return to our rightful place as the nameless pieces in Akasha's and Rakshasa's game of chess, then there will be no more suffering. This is an answer beyond good and evil, order and chaos. In creation's unactualized potential, we will be free from duality, from agony. We would be the sisters' immutable playing field that keeps the One and Eternal Evil asleep forevermore."

Raizo was rendered unable to speak due to the shock he felt. The simultaneous information overload brought him to his knees. He held his head in pain causing his consciousness to be abruptly transported elsewhere.

As his awareness was gradually restored, he found himself standing in the iconic white realm; the foundational blank page that was the Archaeus.

"Another vision…" he thought to himself as he tried to gain further insight of what this place was. There were some objects placed on various pedestals around him, as if they were given a unique purpose or held some major significance; however, there was a subtle haze or static that censored their forms from his eyes as he felt like he was on some weird euphoric trip that tampered with his core senses.

"This…must be the life of Satanael…" Raizo surmised. He cast a glance down at his hands and recognized the guise of his vessel, one whose appearance mirrored that of the 'Ties of the Storm' state he assumed when Team AKARA fought against Sakinah.

Satanael knelt down before a figure of great importance. From what Raizo could glimpse, she was someone who wore a flower printed kimono much like Akasha; however, hers was red and black with a violet pattern all over. Her hair was as long as her sister's, perhaps longer whereas it laid straight; whilst her eyes were a mix of crimson and violet assuming a similar pattern of the Mystic Eyes that Akasha was famous for.

"You, creature born of the Light of the Beginning, use your power to reunite me with my other half so that this prison may return to its intended state… the Unknowable Future that Akasha desires cannot come to pass for it is but a foolish dream." She ordered with grace and intensity.

The vision shifted to the next scene where Satanael strolled through a field of white lilies, his overwhelming presence causing their immaculate nature to wither under his pressure. His willpower was so immense that it was almost suffocating for Raizo as a mere witness to bear; the gravity of which he felt he could never muster at this point in his life.

As the heartless manifestation came upon Akasha, the graceful wonder merely turned on her heel to face him. That unknowable light in those azure eyes gave life to something within the mindless life form. Something washed over his vessel like a tsunami which awakened a light that created sentience as his masked vessel burdened by the robes of crimson and black cracked apart to reveal his new identity.

Standing there with red eyes, tanned skin and a train of long silverish white hair with a patch of black in his bangs streaking backwards was the first true face of Satanael.

As the sentinel stood there unsure of what to think, he was approached by Akasha who merely smiled gently and reached out to touch his face. For the first time, he felt warmth assail him, and a sense of fondness that would become known as love.

Raizo was sucked back to the depths of the abyss once more. As he felt a cold sweat permeate the brow of his forehead, the six versions of himself from the previous cycles awakened and broke from their umbilical cords to join him and the Chaos King.

"How quaint it is for the failed byproducts of the past to join us now. Return from whence you came and be forgotten," the Chaos King declared, but the six versions of the Child of Light ignored the malevolent evil and walked towards the seventh.

"You are no longer the assassin bound by a failed creed," the first Raizo spoke.

"Nor are ye one born of arrogance and corrupted power," the second Raizo spoke.

"Ya ain't no damn hooligan without a code lookin' for meanin' in a dark world," the third iteration recanted.

"Be true to the honor you've attained for yourself, and the belief you share with others," the fourth Stormbringer nodded.

"Remember the Way, let it guide you and abound you. Be not afraid of your faith," Raikiri spoke with a smile.

"And never forget that she will always be there waiting for you…time and time again," the God Killer of the Sixth imbued.

"No matter the path, no matter the era. We are all one and the same… from Satanael to us and now to you. We are and will always be Akasha's first believer. We are him who will break Samsara and pave the way for her dream… a dream for the one who will overcome the Infinite Evil and reach the Highest Good." they collectively stated, but that wisdom was not something that the Chaos King wanted to hear.

"Vestiges of the lost, begone! Who do you believe you fools are?! You are merely victims protecting the mother that used you for her own dream," the Stormfallen declared as he swung his hand and banished the six of them from the meeting of the minds while the seventh remained steadfast.

The Crusader then rose to his feet.

"It seems you've forgotten. I'll help you remember then. The real question you should be asking yourself is: Who the hell do you think I am?" he spoke with renewed passion and determination in his voice.

"What?" the Chaos King stood perplexed.

As Raizo grounded himself, the overwhelming unity of pride and faith swelled within his chest. When the Crusader began to speak, his crimson eyes seemingly glowed with a bright luminescence filling them while the symbol of the wolf on his chest started to glow beneath his garbs. Emboldening his words, the voices of his past selves echoed in harmony.

"Chaos King…what a stupid fucking name. You were too busy drowning in misery to remember that the only person that can decide where you go in life is yourself. I won't make any excuses, I understand where you're coming from; but that will never be who I am. My past gave me plenty of scars that I used to justify my actions, but that was just the mind of a boy at work. You know that, don't you? 

In time, we healed and humbled ourselves, learned to cherish this world and everyone we knew. We learned that giving into that extreme emotional response to our traumas and acting on insecurities through violence or ignorance only to claim we had no choice was the easiest thing in the world. We both know this and yet here you are…a scared little man with a big title to hide all the crying underneath the mask.

Yes, you're right that there are no guarantees that we will ever break through this endless war; you may even be right that it'd be easier to surrender to our fate and lose it all. Azoth is… inevitable, and I will have to face that consequence of following after my love's light; but so what? I see it clearly…now more than ever. I am all that I am because of her. I don't need power nor peace of mind. All I need to keep going right now is faith—faith in my love's dream."

The depth of resolve that was focused within the words of the Crusader shattered any previous form of doubt or anxiety that was instilled by the Chaos King. Seeing Raizo transform into this indomitable being ruled by the power of faith rocked the dark offspring to his very core. Sharper than any blade could cut, the Chaos King discovered the very foundation of his ethereal existence cracked apart. He cast one final gaze into his better self's eyes before relishing one final smile.

"I see… maybe you are the one… after all. Perhaps… foolish dreams can have worth after all."

With that, the false image of the Son of Mercer faded into nothingness. Simultaneously, the marking on Raizo's chest symbolizing his candidacy as a chosen one emanated an auspicious glow. It stretched out across his body before extending towards his back thereby replacing the marking of the mysterious blade with wings and seven circles surrounding it. That sigil etched itself into Raizo's right shoulder while the image of the wolf occupied the full scope of his back layered over the shape of a crescent moon. A new aura washed over the youth as he heard the howling cry echo in this oceanic landscape.

A brief silhouette of a familiar black hound appeared as if yielding an approving stare. Culminating in this atmosphere, Raizo felt the overwhelming weight of a metaphysical baptism occur; his presence elevated like never before.

"Let the heavens rejoice at the beckoning of the wolf's defiant cry."

Thus…a new awakening began, one that would take everyone by storm.


Perdition was all but certain that victory was his. Cocytus was collapsing as its greatest warriors were being overrun with Tacet. The Human Realm was being consumed by the Outer Darkness stretching across infinite realities. And now? Heaven lost its King and Elysium was slowly descending into ruin. Inferno was naught but an afterthought due to that realm having no real direction, but as far as he was concerned, victory was assured. Soon all that would be left was for Azoth to purge the remnants.

Parading the eroding streets of Elysium, Perdition came to a point where he overlooked the fallen cities, the unstable area of Sanctuary and the Mercer Manor which was falling into desolace without its chief patron. Soon, all would be at its bitter end.

"All that's left are the final touches…and then, our victory will be…" Perdition was about to say when he heard the sound of a trumpet being sounded off. The timbre of that noise was a unique identifier native to the Archangels, the noble guardians that served under their leader–Jibril–to protect this realm. Even in the midst of death before the overwhelming Tacet, one trumpet was sounded off.

"This…." he pondered, but before he could think any further, a second trumpet sounded through the air.

The process repeated again and again for a total of six times. Jibril would be the seventh one to do so, but her injuries were too severe for her to do it. Just then, there was a small shadow of the woman in question that took up the role. It seemed that she and her beloved, Daniel, worked out a contingency plan in case she was not able to fulfill her duty entrusted to her by Mercer.

With that, the seventh trumpet was sounded off. Upon that beckoning, the triumphant noise radiated throughout the realm and trickled down to the other realms all the way into Cocytus. Powerful beams of light erupted from underneath Sanctuary in the distance as something jetted off with incredible speed crossing various realms to reach its destination.


As Raizo took in a deep breath within the living waters, a golden device crossing various thresholds had finally reached its destination.

"The Golden Sonata…" he murmured to himself.

As he held onto the scroll for a moment, he recalled that it was the meaning of some sort of prophecy from long ago. Passed down from generation to generation within the Okami, it was inscribed into the archives of Elysium. To the man's recollection, everyone thought that this scroll had something to do with him after what occurred during the battle against Sakinah; however, he saw things differently now.

Raizo opened the scroll only to find out exactly what he predicted would be there to some degree:

"Your path is yours to make."

The words were as plain as day even whilst inscribed in crimson and gold text. The simplicity of that phrase made him crack up and laugh harder than he ever had before. In fact, it was the first time he felt himself laugh to such a degree that it was almost like something got lifted off his shoulders.

As the laughter subsided, he relinquished this awkward smile that suggested he was truly high on life at the moment.

"There was never a prophecy, was there? All there was in reality was the dream of a loving creator… A dream that I just happened to be a part of. A dream that Onee-sama followed so fervently that people around her believed it to be prophecies. Kimiko…your love for this world is everything."

Raizo looked up from the seafloor and toward the waters of the Vaitarani that endlessly flowed in a consistent cadence. His past lives faded away one by one, no longer bound by the umbilical cords of past regrets. They each faded into sparks of pure light before the particles were absorbed by Raizo.

Coated in light, Raizo emerged from the Vaitarani before waking up back to reality stationed at the gateway where he began. Soteria's wavelength felt different, HE felt different. As he cast a gaze into the blade, he saw his reflection and realized the magnitude of his pilgrimage's impact on himself and how he would face the future. Granted, the youth felt a pit of questions entering his mind; mostly pertaining to what occurred while he was away. Yet, Sivanah and Reina were not around to guide him; however, he did not despair over it. 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. With his newfound comprehension of the Tao, he proceeded to feel everything that was happening in the world outside. Through this new state of mind, his consciousness was able to transcend his senses as he reached out to know the exact presence of the Abyss Order in Cocytus and Elysium.

"Guess it's time for a homecoming first…" Raizo surmised, feeling that his allies here were more than capable of fending off the lingering threats; however, that's when he felt two foreign visitors pierced the veil surrounding the Tengu domain. He felt that Sivanah and Reina were there to confront them, as well as the Daitengu to back them up. But he merely sighed a little.

"Featherine and Magane…I believe that was their names. Right then…time to start evicting the unwanted guests," he said. Raizo's body was engulfed in yellow lightning, a new variant that he didn't have time to question as he crossed the distance thus cutting off the enemy's advance in a flash.